posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:52 AM
"Colds" are a waste of time .. a waste of resources .. a HUGE money making industry for cold relief drug makers ... but most of all they are dreaded
and an awful thing to go through. (and for a lot of us they lead to bigger problems like pneumonia and/or broncitis etc etc). A new drug in phase
II stage testing has some promising results that could very quickly dispose of the symptoms of the typical cold ...
Drug Breakthrough For Colds
The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II clinical trial included 300 asthmatic patients who were infected with the human rhinovirus
(HRV) — an infection that causes the "cold." Patients who took Vapendavir began overcoming their symptoms after 1.7 days — and recovered quickly
— compared to patients given a placebo whose cold symptoms intensified after 2.5 days.
Phase II trials .... the colds started getting better after just a day and a half ... whereas usually colds would be getting worse after two and a
half days. I'd say that this is a very significant difference. I know my 'colds' last two weeks. And they are at their worst probably days 5-6.
Having autoimmune that effects the lungs and sinus' means that, what is a simple headcold for most of ya'll is really a much bigger deal for me to
I'm looking forward to the results of phase III trials ... hope there are no big side effects ... hope it's something I can take sometime and do okay
with it. (Sjogrens folks have lots of issues with drugs/meds .. lots of side effects hit us in a higher percentage than the avg population).
edit on 4/1/2012 by FlyersFan because: typo