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Cammo dude questions.

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posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:19 PM
I am new to this forum. And I have some questions I am interested to know. I don't know much about area 51 and I would like to learn more. I have some questions about the cammo dudes. They are really strange and anonymous.

1. By the area 51 signs, you'll see a vehicle parked on top of a hill. Are those cammo dudes? If I go up the hill and talk to them, would they answer?
2. Say, I saw a cammo truck not far from me.And I shout something like: " Hey how's going? " or like " Good morning sir. " Then would they answer.
3. Do the cammo dudes drive toyota trucks? What else beside Ford?
4. Are the cammo dudes hired from other countries or are they all american?
5. How do I become a cammo dude?

Please answer in more detail so I can understand.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by 1lionexPro

Tell you what. At the top of this page there is a SEARCH tab. Click on that. When the search engine loads, type in "Area 51" Choose one of the options or just hit Enter and a wide variety of threads, maybe 100 or so, will appear for your viewing pleasure. Choose one or all and have fun learning.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Cammo dudes wearning cammo duds!


posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by 1lionexPro
I am new to this forum. And I have some questions I am interested to know. I don't know much about area 51 and I would like to learn more. I have some questions about the cammo dudes. They are really strange and anonymous.

1. By the area 51 signs, you'll see a vehicle parked on top of a hill. Are those cammo dudes? If I go up the hill and talk to them, would they answer?
2. Say, I saw a cammo truck not far from me.And I shout something like: " Hey how's going? " or like " Good morning sir. " Then would they answer.
3. Do the cammo dudes drive toyota trucks? What else beside Ford?
4. Are the cammo dudes hired from other countries or are they all american?
5. How do I become a cammo dude?

Please answer in more detail so I can understand.

The pickup trucks on the hill are cammo dudes.

If you go up the hill you will be detained and questioned by them, and turned over to the Lincoln Co. sheriff for trespassing. If you cross the border onto the property the Federal Government is authorized to use deadly force to subdue you. I don't believe it has ever been used but it is an option.

They will not have a conversation with you. They will not answer questions.

I have noticed Chevy trucks as well.

The cammo dudes are employed by a private security contractor like EG&G or Wackenhut. Logically they should be Americans and possess a security clearance.

To work there you should contact Wackenhut or another contractor for information.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
If you go up the hill you will be detained and questioned by them, and turned over to the Lincoln Co. sheriff for trespassing.

Well, not quite... exactly. If you climb the hill to your right, before the border signs, you are still on BLM land.
The lookout point is here:
37°21'5.20"N, 115°38'45.45"W

If you have any intentions of going to the area, I suggest you get the GE plug-in called "Outline of the NTTR Range Boundaries" from

They will not have a conversation with you. They will not answer questions.

Closest I got to them was when they drove right beside me on a dirt road, when I was loading up my dirtbike. I was checking out the border crossing here:
37°32'54.38"N, 115°48'13.42"W
They were waiting for me here, where I had parked my truck:
37°37'7.19"N, 115°48'38.43"W
I WAS kind of crapping my pants, I am pulling off my helmet and gear and they drive by very slowly, I could have reached out and touched their truck. I did nod at them, and an extremely large african-american camo dude in the passenger seat nodded back. They drove down the trail for about 100 ft. and just sat there watching me until I left.
edit on 3-4-2012 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 01:01 PM
I may be wrong here but I dont think I am in saying:
a) I would imagine all these Cammo dudes are ex forces.
b) They dont get recruited. ie dont call us..we'll call you.

the reason I think this would be the case is: exforces already have the desired skills and discipline to observe individuals from long ranges for extended periods of time,

Secondly it would seem reasonable that the cammo dudes from time to time have the oportunity to observe classified vehicles and so the secuity clearence they would need would be sky high. If you went round employing people who showed a interest in what went on within the facility,they could be a security risk.

Also if some of the stories weve all read are true it seems entirely possible they would take note of licence plates of all vehicles that visit the site- it also seems quite likely they would then be able to trace the owners of any vehicles and place them on record as being a person of interest. when you then later applied for a job if your name was on the list you would get a polite-no thank you!

I would imagine recruitment is done through in service referals.

As I said at the begining I may be wrong...I dont claim to have any special knowledge. but if it was my security team its certainly how I would recruit.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by urbanfox

The dudes can run license plates. Here is the story, and I'll change the name of the person to protect the innocent. John is at the back gate on our side of the border. The dude pops his head out of the shack, holding a phone, and says "Hey John, it's for you!" They ran his plate and thought it would be funny to play a gag on him. I assume the plates are run though the dude's liaison with the Lincoln County Sheriff Department.

The dudes log plates routinely. I had parked at
just beyond the tree that you see on Google Earth. The dudes can't see your plate at that location. They had me under surveillance all night and when I drove back to the main road, they were there to log my plate.

