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Van Jones group plans American’s “Arab Spring” revolt

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posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by XPLodER

There is no 99%!

There is no us vs them.

This whole thing is divisive in nature. Andit is an artificial divisiveness.

It forces one to
a) Choose sides in an artificial paradigm
b) Be part of a group that doesn't even represent them

We are a nation FILLED with 1% and 2% and maybe 3%'s!.

We are all individuals. No group-think. No mindless drones-obeying orders like some zombie march.

have you seen the figuars?
weather you like it or not weather an individual has become aware of the 1% or not,
you are being targeted by a small percentage of the 1%
they call it austerity

why has goldman sacks contiuned to make record profits of the PIGS countries, while the contries themselves continue to slide into economic disaster?

some cant beleive that a small group of rich and powerful people can unite to destroy countries for money,

even if you dont understand the mecanism of how this is achived, (finacial)
you will still feel the effects of this 1% group (austerity)
and it will mean higher taxes and less services.(lower standard of living)

this AFFECTS the 99% much more than the 1%

its a demographic of the population not a percentage of people that understand the underlying problem (yet)


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by sealing
reply to post by beezzer

There is definitely a Them,
and there is certainly an Us.

"They" are constantly at work (ahem)
swindling "Us".

I say this this with up most respect for you Beezer
You know I think quite highly of you.
We just vote differently
edit on 6-4-2012 by sealing because: ad

Thank you. There is a "them".
"They" exist in the Occupy movement, banks, halls of congress, the White House, down the street, corporate America, and Union America.

Us? Are just folks trying to do right for their spouses, kids, family.

Point is, we all have different needs, wants, goals. There is no way to place a pentultimate ideal on "all" of us.

I don't trust DC.
I don't believe the Occupy movement is sincere.
I don't believe it when Jones, the president, my congressman, or anyone speaks for me and states what I want.

I have a voice. I speak for myself. I don't identify with any group that I choose not to.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

This 1% includes union leaders, politicians, CEO's, bankers, businessmen, farmers, union workers, soldiers, engineers, ad nauseum.

To pick a figurehead, a token, a target is disingenuous and doesn't solve the problem.

Van Jones is 1%
Michael Moore is 1%.
Obama is 1%.

I am 1%. Because I don't look out for the whole. I look out for what is best for me and my family.

And that is probably the most honest answer I've ever given on this site.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I'm sorry guy, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. There really is an us versus them and the them has been waging war against America and its values for decades, and perhaps even centuries. They're called the wealthy elite, and they are the true powers in America and the only thing they care about is making a profit. All we are to them is consumer trainees, that is to say, just another means of Robber Barony.

All America is is nothing more than a bank to be robbed by the Robber Barons.

And there really is a group think. You see, most Americans don't value individuality, they value conformity. They just can't agree on what to conform to.

But it doesn't have to be that way. people really should learn to mind their own business and let other people live their lives as they see fit. As long as they aren't harming others or infringing upon other people's rights, it really shouldn't matter what people believe or how they want to live their lives.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by kosmicjack

Originally posted by xuenchen

It's war on corporate power, Wall Street greed and the political corruption.

Great! Where do I sign up? It beats the hell out of the phony, debt-inducing War on Terror, the failed War on Drugs and the Republic-wrenching War on the Middle Class.

I think there is a link in the article .... Rebuild the Dream

But watch out, Van Jones' involvement is a guarantee of just what you correctly say are the problems.

He Will make sure all of the above continues !

The hidden financiers may be part of all of the above !!

edit on Apr-06-2012 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

edit on Apr-06-2012 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

we need to infiltrate it from within and fire everyone else and start from scratch.

With enough popular support, you don't need to infiltrate Gov't from within to fire everyone. You can do this in November. It's called a general election.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
reply to post by beezzer

I'm sorry guy, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. There really is an us versus them and the them has been waging war against America and its values for decades, and perhaps even centuries. They're called the wealthy elite, and they are the true powers in America and the only thing they care about is making a profit. All we are to them is consumer trainees, that is to say, just another means of Robber Barony.

All America is is nothing more than a bank to be robbed by the Robber Barons.

And there really is a group think. You see, most Americans don't value individuality, they value conformity. They just can't agree on what to conform to.

But it doesn't have to be that way. people really should learn to mind their own business and let other people live their lives as they see fit. As long as they aren't harming others or infringing upon other people's rights, it really shouldn't matter what people believe or how they want to live their lives.

Well, the wealthy elite founded America, there's no reason that they shouldn't continue to run it.

Miost of the founding fathers were what would today be called "the 1%".

