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Secret Freedom Fighters Working to Unseat the New World Order

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posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by lzkaware

This is not wilcox story. He is telling someone elses story from an interview. Is it truth? We will know by the end of april.

Interesting interview but I don’t have 1:45 to listen to the entire thing right now.

What’s happening in April (this month)??

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Wilcock might've stole this idea from Grant Morrison. Want to be blown away? Read "The Invisibles" series front to back.
edit on 2-4-2012 by pierregustavetoutant because: fix video

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:44 PM
wouldn't it be really cool if all these recent ufo sightings were because aliens are the ones helping the good guys carry out this massive clean sweep? I don't believe anything I can't see, hear, or touch but sometimes I like to hope that certain theories I read on here come true. This would be one of those times

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by grubblesnert
reply to post by rebellender

the video you reference is nonsense and not of any value. It is the video version of a pop song. Please don't limit you quest for knowledge and truth on this video.

Dig man!
Read as much as possible, listen to all sides. Use your powers of deduction obsevation and your knowledge of current and past events to form an opinion.
AND, keep an open mind.
The quest for knowledge should be never ending

woe there cowboy, I been places you only read about. And been walking the planet 50 yrs.
not your Jr. on this rodeo

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by seabag

I sat and listened to almost 2 hours of the Drake interview last night. I would REALLY like for this to be true..Honestly I hope it is but I just can't get a handle around it.
The large number of resignations is not enough for me to believe this is what's happening.
To me these guys seem to jump onto these stories really quickly and form their own story around the current events..
Again, I hope I'm wrong as we all know the evil doers have it coming
edit on 2-4-2012 by wutz4tom because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Swills

Exactly, and for how long now have Mike Rupport been calling for a collapse of the Economic western world? any day now for what 15, 16 months?

they make a new day and get a new audience, it worked for Harold Camping and still works for Nancy Lieder

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by johnnyl22

Yes that would be interesting.
In fact visit CB's ytube page and you can converse with more than a few that think this is exactly whats taking comment..Just waiting..

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by rebellender

I agree. Both these men have been misleading all those who would listen to them for years now. I hate to say it, but Fulford get's a little more respect from me just because I did enjoy his interview with David Rockefeller, although he wussed out and apologized to the man afterwards, and it does seem like he's apart of the Japanese and other Asian underworld. So at least Fulford has that going for him. He was the Asian correspondent for Forbes magazine, so at least has some kind of actual means to get some kind of insider info, too bad he's also a liar because every prediction he gives has been non sense. Meanwhile, what does Wilcock have going for him? He claims to have all of this insider information so anything he produces is based on the honor system, and Wilcock does not have any honor.

Wilcock claims to be a psychic healer and a channeler, he is best known for a series called ‘the law of one’ which is his philosophical background which lays down the basic fundementals to a vast complex theory. The main goal of this in-depth analysis is to determine if David Wilcock’s testimony is genuine, if so if he is being manipulated in any way and whether or not he has an agenda or over value for his audience to pick up on.

On his website he shares a large amount of information which to the most part seems to be valid and fair to consider. As well as uncovering the physical mysteries of our reality, Wilcock (like David Icke) shares a tremendous amount of information concerning the origin of evil on this planet, in other words the research involving the ‘illuminati’

Wilcock claims that not only was William Shakespear a fictional character, but that the group of people that were really writing the material under this name used an illiterate homeless person as the figure in which this eminent piece of our culture would represent.

[Wilcock] He says that the Rothschild faction is directly in control of the drugs and weapons trade. This is how they make their vast amounts of money to fund their black projects, he also claims that the Rothschilds have a hand in big pharma. A rather odd suggestion is that he says the Rothschild also control Hollywood and the music industry even though he himself is a soon to be well known film producer and currently a recording artist.

Most of his historical theories about the Illuminati and Secret Societies seem to be verified by present day research. Though, as it will be later shown. Wilcock has very biased opinions about the Illuminati today.

This seems to be Wilcock’s agenda, to make the Illuminati look like they are losing. He says that the Rockerfeller side of the Illuminati will fall then quickly the Rothschild family will fall. This is the same theory brought about by Ben Fulford a Jesuit Canadian who has deep connections to Japanese mob and the Rockerfeller family, Wilcock is a close friend of Benjamin Fulford.
Wilcock will even go further and say that some members of these factions are ‘leaving the order and waking up.’

Some signs that Wilcock may have been ‘gotten to’ is that he openly supports the military and voting. In the opinion of the analyst he is either either brainwashed, mind controlled, a fake, a clone, or just plain stupid.

