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The big secret is.....

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posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: CajunRebel77

Good luck in church.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 01:06 PM
I see no major correlations

If there truly are any,

To concede to the game is to concede to the influence. Or otherwise put, to acknowledge any such plays as significant or game changing is to allow it to be.

You do not need to know the language they use to see the actions they take.

There is no reason to recognize any minor correlations but to remove and illegitimize the obvious beneficiaries of a sadistic play.
Through systemic overhaul and removal of incentive to comply and to destroy dependency and belief of futility.

Knowing is, and has always been as it will always be.

I will follow through with my own calendar as I have always and will always as I continue to disregard those who try to subject their own onto others.
edit on 2014 by BlubberyConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: BlubberyConspiracy
I see no major correlations

If there truly are any,

To concede to the game is to concede to the influence. Or otherwise put, to acknowledge any such plays as significant or game changing is to allow it to be.

You do not need to know the language they use to see the actions they take.

There is no reason to recognize any minor correlations but to remove and illegitimize the obvious beneficiaries of a sadistic play.
Through systemic overhaul and removal of incentive to comply and to destroy dependency and belief of futility.

Knowing is, and has always been as it will always be.

I will follow through with my own calendar as I have always and will always as I continue to disregard those who try to subject their own onto others.

Wow, man. You say things that don't even need to be said. What did you say?

Go back and look at the Elizabeth Smart thing. That event is the fractal key.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 03:04 PM
New development in the Kyron event...

Tactical Operations Center dedicated to Kyron Horman

This article is amazingly timed. The stage is being set. We have a fortnight to go yet. Some interesting comments below the article also.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 04:34 PM
There's a theory that much of what we see in nature is spiral-shaped... that correlates with phi/golden ratio/fibonacci code/.618, etc. It's in everything. The human body, pine cones, flowers, sea shells, you name it. It even includes socio-economics (stock market). If you overlap a spiral over a long term stock chart - the highs & lows seem to somehow intersect at different points of the arms of the spiral (in many cases).

We see these spirals & fractals occurring literally all over creation - from the micro (in a seashell or pine cone) to the macro (spiral shape of a hurricane or spiral galaxy). The point is - it appears to be surprisingly mathematical. This is kind of a big "secret" that really isn't taught in K-12 or throughout college for that matter. I don't remember any classes that even mentioned the golden ratio/phi/fractals & the Fibonacci sequence/code. There's a lot of fascinating YouTube stuff on the topic - but not taught in schools - unless maybe graduate or doctoral level.

With regards to the stock market - it's the "Elliot Wave" theory - & it uses Fibonacci code & fractals/spirals to try to predict market direction. - the whole video is pretty interesting - but watch the segment of the video from about the 35:00 minute mark to about the 45:00+ mark (it talks about the Elliott Wave theory, fractals/spirals, & how it may relate to the stock market). Also check out the part at 1:26:30 of the video - about Nassim's "Grand Unified Theory". Pretty interesting model of how he thinks the planets might be orbiting the Sun. I doubt you'd see any of this being taught at college.

Oh, and btw - the MSM - the vast majority of "the news" IMHO - is FAKE. I believe you're on to something w/their fake "news" - serving as some kind of messages to the elite... For example, during the recent Nov 4th 2014 midterm elections... I thought it seemed VERY ODD that the MSM interrupted their non-stop 24-hour election coverage to report on a breaking story about a "failed" kidnapping attempt on an adult African American woman... remember that??? It was all over ALL the networks!!! The "failed abduction/kidnapping attempt" just happened to be caught on a security camera (of a guy snatching her right on a brightly lit sidewalk - and then almost immediately getting caught - like it was some kind of harrowing ordeal). I thought the "timing" of the story was very very strange... I mean, the entire MSM was wrapped up in non-stop "election mode" - trying to ascertain the results of important Senate races... but once they knew they lost the Senate - there appeared to be an effort to play down the complete & utter total annihilation of the Dems & their entire POS agenda - deciding to go to a story of a woman that had been "taken" - but then almost immediately recovered???? Huh????? WTF???? ALL the networks seemed to go to this (FAKE) story - as if it was something so important - it just couldn't wait. They had to report on this HUGE NATIONAL NEWS STORY. Frankly, I believe the entire thing was scripted. Why didn't they go to the hospital and interview the victim - since she was okay? I think it was a scripted "story" that had already been filmed/edited & sitting on the shelf - READY TO GO - for all the networks to run w/it at the same time - possibly to convey a message that the attempt to "steal" this one had failed - maybe due to low AA turnout.

I mean, the entire fate of America is hanging in the balance - & the entire MSM goes ghetto on us. I mean, how lame! I don't mean to say that it wasn't an important story - but the perp was caught immediately and the victim was unharmed. They even rolled out an interview of the victim's friends or family - all saying they just had a feeling the victim was going to be safely found. Anyone hear any kind of follow up to this breaking news election night story? Nope.

