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One-Eye Symbolism in Visa Advertisement

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 03:54 PM
AboveTopSecret has a "sister" website on the internet called Vigilant Citizen [] that routinely publishes symbols and their meanings in modern life. It isn't as big as ATS, but every month the site comes out with image analysis on topics like "Illuminati" "mind control programming" "MKULTRA" etc. I recently read this month's symbol analysis and found an interesting advertisement by Visa:

See anything strange about the picture? Well, luckily Vigilant Citizen left the original picture's file name intact so I was able to hunt down the source of the advertisement which yielded this:

Source for this image

Source for this image

Source for this image

If you haven't already figured out what they mean, let me offer you a hint:

This is the back of a United States 1 Dollar Bill.

This is the eye of Horus

Here is a compilation.

Let me know what you guys think.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by questforevidence

its getting more obvious by the day.
its everywhere.

what is the matrix?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:05 PM
Symbolism is obvias, if you cant see it then your not paying attention to your own surroundings.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:16 PM
You want to know what I think?

I think you need to turn off the computer and go for a walk or something. There's no Illuminati, and not everything is a conspiracy. Do you really think all those models and everyone in the ad agencies are part of some diabolical plot?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:26 PM
Agreed! Where is the Matrix? Yes it's becoming more than obvious everyday. They must really be under the impression that the people are in a deep slumber. Thankfully more and more people are waking up everyday.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Marketing directors are all employed by the nefarious powers that be?

All of them? Wow.

Here I thought they were just a bunch of social alcoholics that rip off each others campaigns.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:36 PM
I follow this site for quite a while now. IMO this is more than obvious. nearly every "superstar" (actor,supermodel,singer....) from around the world has to pose at least once with the hidden eye symbolism to show who they are working for or who brought them there.
the other things that you'll be starting to see everywhere else after visiting this site is the mannequin (mind control) and good old masonic checker pattern (world is a chess board analogy)
edit on 1-4-2012 by easy12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by easy12

So what you're saying is that squares and triangles = Illuminati? Oh, and people in photos better show both eyes!

Any other limitations you'd like to place on logos and interior design?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by DaTroof

The "checker-board" masonic pattern is supposedly a representation of the duality of good and evil. Here is an example from the 2008 film Max Payne:

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by DaTroof

Not just simple triangle or squares but checker has even a deeper esoteric meaning. As far as i know its the floor layout of all masonic lodges. Also i cant remember having a picture of myself from a professional photo shooting where i hide one of my eyes on purpose. But im no superstar yet

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 05:07 PM
You have to be pretty oblivious to think that this symbolism is not symbolism but rather stylistic advertising (which just happens to pervade advertising).

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by DaTroof
You want to know what I think?

I think you need to turn off the computer and go for a walk or something. There's no Illuminati, and not everything is a conspiracy. Do you really think all those models and everyone in the ad agencies are part of some diabolical plot?

I agree that not everything is a conspiracy and of coarse not everyone is in on the ones that are. However, you need to broaden your scope of thinking on how this stuff works.

With mind control and subliminal messages/symbols the actors, models, musicians etc. are not usually aware of what they are a part of. Models are told to pose in certain ways by the photographer, Actors say and do what the director says, and most singers have song writers and video directors to produce their stuff for them.

If you don't want to see what is in front of you and believe that the Illuminati doesn't exist then go take that walk and then turn on the TV and listen to your mainstream news stations. They'll tell you everything you need to believe in.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:13 PM
There's a bloke who lives up the road from me who has only one eye, is he an Illuminati tool too?

What a crock.

We used to call him 'cyclops' when we were kids and he would get angry and chase us around with a stick. Once when it was really cold and there was ice on the ground he chased me and my buddy and he slipped and cracked his head on the ice, then we threw snowballs at him as he lay on the ground groaning, it was so funny.

Thank god we were harassing a walking Illuminati advertisement/symbolism and not just some regular two-eyed joe, huh?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by iwan2ski

I know people who direct music videos, I know professional photographers, I know a few successful musicians, none of them do any of the crap you're talking about. You live in a bubble of paranoia, sorry.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:04 PM
Wow, that is pretty obvious. I don't care what they have coded in their credit cards, and what linkups they try to hand you over to, its all null and void. They don't get how their money system, scarsity system is all crimes agaisnt humanity and highly illegal by all Higher Ups standards for its against basic common laws, thou shalt not harm, all slavery is, and everyone is born with equal rights to the land and resources of the planet. They fail to understand that all the board of directors of the school are accountable, and not really to the dark side they think manages things, for those are just Peter Pan's lost boys and not the real Creators of the Universe/School, earth belongs to the Family of Love and Goodness who shine everything in through the stars, all the coding and are the programmers and earth is a mirrored reflection of our home on the other side. It doesnt belong to darth vader either.

Now, they're all responsible and all the psuedo laws are crimes as well.

Their traps are sprung and they're the ones that truly owe people. They'll be in for a surprise one day, each and every one of them of them for not getting basics.

Oh and our basic common law, thou shall not harm,its kind of a foundation for the higher laws, which are more virtues as there really are NO LAWS, just virtues. As above so below, but there is another side to this, for this is the foundation!!!! But only Love is real, there is nothing foundational in error, harm, shadow, or insanity.