When it is all said and done there are a number of key aspects that prove that David Wilcock is some kind of an intelligence agent and that his role is to perpetuate a certain frame of mind to the public and may or may not be entirely based on truth, though it seems some of it is. A number of different ‘projects’ have been mentioned by Wilcock in his work. It seems as though things like “montauk” and “looking glass” may not be the entire truth. A number of different names have been brought up by people like William Cooper and Stewart Swerdlow. Some people claim ‘Looking Glass’ was actually called ‘Yellowbook’ and ‘Montauk’ was actually called ‘Rainbow’ this could mean that Wilcock’s disclosure of these technology is not entirely based on fact and it could be hiding a deeper truth. Though it seems that the main goal of Wilcock is to intentionally confuse researchers and to condition them into believing that the Illuminati is divided and that some kind of struggle is going on within the new world order, this is classic ‘art of war’ and the basic foundation of deception.

Now I do believe in massive, world wide Gov't and private sector corruption, the American Military Industrial machine, even that the elite are worshiping some negative force (See Bohiemian Grove) while conspiring against Mankind for their own selfish means and you can even call these people the Illumnati, or whatever you want. So I'm down with that but I'm not down with Wilcock or Fulford. Imo, they do more damage than good. In fact, what good have they created?

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Swills

on this subject we only have to say 2 words and a number, George Orwell and 1984....all of us have a crystal ball of sorts
edit on 2-4-2012 by rebellender because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:38 PM
Who are the 'secret freedom fighters'?

YOU are one them.

When you look around the world with conscience as your guide, and see the systemic unfairness of it all, the unbraidled greed, the containment of information, the lies, hurting and harm of others, and then NOW decides to make a stand, to make your presence felt, in ways you know best, to share, to discuss, debate, aknowledge and correct mistakes, find solutions to progress and evolved amongst and from your own family, relatives and friends, which when combine, makes up our world.

We seek not for recognition, fame or glory. A societal change for the better will be our greatest reward. We had come a long way, and changes are in the process, as evident around the world today, bit by bit. But there is more to be done, and never to be complacent. Mankind are not robots and will NEVER kneel to another equal human, nor leave any fellow human behind.

Silently, you came upon the world's stage, and silently, will we leave when the job is done...

edit on 2-4-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by rebellender

Originally posted by grubblesnert
reply to post by rebellender

the video you reference is nonsense and not of any value. It is the video version of a pop song. Please don't limit you quest for knowledge and truth on this video.

Dig man!
Read as much as possible, listen to all sides. Use your powers of deduction obsevation and your knowledge of current and past events to form an opinion.
AND, keep an open mind.
The quest for knowledge should be never ending

woe there cowboy, I been places you only read about. And been walking the planet 50 yrs.
not your Jr. on this rodeo
I'm 52, so yes you are my Jr.
I might not be as big a tourist as you but I'll lay pretty good odds I've experienced more of the human condition. I've seen a lot of death and trauma. I've been the last person more than a couple unfortunate people have spoken to or touched before they succumbed to their injuries or maladies. I've felt their breath, their fear and been covered in their blood, vomit, sweat etc. I've tried my best to sooth the unconsolable grief of their loved ones after being the one to tell them "I'm sorry we did all we could he/she can't be revived/saved'
I've had many good moments too where I feel I've saved a life or two and eased the pain and suffering of the person and their family.
I know for a fact all of the above will happen to me again, perhaps tomorrow and will continuefor at least the next 2 years 6 month and 24 days. (retirement)
I, like you perhaps, have children, parents, a wife and subordinates/co-workers depending on me not to let them down, to be on point and know my sh*t.
I have experience unconsolable greif.
I have been at the wrong end of an unfreindly gun on more than one occasion and it ain't no fun!
Point being;
Please dont be so quick to judge what you don't know. Everyone here has life experiences and deficits. Everyone can stand to learn a thing or two.

You know what they say about "assume" If you don't, well..........Dig man!
Now, If were done qualifying let's move on please

P.S. tell me about some of the places you've been so I can read about them, might be interesting.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by seabag

Is this an april fools joke. The president and all of congress are crooks. Conspiracy or not i dont care. They are all greedy self serving pricks who are slowly stripping away our rights. As far as companies out for obscene profit and trying to pass legislation and manipulate the worls so they can make more money, i dont care. Im pissed at the govt taking away my rights and privacy while making me fund the lazy.

There is no government consortium of good guys fighting for us. Anyone fighting internal tyranny on a large group level has their own agenda. They are helping themselves not you. There arent going to be massive nwo arrests. Get real. Joe arpaio wont even have obama charged.

Nobody is doing anything nor will they. Nobody will fight for you, you have to fight for yourself. And short of organized armed rebellion. And the movements needs an open leader. Im willing to fight for my rights and my country. If others agree then organize and rise up

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 02:16 PM
I just read my reply to rebellender's snark, crips I come across as quite the blowhard

Oh well...........I'm not removing it

live and learn. I hope you all at least found it entertaining

Thank you for the freedom to cyberbabble.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 02:27 PM
Complete and utter crap! Yeah gee nothing like tipping off the most powerful forces on the planet to your plan to arrest them etc.

