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The big secret is.....

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posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 03:30 PM
Today is Friday the 13th

"The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Latin: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici), commonly known as the Knights Templar, the Order of the Temple (French: Ordre du Temple or Templiers) or simply as Templars, were among the most wealthy and powerful of the Western Christian military orders[4] and were among the most prominent actors of the Christian finance. The organisation existed for nearly two centuries during the Middle Ages."

"At dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307 (a date sometimes spuriously linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition) King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested."

2015-1307 = 708

708+807 = 1515

151+515 = 666

708th prime = 5351

The first 51 primes add up to 5153

5351+5153 = 10504/8 = 1313

131+313 = 444 x 4 = 1776

The first 51 primes add up to 5153

5153-1776 = 3377

3377+7733 = 11110/2 = 5555

"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."

51+53 = 104

104 x 101 = 10504

104+101 = 205/5 = 41

K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25

11+5+25 = 41

4+1 = 5

41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369

369 x 2 = 738

"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."-Luke 18:19

18+19 = 37

L = 12
U = 21
K = 5
E = 11



May 11 is the 131st day of the year (132nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 234 days remaining until the end of the year.

738+1, = 739

739 = 131st prime

131 = Hypertiger

The guy singing this song was born May 11th

Rising sun click

408 play time

408/8 = 51

Michael = 51

The DOW closed at 18,019 today

37 x 487 = 18019

487 = 93rd prime

93+39 = 132

132/2 = 66

66th prime = 317

3 x 17 = 51 = Michael

+ 47 points

47 = 15th prime or 5+5+5

47+74 = 121

"The 47th problem of Euclid (called that because Euclid included it in a book of numbered geometry problems) in which the sides are 3, 4, and 5 -- all whole numbers -- is also known as "the Egyptian string trick."

6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5

69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776

Pi x Pi = 9.869

360/365 = 0.986

"Different parts of the body have different temperatures. Rectal and vaginal measurements, or measurements taken directly inside the body cavity, are typically slightly higher than oral measurements, and oral measurements are somewhat higher than skin temperature. The commonly accepted average core body temperature (taken internally) is 98.6 °F"

Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius:

1) Take your number in Fahrenheit and subtract 32

2) Multiply the result of step 1 by 5.

3) Divide the result of step 2 by 9.

1) 98.6 - 32 = 66.6

2) 66.6 x 5= 333

3) 333/9= 37 C

Pi x Pi = 9.869

rounded is 9.87

987+789 = 1776
edit on 13-2-2015 by MlCHAEL because: Had to fix something after I posted

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: Develo

The Fool represents the beginning of the major arcana (secret) and represents a stage in life where a beginning is occurring, a journey that has not yet been taken. The fool element refers to the naivety of the individual taking the first steps onto a new path. The cliff can sometimes be used as symbolic representation of this.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Develo

In your image the fool symbolism is represented via the dog grabbing for his belongings while the fool blindly looks the other way. It is about being naive to the dangers of the new path. In the first image that is represented by the cliff. Tarot is highly symbolic and should only be interpreted this way so look for the meaning behind the veil don't focus on the veil itself.
edit on 13/2/2015 by daftpink because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/2/2015 by daftpink because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 04:24 PM
February 13 is the 44th day of the year. There are 321 days remaining until the end of the year

2 x 13 = 26

26th prime = 101

GOD = 26

213+312 = = 525/5 = 105 = 3 x 5 x 7

Michael = 51
7 letters

51 x 7 = 357

311+313 = 624/2 = 312

"311 is a twin prime with 313 and a permutable prime with 113 and 131."

13+31 = 44

I was born march 5th, 1971

3/5/71 = 3571 = 500th prime

3571+1753 = 5324/4 = 1331

13+31 = 44

Hypertiger = 131

500-131 = 369/3 = 123

123 reverse is 321 days remaining.

123+321 = 444 x 4 = 1776

WW1 ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month or November 11

or 11/11

11 x 11 = 121

"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."

march 5th = 64th day

64th prime is 311

3 x 11 = 33

11 x 11 x 11 = 1331

November 11 is the 315th day of the year. There are 50 days remaining until the end of the year.

11 x 11 = 121

315+513 = 828

64th day = march 5th

64/9 = 7.11

711+117 = 828

1+2+3+4+5 = 15/5 = 3
5+6+7+8+9 = 35/5 = 7

3+7 = 10/2 = 5

15+35 = 50

The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition.

"In Euclidean geometry, a Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron with congruent faces of regular polygons and the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. Five solids meet those criteria, and each is named after its number of faces."

"Geometers have studied the mathematical beauty and symmetry of the Platonic solids for thousands of years. They are named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato who theorized in his dialogue, the Timaeus, that the classical elements were made of these regular solids."

Tetrahedron (four faces)
Cube or hexahedron (six faces)
Octahedron (eight faces)
Dodecahedron (twelve faces)
Icosahedron (twenty faces)

4+6+8+12+20 = 50

"February 19 is the 50th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 315 days remaining until the end of the year"

219+912 = 1131

hypertiger = 131

11th prime = 31
5th prime = 11

64 reverse is 46

46/9 = 5.11

2/19 +11/11 = 1330

133rd prime = 751

7 x 51 = 357

311+133 = 444 x 4 = 1776

133 reverse is 331

331 = 67th prime

67th day is March 8th.

March 8th, 2014 is where flight 370 flew into the event horizon of the black hole and sucked you all from where you were to where you are now reading this.


3 x 8 = 24

37 x 24 = 888+51 = 939/3 = 313

"311 is a twin prime with 313"

311+313 = 624

6th prime = 13
2nd prime = 3
4th prime = 7


"Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters"

Elite = 51
Michael = 51

A E I O U = 51

Sometimes Y

51 + 25 = 76

76 reverse is 67

76th prime = 383
17th prime = 59

383+59 = 442 reverse is 244

"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."