If you hang out long enough at the gravel areas at the side of the ET highway, which is well beyond the Groom Lake border, the dudes will drive down 375 and log your plate.

All though it is illegal to create dossiers on private citizens who are not performing any illegal acts, I assume every visitor to the border has a file. Remember, the attitude of the base is the rules don't apply to them. They don't need any stinkin' license plates to drive on public roads and it is your problem if you died due to the burning at toxic waste pits.

Running plates these days is extremely routine. It is very common in Nevada for the police to run any and all plates in hotel/motel parking lots. I know this is done in Tonopah. Thanks to technology, this is quite easy:

Google "ALPR nye" for details on this. The ATS 'bot won't allow me to post the link due to the Righthaven lawsuits. (Righthaven is out of business, but I guess nobody told the 'bot.)
edit on 4-4-2012 by gariac because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by FosterVS

I had walked to around 37°21'5.20"N, 115°38'45.45"W at night with Norio just to piss off the dudes. They hate people walking around the border at night. We got the spotlight tracking treatment until we headed back down to the camp area.

I would suggest using your eyes and note the orange poles during daylight hours before you wander around at night. Maps I suppose are better than nothing, but you really can't blame a map for a border crossing incident.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by gariac

A very cool company called Carbon Motors is building purpose-built police vehicles with onboard ALPR.

Carbon Motors Specs

I think it's safe to assume nothing done in public is 'private' anymore.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by gariac

A very cool company called Carbon Motors is building purpose-built police vehicles with onboard ALPR.

Carbon Motors Specs

I think it's safe to assume nothing done in public is 'private' anymore.

and very little of what we think is done in private is actualy 'private' - its just private to the public.

over the pond here we call it ANPR and most police forces have a fair few vehicles with it installed. with the intention that every police vehicle will eventualy have it installed . hell even car park attendents have a basic system for smart phones that are not linked to a database.

I dont imagine it will be long before buses and delivery vehicles also have it installed so they can log every vehicle they pass and where. but this is a perhaps for another post....

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by urbanfox

It's already here:

Backscatter Van

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 11:10 PM
A bunch of times Ive camped at campfire hill theyve driven either right by my camp, feet away, or driven up , and parked there for 3-4 minutes.. Every, but after a few times I just assumed they were running my plates

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by 1lionexPro

the security force on the outer perimeters are civilian contractors and are probably former military. the inner perimeter security are active duty military. there are two police forces out there, civilian and military.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by gariac

the plates are run through NCIC/ and the states own DMV system through the bases own center. they dont call in tags to the SO.There is also a thing called LPRs license plate readers which you will see on law enforcement vehicles through out the country which can be set up in a variety of ways but for the most part it is used to look for stolen vehicles. if a vehicle pulls up to this base in the middle of no where i think they can articulate that it is indeed suspicous especially with all the publicity about it.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by surfnow
reply to post by gariac

the plates are run through NCIC/ and the states own DMV system through the bases own center. they dont call in tags to the SO.There is also a thing called LPRs license plate readers which you will see on law enforcement vehicles through out the country which can be set up in a variety of ways but for the most part it is used to look for stolen vehicles. if a vehicle pulls up to this base in the middle of no where i think they can articulate that it is indeed suspicous especially with all the publicity about it.

Here's a story that proves they call the Alamo Sheriff department to run plates.

My last trip, last week May, first week of June - after a day of visiting a number of Area 51 "gates" i.e. a number of Bald Mountain gates, one of the gates by the Rachel gate I call the "F4 crash" gate, the Bombing Range 61 Gate (Wilson Gate), as well the main GLR border. I drove into Alamo to pick up some supplies, and was pulled over by an Alamo Sheriff vehicle. Lucky me was reading a text and weaving a bit, and he was right behind me.

He pulled me over, took my license and reg. and took a while before coming back to my vehicle. He advised me that my vehicle had been ran twice that day at the request of the friendly-neighborhood-camo-dudes. I was clean, of course, so he was just advising me. Really nice guy, and asked me a lot of questions about what motivates people to have such an interest in the area. He certainly knew what was over the hill, and what they did there, said they see stuff in the sky all the time. So how do you even broach the subject to a friendly cop on the side of the road? I regret not inviting him for a lengthy chat about the subject, as he seemed genuinely interested. I gave him the short answer, it was a rush to just go to the limits i.e. the gates, and that I certainly knew exactly where the border was at all times, and knew the consequences of crossing it.

I did have a camo dude escort most of the day; the couple of times they drove right by me I gave them a little wave, and they both waved back. I've got a lot of pictures and video, at some point I will condense it and get it up on Youtube.

Forgot, he told me they are constantly called out to arrest people that cross the border. I wish I pressed him for more details, like the frequency of it happening. I asked what the fine currently was, I think he said $630. When I asked about hauling them and their vehicle off, he said no, they are just fined and released on the spot. Assuming they haven't done anything real stupid i.e. packing weapons, etc.
edit on 4-7-2012 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

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