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A question about evolution and living forever

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posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Shane

Originally posted by Sparta

I just read the Bible for a different reason, not for the religious view but the historical view, when you can read the meanings of it all and understand it how it was meant to be they really are impressive stories and historical accounts.

And this is one of the Keys in which the Scriptures are understood.

They are a Historical Record of Adam, through to Christ.

There is also the Spiritual aspect.

There is also the Prophetic.

As for the query, we do not live forever, due to SIN. It's plainly expressed throughout the Scriptures.

Prior to Noah's Flood, (aka the Great Flood, as great as it may or may not have been), mankind lived for exceeding long periods of time.

Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
Seth lived nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.
And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died.
And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.
And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.
And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.
And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.
And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.

Now this was lifted and edited down from Genesis 5. Enoch is also not included, since NOWHERE does it indicate he died. He may well still be alive, although that may seem outlandish.

With this noted, there is no indication this "Life Span" enjoyed by Adam and his Generations was exclusive to Adam and his Generations. There is nothing to suggest it was, Biblically speaking, so one could also surmise this was also the same for the Races, created on the 6th Day.

It is also not clearly addressed whether death was introduced due to the events which transpired in the Garden, and afterwards with Cain's pride taking control on the eastern side of the Garden, or not. It is clear that death was associated to The Man, and his Generations, but prior to the choices made by Eve, Adam, and Satan's Spawn, Cain, death is clearly recorded as a way of life.

It was during the Mythic Period, of the gods, and their "taking" of the Daughters of man, that we are introduced to yet another "adjustment" in lifespan. The graced life Noah's Forefathers was reduced to some 120 Years.

After the events at the Tower of Babel, it was reduced further to 70 Years or so.

Now some may suggest these Biblical Accounts are outlandish, and unbelieveable, but I would suggest this wasn't just a Biblical Account.

Google `` Lore and Legends of the Immortals ``

You will find links to Asian, Greek and Native American stories. There are of course the Celtic and Norse tales. There are also the tales found on the darker side when dealing with the Bloodthirsty Vampire Tales.

So this isn`t a Bible Tale, standing alone without any support.

Even the Gilgamesh Epic touches on this.

Just thought it should be noted, and highlighted, that the Live Spans we see today pale with what our ancestors once had.

Scriptures indicate in the coming years, we will again, live a 1000 Years. Forever could be just after that. Who knows.



Enoch didn't die. In Genesis 5:24 it says that Enoch was no more because God took him.

Also in Hebrews 11:5, it says "By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death; and he was not found because God took him up; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to God."

I personally believe he was the first human being that was raptured, Later, Elijah was similarly "caught up to heaven" and eventually, the faithful Church will also be.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by chr0naut

Originally posted by Demigodly
Our lifespan has been set by bio-engineering thru hybridization by alien entities. It is well documented in the old testament bible/sumerian texts.

Neither the Bible or any Sumerian texts I have seen (and I have read the Bible and several Sumerian texts) mention anything in regard to this?

Please show your sources. Otherwise I call BS on this.

Originally posted by chr0naut

Originally posted by Demigodly
Our lifespan has been set by bio-engineering thru hybridization by alien entities. It is well documented in the old testament bible/sumerian texts.

Neither the Bible or any Sumerian texts I have seen (and I have read the Bible and several Sumerian texts) mention anything in regard to this?

Please show your sources. Otherwise I call BS on this.

Well, define Alien for us my Friend.

Alien, as far as I recall, is Entities which are Not of this World.

You seemingly have a grasp of the Biblical Accounts, due to your Enoch Perspective, which you are entitled to hold. So let's see where this goes.

Skip forward to Genesis 6, and what is occuring here on Earth. 1/3 of the Sons of God left their place of Habitation and chose to come to Earth to Breed with the Daughters of Man. There place of Habitation is Not of this World.

This is the definition of Alien, is it not. Not of this World.

Now do not get me wrong. I believe 100% in GOD, but I also understand that those who opted to act as they did in Genesis 6, in a previous period to this ancient time past and strangely enough again today, are Alien. They would be what? Just like the Lore and Legends of this Planet suggest they where. They would be gods and/or goddess's. They are Biblically Speaking, the Sons of God, and no matter their earthly appearance, they would appear to be just that to the local populations. They would hold that god status, because of the abilities they had.

