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The big secret is.....

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posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by idrisb59
reply to post by XXX777

Anything significant in the near timeline ? thanks

Type 3 Round 2 Week 23, we are down Monday and Tuesday, Week 22 charts the top for now, Number 22 Symbolism is very significant.
Week 22 symbolizes the end of a cycle.
The number 22 is rich with symbolism. Read HERE.

The 3rd Archetype is about duality, separation, immaculate conception, the first woman creating the first man. Here I am thinking about condensation and falling, matter falling down, stock prices falling down.

The 2nd Round is of the Great Mother type. Also see number 23 symbolism. Read THIS.

Caesar was stabbed 23 times. Is the market done? A reversal now could set up a market bottom on January 28, 2015. A major market downturn would be very useful politically. I will be watching closely for a signal tomorrow, Wednesday, August 7, 2013.

Also, Week 22 just happened to line up with Lughnasadh this year. The beginning of harvest season. The stock market has definitely grown tall.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:18 AM


posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by johnpreacher


how original. God must be very proud of you.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by XXX777

Interesting links on the numbers 22 and 23. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by XXX777

Could you share a snapshot of how you have tabulated these weeks? Thanks

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by idrisb59

I've been really busy. I'll come back and keep the discussion going, but for now I want to say that I noticed the Obama Mask Rodeo Clown news and thought that it was very telling. I think it was Secret Society Theater.

Obama was elected in 2008 and took office in early 2009. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been moving up steadily bullish ever since early 2009. The vast majority of the public have convinced themselves that Obama is doing great things and the stock market is up because Obama is so wonderful. You remember the mainstream media constantly programming us all to think of Obama as a savior, right? And you know what every culture does to their saviors, right? I see that Obama has been riding the bull for more than 4 years, and now suddenly the bull turns and Obama gets the horns. Obama wears the crown of thorns. If the 22nd week was really the top of the market, and if we get a serious sell-off here, it will turn the public against the left and their agenda. A sell-off and bottoming pattern until January 2015 would totally destroy Obama's legacy and turn the public against socialist policy.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 02:12 PM
I googled the news and found out that the Obama Mask Rodeo Clown event happened on Saturday the 10th. That puts it in Week 23. The news spread around in Week 24.

The metaphorical bull market is now stabbing at Obama. Caesar was stabbed 23 times.

At the start of Week 25 the stock market is down again this afternoon. We could see a big move down, lasting for 16 long months, that alters the public perception of Democrat policy.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by XXX777

Could you email me the table you have ? My forum name +


posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by idrisb59
reply to post by XXX777

Could you email me the table you have ? My forum name +


There is no table, no formula, no spreadsheet. I am literally keeping track of the weeks by counting. Earlier in this long thread I told about the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping event and how that event revealed to me the beginning and ending dates of a time period exactly 280 days long. E.S. was kidnapped on The Night Of The Watcher, June 5, 2002. She was missing for 280 days. Mainstream news reported her being found on March 12, 2003 and they repeatedly mentioned it was 280 days. I used a date calculator to verify the number of days. Previously I had been reading Helena Blavatsky books and she says that ancient wise men were fascinated with the 280 day time period of human gestation, and of course you know they were watching the movement of the Moon, and were most definitely impressed by the relative size of the Moon at times of solar eclipse. These natural mathematical things will certainly catch your attention.

After a lot of time passed by, I noticed that the Dow Jones Industrial Average was steadily moving up within the context of what the news media and financial experts were calling a new bull market. Nobody anywhere talked about the E.S. event. Everybody could see the resulting bull market on the charts. So what I did next was use the date calculator again, but this time I added 40 weeks to the E.S. return date to get December 17, 2003. I also subtracted 40 weeks from the E.S. kidnap date to get August 29, 2001. Now I had three time periods of 40 weeks each to look at on the Dow chart, and I noticed right away that the market was making ''movements'' within these 40-week periods. I simply noticed visually that the price fluctuations inside these 40-week periods were obviously manipulated. That was when I began to realize that the market was orchestrated for effect. A friend of mine suggested that the market may not be strictly manipulated by conspirators, but that the resulting price movements are actually a reflection of some universal mathematical reality that we all live inside sort of like some weird edge effect that we are capable of noticing because we ourselves are some odd life form in space at just the right distance from the sun and just the right time and temperature and with a Moon in just the right orbit and with a varying distance and a time period with obvious links to the female's procreative ability. Personally, I think the thing is straight up manipulated by the largest banks and brokers.

I am going to make another post to explain how I advanced to the next level.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 07:31 PM
Life goes on.
People do what they do during their ordinary days. A lot of time passed by.

I think I was looking for inspiration one day and I picked up a book by Erich Neumann titled ''The Origins and History of Consciousness (Bollingen Series, 42)''. He tells of 7 stages of development that individuals go through as they grow. These symbol laden stages of growth are also experienced by whole populations, and apparently the entire human race within its long history. This fascinated me. Here was another suggestion that the market ''manipulation'' could possibly be some sort of natural result of natural laws.