Speaking of election... Did anyone happen to notice the VA Senate race? The Dem incumbent - Dork Warner - was up in the polls by a whopping AVG of all the polls tallied together for an astonishing 20% LEAD - just one or two days before the election - yet he BARELY won the election by less than 1%. Can you say FAKE POLLS? How many GOP voters were "disenfranchised" by ALL the MANY fake polls and decided to STAY HOME because the MSM told them that the GOP candidate had NO CHANCE in this race??? Goes to show you - you cannot EVER trust the polls - and you certainly cannot trust the MSM. So voter beware. The headline for the night should have been "Epic Democrat Election (& kidnapping) Failure".
edit on 14-11-2014 by coastalite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: XXX777
I had another dream about secrecy. A woman was holding an antenna, like a car radio antenna, in her hand and pointing it at me. Then I was shown to lock my car doors with the keys inside in the ignition switch and the car engine was running. It was as if she was telling me that I need to lock my keys inside my living vehicle, or keep my knowledge inside myself instead of broadcasting it. This is getting good.

Car antennae can be used to break into a vehicle. Unlock a locked door with it. Fairly common car burglary trick.

posting mainly to keep this in myats so i can read more.. You're pretty interesting. I saw another interesting person rear his head here, but only once, immediately after your first post.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 10:13 AM
This is all so confusing, but it all makes sense. I never was good at math, but reading most of this thread wants me to get better at it.
edit on 0amam0uxx by LaaLuxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 06:03 AM
It is very confusing! I'd like to be able to use it to my advantage but it takes money to make money in this game. I guess if I ever figure it all out I could start out small.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: XXX777

Glad to see someone else sees the game for what it is.

That's why whenever I see the news on a certain date, I get all pissy for the rest of the day because I see the message even if no one else can. The sequences and archetypes needed to decode the messages for the next 2 years are burned into my brain, so I know what will happen in the next big news story before it even happens.

I tried hypnotizing myself to forget everything about that but the Boston Marathon bombing broke through the barrier I had put up.

Now I wait until I see the correct message and my unique services are needed again.

The ones behind the curtain aren't the only ones to put out messages behind messages. The other side of the coin does this as well.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 03:22 PM
Europe jawbones continued monetary easing and China announces an actual rate cut.
The fear, doubt and uncertainty is real.
I can sense that many have no idea about what is coming next.
Markets are in a frenzy.
We are building to a climax.
Seven days to K.H. news followed by the lifting up of the sacrifice and the slaughter of the Bull.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 03:34 PM
XXX knows the Hero's journey, but the top is 3 steps later.
After the Crucifixion, the Death and the burial, the Hero is Risen and then the Ascension.
You can see on the stock chart your weeks 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Watch for the turn 5 weeks later.


posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Generation9

what is the date when you say watch for 5 weeks later?

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: XXX777

My apologies for the late reply, I've been off the grid for a few months researching. The only thing strange on Sept 11, 2014 was Alnilam in paran with the Sun. If I may provide you with a little more info for you to research your theory.

1. The system is emotionally powered
2. The number 13 is very important, however the number 216 is even greater?
3. 28 day cycles are connected with our WOMB-man here, what is the connection and how does it effect the system?
4. Carl Jung said "Stars have a connection to our sub-conscious", what roles do the planets play in this play?

By answering these questions, you will see that your theory has genuine merit and you are so close to the truth, you can C/SEE/SEA it a mile away. "X" marks the spot.

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Pelvi

Those in "The Know", Post News out to each other on stocks and events using News, The public never twigs on. If you have the decoder so to speak stuff is leaked in the open, just not noticed unless you are in the know... e.g.The Harry Potter Saga is apparently full of actual witchcraft and spells..... but just a script to the general public... I hope this helps

edit on 16-1-2015 by Insidedaheart because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2015 by Insidedaheart because: Sorry... Late night typing errors.....

posted on Jan, 16 2015 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: Insidedaheart
a reply to: Pelvi

Those in "The Know", Post News out to each other on stocks and events using News, The public never twigs on. If you have the decoder so to speak stuff is leaked in the open, just not noticed unless you are in the know... e.g.The Harry Potter Saga is apparently full of actual witchcraft and spells..... but just a script to the general public... I hope this helps

Those same people also claim Pokemon will lead to devil worship or was the work of Satan, these same people claim anything that isn't exclusive their religion is the work of the devil.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 06:06 AM
umm i was referring to the illuminati on the first one... secondly, its a fact if you research the script.. nothing to do with religious finger pointing. mmm My comment had nothing to do with religion actually.... interesting..

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:46 AM
So let's play a game...

In the United States the new "Bonnie and Clyde" event was in the news and actually had a mass following (Separation?)
France: Major "Terrorist" act that made headlines all over the world, even called for a "Rally" from world leaders, leaving families without their loved ones (Widowed, again separation).

What could be the message based on the "Collective Consciousness" or Archetype?

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: BLAQHAZE137
What could be the message based on the "Collective Consciousness" or Archetype?

Clowns have been raised to the rank of martyrs.
People are now stuck with the contradictions of their paradoxical belief system.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

I'm going to bring a little Jungian to the surface. It appears the "Baby" is seeking a "Savior" to swoop in. A sense of abandonment and now the baby is on a rebellion against the "Authority". In the United States, the media is ramping up the 2016 election "Seeking a Savior", and during this process, expect more and more turmoil globally so this "Savior" can bedazzle and glitter the masses. To accent the OP original thread, all of this is tied to the financial markets as well (A way to measure the collective consciousness). I am putting the puzzle together and thanks to the OP, my theory on "WHAT THIS REALITY IS" is taking shape and growing legs.

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