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Enhanced video of Zimmerman in police station appears to show injuries

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posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:22 PM
Here is a photo of Mr Zimmerman.

His ears are flat against his head.
In the police photo, his ears appear to be swollen.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Violater1

Why would there be a blood trail? From what?

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
reply to post by Violater1

Why would there be a blood trail? From what?

From a bullet wound

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:49 PM
Why, was the body moved somewhere? You're rolling your eyes at me but I must be missing something.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 09:36 PM
There really hasn't been much coverage of this in the media in the Uk, but this case does seem to be another case where 'race' is being cited as being important... I think this fact alone perhaps speaks volumes regarding the hostility between various races in the USA... according to the FBI's website, "Some 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about 1.4 million members are criminally active in the U.S. today. Many are sophisticated and well organized; all use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money-making activities, which include robbery, drug and gun trafficking, fraud, extortion, and prostitution rings. We’re redoubling our efforts to disrupt and dismantle gangs through intelligence-driven investigations and new initiatives and partnerships."

Now, I'm not going to suggest that the young man who was shot dead was in a gang, but in the British media, the fact that the young man was wearing a 'hoody' has been discussed... now this alone is, of course, not a crime. However, according to a previous post on this thread regarding self-defense, "The amount of force that you use to defend yourself must not be excessive under the circumstances. Never use deadly force in self-defense unless you are afraid that if you don't, you will be killed or seriously injured;" (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of Licensing)... considering the multitude of problems in the USA regarding 'Gangs' and should the "shooter's" story be taken into account, could he have reasonably concluded that the young man was a 'gang' member (due to his clothes/behaviour) and thus capable of committing a brutal assault, possibly even murder?

It is extremely sad that a young man has been shot dead... he had his whole life ahead of him... the images of people in Florida wearing 'hoodies' in some sort of pseudo-support of young people is also sad, in my mind... However, NOBODY should be killed for the clothes they choose to wear... but... is there any evidence to suggest that the "shooter" wasn't attacked by the young man? If the young man did indeed attack the "shooter"... could it be argued that the "shooter" considered the young assailant to be intent on killing or seriously injuring him? If so, according to the law in Florida, it is permissible to use deadly force...

My thoughts and prayers are with both families at this, what must be, a terrible time for them all...

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 10:12 PM
Yeah he definitely has injuries there. Initially I thought he had none. The grainy shots really weren't good at all. These new ones clearly show that something bashed him in the head. Im not doctor, but it looks pretty swollen.

I don't know what to believe anymore. I don;t think we will ever fully know what went down that night exactly. Bottom line is that the kid did not deserve to die.

If Woody would have listened to the police......................this never would have happened.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:01 AM
I'm not a hater, completely nutral. But it sure does look to be manipulated. If it were real zimmerman himself is quite an idiot for not documenting it. And where's the ambulance crew's statements to back up such a thing.

Andrew Breightbart would beee very proud of his 666 friends at FOX.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Violater1

What is the point of more video footage? There are numerous folks that actually saw his injuries. There are hospital records that the police have reviewed. Numerous police offers examined his injuries. All of which validate he was getting the snot beat out of him. The medical examiner, the police and Martin's parents saw Trayvon's injuries. As big of an uproar as there is the DA would love to charge Zimmerman and appease the ignorant masses. The only problem is that no matter how bad they want to charge him, they obviously can't because his injuries, the 911 call and the witness statements all show the same thing. Zim called 911 because a large man, hiding his face was skulking between houses in the rain. George called 911 and didnt mention race till dispatch asked. He followed him until he was satisfied he gave 911 his correct location and then tried to find his truck. While walking towards the truck. Before he could get in Martin attacked him, beating him to the ground. During the beating sweet little Trayvon tell George,"Your gonna die tonight". Little did George know his attacker was busted vandalizing public property, drugs, was suspected of larceny and has shown his violent tendencies in the past. Zimmerman struggled to draw his sidearm and drew down on trayvon and shot him fatally.

Who cares about video? The er docs and police examinec zim and verified the truth. The ME and cops examined martin. His hands showed that he repeatedly hit someone repeatedly with a great deal of force. It also showed that he was uninjured prior to the shot.