Ever since the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping and safe return event I had been unable to shake this idea that the stock market is moving in some way that is known in advance by the largest operators. Only I did not want to believe that the market followed some natural law like gravity or temperature related phase change. That seemed goofy to me. If the market was simply chopping along following a scientific formula then somebody should have figured it out a long time ago. Why was nobody talking about it? It seemed too simple an idea. The market just didn't seem to be natural. On the contrary it seemed to be wholly contrived. There had to be some rhyme and reason to it, and there had to be some method of signalling up or down moves to the largest players involved. And the mainstream media was being used to send these messages. I suspected the messages were encoded somehow. I started to think that I had witnessed a large scale, global media initiation or catalyst event used for awakening the people that were on their own paths of self-induction into the... something... Mysteries? I was sure there was some secret group so super secret it could only be recognized or seen by those individuals that had developed eyes to see and ears to hear by reading popular occult books and studying the so-called hidden things. If there was natural law or universal effects to be observed, then I was going to see this stuff by tuning in to the archetypal symbols of Man.

Alright. So I'm reading this book. Like all of this occult, secret society, mystical philosophy stuff it is chock full of head scratching moments. It reminded me of reading Morals & Dogma and getting to the end of a page and not even knowing what I had just read. I would go back and read and re-read again. No wonder hardly anybody reads this stuff.

Then I get to the part about the Rescue of the Captive and Neumann says that the Captive is actually the goddess herself. Mind Blowing Moment! I immediately thought of Elizabeth Smart being kidnapped and rescued after exactly 280 days. The entire event was contrived. I could see it suddenly. Somehow I understood that there would be stock market movements every 280 days according to the ''classic'' archetypes that Neumann had explained. He broke it down into 7 stages. I began to realize the correlation between Neumann's stages and other sequential stages in mythology as related by my other favorite author Blavatsky. My mind had been filled up with all these ideas as I read through the popular occult books. Even if they do not make sense at the time I read them, the very act of reading the words into my consciousness helps prime the pump. Later, when the E.S. event was broadcast I was able to pick up on the mystical nature of it.

As far as I could tell, the 7 stages Neumann wrote about were actually very similar to 6 stages that Blavatsky wrote about. The 7th part seemed to be indicating that the whole thing would go around again. The 7th part seemed to say ''go to part 1 and do it all again.'' This reminded me of the Creation story in the Bible. God makes the whole thing in 6 days and rests on the 7th. Why is God resting? Because the machine automatically goes back to day 1 and does it all again in a cycle of creation. Apparently God made the machine and set it in motion and that is it. It goes around and around. I remembered the use of the number 40 in the Bible. The Dow Jones Industrial Average used to consist of 12 stocks. Now it is 30. These numbers are all in the Bible. Of course the Book is a collection of ideas that go way back into the early stages of consciousness. Now I just needed to understand the mechanism as it was being used by the bankers, brokers and media.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by wwwchronos

Originally posted by XXX777

A finishing work/endwork/resting point/preparing work/new work.

The market keeps selling off. Week 22 marks the all-time high for the Dow. So far....

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 01:08 AM
Things are just getting worse for certain individuals who speak up. Others attack those people and are left alone. I worry about the "justice" that's being done. George Zimmerman walks, people are bullying others into committing heinous crimes, and the bullying mass just seems to get away with it. This is the new USA. Its sad. You have the hunters and the hunted. Money is almost irrelevant. Its needed to sustain life, but it takes the focus off of whats really going on. No one talks about the things that are happening. Its totally a light versus the dark situation. No one believes in God anymore and the dark one has capitalized on that and it is spreading among the mass. Those people have no choice but to work with it and do its bidding so it will stay off of them. I just saw in the news some kids killed an aspiring baseball player for fun in OK this past week. 3 (SHE, the HEAT) takes over their judgement and consciousness and suddenly murder is acceptable. Like I said last year, its only going to get worse.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 10:07 PM
280 days 40 * 7reply to post by strangedays

I have to look up your earlier posts to title the 7, 40 day periods. still interested in your posts. so keep them coming.

This was supposed to be a response / reply to XXX777.... anyways
edit on 25-8-2013 by idrisb59 because: replied to post

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:34 AM
If you look at the Dow intraday charts you'll see a lot of volatility. It seems as if buyers can get no traction. Sellers are in control. The news is weird. People are saying peace prize winning Obama is weak because he won't go to war. The economy is dragging. The rich are always rich, but the poor are offered few opportunities in this Obama climate.

I am amazed by the ability of the Republic to toy with the democratic mouse.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 03:29 AM
So we saw a huge up week in the Dow. Why the sudden and prolonged buying?

Look at the daily United States Dollar chart here.