Folks this is right out of their play book distract them with false hope. Feed some popular dupes with sensationalist BS and play to peoples fears and hope etc. and there you have it. No one is getting arrested this is all just tripe. If there was a grain of truth to it you would not be hearing about it.

Are their some good guys on the inside? Probably however they would never be stupid enough to broadcast their plans to the likes of Fulford and Wilcox who is selling books...

edit on 2-4-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by grubblesnert

not gonna do a pissing match with you. see ya!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:01 PM
I'm glad to see another thread created about this, I was reading another thread about this interview David Wilcox had with "Drake" and was surprised to see it die out so quickly because it is really important for us all to talk this through and decide where we stand should this occur. Here is a link to the other thread that contains the interview.

At this point I'm inclined to be optimisically "cautious" , it's always seemed to me that using law and the military to remove the corrupt forces in power that have shown themselves to be so "insane" is the best possible option. The plan, if true is brilliant.

1. File proper paperwork for states to be soverign, and it appears this part is almost complete

2. Mass and swift arrests made of TPTB (although this will be very telling who exactly is arrested, if it's "the real" bad guys, I will be more inclined to believe the effort is sincere)

3. Giving military LEGAL orders on behalf of the citizens to defend the constitution and the country from "domestic" threat posed by bankers and corporations who have taken over our government.

4. Mass media coverage of what's happening and why, according to "Drake" this is an important and well thought out part of plan, which he claims has been in the works since at least the 70's. ( now this is dicey, people are gonna be freaked if this were to happen, and there certainly is so much mis-trust at this point that even if a military effort was sincere, many may percieve it as Marshall Law and start firing weapons at the military")

5. A plan to keep basic services, water, electric, phones, etc. working, but "Drake" does talk about people being prepared with enough supplies to last about a month during this "transition" period, and I got the vibe from a second interview I listened to that people should expect to stay home, law low, and not engage or hinder the military effort, hmmmm, this is gonna be met with resistance no doubt, and I'm still thinking through how I would or will react if this started to happen.

6. The plan is "covert", and considering the forces we are up against, I guess I understand that, but it definately makes me uneasy, why are we getting any of this information? According to "Drake", that is why he is revealing as much info as he can because he hopes to inform enough people as much possible, prevent chaos and fear.

Anyways, I shared a sentimental and "spirtual" story/ experience that happened to me when I spent some time in an area that had military base close by about 6 mns ago, I won't tell the whole thing again, it's in the thread I linked in the beginning of this post if your interested. The bottom line is I witnessed some profound love, patriotism, and loyality in this military community, which gave me a much better understanding of some things I had never been exposed to before. It would be absolutely "poetic" justice for the military to enforce bringing these "criminals" down, they have sacrafised life and limb to protect thier country, and the way they have been used and abused, just might come full circle. My "gut" instinct tells me that the military may just have our backs on this one. Geez this is complicated

edit on 2-4-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

It died because most of ATS knows Wilcock is a hoaxer, a liar, a trickster, and has lied many times in the past, made many false predication's, but no matter how many times he lies and misleads his fans he continues to keep on truckin' with his BS.

So this thread will die too. A small crowd believes in Wilcock, the rest disregard him.
edit on 2-4-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Complete and utter crap! Yeah gee nothing like tipping off the most powerful forces on the planet to your plan to arrest them etc.  

Folks this is right out of their play book distract them with false hope. Feed some popular dupes with sensationalist BS and play to peoples fears and hope etc. and there you have it. No one is getting arrested this is all just tripe. If there was a grain of truth to it you would not be hearing about it.

You're probably right but I'm a 'glass half full' kinda guy so I'm trying to remain optimistic (yet skeptical). 

Are their some good guys on the inside? Probably however they would never be stupid enough to broadcast their plans to the likes of Fulford and Wilcox who is selling books...  


posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by WickettheRabbit
Has anything he's ever written been fact?

Quite a lot actually if you go through his research. (I'm not a Wilcock supporter, just saying.)

And to the poster that mentioned The Invisibles, great series. My personal fave ever.

Brilliant video there by the way!
edit on 2-4-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 06:53 PM

Multiple insider sources, each of whom have been "vetted out" for their credibility and trustworthiness, have now confirmed that mass arrests of thousands of key conspirators in this vast cabal are about to occur.

To the dude who cracked wise about an inter-bureaucratic Justice League: this story does scan like a cheesy comic book plot. If this does come to pass, I will wear an itchy spandex costume every day for the next year.

ETA: Way to represent, Pierre. Comic book plot indeed. At least Wilcox was cribbing off the Master.

edit on 2-4-2012 by Eidolon23 because:

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