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Baby Seized in Hospital by Police,Social Worker

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Late in the afternoon, a government social worker named Angelica Lopez-Heagy came into Jodi’s room announcing that she was there to conduct an investigation. Jodi asked to know the allegations. The social worker claimed that it would be against the law for her to show Jodi the allegations.

Jodi replied that she would not be comfortable answering the questions if she couldn’t know the allegations. Immediately the social worker proclaimed, “Since you’re not going to cooperate, I’ll just go and call the police and we can take custody of the baby.”

Fearing that the social worker would carry out her threat, Jodi replied that she was willing to cooperate.

The social worker soon intimated that the issue was Jodi’s refusal to consent to medical treatment for the baby. Jodi replied that she had no idea why anyone would say that. The social worker claimed that she had refused to allow a Vitamin K shot for Annie. Jodi replied that no one had asked her about such a shot. Moreover, she had overheard hospital staffers saying that they had already given Annie such a shot.

[Excerpt from the article,go to the link for the entire story]

This is wrong on so many levels.

This social worker in my opinion has seriously overstepped her boundaries stripping this women of her rights & freedoms.

There is a lot more to the story that is in the article... so I highly recommend that you take the time to go to the link and read the entire ordeal for yourself,then make up your mind.

I understand the duties and responsibility that a social worker has,What was done in this particular case goes beyond what that position,duty calls for...The women just gave birth to her child,tired,in pain,distraught...had her baby taken from her shortly after birth because of a over-zealous social worker and Jodie not signing the "safety plan"!

And then the story turns ugly.

The social worker left the room and called the police. Without a court order they took custody of Annie, immediately claiming that she was suffering from illness or injury—a patently false claim.

The social worker consented to the administration of the Hepatitis B shot even though no blood test had been done.

The police made Jodi Ferris get up out of her hospital bed anThe police made Jodi Ferris get up out of her hospital bed and escorted her to the entrance—they were expelling her from the hospital because she had not signed the “safety plan.”d escorted her to the entrance—they were expelling her from the hospital because she had not signed the “safety plan.”

The Home School Legal Defense Association is taking up the case in her defense,they say that they can prove the social worker and the hospital violated their rights under the Constitution.

In their own words -

We are taking this case because we are tired of seeing the erosion of parental rights in virtually every area of life. Parental rights in medical cases have an impact on broader parental rights, including educational decisions.
And the plain fact is this: If we don’t fight for parental rights, it is probable that our rights will be eroded bit by bit until there is nothing that remains.

This safety plan would contractually bind the parents to whatever medical procedures the hospital decides to administer... Vaccines mainly...What if the mother was against Vaccination? which to me it sounds like that could possibly of been the case but even if it wasn't the social worker had no right forcing her to sign the safety plan or face police intervention....That is not right at all.

I sincerely hope H.S.L.D. wins this case.
edit on 1-4-2012 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:15 AM
People in positions of authority sometimes abuse that authority, especially if they have large egos. TSA, police, politicians, social workers, basically anyone given power over another is bound to abuse that power eventually. Many don't, but I think that power can corrupt even the most noble of characters.

Many social workers are decent people, we don't hear stories about the good workers who keep families together, we only hear about the idiots. There is a need for Child Protection Services in this retarded culture/society, people don't have the skills to take care of themselves much less another life form. So many babies are born to insane mothers addicted to abuse and drugs, there needs to be something out there that's looking out for them.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:18 AM
Looks like to me risk management backfired. I hope this kid gets an all expense paid trip to any collage he likes, they going to sue, and I hope they win. all problems can be tracked down to a person who has to control others.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:19 AM
Power corrupts. Who's the authority of authority?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:22 AM
Abuse of authority is prevalent in all areas of the American culture now. I have to deal with it at work on a consistent basis. It sucks and I wish there was something we could do about it.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by xxThexGreatxEscapexx

Originally posted by xxThexGreatxEscapexx
Power corrupts. Who's the authority of authority?