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
reply to post by beezzer

I'm sorry guy, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. There really is an us versus them and the them has been waging war against America and its values for decades, and perhaps even centuries. They're called the wealthy elite, and they are the true powers in America and the only thing they care about is making a profit. All we are to them is consumer trainees, that is to say, just another means of Robber Barony.

The wealthy create jobs. Create oppourtunity. Just a few decades ago, it was a goal to become wealthy. It's still a goal of mine. The wealthy are the ones who create jobs, create oppourtunity for anyone willing to work and who want it.

All America is is nothing more than a bank to be robbed by the Robber Barons.

America is the land of oppourtunity. It is (was) the land of liberty. Th land of freedom.

And there really is a group think. You see, most Americans don't value individuality, they value conformity. They just can't agree on what to conform to.

Individuality used to be seen as something to strive for. A goal. An ideal. To self-determine. Conformity deny's inherent freedoms for the individual.

But it doesn't have to be that way. people really should learn to mind their own business and let other people live their lives as they see fit. As long as they aren't harming others or infringing upon other people's rights, it really shouldn't matter what people believe or how they want to live their lives.

On this, we can both agree.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by XPLodER

This 1% includes union leaders, politicians, CEO's, bankers, businessmen, farmers, union workers, soldiers, engineers, ad nauseum.

To pick a figurehead, a token, a target is disingenuous and doesn't solve the problem.

Van Jones is 1%
Michael Moore is 1%.
Obama is 1%.

I am 1%. Because I don't look out for the whole. I look out for what is best for me and my family.

And that is probably the most honest answer I've ever given on this site.

the 1% are people who value MONEY and POWER over all else,
they USE their money and power in a way that harms nations,
the mecanism they do this is FINACIAL, they only look out for themselves

as standards of living decrease it will be HARDER for you in a depressed economy to feed your family,


when the cost of food and gas go sky high because of the 1%,
it will effect the food you eat and how far you can drive,


when the doctors and nurses and teachers and police numbers decrease,
it will effect you health and education and safty


look i have no problem with people trying to "just survive" or "try to feed my family"
or "trying to get by"

but there are 1%ers who with thier financial minipulation and corruption of power will make these this imposable.

the 99% did not start this, we are not your enemy

BUT eventually if somethings not done, it will be imposable to support a family,
UNLESS you are one of the 1%


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by XPLodER
I've been an outsider all my life.
Not black, not white. Not British, not American. Not rich, not poor. Not an NCO, not a "true officer" (former NCO)
Not a democrat, nor a republican (though very conservative).

I've grown up, developed as an outsider. Frankly, 99% scares me.

The wealthy?
Not so much.

Most wealthy people work incredibly hard. They sacrafice time, family to achieve a goal. They are the true individuals. They could give a damn about race, party affiliation, gender.

They look for what can benefit them.

And isn't that what the 99% is doing?

Looking for what can benefit them?

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 04:29 PM
Also keep in mind that "rebuild the dream" is a book authored by Van Jones.

Reflecting on his brief but pivotal stint at the White House and even delving into the media onslaught he claims was waged against him by Glenn Beck, former Obama administration green jobs czar, Van Jones, has released a memoir entitled, “Rebuild the Dream.“ Named after his ”progressive Tea Party,” the book reflects on Jones’ “journey from grassroots outsider to White House insider” and appears to lay out a blueprint for his upcoming “99% Spring” uprising.

Rebuild the Dream also claims to give readers insight into why Jones “chose to resign as special adviser to the Obama White House.” Or, as Jones put it, why he was forced to resign from the White House after Glenn Beck “and his minions” launched a “jihad” against him. This, Jones said, was in retaliation for the successful media boycott his group, “Color of Change,“ engineered to ”rid the national air-waves of Beck” by obliterating the media figure’s advertising base on the Fox News network.
Is Van Jones ‘Rebuild the Dream’ Book a Blueprint for the ‘99% Spring?’

He talks, but be careful !!

He is part of the problem !

He is doing the opposite of what he preaches (an age old trick)

Van Jones slams ALEC (perhaps rightfully so ?) and pushes his book
He is very very smooth and convincing. He talks @1:55
MSNBC report:

edit on Apr-06-2012 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Thank you.

What I've been saying.

Van Jones IS the 1%!!!!!

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

Originally posted by yourmaker

we need to infiltrate it from within and fire everyone else and start from scratch.

