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Originally posted by xenongod
Been in and out of ATS for many years myself, haven't seen any dates older than my own either,
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Thank you for your contribution, You said it better than i could.
Its about the bigger picture and I think some people are taking it way too personally. I was merely making an observation. the truth of the matter is I never said we were any better. I just said that given the gifts they have been awarded the kids of today really are squandering it.
Maybe its because they have always had it and dont really understand what it is they have or maybe its the fluoride and MTV I dont know, all i know is the morons I see on the trains everyday are going to be our future leaders we are in more trouble than we realize.
Originally posted by Jameela
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Thank you for your contribution, You said it better than i could.
Its about the bigger picture and I think some people are taking it way too personally. I was merely making an observation. the truth of the matter is I never said we were any better. I just said that given the gifts they have been awarded the kids of today really are squandering it.
Maybe its because they have always had it and dont really understand what it is they have or maybe its the fluoride and MTV I dont know, all i know is the morons I see on the trains everyday are going to be our future leaders we are in more trouble than we realize.
I will disagree with you on some of the points you raised here. One, you are only blaming youth, without stepping back far enough to see culpability within all age groups. There is enough to pass around in equal measure.
I do not see that youth are squandering anything, actually I see them making the attempt to take it ALL in. Nevertheless, this in and of itself is problematic because the brain is yet unable to do this, it is too much too fast, as a result the brain goes into overload. There is so much available you simply cannot take it all in. Yet they are trying. The fact that they are trying is only to their detriment however, it is bound to fail because the brain cannot handle it all, and there is not enough time in one day.
This leads to a need for escapism, which the power brokers happily provide.
In this adults can better assist youth by emphasizing specialization in learning. Place limits on technology access time, making sure there are large breaks, away from any form of technology, this includes phones and TV as well as internet. Once something becomes learned behavior, it will be continued through adulthood.
As to the culpability of adults in positions of power, they are taking advantage of the youth. They know exactly what sensory overload does and are running an entire country in a manner that takes advantage of this. Rather than attempting to help the youth, they are using this knowledge to solidify their power, and creating programs of policy that intensify these effects.
Adults with children leave them without any compass in which to guide them because they are never around. Always working in order to obtain the material, then buying off their children due to guilt, rather than making necessary sacrifices in order to raise them in a healthy manner. It is parents who left their children to feed off the internet, cell phones and TV 24/7, it is the parents who allowed the power brokers to feed off their parenting styles.
Adults also feed off only their viewpoint, without looking from others' perspectives. They only gravitate toward the like minded, instead of learning what others have to offer. Then proceed to push their viewpoint like a drug, instead of being open-minded and willing to admit their own mistakes.
Yes, the country, nah the world, is going downhill... and we are seeing the effects of all we caused, and allowed, but it is not the fault of any one group, we all have ample blame on our shoulders.
What needs to happen is that everyone needs to realize this, and at about the same time, for it to stop. Youth have to come to the knowledge and realization of the effects of their attempts at seeking too much knowledge, and stop the things that cause the effects, adults need to stop doing their wrongs, then as one confront the power brokers who are taking advantage of all.
edit on 1-4-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
well lets just say some people are capable of handling large amounts of information faster than others.
Just like some people can run faster or think quicker. Its got nothing to do with age its to do with innate ability. Which may be genetic or cultural.
Originally posted by Thunder heart woman
reply to post by TiM3LoRd
Last time I checked, this website is called Above Top Secret, where people come to discuss all kinds of things, including alternate ideas, the paranormal, the unexplained, and UFO's. If a 2012 thread has stuck in your craw this badly, maybe it's time to seek other websites. I for one enjoy these types of threads, as silly as they are. And really, who are you to mock those that want to believe? If you don't agree, change the channel.
Originally posted by Jameela
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
well lets just say some people are capable of handling large amounts of information faster than others.
Just like some people can run faster or think quicker. Its got nothing to do with age its to do with innate ability. Which may be genetic or cultural.
I believe that youth who were born in the internet age are able to handle much greater quantities of information at a faster rate than adults who were not born in the internet era, but even so, you see a great number of individuals who end up attention deficit as a result of trying to take it all in.
The ones who are not attention deficit as a result of this have a greater amount of time away from all things technological, more time spent in the 'real world'
Balance must be sought, because without this balance, the greatest numbers in society will be less intelligent as a result because they will be unable to focus for more than a few minutes at a time. Again, a direct result of trying to take in too much too fast, rather than specializing.edit on 1-4-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)
I think for the most part we are both coming from the same direction albeit from different elevations. I appreciate your input and I do agree with what you say. I'm just a little less forgiving.
What i do have a problem with is the lack of intelligence of the majority. Who are so busy trying to prove how intelligent and knowledgeable they are that they immediately take up sides and dont discuss the topic logically which turns the entire thread into a pointless diatribe of " is too" "is not".
They look upon knowledge as uncool and laugh at intelligence preferring ignorance and even lauding it.