1776 is a leap year

Michael = 51
Leopard = 71

51+71 = 122

311+131 = 442

born the 64th day

Reverse is 46

46th prime is 199

199+311 = 510

46+64 = 110/2 = 55

55 = Satan

5 x 5 = 25

2+5 = 7

".exe is a common filename extension denoting an executable file (the main execution point of a computer program). Besides the executable program, many .exe files contain other components called resources, such as bitmap graphics and icons which the executable program may use for its graphical user interface"


The invisible order or reality of the basic system operating in the background powers the visible chaos of the graphical user interface or fantasy believed to be reality in the foreground.

e = 5

"The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828"

e x e = 7.389

738/2 = 369/3 = 123/3 = 41

4+1 = 5

41 = key

7.389 rounded is 7.39

739 = 131st prime

739/2 = 369.5 or 370

Flight 370 on march 8th or 3/8 was followed by flight 17 on July 17th or 7/17...131 days later.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 09:57 PM

22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666

from the above post...the wrap around failed.

"The most well known multiple of 37 is 666. The first occurrence of 666 in pi appears on digits 2441, 2442 and 2443, when including the initial 3 before the decimal point, i.e. the whole series of pi 's digits. The sum of these is 7326 or 11 * 666"

7326/6 = 1221

12th prime = 37
21st prime = 73

12+21 = 33

37 x 33 = 1221

11/2 = 5.5

111/2 = 55.5

666/5.55 = 120

Illuminati = 120

"The inauguration of the president of the United States is a ceremonial event marking the commencement of a new four-year term of a president of the United States. The day a presidential inauguration occurs is known as "Inauguration Day" and occurs on January 20 (or 21st if the 20th is a Sunday). (Prior to the Twentieth Amendment, the date was March 4, the day of the year on which the Constitution of the United States first took effect in 1789; the last inauguration to take place on the older date was Franklin D. Roosevelt's first one on March 4, 1933.) The most recent public presidential inauguration ceremony, the swearing in of President Barack Obama to begin his second four-year term in office, took place on Monday, January 21, 2013."

1933 = 295th prime

295/5 = 59

5/9 = 0.555555555555555555555555

"January 20 is the 20th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 345 days remaining until the end of the year"

In the ancient astronomy, it is the cusp day between Capricorn and Aquarius. In some years it is Aquarius, but others Capricorn. It depends on the year.


120 = Illuminati

345+543 = 888 x 2 = 1776

"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."

"July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year.
The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."

"A term of Congress is divided into two "sessions", one for each year; Congress has occasionally been called into an extra or special session. A new session commences on January 3 each year unless Congress decides differently"

"January 3 is the third day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 362 days remaining until the end of the year (363 in leap years).
Perihelion, the point during the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun, occurs around this date."

363/3 = 121

"May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year."

The official discovery date of the NEW WORLD...You know the NEW WORLD in the NEW WORLD ORDER I hear people talking about.

1492---That is where Generation A is

1961 to 1981 = Generation X
1981 to 2001 = Generation Y
2001 to 2021 = Generation Z

Generation Zombie turns 19 in 2020

"In 2011 a plan drafted by the U.S. Government called CONPLAN 8888, “Counter-Zombie Dominance” was revealed to the public. The document details a strategy to defend against a zombie attack. And, yes, it’s real."

"We verified that the U.S. Government did in fact publish this report. And while reading it, we discovered some truly fresh thinking."

8888 x 2 = 17776

2011+1102 = 3113

"311 is a twin prime with 313"

edit on 13-2-2015 by MlCHAEL because: Add more useless information

edit on 13-2-2015 by MlCHAEL because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 10:16 PM
Population of the USA for the following years.

311 is a twin prime with 313

2011 311,587,816
2012 313,914,040

Of course outside of counting everyone it's just an estimate based on the attempt to count everyone every 10 years.

According to the estimates...November 29th 2012 was when the population of the USA hit 315,986,176

the first census was taken 1790 + 222 years = 2012

17776 x 17776 = 315,986,176

November 29 is the 333rd day of the year. There are 32 days remaining until the end of the year.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 03:25 AM
FYI : Timewave zero debunked

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:14 AM
The wave

1941 to 1971 was spring or 3
1971 to 2001 was summer or 6
2001 to 2031 is fall or 9

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."--Tesla

2001 to 2008 was Indian summer

"Indian summer is a period of unseasonably warm, dry weather that sometimes occurs in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The US National Weather Service defines this as weather conditions that are sunny and clear with above normal temperatures. It is usually described as occurring after a killing frost"

1971 was the crossing from the spring up to summer

The NASDAQ or world first electronic digital computerized stock market/video game was turned on and the Twin towers rose up

2001 was the crossing from summer to the fall down

The NASDAQ hit the Y2K singularity on March 10th and collapsed down from there along with the twin towers into 911, 2001.

that was the killing frost.

The NASDAQ all time high was 5133 on March 10th, 2000

5 x 133 = 665

5133+3315 = 8448/4 = 2112

"March 10 is the 69th day of the year. There are 296 days remaining until the end of the year."

233 = 51st prime

51 = Michael

23 x 3 = 69

69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888

37 x 8 = 296 x 3 = 888

888+888 = 1776

March 10th is also Osama bin Laden's birthday.

From the false flag of Pearl harbor December 7th, 1941 to the September 15th, 2008 controlled demolition of Lehman's was 66 years 9 months 1 week and 1 day

Or 24389 days

29 x 29 x 29 = 24389

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 10:12 AM
29 x 29 x 29 = 24389

"Seasons in the Sun" is an English-language adaptation of the song "Le Moribond" by Belgian singer-songwriter Jacques Brel with lyrics by American singer-poet Rod McKuen"

Le Moribond Recorded February 22, 1961

37 x 53 = 1961

1961/212 = 9.25

A pregnant woman is considered full term after 37 weeks or 9.25 months

5 x 5 = 25

37 x 25 = 925

"February 22 or 2/22 is the 53rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years)."--George Washington's birthday.