With this said, exactly what is being described in Genesis 1 ("Let us create man...."), and later in Genesis 2, (The Events surrounding the Farmer, Adam).

This is Bio-Engineering in it's grandest.

And yes, MANY cultures share these stories of Creation. The Names of the gods or goddess's change, but the main theme remains.

As for Enoch, You also noted various other texts, which again, express a similar event. Enoch did not die. He walked with GOD and was no more. He was taken by GOD. No where does it indicate he did die.

You opt to believe he was the first "Raptured" soul.

I believe he did great and wonderous things in several place on this earth, far from the "Family Line". I personally believe he has a great deal more to do with Egypt than Dr Hawass wishes to indicate, but that's another topic in itself.

And I believe he (Enoch) is one of the Wittnesses, which will be killed for the world to see. Elijah would be his partner at that scene. Two individuals which NO WHERE, Biblically speaking, are defined as dead.



posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Shane

Originally posted by chr0naut

Originally posted by Demigodly
Our lifespan has been set by bio-engineering thru hybridization by alien entities. It is well documented in the old testament bible/sumerian texts.

Neither the Bible or any Sumerian texts I have seen (and I have read the Bible and several Sumerian texts) mention anything in regard to this?

Please show your sources. Otherwise I call BS on this.

Well, define Alien for us my Friend.

Alien, as far as I recall, is Entities which are Not of this World.

You seemingly have a grasp of the Biblical Accounts, due to your Enoch Perspective, which you are entitled to hold. So let's see where this goes.

Skip forward to Genesis 6, and what is occuring here on Earth. 1/3 of the Sons of God left their place of Habitation and chose to come to Earth to Breed with the Daughters of Man. There place of Habitation is Not of this World.

This is the definition of Alien, is it not. Not of this World.

Now do not get me wrong. I believe 100% in GOD, but I also understand that those who opted to act as they did in Genesis 6, in a previous period to this ancient time past and strangely enough again today, are Alien. They would be what? Just like the Lore and Legends of this Planet suggest they where. They would be gods and/or goddess's. They are Biblically Speaking, the Sons of God, and no matter their earthly appearance, they would appear to be just that to the local populations. They would hold that god status, because of the abilities they had.

With this said, exactly what is being described in Genesis 1 ("Let us create man...."), and later in Genesis 2, (The Events surrounding the Farmer, Adam).

This is Bio-Engineering in it's grandest.

And yes, MANY cultures share these stories of Creation. The Names of the gods or goddess's change, but the main theme remains.

As for Enoch, You also noted various other texts, which again, express a similar event. Enoch did not die. He walked with GOD and was no more. He was taken by GOD. No where does it indicate he did die.

You opt to believe he was the first "Raptured" soul.

I believe he did great and wonderous things in several place on this earth, far from the "Family Line". I personally believe he has a great deal more to do with Egypt than Dr Hawass wishes to indicate, but that's another topic in itself.

And I believe he (Enoch) is one of the Wittnesses, which will be killed for the world to see. Elijah would be his partner at that scene. Two individuals which NO WHERE, Biblically speaking, are defined as dead.



Thanks Shane.

While I agree that the watchers/fallen angels can be defined as alien, I do not believe that they have hybridized us. According to the apocryphal book of Enoch (quoted in Jude), there were only 100 Watchers who corrupted the genome, not the 1/3 of the heavenly host who fell.

The ones that were hybridized were the "fallen ones" (Nephilim) and their later offspring "the walking dead" (Rephaim). Both the Rephaim and Nephilim have now been purged from the Earth (the giant Goliath and his four brothers were the last five of them) but those that created them (the Watchers) are not gone, merely restrained and the Nephil/Repha will arise again as we approach the Day of the Lord, when Abaddon (Revelation 9:11) releases them.

I believe the Flood of Noah to be God's way of purging the Earth of the corrupted genome/s. Firstly, to flood the Earth and destroy almost all life is an overreaction if the fault was merely with the wicked acts of humans. Noah was indicated to be "flawless in all his generations" (Genesis 6:9) which I would take as being genetically pure. Also the account of Noah's flood follows immediately after the account of the creation of the Nephilim (Genesis 6:2) and are part of the same account.

