posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:26 PM
I have been a visitor of this site for years, and have always had a small impulse to compile my experiences in an introductory post and get some
friendly yet critical anonymous feedback.
The nature of my experiences may be extraterrestrial contact, but I am not sure and have been comfortable with that assessment. I do not put much
stock in the “seeing is believing/seeing is fact” motto of some of the more predominant scripted personalities involved with the UFO/ET
phenomenon. My purpose here is not to cut down or deconstruct the work of others, but to merely present my case and possibly have an interesting
and/or insightful discussion.
Childhood memories, for me float about in a distant and largely intangible mist in the back of my mind, but certain memories jut out prominently if
the correct prompt is present.
These memories are fragments, but very distinct fragments that are typically triggered by atmospheric conditions.
My earliest memory is triggered at times very late summer evening when the sky is clear and I am alone. Sometimes I will stop, as if in a trance, and
turn to face east and wait for what can be, or seems to be, seconds or several minutes. What I anticipate is only a brief moment when, as memory
serves, is a brightly lit craft. This craft very gradually moves into view until it is overhead. Usually, something distracts me before the memory
replays up to the point where the craft is hovering over me. I recall friends being present, but I know there were none on this particular evening.
They had earlier curfews than I did. I rarely had one so long as I was within earshot of my parent’s paranoid imperatives to return home.
There is a memory I dislike recalling that stands out, which is triggered when I am home by myself. Sometimes, when I am sitting up in bed, reading
in the evening, and the door is open; a very detailed and striking figure will swiftly pass the opening and proceed down the hall.
When I was a child, I would often have a very palpable terror come over me moments before I fell asleep. My father would often read to me if I was
too tired to read myself. One evening, as he was reading to me with his back to the open doorway, the source of my fears moved passed then and
proceeded down the hall toward his room.
Yes, this could have been anything and I have already narrowed down the possibility to this obvious conclusion: it was something – either in my
head or physically present in my home to some degree.
Adolescence: On hot summer nights, and I look out a second floor window, I sometimes expect to see the dark, gilded disc pulsing with a reddish hue
that I remember seeing so many times outside of my bedroom window.
These memories go on, and the inception of them prompted me to spend many nights getting only about two hours of sleep in the summertime.
Once I see the disc, I glance at the clock for some reason. I always made sure to look at the clock, and then I’d tense up as soon as that
happened. I would become rage itself and promptly find myself facing the north wall in my bedroom (the wall with the windows would be the east wall,
the same wall at which I laid my head). This part is likely familiar – I’ve heard this so many times before. I would be facing the wall and hear
something like footsteps burst into my room and I sometimes felt something around my exposed temple or the back of my neck. I then awake the next
morning, around 5 a.m., my heart racing and my forehead wet with cold sweats.
Once, I became determined to roll over and face whatever I sensed in my room. I managed to turn around, striking out with my left arm. What I felt
was what looked to be a shoulder, which had the texture of sandpaper or much like a cat’s tongue.
My memory then skips ahead to a leg (from calf to heal) departing my room through the doorway.
Yes, the general color of this presence was gray. I still believe this is just a very vivid recurring dream.
Adulthood: Nothing until I moved into my house. Oddly enough, I tend to sleep in my office with the door barricaded and a fan on once in a great
while when I get the tinnitus-like symptoms and feel a distracting sense of extreme anticipation.
One summer evening, I was in my office, but had fallen asleep without compulsively barricading the door or turning on the main light and box fan. The
only light on was my lamp that was located next to my bookshelves, which sit in front of my desk. If you were to enter my office you would be facing
north, looking directly at a single row of two large bookshelves. Next to them on the east side was the lamp. My desk is located directly behind the
bookshelves. Instead of a conventional office chair, I have an extremely comfortable recliner that works nicely for work and napping.
I snapped awake only to be met by three figures approximately 4’ tall stop, startled by me jerking awake in my chair. Sometimes as I am falling
asleep, an intense freefalling feeling jolts me wide awake – I put a hole in a piece of drywall once with the back of my head.
I am distraught by what I saw, but as I am attempting to summon the anger, my vision turns milky and I wake up the next morning.
Over the course of the past year, several times per month, I cannot sleep or extreme anxiety keeps me awake certain nights.
I will simply get a feeling, and find myself immersed in irrational paranoia and I think “NO.”
I am not sure if I had a series of night terrors growing up that has left an emotional/psychological scar on me; or if it’s sleep paralysis, or the
beginning of what some refer to as an OBE.