Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by petrus4
A bit much, don't you think? Is this what you would suggest for someone who politely disagrees with you? If so, I'd hate to see what you
have in store for someone with diametrically opposed ideals from yours.
Ok. Speaking calmly, and rationally...hopefully. I want to try and give you as much detail as I can, here; so that hopefully you will understand
what I am saying.
This thread was originally made as an objection to a particular kind of material that appeared on this site; or more specifically, a particular kind
of mentality that I feel exists
behind the posting of said material itself, which I feel basically consists of a desire for negativity,
and conversely, a lack of desire to see things really change.
That, in itself, however, is not what primarily emotionally affects me, although it would be bad enough.
The real problem is when you get stories like these being constantly put up here (like the police brutality reports, as the main example) and then
nearly always, there is someone who immediately adopts the position of the police. You often even have several people doing that. It causes me to
wonder, how many times such things are going to need to occur, and how bad it is going to need to get, in general, before people will cease trying to
rationalise that type of thing.
Before you immediately assume it, I am also not saying that I want a lynch mob mentality where police are immediately assumed guilty, either. I just
also don't want them immediately assumed
innocent. Sometimes they are innocent, but often they are not.
Now; to the concentration camp issue.
No, I do
not want anyone tortured, murdered, or humiliated, in and of itself, at all. I would be a complete psychopath if I did.
What I
do want, however, is certain people not only to acknowledge the reality of what is going on, but to actually also want to start
to change it. I'm really not seeing that a lot on this forum at all. The concentration camp statement is extreme, yes. The point, however, is a
realisation that, as shocking as it is, some people are very possibly
still going to continue to make excuses and false
rationalisations, and engage in denial, right up to that very point.
So as horrible as it is, maybe they actually need an experience which is that extreme, in order to finally break through said rationalisation, and
cause them to accept what it is in front of them. I think there are some people who are going to insist on believing that governments still have
their best interests at heart, right up until that point. When I'm more rational than I admittedly was when I made that statement, I can recognise
that the reason why people make positive assumptions about their political leaders, it is often because they themselves are people with positive
intentions, and as such, they have difficulty comprehending that psychopaths could actually exist.
The irony here, is that someone accused me, earlier in this thread, of being in denial about what is going on in the world. I think if that was true,
I'd be a lot happier than I am.
The bottom line is that what people are posting on either side, is not the central issue here, that I am primarily frustrated with. What I am
primarily frustrated with is what I see as an extremely negative status quo. These things continuing to happen, continuing to be posted, and people
continuing to both accept them, and in some cases justify and make excuses for them, rather than actually wanting to change them. I want things to
get better, and they're not. That in itself I could maybe tolerate. What I really have trouble with, is when other people's intentions and desires
seem to actually go in the opposite direction.
Another thing; you've called me a sick and potentially dangerous person. You're absolutely right. I am. I've kept myself away from other people,
for most of my life, for that exact reason. Someone else posted a message on my profile referring to me as sensitive and good. That person does not
know me.
I know what I am, and I am not going to try and deny it or make excuses for it. I know I'm a product of this society, as much as anyone else. I'm
narcissistic, a misogynist to a large extent, and full of the usual cultural Marxist BS which means that for the most part I don't want to do anything
for anyone else, because I might have to deal with their condemnation of me, for not thinking the same way they do, or because it might interrupt my
own egocentric routine.
I know what we as a species are. I just wish I was at least seeing more desire for us to improve, even if we still weren't able to succeed. Most of
us don't even seem to want it, any more. We've given up.
edit on 2-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)