Song by Jacques Brel from the album 5

Length 3:06 or 186 seconds

1961-1776 = 185

37 x 5 = 185

"July 4 or 7/4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year."
"The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date."

2/22+7/4 = 296 x 3 = 888 x 2 = 1776

1732 the year George Washington was born

1961-1732 = 229 = 50th prime

22 x 9 = 198

3 x 66 = 198
6 x 33 = 198
9 x 22 = 198

66+33+22 = 121

29+92 = 121

Seasons in the sun

293 = 62nd prime

the above song is 3:01 total posted on June 2...or 6/2

March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year.

62 = Elohim

"Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language."

"Rodney Marvin "Rod" McKuen (April 29, 1933 – January 29, 2015) was an American singer-songwriter, musician and poet. He was one of the best-selling poets in the United States during the late 1960s"

81 years old or 81 years 9 months or 981 months

9 x 109 = 981

109 = 29th prime

April 29 is 4/29 + 1/29

5 x 29 = 145

"At 1:45am on September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection"

1/29 = 129

3 x 43 = 129

My first name is Michael = 51
My last name is Leopard = 71

51+71 = 122 reverse is 221

122+221 = 343

7 x 7 x 7 = 343

I was born the 64th day

7 = 4th prime

4 x 4 x 4 = 64

29 = 10th prime

1+2+3+4+5 = 15/5 = 3
5+6+7+8+9 = 35/5 = 7

3+7 = 10

march 10th is 3/10

10 x 10 x 10 = 1000

"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1

201 reverse is 102/2 = 51 or Michael the angel.

"And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a 1000 years,"--Revelation 20:2

202 reverse is 202/2 = 101

101 = 26th prime

26 = GOD

"And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the 1000 years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.--Revelation 20:3

7 x 29 = 203

reverse is 302

GOD = 26
Michael = 51

26+51 = 77

Christ = 77

Jesus = 74

74+77 = 151

302/2 = 151
edit on 14-2-2015 by MlCHAEL because: Addition.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 11:16 AM
flight 370+flight 17+ flight 8501 = 8888 x 2 = 1776

flight 8501 vanished 12/28

12/29 the DOW closed at 18038.23

2 x 29 x 311 = 18038

I was born march 5th or the 64th day

64th prime is 311

from that it collapsed down to the day after the Superbowl XLIX or 2/2, 2015

LI = 51 = Michael

X = 10

10th prime = 29

X + X = 20

20th prime is 71

the year I was born

the 71st year of the 20th century

at the peak of the 7th solar cycle of 11 years of the 20th century...on the 64th day

64/9 = 7.11

X is the 24th letter

XX = 48

37 x 48 = 1776

Feb 2 = 2/2 or 22 = V or 5 in roman numerals.

The DOW bottomed on 2/2, 2015 at 17037.76 or 17038

1000.47 points from 12/29, 2014

Feb 3 or 2/3

2+3 = 5

"February 3 is the 34th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 331 days remaining until the end of the year (332 in leap years)."

"This day marks the approximate midpoint of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and of summer in the Southern Hemisphere (starting the season at the December solstice)."

reverse of 332 is 233 or the 51st prime

Michael = 51

33 x 2 = 66

66th prime is 317

3 x 17 = 51 = Michael

331 is the 67th prime

67th day is march 8th


3 x 8 = 24 or 8 + 8 + 8

37 x 24 = 888

888 x 2 = 1776

2/2, 2015 the DOW bottomed at 17038 then rocked up to 18037.41 Yesterday 2/13, 2015.

Or 1000.35 points

3/5 = March 5th

total from 12/29, 2014 down to 2/2, 2015 then up to 2/13, 2015 = 2000.82

365.25 x 0.82 of a year 300.

300th day remaining

March 6th or 3/6

3 x 6 = 18 or 6+6+6

37 x 18 = 666

65th day

65th prime is 313

March 5th or 3/5

3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5

37 x 15 = 555

64th day

64th prime = 311

"March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year."

555+666 = 1221

12th prime = 37
21st prime = 73

12+21 = 33

37 x 33 = 1221

"311 is a twin prime with 313 and a permutable prime with 113 and 131."

113+131+311 = 555

313+131 = 444 x 4 = 1776

311+313 = 624

6th prime = 13
2nd prime = 3
4th prime = 7


"Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters."

Elite = 51

Michael = 51


reverse of 82 is 28

365.25 x 0.28 = 102

102/2 = 51 = Michael

82/9 = 9.11
28/2 = 3.11

march 5th is the 64th day

64/9 = 7.11

711+117 = 828

911+119+191 = 1221
311+113+131 = 555

1221+555 = 1776

The markets have always been greater fool games...from square 1

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 12:12 PM
Oh ya...from 12/29 to yesterday 2/13...or the 2000.82 point run so far...was...

1 month, 2 weeks, 1 day or 121

46 days

46/9 = 5.1

Michael = 51

"The Buttonwood Agreement, which took place on May 17, 1792, started the New York Stock & Exchange Board now called the New York Stock Exchange. This agreement was signed by 24 stockbrokers outside of 68 Wall Street New York under a buttonwood tree. The organization drafted its constitution on March 8, 1817, and named itself the "New York Stock & Exchange Board"

March 8th, 1817 to March 8th, 2014...where flight 370 flew into the event horizon of the black hole and sucked you all from where you where you are now reading this was 197 years

6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5
9/6 = 1.5 or 0.5+0.5+0.5

370 x 1.5 = 555

37 x 5 = 185 x 2 = 370

370/3 = 185

197 = the 45th prime

5 x 9 = 45

Tiger = 59

ROAR Recorded March 2013

play time on the CD is 3:42

3 x 60 = 180+42 = 222

30th prime = 113
32nd prime = 131
64th prime = 311

113+131+311 = 555

30+32+64 = 126

3 x 42 = 126

Released August 10, 2013

"August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 143 days remaining until the end of the year."