If you choose not to believe this thats your choice im just telling you what i see on the streets.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by TiM3LoRd
By no means is it a modern phenomenon but it's polarization and number of fanatics has grown larger. And we didn't gave the kind of connectivity we have today with Facebook twitter and other forms of social media used to influence the minds of the weak.
It may be that because of the Internet and modern globalization that it appears that the polarization has grown larger, but the tears of Hypatia that dampened the roads of Alexandria as she was mercilessly beaten and her mangled and broken body drug through the streets of Alexandria only to be burned in the Caesareum by the outraged fanatical Christians suggests otherwise. Hypatia was a Greek philosopher in Roman Egypt during the 4th Century of classical antiquity, and at a time when the polarization between Roman pagans, Christians and Jews was more than just a little dangerous.
Everything old is new again, and I sit and watch the children play games we used to play they think are new, and I sit and watch as tears go by...
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
Originally posted by seentoomuch
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux
If your generation wants to have a nice world (which we did and we were successful at many things) you have to move forward. Spending all your energy on the blame game is a waste of time. Move Forward.
If you represent "your" generation then it is arguable that "your" generation is woefully lacking in the paying attention department. You have willfully ignored my own assertion that blame is irrelevant in order to now pretend that I am playing some kind of blame game instead of simply pointing out that today's youth do not seem to be any more stupid than any previous generation, and ironically, you seem hell bent on proving my point.
Originally posted by adnachiel21
I I'm over ATS so much.
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Yes based on my observations it has becomes increasingly clear to me that ATS has in fact entered into the Idiotic plane. The ancient ATSers were true when they warned the coming generation that this day would come, They build those megalithic threads with information and substance to warn of of these dark days that are about to start here and everywhere else on the planet when stupidity and idiocy flourish like never before.
It seems we have reached a point of critical mass with the level of stupidity on here. I say this every 2 or 3 years but it seems like we have reached a new high or low as the case may be (at least they keep striving for new levels of stupid)
case in point.
current threads that are generating the most waste of electricity.
"End of World" Imminent: This WARNING is very real.
as if anything more needs to be said
This is getting VERY real now.
some dolphins died.....quick run for the hills.
and then you have all these dam racial threads
im not going to list them if you want you can go find them yourself
Its not the thread itself that I have a problem with, I believe everybody has the right to their opinion and as such should have the right to speak it. What i do have a problem with is the lack of intelligence of the majority. Who are so busy trying to prove how intelligent and knowledgeable they are that they immediately take up sides and dont discuss the topic logically which turns the entire thread into a pointless diatribe of " is too" "is not".
95% of the threads INCLUDING this one should not be on ATS. but as the stupidity goes up a balance must be drawn.
Please people for the sake of the children think before you post, READ before you post. There are so many instances where people will go off on something that doesn't even have a relevance to the topic.
And for the love of god keep an eye out for trolls. dont be so god dam gullible.
They play you so easily its actually sad to watch. I know most of this will fall on deaf ears, for one people hate being wrong and worse hate being played. This is why the political system never changes. People hate admitting they made a mistake. So instead of saying " yeah we f#$ed up" they go on the offensive and attack the other person instead. All the people that voted for Bush jr should be castrated so they can never reproduce again. Stupidity and lack of vision such as that should be removed from the gene pool.
So whats the conspiracy here you ask? What do you think is the conspiracy? Is it that the world as a whole is getting dumber while a very select few are getting exponentially smarter? yes thats one.
Is it that ATS is a macrocosm of the USA and other western countries and thus demonstrate the true racial and economic biases that come with countries of wealth and how they treat their working class or paid slaves.I would say yes.
Is it that People are too lazy and stupid to take a stand when they know the fantasy they thought they were living in starts to fade and the reality of the slums they are living in starts to dawn on them, And as a result they will lash out at anybody just so they can feel empowered again?? yeah maybe
The conspiracy here is that most people will read this post and only see what they want to see. Some will see a rant. some will see a joke and some maybe a very small minority will see the truth. The truth as it is subjective to the observer truth. Not a your tube link not a blog post of somebodies theories about reptilians or demons just a truth as to what is really going on...The manipulation of the masses.
They love to keep the fools distracted, and if your not being informed your being distracted. so please ask yourself before you post or comment. How is this helping to educate and not facilitate the ongoing dumbing down of the world.
Originally posted by SalvationIsWaiting
If you can't spell with spell check, or can't figure out how to use it, don't post.
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Originally posted by Thunder heart woman
reply to post by TiM3LoRd
Last time I checked, this website is called Above Top Secret, where people come to discuss all kinds of things, including alternate ideas, the paranormal, the unexplained, and UFO's. If a 2012 thread has stuck in your craw this badly, maybe it's time to seek other websites. I for one enjoy these types of threads, as silly as they are. And really, who are you to mock those that want to believe? If you don't agree, change the channel.
So people can make absurd claims with no relevance to reality facts or logic and thats fine but if I say that such activity is taking away from the quality of this site then thats a bad thing????
OK then......