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Trayvon Martin’s Father is a Freemason

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posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:17 PM

Coincidence, or not??? One of the fundamental tenants of Freemasonry according to Robert Pike is to intentionally divide the masses, and what better way to do that then with an insignificant story (in the aggregate) such as the death of Treyvon Martin. Of course it's coincidence that Trevyon's father Tracy happens to be a Mason, but perhaps this is why the media and the elite are using this story to drum up a race war in the United States at the moment. Tracy Martin might be a very low level Mason, but perhaps is high levels brothers in Freemasonry found this to be the perfect story to divert attention from other more important things and cause social turmoil.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:21 PM
Enough with this divisive crap already....


posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:28 PM
So that's it, that explains everything.

Wait a minute, no it doesn't, This does.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:28 PM
that is just what? So he is?'s a fraternal order....more like the "moose" club than anything....

I get a serious kick out of the stupid people that are memebrs of nothing ....busting out on folks that maybe have joined something bigger than themselves and sought to give something to posterity...

these dch-bags have no clue what personal sacrifice is....what community means or how to organize a free-non-profit organization....they are so worried about the profit for themselves they never worried about helping anyone but themselves...

well folks like you fail and will hopefully die in the next mass extinction....only us...the enlightened will survive...

You see we have a different part of our brain working and that will make us smarter than you and you will now die nature intended......sorry....I know it sucks to know yoyu are doomed for extinction...but are.

But....find happiness that least our species has evolved and have overcame the stupidity of greed and capitalism...
edit on 3/31/2012 by Damrod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:31 PM
What division? If you mean elitist members of secret societies and wealthy power elites (regardless of race or skin color) trying to control the masses through any means possible vs the rabble? I agree. I want that manufactured division to be eradicated. United we are strong; divided they conquer us.

Don't you guys get it? This whole situation doesn't have ONE THING to do with race, in and of itself. It's media and elitist whores who are using race to divide and conquer the sheep.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:34 PM
I heard Zimmerman's father worked for a lighting company. Lighting. Illuminati?
This rabbit hole is getting deeper.....

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Drew99GT

Don't you guys get it? This whole situation doesn't have ONE THING to do with race, in and of itself. It's media and elitist whores who are using race to divide and conquer the sheep.

Oh, we get it; this whole mess was engineered by TPTB and the MSM to push for a gun grab and incite a race war in time to help Obama win a 2nd term. All using the tragic death of a young boy.

We just don't buy the Mason angle is all.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Drew99GT

Here we go again
Well, at least I was able to bring some peace to ATS for a few days. It was good while it lasted.

ATS Thread
edit on 3/31/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by pierregustavetoutant
I heard Zimmerman's father worked for a lighting company. Lighting. Illuminati?
This rabbit hole is getting deeper..... [/quote

Zimmerman's father is a retired Supreme Court Judge from Florida.
edit on 3/31/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Drew99GT

Coincidence, or not??? One of the fundamental tenants of Freemasonry according to Robert Pike is to intentionally divide the masses, and what better way to do that then with an insignificant story (in the aggregate) such as the death of Treyvon Martin. Of course it's coincidence that Trevyon's father Tracy happens to be a Mason, but perhaps this is why the media and the elite are using this story to drum up a race war in the United States at the moment. Tracy Martin might be a very low level Mason, but perhaps is high levels brothers in Freemasonry found this to be the perfect story to divert attention from other more important things and cause social turmoil.

You're kidding right? You really don't intend to have this taken as a serious theory or connection that matters do you? A kid is shot in a highly questionable shooting in the heat a moment of pure stupidity in Florida and the Freemasons come into this HOW exactly?

This is SO far outside of anything that even applies to context, I can't even see where this line of thinking begins??
edit on 31-3-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Originally posted by pierregustavetoutant
I heard Zimmerman's father worked for a lighting company. Lighting. Illuminati?
This rabbit hole is getting deeper..... [/quote

Zimmerman's father is a retired Supreme Court Judge from Florida.
edit on 3/31/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

That's what they want you to believe.
Martin's second cousin worked at a malted milk ball factory. Makes him very suspect to be a Knight of Malta. Open your eyes...

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Drew99GT
One of the fundamental tenants of Freemasonry according to Robert Pike is to intentionally divide the masses...

Who the heck is Robert Pike? Maybe you meant Albert Pike?

If you are going to misquote the guy at least get his name right.

edit on 31-3-2012 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Drew99GT
What division? If you mean elitist members of secret societies and wealthy power elites…
But that's what you're clearly not getting—Freemasons are not "wealthy power elites".

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 02:18 PM
So what if his father is a Freemason? How does that have anything to do with what happened?

So, this guy was snooping through Trayvon's father's Facebook profile and found some pictures he didn't like. So, what? He felt like he needed to pull these pictures out of his profile and show them to the world?

Sounds like a case of being too damned nosy and ignorant for his own good.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Drew99GT
One of the fundamental tenants of Freemasonry according to Robert Pike is to intentionally divide the masses…
Uh, I never said that…

You are to be true unto all men.

You are to be frank and sincere in all things.

You are to be earnest in doing whatever it is your duty to do.

And no man must repent that he has relied upon your resolve, your profession, or your word.

The great distinguishing characteristic of a Mason is sympathy with his kind. He recognizes in the human race one great family, all connected with himself by those invisible links, and that mighty net-work of circumstance, forged and woven by God.

Feeling that sympathy, it is his first Masonic duty to serve his fellow-man. At his first entrance into the Order, he ceases to be isolated, and becomes one of a great brotherhood, assuming new duties toward every Mason that lives, as every Mason at the same moment assumes them toward him.

Nor are those duties on his part confined to Masons alone. He assumes many in regard to his country, and especially toward the great, suffering masses of the common people; for they too are his brethren, and God hears them, inarticulate as the moanings of their misery are. By all proper means, of persuasion and influence, and otherwise, if the occasion and emergency require, he is bound to defend them against oppression, and tyrannical and illegal exactions.
Morals & Dogma, Ch. XI, pp 176-177

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by N3k9Ni
Sounds like a case of being too damned nosy and ignorant for his own good.
Be careful, N3k9Ni. Your Igor avatar is wearing a hoodie, and may be targeted as a result!

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

But I have the Monster on my side.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Drew99GT

I think your hatred of a group you know nothing about to be pretty concerning .. Perhaps you should ask yourself where does your hate come from? It's certainly misplaced.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:15 PM
lol what a hillariously goofy video. Dude all like distorted his voice. Sounding like robotic darth vader or some #. hahahahahahahahahah seriously cracks me the hell up for some reason. I've watched tons of these conspiracy youtube vids before but this one just cracked me the hell up... most these dudes atleast use their normal voice. Anyways though, in this particular dude says he discovered some "disturbing information" that trayvons pops is a pha freemason. Oh wow man, I have officially been disturbed. Then he goes on to say the usual garbage that the freemasons are the most powerful order in the world, every president is a freemason, the average person can't just join the freemasons you have to have "connections...etc...etc. I love the part where he shows the black lady who is (probably) a eastern star member and he says "this is my favorite part, oh my god, OH MY GOD, this is my favorite part. Look at that pentagram, it is inverted. SATAN."

Anyways I don't really have anything to comment on except to say that wow big deal Trayvons father was a pha freemason. Ok.

edit on 31-3-2012 by jeasahtheseer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:13 PM
*Sigh* Here we go again....

Racial tolerance. Tolerance to all religions regardless....


A big deal to Freemasons worldwide.

So what if the guy's father is a Mason or not?

It's this kind of divisive rubbish that stops people from acheiving true greatness...

Which is exactly what the governments want of their people.


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