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Major update to the Mars Fossils page

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posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 10:29 PM
I am more convinced than ever. You have to check this site out. This is some of the most compelling evidence of fossils on Mars I have ever seen.

This guy is for real, and so is his evidence.

Check out the rest of his website and you will love it.

Mars Fossils from the rovers

Happy hunting!


posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 07:08 AM
Thos fossils are really something.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 08:48 AM
Speculated long ago (since march I believe), so its not really an update

But yes it is very impressive... If its NOT fossils, then what the hell is it?!

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:06 PM
These are real! I got so excited when I saw this page for the first, as it was to me the first evidence of life outside of the earth.

It is remarkable because this life is almost identical to the sea life cound here. Every notice that sea lise seems so alien compared to the lan dlife? Maybe that' s because it IS alien. The question remains, HOW did these species get on both worlds? I doubt clams built starships. I doubt meteorites blasted viable couples of males and females all the way through the freezing vaccum of space to land on earth.

Maybe the story of life needs to be rewritten. Maybe the hands of our creator are finally showing up.


posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:10 PM
These things do not look like fossils to me, but maybe Martian fossils are different from the Earth's fossils.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
These are real! I got so excited when I saw this page for the first, as it was to me the first evidence of life outside of the earth.

It is remarkable because this life is almost identical to the sea life cound here. Every notice that sea lise seems so alien compared to the lan dlife? Maybe that' s because it IS alien. The question remains, HOW did these species get on both worlds? I doubt clams built starships. I doubt meteorites blasted viable couples of males and females all the way through the freezing vaccum of space to land on earth.

Maybe the story of life needs to be rewritten. Maybe the hands of our creator are finally showing up.


Life adapts, even on earth male AND female isnt any requirement for reproduction

But one have to keep in mind that life seem to evolve from enviroment. If Mars had the same type of sea enviroment as earth (ie water
) its quite likely it could make the same primitive life. Advanced life is another matter though, since there is so many factors starting to influence it... But we are talking something as simple as a ball plant here, probably not evolving much once its reached its peak shape.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 03:40 AM
Thanks for the link.

Originally posted by Arkaleus

Mars Fossils from the rovers


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 09:27 AM
OK, sea Urchins on Mars, I can see that. My question - Where did the water go?

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Susquehanna
OK, sea Urchins on Mars, I can see that. My question - Where did the water go?

Eeh... Vaporized?

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Susquehanna
OK, sea Urchins on Mars, I can see that. My question - Where did the water go?

My question is where did the other living things went, why there are only those fossils in Mars, if these are real fossils.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by Susquehanna
OK, sea Urchins on Mars, I can see that. My question - Where did the water go?

My question is where did the other living things went, why there are only those fossils in Mars, if these are real fossils.

Well, how many fossils would you find if you went out in your backyard and turned over a few stones?

Point: We have searched such a small area of Mars its ridiculus. We cant even begin to imagine any "other living things"... We still dont know whether these ARE fossils. It could an unknown natural phenomena. Until we find an actual *creature*, I doubt anyone will believe in fossils on Mars...

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 03:56 PM
Great find!
If this is what they're finding on the surface, can't wait to get there and start digging! OOOOoooooohhhh!!!!!

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:07 PM

Well, how many fossils would you find if you went out in your backyard and turned over a few stones?

I do not have a backyard because I live in a building, but when the foundations for another building near mine were made, I found at least 2 types of seashells and a tooth from a "Carcharodon Megalodon"

My sister found more seashells and a small tooth that looked like a needle, probably a fish tooth.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:16 PM
I can see that Bacteria-like creatures could have been present.
Maybe even structures, like the Stromatolites on earth could have formed there, as they are nothing more than Mats of Blue-green algae (which are also called cyanobacteria).

But Sea urchins are pretty advanced by comparison.
What are the odds that the evolutionary path went down the same road, on Mars, and on Earth? Im thinking slim.

Now, about "rinds" forming around minerals..That happens all the time.
thats why they invented the geologist hammer. You can't always well whats on the inside of a rock, til you crack it open. Years of exposure, to the sun, to chemicals etc..WEll, that forms a distinct layer, here in Nevada, there is a name for the red coating that forms on various rocks, "Desert Varnish".