We The People

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:26 AM
It is a sad thing to say,
but nothing surprizes me anymore!
I, for one, would have reacted just like the mother
and questioned what they were giving my child and
There are too many morons with authority out there.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:29 AM
i read the whole article, and this what i think:
1....since the birth happened on the way to the hospital, and these people had a "midwife", it is safe to assume the something went wrong or at least there was enough concern on part of the family to warrant them to come into the hospital and NOT have the birth happen with the midwife.
2....the hospital, learning of this while both the baby and the mother were now under their care had to assume something was wrong or the mother would NOT have arrived in the first place.
3....with that assumption, the hospital worked to assure the health of the baby and took the steps that they felt neccessary to achieve that.
4....and yes, hospitals have been sued and lost due to negligence in inadequate testing and treatment
5....and finally, what if the hospital granted the wishes of the parents and DID NOT test or treat properly...the baby could have had lasting disabilities or even had died.

remember, you are only hearing one side of it, and common sense dictates there are reasons why the hospital acted this way. until i hear both both sides, a rush to judgement is not good for either party.
edit on 1-4-2012 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:30 AM
If Obama Care takes over every aspect of our medical situations....we'll see a lot more of this. Obama Care equals...they own us.


posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Jodi went into labor a bit earlier than she had expected—and the baby was coming rapidly. Given their location and other factors, the midwife they had hoped would deliver the baby at their home encouraged them to get in an ambulance and head to the hospital.

I take it that the mid-wife was not available and encouraged the parents to go to the hospital.Labor was a little early,I do not know the exact details but I did not take from the article that it was a premature birth.

When they started to give Jodi an injection, she asked what it was and what it was for. They gave her vague answers like, “It’s just to help.” Only after giving her the injection of oxytocin did they tell her what it was and then asked, “You aren’t allergic to that are you?”

I understand what you are saying but negligence is negligence...This whole ordeal going by what the article has to say was negligence and disregard for this women's rights under the constitution.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Jodi was told that she would be allowed to return every three hours to nurse the baby through the night.

Jodi and Scott were forced to spend the night that she had given birth in their car in a nearby parking lot. You read that right. They kicked this mother out of the hospital, and in order to be close enough to feed her child, she had to sleep in the car.

To add insult to injury, Jodi was given access to Annie only sporadically and not every three hours.

I thought the US had proper medical care.
Not only did they take her child, they kicked her out of the hospital

When I gave birth (20ish years ago), I wanted to leave after 2 days, because hospital food is so bad, and they said a 4 day stay after giving birth was the minimum stay, to ensure BOTH mom and baby are doing well. I even got hell from a nurse for getting out of bed by myself the first night.

The entire ordeal she went through was so wrong on so many levels.

And the hospital was clearly not concerned that Annie had a medical issue—they were just trying to avoid being sued for medical malpractice.

How were they trying to avoid a lawsuit

They did everything wrong...

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by PerfectPerception
reply to post by jimmyx

Jodi went into labor a bit earlier than she had expected—and the baby was coming rapidly. Given their location and other factors, the midwife they had hoped would deliver the baby at their home encouraged them to get in an ambulance and head to the hospital.

I take it that the mid-wife was not available and encouraged the parents to go to the hospital.Labor was a little early,I do not know the exact details but I did not take from the article that it was a premature birth.

When they started to give Jodi an injection, she asked what it was and what it was for. They gave her vague answers like, “It’s just to help.” Only after giving her the injection of oxytocin did they tell her what it was and then asked, “You aren’t allergic to that are you?”

I understand what you are saying but negligence is negligence...This whole ordeal going by what the article has to say was negligence and disregard for this women's rights under the constitution.

oh, i agree...."by what the article says"...but you have to be aware of the motivation of the articles authors, and i would still like to hear the other side.
what is strange is the exact account of the mother as far as details of conversation, times, and who said what. when my wife had our child, that day for her was pretty traumatic and blurred as i remember, she relied on me to fill her in on many of the details that took's not like she went to the doctor for a cold

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:55 AM
I had my first baby in the US, and it was a nightmare. The hospital staff and doctors were horrendous.
The other two I had in France and the difference was incredible. I realized how sad it was that I was so used to being pushed around and treated like sheep back then, I wasn't even aware how bad I had it in the US!

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by snowspirit

Jodi was told that she would be allowed to return every three hours to nurse the baby through the night.

Jodi and Scott were forced to spend the night that she had given birth in their car in a nearby parking lot. You read that right. They kicked this mother out of the hospital, and in order to be close enough to feed her child, she had to sleep in the car.

To add insult to injury, Jodi was given access to Annie only sporadically and not every three hours.