Get over it. All of the evidence tells the same story. You dont need video. Trayvons history and his behavior that night shows he was the attacker. Video isnt needed. And given all the info, if you still support him, odds are you area racist. Most folks dont care about the evidence that cleared zimmerman. They care about supporting a criminal just because hes black. Screw that. George saved himself and took a dangerous ciminal off the streets.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
Why, was the body moved somewhere? You're rolling your eyes at me but I must be missing something.

I think I confused things a little earlier, asking if the location of the shooting was the same as the location of the body. I didn't mean to suggest the body was moved, only to point out that we must be careful reading too much into the final location of the body.

My reason for asking was because people respond differently to being shot, especially if hyped up on adrenaline. There are many instances where, despite suffering massive wounds, someone has managed to stagger or run a significant distance before collapsing. I seem to recall a dashboard video of a suspect being shot multiple times at point blank range by an officer, yet still managing to carry on his attack.

Edited to add: To clarify, when I talk about the body "being moved" I don't mean someone else moved the body, I mean that Martin himself may have been able to move or run away a short distance before succumbing to the wound.
edit on 4-4-2012 by EvillerBob because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
reply to post by Violater1

What is the point of more video footage? There are numerous folks that actually saw his injuries. There are hospital records that the police have reviewed. Numerous police offers examined his injuries. All of which validate he was getting the snot beat out of him. The medical examiner, the police and Martin's parents saw Trayvon's injuries. As big of an uproar as there is the DA would love to charge Zimmerman and appease the ignorant masses. The only problem is that no matter how bad they want to charge him, they obviously can't because his injuries, the 911 call and the witness statements all show the same thing. Zim called 911 because a large man, hiding his face was skulking between houses in the rain. George called 911 and didnt mention race till dispatch asked. He followed him until he was satisfied he gave 911 his correct location and then tried to find his truck. While walking towards the truck. Before he could get in Martin attacked him, beating him to the ground. During the beating sweet little Trayvon tell George,"Your gonna die tonight". Little did George know his attacker was busted vandalizing public property, drugs, was suspected of larceny and has shown his violent tendencies in the past. Zimmerman struggled to draw his sidearm and drew down on trayvon and shot him fatally.

Who cares about video? The er docs and police examinec zim and verified the truth. The ME and cops examined martin. His hands showed that he repeatedly hit someone repeatedly with a great deal of force. It also showed that he was uninjured prior to the shot.

Get over it. All of the evidence tells the same story. You dont need video. Trayvons history and his behavior that night shows he was the attacker. Video isnt needed. And given all the info, if you still support him, odds are you area racist. Most folks dont care about the evidence that cleared zimmerman. They care about supporting a criminal just because hes black. Screw that. George saved himself and took a dangerous ciminal off the streets.

zimmerman has a history of violence and beating women he is a known coward and liar, his father is a judge, the cops discounted witnesses who's stories did not line up with the self defense theory...oh well move along nothing to see hear he is innocent he killed someone who deserved to be killed, and anyone who thinks otherwise must be a racist.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
Yeah he definitely has injuries there. Initially I thought he had none. The grainy shots really weren't good at all. These new ones clearly show that something bashed him in the head. Im not doctor, but it looks pretty swollen.

I don't know what to believe anymore. I don;t think we will ever fully know what went down that night exactly. Bottom line is that the kid did not deserve to die.

If Woody would have listened to the police ......................this never would have happened.

Who is Woody?
Also, was the Martin family visiting someone who lived in the gated community?
Has anyone heard how far away from Mr. Zimmermans truck, Mr Martin's body was found?

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Violater1
Also, was the Martin family visiting someone who lived in the gated community?
Has anyone heard how far away from Mr. Zimmermans truck, Mr Martin's body was found?

He was visiting his father who lives in the community.

As far as locations go, I don't think specific details have been release. I did some searching and someone has tried to figured everything out based on available information.

So, I’ve broken down the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman crime scene based on as much public information that’s currently available. Here’s what’s currently known (assuming what’s known is accurate)

You can find the page at I would post some of the pics from the page, but the person revised the map as more information was released (and consequently "moved" where they think the truck was parked). It's a long post but they explain why they speculate what happened where. And let me stress, it is all speculation. And I'm not posting the link as an endorsement, but rather because you have asked the question repeatedly and no one has responded. So I hope that helps!!!