As for Enoch & Egypt. There is tradition that links Enoch with the construction of the Pyramids. It is interesting to note that many occult groups claim that there was a golden capstone on top of the pyramids but there is no evidence that there was any such thing and pyramids and ziggurats from all around the world also seem to be missing a capstone too. I believe that Enochs intent for the pyramid was as an elevated place to worship God (hence the flat top).

If you look at the ages of Enoch & his descendents like Noah, you will see that he was removed from the Earth just prior to the flood (same year) and therefore could not have simply been relocated as these other empires were drowned (note: curious water damage to the Sphynx).

I believe that the the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah as the miracles the witnesses will perform are that same ones that Moses and Elijah did. Also, there is a strange passage in Jude 1:9 about the Archangel Michael arguing with Satan over the body of Moses, I would take this to indicate that a resurrected Moses has some future role to play.

edit on 8/4/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

You see, I was right.
You are well versed in the subject matter.

As for the Fallen, I believe you may have miss typed.

Enoch Chapter 6:5. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 6. And they were in all two hundred; who descended ⌈in the days⌉ of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.

Now there really isn't anything outside of this verse that even suggests how many "Son of GOD" there may well be. Numerically, this is not a subject noted within the Scriptures.

No, I don't see where we differ much in appreciation of these topics. It is all subjective to perspective, and yours will differ in this regards to mine on occasions.

Such as the Two Witnesses, or how extensive the flood (Noah's) may have actually been or needed to be.

It is nice to see that people have stepped up over the last few years and actually READ and STUDIED matters such as these. I was lonely when I first entered the realm of ATS.

So, to the pointed question. Living forever? Whats your take in this regard?



posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:54 PM
What a fantastic thread with the most brilliant responses, it's a joy to read. Thanks guys!

I would like to add that I would be very disappointed if goose bumps were evolutioned out of the would my husband know if he's tickling by back properly?!?!
Also how would I know when I have struck on the most profound thoughts of truth? That is a whole body/skin reaction that one. I'll be keeping that for sure!

On a more serious note I think the next stage of 'our' evolution comes from remembered skills that we can utilise and therefore change what/who/how we are.
The knowledge was known and forgotten/hidden/forbidden, perhaps we weren't as responsible with our gifts originally as we should have been, then we had to start again and learn how to be more human.
A skill that is still lacking in a lot of places around the globe.

I have personally found the more giving/loving/accepting/open I am (to myself as well as all others around me), the better my body/brain function is, for example...My body has released all unneeded matter, I have shrunk from a size 16 to a 10 in the last couple of months, no huge changes in what I eat and certainly no physical exercise, except the 'fun' stuff!

Essentially an evolution of the mind allows evolution of the body imo. and this is where I see us heading for what it's worth in the next phase of our journey.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by Shane

RE: the 200 fallen Watchers. Thanks Shane, I should have checked my data before posting. I was just recalling it, having studied it some time ago, and got it wrong.

In regard to eternal life being part of evolution, I see the mechanism of the Darwinian idea of Evolution as having practical holes, so this is not exactly what I would see as the future growth path to an ideal, but I do believe that there is change and growth, in genetic terms, towards that ideal.

When we observe genetic change, it usually has occurred at a rate that is inexplicable by the mechanisms of Darwinian Evolution. We know about mutation rates, genetic drift in populations and selection pressures, yet when you apply what we know, the numbers do not agree with the observations. Nonetheless the Evolutionists trumpet the observation as "proof" of their beliefs because they seem to think that Creation only occurred in the past. They are unable to conceive of a God actively guiding genetic change right before their eyes.

This view implies not only the existence of God, but also that He is intimately and actively involved in the minutiae of life's processes and has an ultimate goal.

The Angels, despite their capability and status now, are already eternal and hence are unable to evolve as we mortal and fragile humans are. This is known by the Angels and is probably part of the issue with the fall (that they would eventually be displaced and overreached by humanity).

So I would say that mortality is a requirement of our development/evolution and that, only when we are almost at our goal, will it be removed.

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