posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:03 PM
"In love" can also be described as infatuation. It doesn't last, it isn't meant to.
"Love", as defined in romantic relationships, is a deeper, more mature feeling that is not based on hormones.
The confusion between the two is why marriages are always being split up. Here's how it works: You fall "in love" and get married. You love the
person, but the "in love" feeling fades because infatuation is a trick of nature so we breed and perpetuate the species. Because the "in love"
feeling fades or is gone with time, people feel like they need to find somebody else to fall "in love" with so they can experience the drug-like
infatuation all over again.
Some people are in love with being in love, which is why their relationships crumble after a while....because the whole relationship is built on
shifting sands. So they run off, get divorced and remarry, and then guess what? The same thing happens all over again.
Being in love is a heady crush, and is based on dreams and illusions.
Loving somebody is based on reality. When your partner wakes up, has morning breath and crazy hair, farts and burps and stumbles around grumpy, and
you still love them, that is real love. When they annoy you, disappoint you, you trip over their shoes they left in the middle of the floor, and you
still love them, that is real.
Don't let the illusion of being "in love" ruin a solid relationship. You can re-create the in love feelings by spending a fun, care-free day doing
something happy and enjoyable. Go on a date. Go out dancing or to a movie. Go parking in a dark place like you were teenagers. Be naughty out in an
open field (just make sure there isn't anybody around).
Trust me, dumping one partner because you don't feel "in love" will not get you anything but another partner that you will fall out of love with
eventually as well. It is the nature of the beast. Nurture the relationship you have.