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Hyperspace Gateways: Award Winning Documentary on Crop Circles

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posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 12:20 PM
Now that crop circles have become a money making enterprise on the internet, I wonder if people are probably being paid to make some of them. If not, free labor.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
Now that crop circles have become a money making enterprise on the internet, I wonder if people are probably being paid to make some of them. If not, free labor.

Yes circle makes get contracted quite a lot. Heres the guys from making a design for the News of the World.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 12:44 PM
We all know humans can make them... almost everybody has made this point.

But it's just the sheer number of them that will dazzle you.

Oh and circle-makers live in Britain, not around the rest of the world.

Its a shame once some body see's a human do it, they rule out all other possibilities.

Quite sad actually, I thought better of you ATS..

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

I agree with you that most are fakes but I have seen sometime ago a documentary that examined plasma balls (freak weather phenomena) and even showed footage of one doing some artwork on a crop. This phenomena is know and to some point replicable in the lab...

See Ball lightning @ wikipedia

So to me there is no intelligent design behind the crop circles beyond the humans and simple forces of nature it is interesting that the natural ones generate geometric shapes but geometry is at the core found all over natures creations from the shell of snail to the distribution of galaxies...

Even when you looks at a mirror you should be reminded to marvel at the simple fact regarding symmetry...

edit on 3-4-2012 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by PhoenixOD

I agree with you that most are fakes but I have seen sometime ago a documentary that examined plasma balls (freak weather phenomena) and even showed footage of one doing some artwork on a crop. This phenomena is know and to some point replicable in the lab...

See Ball lightning @ wikipedia

So to me there is no intelligent design behind the crop circles beyond the humans and simple forces of nature it is interesting that the natural ones generate geometric shapes but geometry is at the core found all over natures creations from the shell of snail to the distribution of galaxies...

Even when you looks at a mirror you should be reminded to marvel at the simple fact regarding symmetry...

edit on 3-4-2012 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

The Olivers Castle crop circle film footage was faked. The guy who made it was a graphics artist and he came forward and explained how he made it.

Ball lightening on the other hand is real.

edit on 3-4-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:55 PM
When someone can:

1. enter a field after heavy rain has fallen, and produce a complex crop circle in the middle of the night without being spotted by people monitoring in neighbouring fields and without leaving footprints in the muddy soil;
2. create 10,000 square metres of downed crops all with their stalks bent at their nodes and without ONE plant crushed, squashed or split;
3. create thousands of stalks with swollen nodes simply by pressing them with boards or stomping them under their boots;

I shall accept that all crop circles are man-made. But I am willing to bet no hoaxer can achieve this result. Researchers know of such cases that appeared after heavy rain softened the top soil that would have left footprints everywhere.

All discussion of complexity is totally irrelevant to the issue of whether they have a paranormal origin. It's a red herring. The significant scientific signatures to look for are:

1. apical node elongation and bending;
2. expulsion cavities;
3. abnormal enlargement of cell wall pits in bract tissue;
4. bending of stems at their base (mechanical flattening will snap or break plant stems, instead);
5. stunted, malformed seeds and germination effects.

None of these can result from mechanical downing of crops but have been reported in a statistically significant fraction of cases. It's what makes some of us still take crop circles seriously.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Your theoretical geometric world actually IS 4th density, as far as I can tell. An ayahuasca ceremony will give you a glimpse at this realm....

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Kluute
reply to post by PhoenixOD

I have already said in the OP that YES.. SOME of the circles are made by the circle makers!


But you obviously did not reserve any judgement before watching, and you clearly don't want to change your narrow-minded view point. The fact of the matter is that there are hundreds of thousands of these circles all around the globe - did the circle-makers make all of them?

I HIGHLY DOUBT IT - People just don't have the time, resources or money necessary to continuously make these all year round.

Try expanding your own mind and not just agree with what the majority may think.
edit on 3/4/2012 by Kluute because: (no reason given)

You are so right on this. Also why don't the guys who claim to be making them show us - show us them being made because it is they who are lying through their teeth and are being used by TPTB in order that the human race doesn't wise up as to the messages being sent in these Mathematical Geometric Designs.