With enough popular support, you don't need to infiltrate Gov't from within to fire everyone. You can do this in November. It's called a general election.

but those elections can be rigged.
votes can be bought in bulk these days, or is it sold?

and both parties are working towards the same initiatives as a whole, so no matter who wins that election, it's still a continuation of government protocol.
the protocol needs to be removed through infiltration before anything else can be done.
edit on 6-4-2012 by yourmaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 05:00 PM
The so called 99% will also lie and cheat their way to the top. Stop trying to act like the "99%" is on the side of angels, because they are not. They are people just like the dastardly 1%. Saints, sinners, none of the above just everyday people
The problem with trying to emulate the Arab spring is that the Arab spring may have actually been the Arab fall. We have been seeing the results of Mubarak's ouster and it is not good. The power in Egypt is mainly in whose hands now? Hmm the military and the Brotherhood. Lots of room for equality if you just happen to fall into one of those camps. All Van Jones wants to do is put himself into his perceived place in the order, do you think he cares anything about anyone other then himself???

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by XPLodER
I've been an outsider all my life.
Not black, not white. Not British, not American. Not rich, not poor. Not an NCO, not a "true officer" (former NCO)
Not a democrat, nor a republican (though very conservative).

I've grown up, developed as an outsider. Frankly, 99% scares me.

The wealthy?
Not so much.

Most wealthy people work incredibly hard. They sacrafice time, family to achieve a goal. They are the true individuals. They could give a damn about race, party affiliation, gender.

They look for what can benefit them.

And isn't that what the 99% is doing?

Looking for what can benefit them?

what REALLY scares me is what happens if the average working joe cannot feed HIS family,
and there are MASSIVE amounts of hungry people trying to survive in a climate of less social services and MUCH less police.

that would be a recipie for disaster,

what you seem to be overlooking is that when the average person can no longer survive you dont have a society anymore.

THAT is what would scare me


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by xuenchen

Thank you.

What I've been saying.

Van Jones IS the 1%!!!!!

but this is a result of losing ground to the 99%,
the unions fear a loss of status because the workers are being ground up,
they realise the unions are now an extention of policy for politics.

OCCUPY is not controlable for political purpose,
this is there attempt to regain the control of the momentium,
and place it squarly in the pocket of the 1%

in a democracy this is par for the course ie it is to be expected,
politicians try to carve division between people>van jones.

every person with a voice is allowed to use it, even if we dont like them personally>van jones.
because the 99% is a demographic (not a select group) who feel the need to protest. anyone can be 99% EVEN the 1% >van jones

DONT make this about a single politician, it is not


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:15 PM
Will the 99% go all Robespierre on the corporate elites currently controlling this country?

It is quiet clear that there is a great deal of effort to keep us divided, but I doubt they can keep this working.

More and more there are signs of desperation from the elites, as more and more people become restless.

They succeed in manipulating the tea party, will those people now join the 99%ers.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

Will the 99% go all Robespierre on the corporate elites currently controlling this country?

It is quiet clear that there is a great deal of effort to keep us divided, but I doubt they can keep this working.

More and more there are signs of desperation from the elites, as more and more people become restless.

They succeed in manipulating the tea party, will those people now join the 99%ers.

i certainly hope so,
look at spain,
look at ireland,
look at italy,

the 1% are using the words austerity to destroy civil society,
givin time they will do the same to the USA,

i suggest the tea party and occupy join up NOW and combat those that think america can be "raided" like a distressed corperation,


posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by XPLodER

what REALLY scares me is what happens if the average working joe cannot feed HIS family,
and there are MASSIVE amounts of hungry people trying to survive in a climate of less social services and MUCH less police.

that would be a recipie for disaster,

what you seem to be overlooking is that when the average person can no longer survive you dont have a society anymore.

THAT is what would scare me


It should be the responsibility of the individual to provide for them and their family. Not the government. Not society.

In my humble opinion, it is the individual's rights that are being trampled by the "needs" of "society".

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by xuenchen

Culturally, americans aren't "geared" that way.

Some countries, they switch non-dairy creamers and it's 5 days of burning buildings and trashing shops and cars.

We, as a culture, haven't reached our "breaking point" yet. To artificially promote such an action is irresponsible and doomed to failure.

We indeed are not geared that way. Were too afraid of the po-leece and going to jail because we know in the end our fellow americans will not help. When the cops come for you its every man for himself and no one else is going to risk getting swiss cheesed for another person, those days ended long ago. Instead people would rather sit in the house on their couch and watch Kim Kardashian get rich showing off her fake tv life, or watching the next episode of American Idol while our rights get thrown into a blender and then flushed down the toilet.

If there was ever going to be a revolution our military would have to throw a coup and that means no more paycheck for them for a while and then when they found out the nations coffers are empty because all the presidents since the new millenium began have pissed our money away or embezzled and given themselves extravagant raises so they could buy huge mansions, and throw our money into their offshore bank accounts under our noses, then we will have no infrastructure. We will be totally broke, with no infrastructure and ripe to get conquered, businesses that haven't already gone overseas will go there...and that means the U.S. will take a million steps backward into the Dark Ages.

edit on 7-4-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

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