Only good stones get used for the foundation pieces. The rest are illusion.
edit on 1-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Satanism (Part 4): Satanic Egypt (One Eyed King)

I don't know how religious this one gets. But the info will still be there. I hope.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:26 PM
Ok. I've stopped by this site for years, but never felt I needed to make an account until today. Because while I felt there was paranoia in many of the posts I've seen, I can understand where some of it was coming from, and I didn't feel it was my place to correct what I saw as mistakes in others interpretations of what they see around them.

Until today. I am the graphic designer and photographer for one of the albums that someone so nicely decided was a piece of "illuminati symbolism" in the above montage. I came up with the concept for the shoot, did all the photography, all of the layout, graphics, etc. Guess what: I'm not part of the Illuminati. I'm a broke, struggling designer with an love of color, pattern, layout, shape, etc. The artist in question would be severely offended if you tried to place them in the ranks of what the OP has intended. Making these blanket accusations is ignorant and paranoid, and it does a disservice to any "progress" that you intend to make "waking people up". You make the idea of any kind of actual ulterior motive by those in power seem ridiculous by desensitizing people with your constant onslaught of symbolism discoveries. Discoveries which are really no more than basic shapes ad color put together by designers attempting to create an image that is acceptable and eye pleasing.

I'm well aware that plenty of people in here are not going to give this post the time of day, but I hope that someone will. This sh!t is getting ridiculous.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

So you assume that none of these directors and photographer are doing what I am saying, just because you know one or two. Even if you know a hundred, that does not mean that you are in league with the ones I was mentioning.

You are sooo full of assumptions that it blinds you from what's in front of your own eyes. You also assume that I am paranoid and live in a bubble when you have no idea who I am or what my life is like. Seems like you're living in a bubble fill with you own closed minded assumptions. Free you mind from the box you've contained it in and maybe you finally see what's truly going on around you!

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Infi8nity
Symbolism is obvias, if you cant see it then your not paying attention to your own surroundings.

Obvious, you mean?

Yes, that's quite interesting that you'd say that. I was reading some of these threads the other day, and then decided that I would just pick whatever everyday object with some corporate logo (or whatever) on it, and see if it has any 'masonic symbolism'.

Well, the object happened to be a springwater bottle. And here is a photo of it.

I must say, I was quite surprised. The 'masonic eye' is definitely "hidden in plain view" in that it could be easily mistaken for some innocent waves. But how come it just 'happens' to have a water bubble exactly where the iris would be..

I have started noticing these things in a lot of things lately (even innocent icecream boxes), and it's not funny anymore.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Until today. I am the graphic designer and photographer for one of the albums that someone so nicely decided was a piece of "illuminati symbolism" in the above montage. I came up with the concept for the shoot, did all the photography, all of the layout, graphics, etc. Guess what: I'm not part of the Illuminati. I'm a broke, struggling designer with an love of color, pattern, layout, shape, etc.

So you are easily influenced by colors, patterns, layouts and shapes, are you? If you are in 'love' with them, you must be.

Have you ever heard of 'useful idiots'? (Please note, I am not calling you an idiot)

You may be part of the Illuminati without knowing it consciously; you may have been influenced in one way or another (there are many ways and various levels of influence, all the way from TV commercials to actual brainwashing in a secret military base). People can be made to see/do things with subtle, sub-conscious influence (Derren Brown has proven this with his TV show many times in many ways - in one episode, he 'guessed' what a group of artists were going to design for a logo. But he had cleverly influenced those artists by having them ride in a limousine (or taxi, can't remember which) through an area that was peppered with subtle, but powerful visual 'clues' of what Derren wanted them to paint), before letting them go to work. The end result was almost 100% match of what he wanted them to do.), and another thing is, your boss would not have let you do whatever you want - only if you 'happened' to create what they wanted, would they ever release your work.

All the while you think it's your work, and perhaps feel proud of it.

Also, how do WE know you are not 'part of the Illuminati'? Just claiming so doesn't prove anything. Call it paranoia, if you must, but it is a fact - anyone here can be anyone or anything - no one has a real way of truly ever knowing. Anyone can easily claim anything here.

You 'artists' are probably more easily influenced by all the subconscious and visual things than regular people, and perhaps it is this 'moldability' of you that actually made them hire you for your job. They don't have to -tell- you what kind of 'art' to create - they can simply 'guide' your subconscious to create exactly what they want you to create. The best part of this is that you will think it was all your own doing, and your ego won't let you think otherwise anyway.

Nothing you wrote is proof that it wasn't masonic symbolism. What exactly made you create that exact picture? Why did you think it was a good idea? What in you made you say: "THIS is it!"..?

I'd say it was 'programming in you' that made you do it, not any 'creativity' or 'artist' in you.

And the thing is, it doesn't even have to be deliberate (on the smaller scale anyway) anymore - they have pervaded the collective consciousness with these masonic symbols throughout the years SO MUCH that anyone, asked to draw or create almost anything, could easily unwittingly put some masonic symbolism in their work. Just because these symbols are everywhere all the time nowadays. You may have been influenced THAT way as well.

It doesn't remove the fact that it is STILL masonic symbolism, and in the larger scheme, it's still deliberate, even if it isn't deliberate on the smaller scale.

Grow a brain and learn to think and observe, you will know I tell the truth.

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