"The term 'the 10th of August' is widely used by historians as a shorthand for the Storming of the Tuileries Palace on the 10th of August, 1792"

1792 + 222 = 2014

I created Hypertiger in 1988...but my real name is Michael Leopard

"The Buttonwood Agreement, which took place on May 17, 1792"

"May 17 is the 137th day of the year"

13 x 7 = 91

New = 42
born = 49

42+49 = 91

Newborn = 91

the first 33 primes add up to 1988

with 137 being the 33 prime

Like HTML or HyperText Mark up Language

Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59
Michael = 51
Leopard = 71

51+71 = 122
72+59 = 131

122+131 = 253

2 x 53 = 106

Michael = 51
Satan = 55

51+55 = 106

"One definition of "big cat" includes five members of the genus Panthera: the tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard, and snow leopard. Members of this genus are the only cats able to roar."

ROAR click

The play time of the video is 4:29

"The Tontine Coffee House was a New York City coffee house established in early 1793. Situated on the north-west corner of Wall Street and Water Street, it was built by a group of stockbrokers to serve as a meeting place for trade and correspondence."

The original NYSE hang out.

"A tontine /tɒntin/ is an investment plan for raising capital, devised in the 17th century and relatively widespread in the 18th and 19th centuries. It combines features of a group annuity and a lottery. Each subscriber pays an agreed sum into the fund, and thereafter receives an annuity. As members die, their shares devolve to the other participants, and so the value of each annuity increases. On the death of the last member, the scheme is wound up"

The NYSE is the second oldest Stock market or greater fool game.

"Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX), now known as NASDAQ OMX PHLX, is the oldest stock exchange in the United States, founded in 1790. It is now owned by The NASDAQ OMX Group."

"NASDAQ was founded in 1971 by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)"

"When the NASDAQ began trading on February 8, 1971, it was the world's first electronic stock market."

"Philadelphia Stock Exchange founded in 1790 as the "Board of Brokers," it was located at the Merchants Coffee House, now known as the City Tavern, at the corner of Second and Walnut Streets."

NYSE and Philadelphia Stock Exchange both run out of Coffee houses.

Coffee = 40

there's that number again.

But the Royal Exchange in the City of London which the two greater fool games above are offspring of...What about it?

"The Royal Exchange was officially opened on 23 January 1571 by Queen Elizabeth I who awarded the building its royal title and licence to sell alcohol. During the 17th century, stockbrokers were not allowed in the Royal Exchange because of their rude manners, hence they had to operate from other establishments in the vicinity, such as Jonathan's Coffee-House"

Three greater fool games and 3 coffee houses

3 x 40 = 120

Illuminati = 120

"January 23 is the 23rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 342 days remaining until the end of the year (343 in leap years)."

that is 1/23

key = 41

K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25

11+5+25 = 41

41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."--tesla

"342 days remaining until the end of the year (343 in leap years)"

ROAR Recorded March 2013

play time on the CD is 3:42

3 x 60 = 180+42 = 222

343 in quantum leap years.

Hypertiger = 131

my fist name = Michael = 51
my second name = Randal = 50
my third name = David = 40
my 4th name = Leopard = 71

First + last is 122

122+221 = 343

343-131 = 212

51+50+40+71 = 212

I created Hypertiger in 1988

1988-1776 = 212

March 5th is the 64th day with 301 days remaining.

64/301 = 0.212

I registered here


posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:05 PM
"Birthday" is the 3rd song on prism

March is the 3rd month.

3:35 is the time on the CD

335/5 = 67

67th day is March 8th...When flight 370 flew into the black hole...

3 x 60 = 180+35 = 215

I was born on the 64th day or 8 x 8 = 64

8 x 8 x 8 = 512 reverse is 215

And 3:35 is the play time of this video HERE.

Released April 21, 2014

"April 21 is the 111th day of the year. There are 254 days remaining until the end of the year."

254th prime is 1609

Katheryn Elizabeth "Katy" Hudson

"The 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City occurred on the 254th day of the year. 1609 is the 254th prime number. Note that explorer Henry Hudson first came across the island of Manhattan on 9/11/1609."

New = 42
York = 69

42+69 = 111

"September 11 is the 254th day of the year. There are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. It is usually the first day of the year in the Coptic calendar and Ethiopian calendar"

"The Coptic calendar, also called the Alexandrian calendar, is used by the Coptic Orthodox Church and still used in Egypt."

Remember above Elizabeth I and the Royal Exchange?

"Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926)"

""ab urbe condita" (related to "anno urbis conditae"; A. U. C., AUC, a.u.c.; also "anno urbis", short a.u.) is a Latin phrase meaning "from the founding of the City (Rome)", traditionally dated to 753 BC"

April 21, 753 "Rome founded by Romulus (according to tradition). Beginning of the Roman 'Ab urbe condita' calendar."

2753 AUC = 2000 AD
2768 AUC = 2015 AD

Michael = 51

7 letters

7 x 51 = 357 reverse is 753

357+753 = 1110/2 = 555

1971+753 = 2724

27+24 = 51 = Michael

born 64th day reverse is 46

first name = Michael = 51
46/9 = 5.11
last name = Leopard = 71
64/9 = 7.11

51+71 = 122
5.11+7.11 = 12.22

Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59

72/59 = 1.22



there is 357 again.

"December 22 is the 356th day of the year (357th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are nine days remaining until the end of the year."

"In some regions of the Northern Hemisphere, meteorological winter is frequently regarded as starting on this date."

9 days remaining.

7/17 where flight 17 was shot down and crashed
2/12 February 12th...2 days ago where I began positing.

