posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:23 PM
I had actually discovered the website a few years ago, but only now I thought that it's time I participate. My reasons for joining this community are
rather trivial, and could probably be applied to many other forums in the internet oceans: I enjoy a good argument, wish to improve my ability to
express and formulate my opinion in English (as it isn't my first language), and also have an intrinsic impulse to share certain notions which come
to my mind with the world. In fact, I enhance my faculties of self-expression right now, by this unnecessary effusion I call introduction.
Nevertheless, albeit not having a stereotypical paranoid personal mentality, I do sometimes think in a conspiracy-oriented manner, as conspiracies
explain some phenomena and the interests behind them much better than official versions of events as given by governments. Take the assassination of
Yithzak Rabin, for instance.
I don’t profess to stay active for a large measure of time, but when I am active, I do usually try to concoct encompassing posts.