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Barack Obama owes the world 4 trillion Dollars, ot I, not our country!!!

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posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 11:26 AM
Define freedom? Freedom to rape, kill, torture? Freedom to steal?

Freedom to move from country to country without question?

We have none of these 'freedoms' and rightly so, but it seems people working high up in governments do have the above freedoms...

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:08 PM
Freedom is the ability to say NO.

No, you will not interfere in my life.
No, those taxes are being used wrong and I won't pay them.
No, I won't pay ridiculous interest on bank loands and credit cards.
No, I don't want a fractional reserve fiat debt system, I want a social credit system .
No, I won't support corrupt puppet politicians.
No, I won't tolerate a dysfunctional society that elevates the 2% over the 98%.
No, I don't want catholism, islam, judaism or any form of organized religion, keep it out of my face.
No, I won't pay for imperialistic expansionalism through death in other countries.
No, I won't do it.

Freedom allows you to say no, mean it and make it stick and no one can change your decision, but you.

There is only one rule, live life, leave it better than you found it and harm no one that isn't meeting you with deadly intent or force.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 4/4.2012 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by pirhanna

Also, if Obama has to pay back 4 trillion, then GW Bush needs to pay back the other 9 trillion.

You must remember Bush spent that in 2 terms. Obama is just around the corner from that. If he is re-elected he will surpass that 9 trillion dollar total that Bush accumulated in 8 years...We need someone who will make drastic cuts. So we can head back into the right direction.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by SoymilkAlaska
this is a very short thread.

Obama should owe the world 4 trillion dollars.

when, or should i say IF, Obama ever steps down from office after his term is finished (yea right, we all know hes going to declare marshal law and totally enslave everyone and be the president forever )

that Obama should owe that money, and not the U.S.A.

i am an American Citizen, and i did NOT give my crazy president permission to put everyone so much further in debt.

Obama owes the world that money, not us.

also, he should stop destroying the constitution and give us our freedom back.

stop telling me what to do, stop telling me how to do it. stop telling me when, where, or why.

i do not belong to you Obama, and you are NOT my representative.

edit on 4-4-2012 by Gemwolf because: Removed all caps title

You didn't give your permission? Me either but that's the price you pay to live in the US. Occassionally the side you don't agree with gets to add their 2 cents. Yeah Obama racked up some debt, yeah Jr racked up some debt, yeah Clinton was president through the internet bubble and helped make him look good( plus he taxed the rich), yeah H W made some more debt with no new taxes, yeah Reagan added a lot of debt and accelerated the deregulation that has helped us get where we are. The fact of this thread is that the debt ceiling has been raised over 100 times since 1917. So every president is adding to this situation. What makes me laugh is that no cares about whats going on till its a political talking point. Where's the talk of there being no money in Social Security to cover 100% of the benefits. What about gas prices only get talked about when they go up extremely high but when they go down 15 cents we all act like nothing happened when in reality the 15 cents they dropped to is still higher than they were before they went up. What actually has changed since the financial crisis of 2008? Better yet,who has actually gotten in trouble? If you want to dig further, there had to be someone who go fired from 9/11. No, all of the above are just talking points to keep us concentrating on something else while something else happens. You really want to argue debt? Why not invest some of your time into learning the concept of a fraction banking system or even dig a little into the federal reserve. So ok Obama was president when we racked up some more debt but in order for laws and bills to pass they have to go through the house and senate.

Everyone hates congressman and senators, just not their senator or congressman.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by SoymilkAlaska
what do you mean the top 10 metro areas would choose?

metros are not people, individual people are the voters, if it really was "100 vs 101" then people would feel that voting was more important because "what if our guy only gets 199 and the other guy gets 200?"

right now, it doesn't matter if one guy gets more votes than another, the one they want to win, will win!

and by "they" i mean the secretly in charge of the country dudes, you know, those really rich people with lots of power.

(im not against rich people, its just that the powerful bad guys obviously just happen to be rich of course! )

corporations like monsanto, mcdonalds, pepsi, coca cola.

THEY own america. THEY are in control. not us, the citizens.

i feel like voting is an illusion.