January 11th or 1/11 the 11th day

December 22 or 12/22 or 9 days remaining

11/9 = 1.222222222222


7 x 17 = 119

1/11 + 12/22 = 1333

"The Washington Monument is an obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander-in-chief of the early Continental Army and the first American president. Standing due east of the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial, the monument, made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss, is both the world's tallest stone structure and the world's tallest obelisk, standing 555 feet 5 and 1/8 inch tall"

555 feet x 12 = 6660 inches

37 x 36 = 1332

"But of that day and of that hour no man knows, neither the Angels of Heaven, neither The Son, but The Father only.”--Mark 13:32

1332/2 = 666

1332 x 5 = 6660

6660+5 inches = 6665

66+65 = 131

131 = Hypertiger

1333 x 5 = 6665

1/8th of an inch = 0.125

5 x 5 x 5 = 125

"the completed monument was dedicated on February 21, 1885"

"February 21 is the 52nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 313 days remaining until the end of the year"

2/21 reverse is 122

My first name = Michael = 51
My last name = Leopard = 71

51+71 = 122

"311 is a twin prime with 313 and a permutable prime with 113 and 131"

The monument was damaged during the 2011 Virginia earthquake and Hurricane Irene in the same year and remained closed to the public while the structure was assessed and repaired. After 32 months of repairs, the National Park Service and the Trust for the National Mall reopened the Washington Monument to visitors on May 12, 2014

2 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 5 days from the earthquake

2825 = 25 x 113

32nd prime = 131

Irene = 51

2011+1102 = 3113

"The 2011 Virginia Earthquake occurred on August 23 at 1:51 p.m"

GOD = 26
Michael = 51

26+51 = 77

Christ = 77

Jesus = 74

74+77 = 151

August 23 is the 235th day of the year There are 130 days remaining until the end of the year.

Washington = 130


222+333 = 555

"August 22 is the 234th day of the year (235th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 131 days remaining until the end of the year."

131 = Hypertiger

234+432 = 666

2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
4th prime = 7

Michael = 51

7 letters

7 x 51 = 357

234+432 = 666
357+753 = 1110

666+1110 = 1776

"National Park Service and the Trust for the National Mall reopened the Washington Monument to visitors on May 12, 2014"

"May 12 is the 132nd day of the year. There are 233 days remaining until the end of the year."

132/2 = 66

66th prime = 317

3 x 17 = 51 = Michael

233 = 51st prime

"May 11 is the 131st day of the year (132nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 234 days remaining until the end of the year."

234+432 = 666

2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5
4th prime = 7

Michael = 51

7 letters

7 x 51 = 357

234+432 = 666
357+753 = 1110

666+1110 = 1776

"911 is not only a centered decagonal prime, it is also the sum of three consecutive irregular primes (293, 307, and 311).

62nd prime = 293
63rd prime = 307
64th prime = 311

62th day = March 3
63rd day = March 4
64th day = March 5

6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5

69 x 5 = 345 + 543 = 888 x 2 = 1776

play time on this VIDEO Is 256

8 x 32 = 256
4 x 64 = 256

Release date 14 April 1978
(United States)

"April 14 is the 104th day of the year (105th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 261 days remaining until the end of the year."

Michael = 51

7 letters

7 x 51 = 357

3 x 5 x 7 = 105


first name = Michael = 51
Last name = Leopard = 71

51+71 = 122

2 x 61 = 122

Running time 105 min

3 x 5 x 7 = 105

46 x 43 = 1978

46/9 = 5.1

43 = 14th prime

1+4 = 5
edit on 14-2-2015 by MlCHAEL because: Addition.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:34 PM
in the video there is a car at the 50 second mark

my fist name = Michael = 51
my second name = Randal = 50
my third name = David = 40
my 4th name = Leopard = 71

51+50+40+71 = 212

License plate EMU 789

E = 5
M = 13
U = 21

51321 + 12315 = 63636/3 = 21212

51321 = 1972nd prime

The year I turned 1

789+987 = 1776

21212+1776 = 22988/4 = 5747

57+47 = 104

Release date 14 April 1978
(United States)

"April 14 is the 104th day of the year (105th in leap years). There are 261 days remaining until the end of the year."

or 414

64th day = march 5th

March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5

37 x 15 = 555

64th prime = 311

3 = C
11 = K

141 Celsius = 414 Kelvin

141+414 = 555

7/17 where flight 17 was shot down and crashed
4/14 April 14 1978 where the movie was released
2/12 February 12th...2 days ago where I began positing.

21212+1776 = 22988/104 = 221.03

221 reverse is 122

Michael = 51
Leopard = 71

51+71 = 122

03 = March


March 8th...Where flight 370 flew into the black hole.

"The greatest enemy you currently face was created out of thin air the instant you were created out of thin air and can be found by peering into the nearest mirror."

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 03:20 PM
I created Hypertiger in run around in the fantasy you believe to be reality

The first 33 primes add up to 1988

137 = the 33rd prime

13 x 7 = 91

New = 42
Born = 49

42+49 = 91

Newborn = 91

A pregnant woman is considered full term after 37 weeks or 9.25 months.

9 months and 1 week

5 x 5 = 25

37 x 25 = 925

"Sterling silver is an alloy of silver containing 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper. The sterling silver standard has a minimum millesimal fineness of 925."

A pregnant woman is considered full term after 37 weeks or 9.25 months.

9 months and 1 week

137 reverse is 731

7 months with 31 days.

31 x 0.25 = 7.75 rounded is 8

So 37 weeks or full term is 9 months 1 week and 1 day.

Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59

72+59 or Hypertiger = 131

1:31 = 60+31 = 91 minutes

A female horse is pregnant 11 months and is called a mare

9 = night = dark
11 = mare = horse

1:31 pm = 13:31

Born march 5th, 1971 or 3/5/71

3571 = 500th prime

3571+1753 = 5324/4 = 1331

13 x 60 = 780 + 31 = 811

1971 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 73

73 x 9 = 1971

739 reverse is 937

9 x 37 = 333

73/9 = 8.11

"Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on 15 March, 2014 said that the last signal from flight 370 was received at 08:11 Malaysian time."

811 = 141st prime.