I thought the US had proper medical care.
Not only did they take her child, they kicked her out of the hospital

When I gave birth (20ish years ago), I wanted to leave after 2 days, because hospital food is so bad, and they said a 4 day stay after giving birth was the minimum stay, to ensure BOTH mom and baby are doing well. I even got hell from a nurse for getting out of bed by myself the first night.

The entire ordeal she went through was so wrong on so many levels.

And the hospital was clearly not concerned that Annie had a medical issue—they were just trying to avoid being sued for medical malpractice.

How were they trying to avoid a lawsuit

They did everything wrong... have heard one side of it, and reaching a conclusion that "they did everything wrong" is foolish and irresponsible. you are a parent, do you pass judgement on them the same way?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:59 AM
There are many times in my career that I was able to transfer to Child Protective Services as a case worker but I always declined. The reason is because being a CPS case worker is a nasty job, in which kids are removed from perfectly loving parents for stupid reasons, or which kids who should be removed are not, also for stupid reasons.

Who ends up being CPS case workers? Two kinds of people. The first kind is a bleeding heart, too soft and too caring, and the job tears them up inside. The second kind is a heartless, soulless government automaton, who sees all parents as defective and the state as all-knowing.

Guess which one was in charge of this case?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Bluesma
I had my first baby in the US, and it was a nightmare. The hospital staff and doctors were horrendous.
The other two I had in France and the difference was incredible. I realized how sad it was that I was so used to being pushed around and treated like sheep back then, I wasn't even aware how bad I had it in the US!

france has socialized health care, america has corporate healthcare, i'm not surprised

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
If Obama Care takes over every aspect of our medical situations....we'll see a lot more of this. Obama Care equals...they own us.


maybe you can enlighten me on the virtuous nature of the healthcare industry before this. and using the phrase "takes over every aspect of our medical situations" shows me you do not know what the bill says.
edit on 1-4-2012 by jimmyx because: spelling

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by jimmyx have heard one side of it, and reaching a conclusion that "they did everything wrong" is foolish and irresponsible. you are a parent, do you pass judgement on them the same way?

OK, maybe they didn`t do `everything` wrong, but if they kicked the mother out of the hospital that fast after giving birth... - I`ve just never heard of that before. She could have had some problems.

I`m going by the article. If it`s accurate, I`m confused by the level of care in a country that claims superior care.

If there`s another side, it would be good to hear, but they still should have looked after the mom better.

However, several hours later yet another staffer told Scott and Jodi that Annie would have to stay in the hospital for 48 to 72 hours for observation. Even though they persisted in asking why Annie would need to stay, his only answer was that “the law requires us to keep the baby for 48 hours.”

Mother and baby should be required to stay for observation for at least a couple of days. Maybe hospitals changed this policy over the years
it doesn`t make sense that they would not keep both the mom and baby.

We cannot afford to fund cases like this out of HSLDA’s membership dues. We are taking this case because we believe that our members and friends will stand with Jodi and Scott Ferris. We believe that parents should not be punished by “over-the-top” social workers and doctors.

It is odd that they are using these people for the lawsuit. If the article is accurate, this should be an easy case for any lawyer.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:19 PM
I'm afraid that this is just the beginning.
These evil black souled individuals are in every level of our society. From the top, down to the bottom. They will do what ever it takes to bring pain, anguish and misery to other people , in order to satiate their desire for power and or success.
Here are the facts.
World population: 6,928,198,253.
Percent of population that are antisocial is approximately 3% or 2,078,459,447 people.
People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) equate to about 2% of the population or 138,563,965.

The USA population is about 311,800,000.
Using the same figures, the number of Antisocial people would be about 9,354,000.

And the number of Borderlines would be about 6,236,000.

Some of these people are politicians, LEO's, and social workers.

What happens when these people come in contact with you.
Just read the above thread.

edit on 1-4-2012 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by Destinyone
If Obama Care takes over every aspect of our medical situations....we'll see a lot more of this. Obama Care equals...they own us.


maybe you can enlighten me on the virtuous nature of the healthcare industry before this. and using the phrase "takes over every aspect of our medical situations" shows me you do not know what the bill says.
edit on 1-4-2012 by jimmyx because: spelling

No Jimmy, I admit I didn't read all over 900 pages of this boondoggle. But, I do know, I will be stuck paying for it through my taxes. BTW,Jimmy do you pay taxes...just asking. I've been paying taxes for over 45 years....I don't want to pay for this Obama Care pay for it. I refuse to. So there.

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