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 05:05 PM
If you check the link I gave you, there is a very eerie fossile of a squid too. Or at least it looks like one. You can even see the suckers. When you combine the suckers with the rest of the shape, it's a dead ringer.


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Susquehanna
OK, sea Urchins on Mars, I can see that. My question - Where did the water go?

What if its the water here on earth was once mars' water? So how something moved the water because maby that planet turned out to be a bad choice. So they move the water to earth, and wa-la, life.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 11:36 PM
I've been reading up daily on the OFFICIAL NASA page regarding the Mars Landers (Spirit and Opportunity), and I think your page is showing false information. These images of "sea urchins" are NASA's images of small dust particles that their machines found.

In a few various days postings by NASA, when they did fine X-Ray and particle scans of Mars rock, they came across these sphereical dust particles, billions of them. Officials said that they might be evidence of Mars' watery past. They are labeled "berries" or "blueberries" by NASA scientists.

Here is a link to the NASA page, you can check through the updates and see what I'm talking about.

EDIT: I found the exact link. Tell me what you think.

EDIT:: This guy's page talking about sea urchins is devoted to NASA corruption and cover-up stories. Take it for what you will...

[edit on 26-9-2004 by Ajax]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
If you check the link I gave you, there is a very eerie fossile of a squid too. Or at least it looks like one. You can even see the suckers. When you combine the suckers with the rest of the shape, it's a dead ringer.


Yeah, I have seen the so called "perfect squid fossil".

And its ridiculus. Its far from a "dead ringer", he's just drawing in shapes in the stone images... Its is VERY different from the ball shape. I cant even see any squid there. I just see a very intricate rock formation, where you could draw 10 animals if you wanted to. In the top right I see a duck!

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 01:58 AM
Here we have an individual studying fuzzy pictures of rocks from another planet and using an overactive imagination to see shapes and forms that almost exactly match known terrestrial fossils. Is this person saying:

a) Life evolved and existed/exists on Mars and it is in part EXACTLY the same as life on Earth? Surely not...

What is the only alternative?

b) Life evolved on either Mars or Earth and there has been historical exchange between the two planets.

I'm sure that some people will claim another option:

c) Life as we know it was created by aliens and installed on both Mars and Earth as part of an experiment;

call me hasty if you will, but I choose to completely ignore that one!

Option a) is completely illogical from an evolutionary point of view, however could possibly be supported by the Intelligent Design community. Maybe Mars was used as a testing ground by the designer in their search for the perfect sea urchin?

Option b) requires supporting evidence of historical exchange between Mars and Earth. It appears that this would have to be far more than could be accounted for by the occasional fossil-bearing rock from Earth slamming into Mars over the eons. The fact that only a tiny portion of the Martian surface has been looked at, yet apparently yielding a reasonble number of fossils, suggests an organized exchange. By whom? Why?

OK. To be honest:

All the pictures I have looked at look like fuzzy pictures of rocks, some of which appear to be highly magnified particles. Large or small, these rocks have features on them that to my eyes at least appear to be utterly inorganic. I can go for a walk on a wild beach anywhere in the world and pick up endless examples of rocks and stones that have weird and wonderful features.

Maybe one day I'll find one that looks exactly like a picture of a Martian rock and claim that I have found evidence of Martian fossils on Earth...

I'm ramblingly unconvinced!

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by illimey
a) Life evolved and existed/exists on Mars and it is in part EXACTLY the same as life on Earth? Surely not...

If we ignore the odd... squid... we are talking small spherical things. Isnt it a pretty big chance both can appear even if the life itself evolve indepedantly? I mean the sphere is pretty universal, just look at the solar system. If we find simple bacteria it will probably look like bacteria here on earth.

Sure no one can say anything definitive... But I'm just saying that THIS kind of fossil could have an eqvivalent on both worlds, due to its simple geometrical shape.

An actual animal is of course another thing, but I would still consider it pretty likely to share traits of animals here on earth. Water creatures for example... Yes some are truly odd (squids for example, lobsters, jellyfish and so on), but on the whole they have the same charactaristics, they have something to propel themselves with, they are usually streamlined, they usally have gils, and so on. Look at all the variations of fish, we are talking thousands of different looks... Yet you can immidietly say "FISH!" if you see one. Finding something *similar* on Mars doesnt strike me as odd at all.

Its difficult to theorize without any offworld reference though, heh.

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