Hello ATS this my first post and im a beginner UFO Hunter and so far I have a pair of 10x binoculars, a 60x spotting scope, and LED flashlights. What
equipment do you use?
The Introduction Forum is for introductions… To tell something about you; not to start a thread about a topic. ATS has a twenty post requirement
before a new member can start a thread on the myriad of ATS fora… “Intro threads” that are really “topic threads” will be removed. Twenty
may sound like a lot, but it won’t take any time at all (especially if you start a really good introduction thread ). The minimum post requirement
is there to give you a chance to acclimate to how ATS operates… And what constitutes quality content contribution (and maybe what doesn’t ). The
bottom line is that your intro thread is about your favorite topic… You!
How about an intro to tell us about yourself first It is very very easy to make 20 contributing posts
edit on April 1st 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)