Drawing plans is one thing - transferring those plans to the ground overnight in the dark is something very different - let me see it done I say.

Those done by pranksters don't even come near the detailed designs of the true circles and as I keep saying - prove it!

The guy standing in the snow who supposedly did the circles demonstrated - why isn't he filmed actually completing one?

This is all part of the disinformation being put out and it is a fool of the highest order who falls for it. Give them a 'Round The World' ticket and let them play their games for their claim to fame. They serve a purpose for the Powers That Be.

Again I say - if these guys can really create these mathematical geometric grand designs - PROVE IT!


posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

And we all know what happened to The News of The World and their cheating and scandalous methods and motives. That nice Mr Murdok has had to resign from many boards now including his latest 'Sky Broadcasting' to avoid further scandal.

He and his Cronies are all in the pay of the NWO of course they're going to debunk anything that looks like it may wake people up.

You don't happen to have a round the world ticket it do you? Snow in the winter - corn in the summer Mmm sounds quite lucrative if you can create straight forward simple designs with good editing techniques.

When you show me one that is created within an hour or two in daylight (as witnessed by light aircraft pilot) and one that is extremely intricate and also conveys a message in computer language and in 3D then give up your proof - you too will become rich - strange that eh.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 06:09 PM

Those done by pranksters don't even come near the detailed designs of the true circles and as I keep saying - prove it!

The guy standing in the snow who supposedly did the circles demonstrated - why isn't he filmed actually completing one?

Had you even looked for the proof? Seriously just because you cant work out how to do something does not mean other people cant do it.

edit on 3-4-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Kluute
Another interesting aspect of the video is that the one element that I see that's missing from the discussion of the crop circles is that they are not circles at all, but spheres. In hyperspace, a two-dimensional circle becomes a three-dimensional sphere. These crop formations may not be intended to be looked upon as mere 2D depictions on a 2D canvas, but full, three-dimensional (hyper-dimensional) constructs in hyperspace. I think they take on a completely different meaning and the 3D makes them mechanically functional there.

I just wanted to add that a sphere isn't the only way to project a circle in 3D. Helixes (3D sine waves) also work. Now to watch the documentary. Thanks for posting it.

Oh and FYI, my screen name does not imply that I'm affiliated with the circlemakers website.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:26 PM
It turns out I've seen this documentary before but it's been a while so I didn't mind the refresher.

At 41 minutes in there's a bit about squaring of the circle using geometry from one of the patterns. Well I checked the geometry and it's not quite precise.

Perimeter of the circle with a radius of 1: pi * 2 ≈ 6.283
Perimeter of the square: (√2 * (10/9)) * 4 ≈ 6.285

The pentagram has no significant connections in that particular form either, but it's easy to imagine connections when you use fat lines. I work with quite a bit more precision. Simply "getting close" doesn't fly with me.

However, the moon is listed on wiki as having a radius of 0.273 Earths. The radius of the mid-sized circles are indeed 0.273 the size of the outer circle. Highlighted in the image below:

Unfortunately I can't (ok I'm unwilling) to test the precision more at this time but I'd say that's a good find.

Anyway just clarifying. Lots of interesting stuff in the vid. The balls of light remind me of ball lightning. Perhaps sentient electricity? Envoys of the Earth? Microwaves making patterns from satellites? Theories abound, but they're definitely not all made by dudes in fields with wooden planks.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:32 PM
cant wait to watch

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:59 PM
When I was a kid, I was really impressed with what I could do with a simple SpiroGraph toy. It had simple strings and plastic gears that could produce the most incredible designs.:

Spirograph is a geometric drawing toy that produces mathematical curves of the variety technically known as hypotrochoids and epitrochoids. The term has also been used to describe a variety of software applications that display similar curves, and applied to the class of curves that can be produced with the drawing equipment (so in this sense it may be regarded as a synonym of hypotrochoid). The name is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.