Well, I admit I failed a bit on that claim of the top 10 metro areas choosing the President for everyone. It's more like the top 19...if everyone voted. 2008 was a rather banner year for Voter attendence in the United States for obvious reasons...and we claimed about 130 million between the top 3. Obama, McCain and Nader (yeah.. he is 3rd)

2008 Voter Numbers

...and if we look at Metro areas, it would take roughly the top 19 combined to dictate terms and the winner to the rest of the nation and states......if pure popular vote were used for national presidential election.

U.S. Top Metro Areas by Population

So while the "One man, One Vote" idea sounds really American and all...and outside of the Presidential election it IS how our system works, it NEVER has been for the President and the above reasons are why. Even back when the Constitution was signed and our Government established, this problem existed.

If left to popular vote back then...states like Virginia, New York and Mass would have basically dictated everything about the new nation to those smaller states who population didn't rate...hence a couple major compromise efforts that produced the system we have always had.....and popular vote NOT being used for the President.

Interesting how wise beyond their own time our Founders were, huh?
edit on 4-4-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

Yes, every president should be responsible for the financial position the country is in while they are in office.

Nevermind that every president is handcuffed by what the admin before them did.

nevermind that we'd have to go back AT LEAST as far as Reagan if we were to do this.

Nevermind that the only president that wouldnt owe would be Clinton (and that because he set us up for the current crisis)

Sorry, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on here. And that says a lot.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 03:03 PM
I'll take my share of that "trillions" in cash mr obama.... dont make me come find you
edit on 4-4-2012 by dayve because: typoh

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by SoymilkAlaska

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by pirhanna

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by tetriswoooo

Originally posted by yourmaker
freedom isn't earn it.

what the hell is wrong with you freedom should is for everyone no matter what unfortunately even you

"no matter what", naive.

did your parents just give you the car to take out and do whatever you want with it the first day you got your driver's license?

answer me that..

Is this a batman riddle?
Oh I know I know. Freedom isn't driving a car. duh.

do you people even understand what freedom means??? complete freedom? if thats what you want you'll be wishing for some sort of order reallllll quick.

no dude, i don't want to live in a lawless post-apocalyptic wasteland, like that one movie.

i want freedom, and you either know what i mean and just wanna be stubborn ( +1 point for being silly )

or you don't know freedom and think its bad.....

the freedom you WANT isn't necessarily the freedom you need.
and what would you do with your freedom when you got it? that you arent already doing now?
I am free, essentially I choose to be, if I act free.. but there are consequences to being free,
so it is wise to do it in secret. for the time being.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

when, or should i say IF, Obama ever steps down from office after his term is finished (yea right, we all know hes going to declare marshal law and totally enslave everyone and be the president forever )

wingnuts claimed clinton and bush were going to do exactly the ame thing

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 04:40 PM
He could repay this easy. All he would have to do is get the federal reserve to demand repayment of all the trillions in secret loans they have made to countries around the world. We could pay the four trillion and still have enough left over to pay off the national debt.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 04:49 PM
Freedom huh?

Hard to want something you never had to begin with. Sure, Obama owes the world 4 trillion, but so do you and so do I... and yes, so does our country. Responsibility for our own actions, not to lay it on one man and make him a martyr.

We had a choice to do something about it, a chance we never took. No, the new iPad and Motorola Razor are more important than freedom. Don't you know?
edit on 4-4-2012 by LeTan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by XyZeR

Where was your outrage about the debt ALL the previous presidents racked up?
Oh yeah right, they were white....

And you were prolly to busy calling everyone who disagreed with GWB's policies a traitor and an anti-american, cause that how it worked back then: against Bush= traitor

Since we have "truthers" and "birthers" I think I am going to start calling people like you "racers". Racers never seem to get tired of claiming that anyone who disagrees with obama is only doing so because of his race.

See, the OP never stated anything that prior presidents did was great and only obama was wrong, nor did he say anything about color. The fact is that obama is the sitting president and the other fact is he has increased the debt more money before the end of his first term than all prior presidents up to Reagan combined. Linky.

