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NY cops break into Marine vet's home and Taser him to death

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posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
reply to post by Brandon88

If you activate the 911 system in the US, you HAVE to allow the police to enter and look around your place, by law, if they request it. They are normally looking for a person who is being held in distress while someone else sends to the cops on their way.

The main reason for this is because abusive men have been known to beat women, then when the women activates a call to 911, the man will meet the police at the door and tell them to leave because the call was an accident.

edit on 4/5/2012 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

Your private residence is YOURS. Officers have no right to enter without permission, or cause. NONE. ZERO. City and state statutes may counter this, but the Constitution gives no authority to illegal search and seizure without DUE CAUSE!!!

This is a sad story. Not the first of its kind.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by defcon5

I assume that an "automated alert system" which is on a person is incapable of malfunctioning and triggering a false alert as my home "automated alert system" can and sometimes does?

Remember your statement "Most of those medic alert buttons go to a call center, which then makes the 911 call for you.
So it still falls in the police’s lap as a 911 call."

Regardless of whether a button was pushed or the alarm goes off, "it still falls in the police's lap as a 911 call" as you stated earlier. Regardless of how the call to the service center was placed.

I'm sorry... I don't see these any different except that one is on a person and the other is on a home. Both alert of safety issues and both can malfunction. If my local police don't harass me, then I wouldn't expect those NYPD bastards to harass him... regardless of the call.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:25 AM
These cops are abusing the use of tasers, I wonder how many people have been killed by these so called non-lethal weapons.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:37 AM
If all the "facts" are true I think those police should endure the same treatment. While I do kind of feel like he could have spared his life by letting those idiots in I feel it was unjust also. I believe all officers that "WE" employ should undergo some sort of racial test periodicaly. That probably wouldn't make a difference either though. And to treat one of our vets in that manner is sickening! But just like every other case at the moment only small details will stream out and we won't know exactly what happened until its over, and still probably won't know everything.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Patifier

Right, I have heart problems if I was to be tazed I would die. How they can be classified as non-lethal I have no idea. Same with pepper spray if someone happened to be allergic they have a chance of dieing to.

There's no such thing as non-lethal, people can die from a simple punch to the chest or head thats all it takes.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Tasers are just another way for the po-po to be able to dominate you.
Since it's labeled "nonlethal" it's sounds less threatening thus is more palatable to the sheep.
Since the po started carrying tasers we have seen them abuse people with it in alarmingly increasing rates.
This is just another sad illustration of what happens when humans have power over people.
Everytime i see cases like this i'm reminded of: stanford prison experiment .
The link is to a site about the stanford prison experiment and what happens when power is granted to one person over another.
Now keep in mind that this study wasn't a long term one but if it's results are true then what doe's that say about what we are like when you have authority?
Just a thought.

P.S. they have the taser-cam footage and the emergency call systems recording of the full incident.
Let's see how this one shakes out

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 01:41 PM
This story is sickening and horrifying. The times, they are a' changin', my friends. I don't think we have long before the Amerikan police state is upon us

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Brandon88

I usually don't bash the police because they have a tough job to do,but in this case if everything in that article is the truth then I hope everything is done to prosecute and punish them.Absolutely disgusting the way they behaved.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 01:49 PM
This was posted a few days ago here from NYT and two other sources.

Please add further comments to the ongoing discussion in the above linked thread.

**Thread Closed**

for future reference:

We Have A New Search Engine--Please Use It!

edit on Thu Apr 5 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 02:52 PM
Very odd? the stoiry it put over in a simple way?
what did he know that got him killed?

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
One of these days these cops will encounter these soldiers in killing taliban mode and the entire unit is gonna be wiped out.

No one of these days cops will make them go in berserk mode... You don't mess with the life of another soldier thats never done anything but to fight for his country or another will come to claim yours...Its just a matter of time now they started to shoot at everything that moves into their bases, then they've walked out of the bases to shot at everything that moves now it just take one of them thats pissed enough and it'll start a new fashion every time cops will randomly shot someone a cop will drop at the hands of a pissed citizen or vet...

Too much has been done to these men during their service to come back home to be treated like crap by a half grown man thinking he's now robocop and untouchable because he's got a pistol strapped to him. ask them to take off the batman belt and to take you man to man they'll change color...

Before 10 years from now being a cop will be like painting a target on your forehead... its a law of physic...every action will result in an equal opposite reaction, it just take one to make it the new "thread" just like school shooting it'll all start with one then MSM will jump on it giving more people the idea...

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by defcon5

Still doesn't explain why they killed him and called him a ni**er.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by nunya13

What else do you call someone before you kill them?

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 04:28 PM
This is a good reason to opt out of 911.

No home phone, no landline.

Mobile throwaway phones only.

Cops do this in Michigan also. Heaven help you if you call and change your mind. You will suffer for it.
edit on 5-4-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 04:52 PM

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 05:25 PM
I find this very hard to believe in all honesty.

A police officer is well aware , if they say one wrong word about race , their department could be sued blind.

Officers also have a laptop stationed in their vehicle and a photo ID is presented and the officers would have known the man had a heart condition as "medical emergency" is called and generally the operator will report on the specific condition of the medical emergency.

They would know not to stun an older man with a heart condition , especially when they know the tazer carries a recording device.

No idea why they came to his home expecting weapons present.


Also , police officers had a "cause" to enter the home , suspicion.


Id need to hear the police officers side to make up my mind , however , no idea why the former fighting man forced a stand-off for an hour .. when he could have just opened the door and let them in.

The reason they do that is to make sure you don't have a man threatening to kill you or your family if you don't tell them everything is alright.

However .. if the cops truly acted the way the article stated , that is pretty close to 2nd Degree Homicide or involuntary man-slaughter with racial charges / hate crime on top of that.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Brandon88
reply to post by Patifier

Right, I have heart problems if I was to be tazed I would die. How they can be classified as non-lethal I have no idea. Same with pepper spray if someone happened to be allergic they have a chance of dieing to.

There's no such thing as non-lethal, people can die from a simple punch to the chest or head thats all it takes.

Brandon, someone with a bit of common, at last. Unlike like the rubber bullet which had to be deliberately misused to kill and maim, (and was) the taser has only one MO. Whatever happened, this was a personal user on medic alert, with a condition of some sort or another, that should have been taken into account. So this man, was tasered, beanbagged, and then very finally shot, by reason of what has been reported, and what was left in him he was going to kill an officer with a knife, and all because someone else MAY have pushed the button in the first place??
edit on 5-4-2012 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 05:41 PM
First post here. yay me.

This has been covered for the last week by

Kenneth Chamberlain, Jr., and his two attorneys talk at length about the case on todays episode and the monday april 2nd stream.

BTW. the taser missed and he was actually killed when the police opened fire with a hand gun.
so the title is a bit misleading.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by BobNoxious
First post here. yay me.

This has been covered for the last week by

Kenneth Chamberlain, Jr., and his two attorneys talk at length about the case on todays episode and the monday april 2nd stream.

BTW. the taser missed and he was actually killed when the police opened fire with a hand gun.
so the title is a bit misleading.

According to Chong in your link, he says that the taser had no effect. Also, it implies the reason for now revealing the officer's name.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 05:54 PM
This is why I want to arm my entry areas with camera operated machine guns

Too bad I can't. Oh well, all my doors and jams are reinforced with steel now, bars over the windows. I would have quite a laugh seeing someone trying to kick my doors down. Hopefully a few break some legs and shoulders in the process

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