Also at the link is a video interview done with Trayvon's dad walking through the community, watching that might help get a "mental picture" of the locations.


posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by EvillerBob

It wasn't you that confused me. There was this post:

Originally posted by Classified Info

Originally posted by Violater1
No one has answered my question yet. How far away from the truck was Martin found?

I will see if I can find a link somewhere but that had a good graphic on one of the cable channels.

His body was found on a walkway behind (or in between) the homes. It was not close to the street.

And then Violator1 replied to it with this:

Yes, please provide a source for where his body was found. I'm sure there would be a blood trail, and that will end up in court as well. Thank you.

And I was curious as to why he came to the conclusion there would be a blood trail. I thought maybe there was new information that came out about where the shooting took place in relation to where the body was actually found. As far as what I have read and the videos I have watched, the body was found behind the homes.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by OneisOne

Originally posted by Violater1
Also, was the Martin family visiting someone who lived in the gated community?
Has anyone heard how far away from Mr. Zimmermans truck, Mr Martin's body was found?

He was visiting his father who lives in the community.

As far as locations go, I don't think specific details have been release. I did some searching and someone has tried to figured everything out based on available information.

So, I’ve broken down the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman crime scene based on as much public information that’s currently available. Here’s what’s currently known (assuming what’s known is accurate)

You can find the page at I would post some of the pics from the page, but the person revised the map as more information was released (and consequently "moved" where they think the truck was parked). It's a long post but they explain why they speculate what happened where. And let me stress, it is all speculation. And I'm not posting the link as an endorsement, but rather because you have asked the question repeatedly and no one has responded. So I hope that helps!!!

Also at the link is a video interview done with Trayvon's dad walking through the community, watching that might help get a "mental picture" of the locations.


Thank you.
Let me reiterate, this is a map based on speculation. It is from

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by CoherentlyConfused

You'd still be arrested and charged, just a matter of if you can prove self defense...that's how it's supposed to go, anyway.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by CoherentlyConfused

You'd still be arrested and charged, just a matter of if you can prove self defense...that's how it's supposed to go, anyway.

No, it is not.
The burden of proof is on the prosecution.
The video shows injuries to his head. This adds another card to the deck of credibility to his story.
And another feeling of doubt (beyond the shadow of a doubt) in an impartial juror.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Violater1

No, that's not how it works in cases where a person has been killed and the killer admits it, generally the killer will claim self-defense or accidental, the killer then has to prove such is true and to what degree it is true. Burden of proof is only applicable if a person refutes they killed someone.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 06:00 AM
The burden of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" falls on the state. To the point that in one case when an defense attorney mistakenly placed the burden on his client, the client was granted a new trial.

From Spicer vs. State of Florida (Fla. 5th DCA 2005):

Rather, "once a defendant makes a prima facie showing of
self-defense, the State has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the
defendant did not act in self-defense." ("While the defendant may
have the burden of going forward with evidence of self-defense, the burden of proving
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt never shifts from the State, and this standard broadly
includes the requirement that the State prove that the defendant did not act in selfdefense beyond a reasonable doubt.").

Spicer's counsel was obviously unaware of the law on this point, and repeatedly explained to the jury in his closing argument that it was Spicer's burden to prove selfdefense. Compounding this mistake, Spicer's lawyer proposed an old standard jury instruction which also erroneously stated that self-defense had to be "proved beyond a reasonable doubt."

Spicer was granted a new trial.
edit on 5-4-2012 by OneisOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-4-2012 by OneisOne because: crazy tags in code!

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Violater1

That map makes it look like ZImmerman confronted Treyvon head on after following him. It does nothing to make Zim look good.
edit on 5-4-2012 by Deranged74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by ReadyPower

Thank you for helping provide more information on both sides of the story. You really helped me make my main point though. We do not have enough information from either side. Most of what I have heard (MEM) was talking about Martin getting ready for college, etc. and the picture they paint of him is far from who he was. I have heard that Zimmerman was a jerk but I did not know everything you have presented.

If I offended you I apologize that was not my intention. I was trying poorly to show the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

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