So, since these are the facts that leaves only two possible reasons for your post:
1) you are ignorant and actually believe what you say
2) you are a troll, you are intentionally spouting off inflammatory statements in order to derail the conversation and solicit off-topic responses because you are unable to make an intelligent argument to support your point.

I am thinking it is 2


PS, his mother was a caucasian from Kansas, doesn't get much more "white" than that, racer scum.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 08:57 PM
Third page and no one has mentioned that Congress is the fount from whence the money flows.Presidents submit budgets, the Congress debates it, changes it (or not), then to a meeting of the 'minds' between the two Houses, then the President signs or vetos the spending bill. It is up to Congress to control the spending..... Not much control happening, but it is what it is.

If someone made note of it, I missed it.
edit on 4-4-2012 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 09:14 PM
Oh, and another thing.

The discussion went right to right/left, Democrat/Republican. The voters are to blame. They vote the same trash into Congress year after year. Pork barrel spenders, bringing home bacon for their constituents to roll around in, little piggies in slop.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 09:33 AM
Our elected reps have been taking away our rights since the first piece of legislation after the bill of rights was introduced. The minute they stopped documenting our rights they began taking them away. Obama is one of the worst. The presidents power is supposed to be offset by the supreme court and congress. Obama circumvents a lot of that via executive order. He has crossed the boundri3s of presidential authority. Other presidents have pissed on your rights, just not as much.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

I would say Bush wins the most incompetent president award. There's a reason why Romney didn't care or want to get an endorsement from incompetent George.

I can agree that Obama has removed some of our freedoms, but lets not forget the Bush administration who started the crush freedom ball rolling. You also can't just blame the president for our mounting debts, our elected officials are as much to blame. They keep putting the stamp of approval on all the over spending.

What's sad, is voters will complain about policy spending that benefits them directly, but will turn a blind eye to the extreme military spending that has caused a majority of our debt. We would rather fume at the mouth about the cost of social security, medicare and healthcare coverage, yet ignore pork barrel spending, corporate welfare and incentives, domestic welfare abuse, nation building, the tremendous cost of wars, foreign aid, unfair tax rates, excessive foreign bases over seas and research done on behalf of killing people instead of saving lives.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 02:52 PM
Freedom does not exist; we are slaves to the body and slaves to our possessions. The only place you will find freedom is in a Nazi death camp where all of your needs are met, your fate is out of your hands, and you are free to think.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 05:17 PM

wow. Just wow.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by SoymilkAlaska

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by pirhanna

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by tetriswoooo

Originally posted by yourmaker
freedom isn't earn it.

what the hell is wrong with you freedom should is for everyone no matter what unfortunately even you

"no matter what", naive.

did your parents just give you the car to take out and do whatever you want with it the first day you got your driver's license?

answer me that..

Is this a batman riddle?
Oh I know I know. Freedom isn't driving a car. duh.

do you people even understand what freedom means??? complete freedom? if thats what you want you'll be wishing for some sort of order reallllll quick.

no dude, i don't want to live in a lawless post-apocalyptic wasteland, like that one movie.

i want freedom, and you either know what i mean and just wanna be stubborn ( +1 point for being silly )

or you don't know freedom and think its bad.....

the freedom you WANT isn't necessarily the freedom you need.
and what would you do with your freedom when you got it? that you arent already doing now?
I am free, essentially I choose to be, if I act free.. but there are consequences to being free,
so it is wise to do it in secret. for the time being.

stop trying to prove me wrong, you don't know what i want, and i don't care what you think.

i want to be free, and you seem to want me to "not" be free.

but your opinion is your freedom, just get it out of my face.

peace bro.

p.s. the fact that you "need" to tell me what kind of "freedom i need" proves you want to control my life because you believe i should be living it another way.

you are wrong. and i will not let you control me.
edit on 10-4-2012 by SoymilkAlaska because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

when, or should i say IF, Obama ever steps down from office after his term is finished (yea right, we all know hes going to declare marshal law and totally enslave everyone and be the president forever )

1)its martial law, not marshall law.

2)Ive heard this about every president since bush 1

3)claiming we all know something is absolutely ludicrous.

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