You see the cost of cash from middle August to early September? The Dollar was rising from middle August to the first week of September. The Dow was still bottoming in the second half of August. I believe there would be increased borrowing by short sellers driving the demand for Dollars. Otherwise, the bankers were increasing the cost of the Dollar during that time period because they were being drawn upon by the traders who wanted to purchase stocks (including buyers who were buying to sell short). Stocks normally rise at the beginning of the month due to blind buying by fund managers who are receiving payroll contributions. The buying continues in the second week of September, but who was buying? Look at what was happening to the Dollar for a clue. You will see the USDollar is falling in that second week due to buying by short sellers who are now offsetting previous cash-backed positions. The offset comes as a Buy. The result is cash profit in the account of the short seller. Thus the USDollar stacks up at the Bank and the Bankers now reduce the cost of the Dollar due to a sudden influx of Dollars.

I've watched this for years. The Politics is particularly interesting.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 01:29 AM
The Federal Reserve's decision to not stop Quantitative Easing has now put the market in a precarious position. I thought for sure we had seen the top in Week 22. It is interesting the way the Fed says the economy is not as robust as they had hoped for, and yet the stock market sees this as good news due to the influx of QE cash into the primary banks. Those large bankers/brokers are propping up the market and convincing everybody else to buy into stocks. The other options are low interest rate bonds or money market or perhaps some folks are dabbling in real estate. Those other options make the stock market look like a good bet especially if the Federal Reserve is backstopping it. But the idea here is that the big banker/brokers do not necessarily have to buy stocks with that cash they are receiving. They can just as easily sell the market and start a plunge. There are always two directions in the market, and the biggest players take the direction they consider the better direction for themselves.

Thursday, September 19, 2013 is the Full Moon. The full thieving Moon. Let's see if the traders put in a new top on the weekly charts, or if the top in Week 22 will still stand at the end of trading Friday.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by XXX777


The Dow just wiped out the Fed rally from Wednesday. Is that to say that the buyers on Wednesday were suckers? Frenzied bulls chasing after any motion? Time will tell.

The Dow weekly chart still shows Week 22 as the top. Is this a case of rushing all the way up to fill as many orders as possible one last time before turning and heading down again? Did today's trading give people one last opportunity to buy in before screaming higher? The current political scene is boiling. Time will tell.

Next week is the point of viability. It will be Week 30. Blavatsky specifically labels the 18th week as the Quickening and the 30th week as the Viability. One has to admit the timing of these things is very interesting. How does the Dow pivot on Week 11 and Week 22 and then set itself up for a showdown in Week 30?

Nope. It is not rigged. LOLz.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 10:14 AM

reply to post by XXX777


The Dow just wiped out the Fed rally from Wednesday. Is that to say that the buyers on Wednesday were suckers? Frenzied bulls chasing after any motion? Time will tell.

The Dow weekly chart still shows Week 22 as the top. Is this a case of rushing all the way up to fill as many orders as possible one last time before turning and heading down again? Did today's trading give people one last opportunity to buy in before screaming higher? The current political scene is boiling. Time will tell.

Next week is the point of viability. It will be Week 30. Blavatsky specifically labels the 18th week as the Quickening and the 30th week as the Viability. One has to admit the timing of these things is very interesting. How does the Dow pivot on Week 11 and Week 22 and then set itself up for a showdown in Week 30?

Nope. It is not rigged. LOLz.

This will be interesting... very.!!

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 07:35 PM
We are currently in Type 3, Round 2, Week 30. The Dow has traded Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow is that mercurial Wednesday. I'll be looking for mainstream headline news indicating viability or lack of viability. If not on Wednesday, then perhaps Thursday, Friday or even Saturday may bring some news clues. So far, Week 22 marks the top. Last week actually achieved record higher levels of daily trading, but ultimately closed the week priced lower than Week 22. This week has started to the downside and I'm sure traders are concerned about the possible formation of a classic head and shoulders pattern.

Here is a snapshot of the Dow weekly chart....

This is a candlestick chart showing 111 trading weeks with 50-week simple moving average as well as 40-week and 240-week simple moving averages. There are four yellow columns delineating three Rounds. The yellow column on the far left is actually Week 40 of the previous Round not shown on the chart. That would be Type 2, Round 5, Week 40. The next week is Week 1 of Type 2, Round 6. The dates below the chart are for the Monday beginning trading week 40.

It is more than coincidence that Obama is facing challenges this week.

Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has a new book due out October 22 called “The Map and the Territory: Risk, Human Nature, and the Future of Forecasting.” On September 21, Mike Allen of Politico posted some tasty quotes from his advance copy of the book. The one that got my attention was the following.... “Our highest priority going forward is to fix our broken political system. Short of that, there is no viable long-term solution to our badly warped economy.”

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 02:00 AM
Any significance regarding the navy yard shooting? 13 dead ... That's one of 'them numbers' no?

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