64th day = march 5th

March 5th = 3/5 or 3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5

37 x 15 = 555

64th prime = 311

3 = C
11 = K

141 Celsius = 414 Kelvin

141+ 414 = 555

141 = 6
414 = 9

69 x 5 = 345=543 = 888

6+9 = 15 = 5+5+5

15th prime = 47

"The 47th problem of Euclid (called that because Euclid included it in a book of numbered geometry problems) in which the sides are 3, 4, and 5 -- all whole numbers -- is also known as "the Egyptian string trick.""

345+543 = 888

888+888 = 1776

The play time of this VIDEO is 3:45

345+543 = 888

3 x 60 = 180+45 = 432

69 x 5 = 345+543 = 888
72 x 6 = 432+234 = 666

888+666 = 1554

15+54 = 69

1554/2 = 777

"In finance, the rule of 72, and 69 are methods for estimating an investment's doubling time. The rule number (e.g., 72) is divided by the interest percentage per period to obtain the approximate number of periods (usually years) required for doubling. Although scientific calculators and spreadsheet programs have functions to find the accurate doubling time, the rules are useful for mental calculations and when only a basic calculator is available "

72+69 = 141

141+131 = 272

September 29 is the 272nd day of the year. There are 93 days remaining until the end of the year.

93+39 = 132/2 = 66

66th prime = 317

3 x 17 = 51 = Michael

My fist name = Michael = 51
My last name = Leopard = 71

51+71 = 122

Sept 29

9 x 29 = 261

2 x 61 = 122

"Michaelmas /ˈmɪkəlməs/, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels), is a day in the Western Christian liturgical year that occurs on 29 September"

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:14 PM
February 12 or 2/12 is the 43rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 322 days remaining until the end of the year"

322 = skull and bones.

Tower 7 was 47 stories, tower 1 and 2 were 110 x 2 = 220+47 = 267

43/322 = 0.1335

1335/5 = 267

"On September 11, 2001, 7 WTC was damaged by debris when the nearby North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. The debris also ignited fires, which continued to burn throughout the afternoon on lower floors of the building. The building's internal fire suppression system lacked water pressure to fight the fires, and the building collapsed completely at 5:21:10 pm, according to FEMA"

5 x 21 = 105

3 x 5 x 7 = 105

5 x 60 = 300+21 = 321

321+123 = 444 x 4 = 1776

41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369

5:21:10 = 62470 seconds

10 x 6247

6247 = 812th prime

812+218 = 1030/2 = 515 = zero point

119+911 = 1030/2 = 515 = zero point

from march 8th, 2014 where flight 370 vanished into the event horrorzion of the black hole and July 17, 2014 where flight 17 was shot down and crashed...

is 131 days

or 4 months, 1 week, 2 days

412+214 = 626

626/2 = 313

131+313 = 444 x 4 = 1776


7 x 17 = 119+911 = 1030/2 = 515 = zero point

717+313 = 1030/2 = 515 = zero pint

"May 15 is the 135th day of the year. There are 230 days remaining until the end of the year."

135+531 = 666
515+151 = 666

666 + 666 = 1332

37 x 36 = 1332

230/5 = 46

46/9 = 5.1

"May 15, 2014--First Family Barack and Michelle Obama and numerous political figures visit and dedicate the memorial with the victims on Ground Zero"

"In a vast underground hall beside twisted and graffiti-adorned steel remnants of New York’s twin towers, President Obama and other dignitaries joined rescue workers and families of Sept. 11 victims Thursday to dedicate the new National September 11 Memorial Museum."

"Flags outside were at half-staff on the World Trade Center memorial plaza, where bronze panels bear the engraved names of the nearly 3,000 people who were killed in New York, Northern Virginia and Pennsylvania in 2001, and in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993."

1993 = 301st prime

"March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year."

"About 700 guests attended the somber ceremony held in the museum’s Foundation Hall, 70 feet beneath ground level at bedrock. As some audience members wiped tears from their faces, or held on to family members, elected officials, survivors and rescue workers rose one by one to talk about the victims and what was left behind."

770 = 22 x 35

"President Obama with his wife, Michelle; former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; Hillary Rodham Clinton; and former President Bill Clinton on Thursday at the National September 11 Memorial Museum."

“No act of terror can match the strength or the character of our country,” President Obama told the crowd during the one-hour dedication ceremony. “Like the great wall and bedrock that embrace us today,” he added, “nothing can ever break us.”

515 = 5 x 103

103 reverse is 301

"March 5 is the 64th day of the year (65th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 301 days remaining until the end of the year."

64th prime = 311
65th prime = 313

"311 is a twin prime with 313 and a permutable prime with 113 and 131."

311+313 = 624

Divisors 1, 5, 103, 515

Sum of divisors = 624

6th prime = 13
2nd prime = 3
4th prime = 7


"Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters."

Elite = 51

Michael = 51

New world Trade tower 7

741 ft (226 m)

226/2 = 113 reverse is 311

741+147 = 888

opened May 23 , 2014

May 23, is the 143rd day of the year (144th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 222 days remaining until the end of the year.

76+67 = 143

New World Trade tower 1


1,776 ft (541 m)


1,792 ft (546 m)

Opening November 3, 2014

11/3 or 113 reverse is 311

1792 + 222 = 2014

ROAR was released on August 10th 2013

"August 10 is the 222nd day of the year (223rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 143 days remaining until the end of the year."

"The term 'the 10th of August' is widely used by historians as a shorthand for the Storming of the Tuileries Palace on the 10th of August, 1792, the effective end of the French monarchy"


223 = 48th prime

17/76 = 0.223

37 x 48 = 1776

2.23 = Square root of 5

223 reverse is 322 skull and bones.

"And the LORD (or lie believed to be Truth) said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"--Genesis 3:22

3 x 22 = 66

66th prime = 317

3 x 17 = 51 = Michael

32 x 2 = 64

64th day is March 5th

Zion = 64
Israel = 64

"This is a rhetorical question, implying no person is like God. Michael is one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible."