So, given the advances in our technology today, or even in the adaptation of a simple tool like the SpiroGraph....
Aliens are not in the running as far as i am concerned.
Crop Circles are People Circles, and how they are done, may be a mystery, but it is founded in our own design and love of geometric beauty and creativity. Strings, Plastic Gears, Computers and Microwaves..... the truth will come out soon.
edit on 4-4-2012 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:48 AM
All this debate is completely useless until the douches from circlemakers or anyone else can create one of the really elaborate designs in broad day light in less than a day. And it would help if they could some how do it with a microwave tool which bends the nodes and leaves the stalks perfectly in tact. ONLY THEN will I believe it can be done by people.

edit on 4-4-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
Your attempt to pigeon hole people who know that all the circles are man made will not change any ones mind.

It amazes me that people long for these designs to be made by aliens. The idea that hyper advanced alien races cross the vast emptiness of space to arrive at our planet and then try to communicate by flattening grass in cryptic nonsense patterns always close to a road, at night in fields where there are track lines passing though every connected part of the design while no ones watching in the summer months when its warm enough to be out all night messing about in fields...

Aliens only want to send cryptic communications at winter time??

It doesnt matter how much you try to find reasons for these patterns not being man made they are simply fake. There is no friendly alien race trying to warn us of our impending destruction by our own hands its just a few guys having a laugh at the expense of anyone who will fall for their jokes.

Even when the people who fakes these things come forward and admit to them theres still people out there who dont believe them..humans have an inbuilt need to find order in patterns and are susceptible to finding links that dont actually exist.

Please feel free to read this post that explain the methods used for creating fake circles : Exposed! a guide to making crop circles

edit on 3-4-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

So because you say they are fake then that means they ALL are?!

Obviously humans have tried to replicate them, but they certainly could not pull off some of the more complex ones and change them at molecular level. The ones done by circle artist are never as complex as some of the ones that have occured. A plank of wood flattens corn in a certain way, and a lot of crops circles are flattened in a different way to planks of wood.

Problem is, because some people have attempted to recreate circles, some people will automatically think they were all done by humans. Some are just too impossible to be done by humans, and because we dont have the answers (just like we dont have the answers for why were are in this world), people will just say humans.

When you have masters in geometry saying that some circles show new undiscovered methods of geometry, then you have to start to wonder... Some of them are beyond human capabilities, this is definite.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 11:07 AM
BTW, Kluute, do you produce music by any chance?! Sorry for off topic question but had to ask. I know of a great music producer with a similar name, but spelt slightly differently...

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD

The image you just posted is one made by the people at Heres the blue print they made for it :

I'm sure that blueprint could be easy to fake! It's all very well coming out with a similar design after one has appeared in corn, because you have something to copy from. Circlemakers are just trying to claim they did that a long while after it occurred. The one in snow is similar, but again, after the original appeared, so again, easy to replicate.

I want to see a video of circlemakers making a new highly complex design, equal in complexity to some we have seen, and they have to complete it in one night, in the dark, and the bending and weaving of the flattened corn has to match that of the unexplained circles, including molecular changes. When they can provide evidence of this then i might just believe them, but until then they are just fakers and copiers who are trying to take credit for circles they definitely did not create!

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 11:26 AM

So because you say they are fake then that means they ALL are?!

Yes they are ALL fake , just as all magicians cant do magic. Just because you cant work out how they do it does not make it real..

As for this repeated claim for video proof they can do super complicated designs in one day..who is going to let them destroy a massive field of cash crops just to prove a point? Also why would they want to reveal themselves as people who cause criminal damage. Destroying framers crops will land you in jail. They are having far to much fun fooling the gullible.

Simon beck has proved super complicated designs much larger than any design done in a filed can be done with just 1 person. So with a team of 10 could do it 10x quicker could easily be done in a night. Also many of the larger design are not created in one night but over several nights ..if you care to do the research.

edit on 4-4-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Kluute

i have been watching the workings of the universe by david boyle
and in one of the episodes he offers £5000 to anyone who can
duplicate some of the more detailed ones

there are some rules to follow like two cars full of sheeple
at night oh i forgot you can do it on the beach at blackpool

check out his website for more details (i sound like an advert)

ha cant remember the web address SORRY

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