"Quis ut Deus?, a Latin sentence meaning "Who is like God?", is a literal translation of the name Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎, transliterated Micha'el or Mîkhā'ēl)."

"Michael" appears as the name of several men in the Old Testament. In the Book of Daniel it is the name of the "prince" of the people of Israel. In the New Testament the name is given to an archangel in the Epistle of Jude 1:9 and, in the Book of Revelation 12:7, to the leader of angels who defeat "the dragon" and his fallen angels, a dragon identified in Revelation 12:9 as "that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world"."

The all seeing eye of the hurricane is where the angel in the whirlwind resides.

EYE of the TIGER

edit on 14-2-2015 by MlCHAEL because: Addition

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 07:51 AM
XXX777 started this topic on Apr 01, 2012

"April 1 is the 91st day of the year (92nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 274 days remaining until the end of the year."

"April 1 is most notable in many countries for being April Fools' Day."

"A snipe hunt or fool's errand is a type of practical joke that involves experienced people making fun of credulous newcomers by giving them an impossible or imaginary task. The snipe hunt may be assigned to a target as part of a process of hazing."

"A snipe hunt is a specific type of "wild-goose chase", where a person embarks on an impossible search. Where a wild-goose chase may be accidental, a snipe hunt is always initiated by a second person, as a prank"

"The Hacker's Manifesto"

"By The Mentor (a.k.a. Loyd Blankenship)

"Written on January 8, 1986"

Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers.
"Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after
Bank Tampering"..."

"Damn kids. They're all alike."

"But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's
technobrain ever take a look behind the eyes of the Hacker? Did you ever
wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded

"I am a Hacker, enter my world...."

"Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most
of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me..."

"Damn underachiever. They're all alike."

"I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second,
this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake it's
because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me...
Or feels threatened by me...
Or thinks I'm a smart ass...
Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here..."

"Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike."

"And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing
through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an
electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetency's
is sought... a bored is found."

"This is it... this is where I belong..."

" I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked
to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all..."

"Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike..."

"You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby
food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you
did let slip were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by
sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to
teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in
the desert."

"This is our world now... the world of the electron and the
switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of the service already
existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by
profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you
call us criminals. We seek after knowledge, and you call us criminals.
We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious
bias... and you call us criminals."

"You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and
lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the

"Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is
that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look
like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something you will never
forgive me for."

"I am a Hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this
individual, but you can't stop us all. After all... we're all alike."

Posted 16 January 2003 - 06:52 PM

Window Pain

Traveling at the speed of light through
Glass corridors of information
Then thrusting forth invisible waves towards infinity's
Signals the windows have reached their intended

The millions who've been fed for years by the enlightened few
Have succumbed to the ethereal coercion
Which led to the gates of slaughter in pursuit of the latest version
All the others are kept in line by codependent confusion
While the unbelievers risk being left out of the synthetic

Control of the media, banks, payments, entertainment,
Wireless data, and the super highway
Is the next justification for monetary domination
A computer in every house and on every desk
Is just one king's new form of taxation
We've thrown off our chains of oppression
And exchange them for the puppet master's strings of persuasion
One mans dream for humanity
Or a megalomaniac's salvation?

1995 Hypertiger

"That function can only be preformed by an administrator, or Bill and Melinda Gates"

-What you see when you hit control-alt-delete on the computers at the local library...

I created Hypertiger in 1988

How many teeth does a Hypertiger have?

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:15 AM
1995 was a golden year.

meaning the year was divisible by 19

1995/19 = 105

Michael is my real name

Michael = 51

7 letters

7 x 51 = 357

3 x 5 x 7 = 105

"For astronomy and calendar studies, the Metonic cycle or Enneadecaeteris (from Ancient Greek: ἐννεακαιδεκαετηρίς, "nineteen years") is a period of very close to 19 years that is remarkable for being nearly a common multiple of the solar year and the synodic (lunar) month. The Greek astronomer Meton of Athens (fifth century BC) observed that a period of 19 years is almost exactly equal to 235 synodic months and, rounded to full days, counts 6,940 days. The difference between the two periods (of 19 years and 235 synodic months) is only a few hours, depending on the definition of the year."

"Considering a year to be 1⁄19 of this 6,940-day cycle gives a year length of 365 + 1⁄4 + 1⁄76 days (the unrounded cycle is much more accurate), which is slightly more than 12 synodic months. To keep a 12-month lunar year in pace with the solar year, an intercalary 13th month would have to be added on seven occasions during the nineteen-year period (235 = 19 × 12 + 7). When Meton introduced the cycle around 432 BC, it was already known by Babylonian astronomers."

1st prime = 2
2nd prime = 3
3rd prime = 5


3/5 = March 5th

360/5 =72

72 x 6 = 432

432+234 = 666

4th prime = 7
3rd prime = 5
2nd prime = 3

432+234 = 666
753+357 = 1110

1110+666 = 1776

"The cycle was used in the Babylonian calendar, ancient Chinese calendar systems (the 'Rule Cycle' 章) and the medieval computus (i.e. the calculation of the date of Easter). It regulates the 19-year cycle of intercalary months of the Hebrew calendar."

"The oldest known lunar calendar was found in Scotland; it dates back to around 8000 BC"

"A mechanical computation of the cycle is built into the Antikythera mechanism."

"The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient analog computer designed to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendrical and astrological purposes, as well as the cycles of Olympic Games"

"The artifact was recovered in 1900–1901 from the Antikythera shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera. Believed to have been designed and constructed by Greek scientists, the instrument has been dated either between 150 to 100 BC, or, according to a more recent view, at 205 BC"

205/5 = 41

K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25

11+5+25 = 41 = Key

4+1 = 5

150/5 = 30
100/5 = 20

30+20 = 50

1+2+3+4+5 = 15/5 = 3
5+6+7+8+9 = 35/5 = 7

3+7 = 10/2 = 5

15+35 = 50

"The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts."

"The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both "perfect numbers" under Hebrew tradition."

3 x 7 = 21

37 x 21 = 777

"Found housed in a 340 × 180 × 90 mm wooden box, the device is a complex clockwork mechanism composed of at least 30 meshing bronze gears. Its remains were found as 82 separate fragments, of which only seven contain any gears or significant inscriptions. The largest gear is approximately 140 mm in diameter and originally had 223 teeth."

223 = 48th prime

17/76 = 0.223

37 x 48 = 1776

2 x 23 = 46

46/9 = 5.1

Michael = 51

5/1 = May 1st

22 x 3 = 66

66th prime = 317

3 x 17 = 51 = Michael

2.23 = Square root of 5

223 reverse is 322 = skull and bones.

The forbidden fruit of reason from the tree of eternal death

"And the LORD (or lie worshiped as Truth) said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"--Genesis 3:22

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:47 AM
"February 17 is the 48th day of the year. There are 317 days remaining until the end of the year"

217+712 = 929

"Michaelmas /ˈmɪkəlməs/, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels), is a day in the Western Christian liturgical year that occurs on 29 September" or 9/29

48th prime = 223

22 x 3 = 66

66th prime = 317

3 x 17 = 51

51 = Michael

"And I saw another Angel from Heaven who had with him the key of The Abyss and a great chain in his hand."--Revelation 20:1

Abyss = 66

20th prime = 71
1st prime = 2

20:1 = 71:2

201 reverse is 102/2 = 51 = Michael the angel

1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71

51+50+40+71 = 212

929-212 = 717

7/17 or where flight 17 was shot down and crashed 131 days from 3/8 where flight 370 flew into the event horrorzion of the black hole and suck you are from where you where you all are now...reading this.

July 17, 1917 or 7/17/17--Royal Proclamation by King George V changes name of British Royal family from German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor"

"Coburg is a town located on the Itz River in Bavaria, Germany"

"Coburg's coat of arms, honoring the city's patron Saint Maurice, was granted in 1493."

"Saint Maurice (also Moritz, Morris, or Mauritius) was the leader of the legendary Roman Theban Legion in the 3rd century, and one of the favorite and most widely venerated saints of that group. He was the patron saint of several professions, locales, and kingdoms. He is also a highly revered saint in the Coptic Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodox churches."

"Maurice was born in AD 250 in Thebes, an ancient city in Egypt near the site of the Aswan Dam. He was brought up in the region of Thebes (Luxor—Egypt) and became a soldier in the Roman army. He was gradually promoted until he became the leader of the Theban legion, formed of 6600 soldiers. Maurice was an acknowledged Christian at a time when the Church was considered to be a threat to the Roman Empire. Yet, he moved easily in the pagan society of his day"

250/5 = 50

"According to the hagiographical material, the legion, entirely composed of Christians, had been called from Thebes in Egypt to Gaul to assist Maximian to defeat a revolt by the bagaudae. The Theban Legion was dispatched with orders to clear the St. Bernard Pass across Mt. Blanc. Before going into battle, they were instructed to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods and pay homage to the emperor."

"However, when Maximian ordered them to harass some local Christians, they refused and Maximian ordered the unit to be punished. Every tenth soldier was killed, a military punishment known as decimation. More orders followed, they still refused, partly because of Maurice's encouragement, and a second decimation was ordered. In response to their refusal to use violence against fellow Christians, Maximian ordered all the remaining members of the 6,600 unit to be executed. The place in Switzerland where this occurred, known as Agaunum"

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 09:12 AM
"Coburg is a town located on the Itz River in Bavaria, Germany"

"The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776."

"The Most Noble Order of the Garter, founded in 1348, is the highest order of chivalry and the most prestigious honour (after the Victoria Cross and George Cross) in England and of the United Kingdom, and is dedicated to the image and arms of St. George as England's patron saint."

"It is awarded at the Sovereign's pleasure as a personal gift on recipients from the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms. Membership of the Order is limited to the Sovereign, the Prince of Wales, and no more than 24 members, or Companions. New appointments to the Order of the Garter are always announced on St George's Day, 23 April, as Saint George is the patron saint of England"

"April 23 is the 113th day of the year (114th in leap years). There are 252 days remaining until the end of the year."

4 x 23 = 92

92/2 = 46

46/9 = 5.1

113 = 30th prime
113 reverse is 311 = 64th prime

64/2 = 32

32nd prime is 131

113+131+311 is 555

The Russian flag with St George on the coat of arms...since Russia and England have the same patron saint.

And of course the double headed eagle.

Like the one above

131 = Hypertiger

32nd prime = 131

32nd degree = Sublime prince of the royal secret.

131 x 2 = 262

26 = GOD

62 = Elohim

"Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language."

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 09:23 AM
"April 23 is the 113th day of the year (114th in leap years). There are 252 days remaining until the end of the year."

114 reverse is 411

4 x 37 = 148

11 x 37 = 407

37/9 = 4.11

148+407 = 555

62 = Elohim

"Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language."

1st name = Michael = 51
2nd name = Randal = 50
3rd name = David = 40
4th name = Leopard = 71

51+50+40+71 = 212

151+250+340+471 = 1212

4-1-1 is the telephone number for local directory assistance in the United States and Canada.

4-1-1 is also commonly referred to as "D.A.", "Directory Assistance", or "Information".

Approximately 6 billion calls are made to 4-1-1 within the United States every year.

"In 1962 direct-dialed long-distance directory assistance became available. The number in cities with panel and crossbar switching equipment was area code-555-1212, whereas in cities with step-by-step equipment the number was 1-555-1212(or 112-555-1212) for numbers not local but in the same area code and 1-area code-555-1212(or 112-area code-555-1212) for numbers in other area codes. In some area codes, the directory assistance center was able to serve the entire area code, but in many, the operator in the principal city of the area code you dialed would connect you onward to a more local directory assistance center for the most up-to-date information."

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