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"End of World" Imminent: This WARNING is very real.

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posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by coyotepoet

So what exactly is human sacrifice a metaphor of then?

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:13 PM
Everyone's intuition is spiked by these strange weather patterns. The odds of this happening are staggering. The odds of the many other planetary/celestial events happening... are exponentially staggering.

What can we say? Should we argue? Should we run around in circles? We can prepare our minds and bodies, that is all.

I think the bigger picture is the liberation for us. the biggest picture being: impermanence. We all constantly check the "records," and compare norms. This tendency right here is the biggest source of fear. Things change!

All the live long day things be a' changin...

Now, if we truly embrace and understand the nature of impermanence, then we can be peaceful. Even if this weather is leading to bleeding F10 FIRE tornados which cause earthquakes everywhere they go... we can be peaceful. Even if death comes, we can be unafraid.

Don't be attached to the way things are. Be aware of them, and live your life, of course... but don't be too attached to your idea of what is "normal." Existence is very weird!

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by jakupairs
60 degrees in indiana right now, we skipped winter

Northwestern Ontario Canada our March temp should be -15 C to -30 C
until the last few day's it was 5 C to 20 C all the snow is gone in three week

We all know something is coming just not sure what and in what direction

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by InterdimensionalWarrior
I think the bunkers are the prophecised hell in revelation, personally.

WOW!!!!!! So wild that you said that!!!!!

I have long thought the same thing.
I feel it in my core that these bunkers will be a way for the divine plan to gather all of the people into one place who have corrupted and manipulated humanity and seal them in. We will all know not to go near the entrances to these underground abodes. We will be strictly forbidden to go anywhere near them. They will reproduce and sustain themselves for a very long time down there. They will want to get out very badly but must never!!! I feel this in my core. I have dreams about it. It is just wierd to hear someone else refer to it as HELL too.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

No offense but, you do realize that EVERYTHING in your OP is discussed EVERYDAY here on ATS and NONE of it is "new" or "startling" information to ANYONE here?

I am not in any way saying that I necessarily disagree with any single piece of info that you have provided but you must realize that EVERYONE on this site has already been exposed to this info.

I am new to this forum as a contributor, been a member for awhile, and I have one more qualification that makes my post different. I test in the top 1/100the of the 99th percentile of human intelligence consistently and I am a self taught astrophysicist with 40 years of study, 12 of it dedicated, and I am also a man who predicted everything that has occurred thus far years in advance. I knew what chem trails were for before any of you had ever heard of them. My work and my posts have been removed from every forum where I have posted them to prevent my gaining credibility by siting correct predictions, but here will be people here wi remember me eventuall under the screen identity I am registered here under who remember these predictions eventually if this thread is not deledted who can confirm my integrity.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:20 PM
So what is it exactly we need to do?

+10 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:22 PM

I am new to this forum as a contributor, been a member for awhile, and I have one more qualification that makes my post different. I test in the top 1/100the of the 99th percentile of human intelligence consistently and I am a self taught astrophysicist with 40 years of study, 12 of it dedicated, and I am also a man who predicted everything that has occurred thus far years in advance. I knew what chem trails were for before any of you had ever heard of them. My work and my posts have been removed from every forum where I have posted them to prevent my gaining credibility by siting correct predictions, but here will be people here wi remember me eventuall under the screen identity I am registered here under who remember these predictions eventually if this thread is not deledted who can confirm my integrity.

Please share some of these deleted threads with us, because I for one really have severe doubts about you.

Very severe... and I consider myself a relatively open-minded person!

Your writing is so boastful, yet so lacking in substance. Any true man of science wouldn't dare contribute such a paper thin assertion to a forum of peers. If someone presented the same thing to you, would you believe it? Of course not, so don't consider us to be equally foolish.

I suspect that is precisely why your posts were removed from "stricter" scientific forums... they are not empirical, they are indeed fear-mongering and sensational.

Please offer a coherent presentation, and stop pretending to be afraid of the internet.

If you cannot, then please understand how you will be seen: As a hack.
edit on 30-3-2012 by Aqualung2012 because: .

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:23 PM

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

So what exactly is human sacrifice a metaphor of then?

There has been a lot of debate on the primacy of myth vs. ritual, and the presence of a myth of human sacrifice should not be taken as necessarily implying the historical existence of the actual practice: human sacrifice may be taken as the re-enactment of an older myth, or conversely a myth can be taken as a memory of an earlier practice of human sacrifice. Theistic rationalisations of human sacrifice may involve the idea of offering to deities as payment for favourable interventions in an event of special importance, to forestall unfavourable events, or to purchase disclosures about the physical world.

I think wiki probably said it best. My personal opinion: human sacrifices were a degradation of a deeper spiritual understanding that was lost and/or corrupted.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

Thanks for the warning! Personally, I think we are going to collide with the SUN! I guess we all better live everyday as our last and have some FUN!
edit on 30-3-2012 by Apollo7 because: (no reason given)

+10 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

I test in the top 1/100the of the 99th percentile of human intelligence consistently and I am a self taught astrophysicist with 40 years of study, 12 of it dedicated, and I am also a man who predicted everything that has occurred thus far years in advance. I knew what chem trails were for before any of you had ever heard of them. My work and my posts have been removed from every forum where I have posted them to prevent my gaining credibility by siting correct predictions

Okay, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that English is not your first, or most commonly used language. Because, if it was, a person that test's in the 1/100th of the 99th percentile would certainly realize that "siting" is spelled citing, along with tons of other spelling mistakes like infra read (I think you meant infrared) that one of such intelligence would certainly catch.
edit on 30-3-2012 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

o yes we are far more advanced than the mayans were. they tell us we are around the same point in our rotation around the milky way as the dinosaurs were. im sure there is no connection though.

yep 2012 IMO is another Y2K, but there is no doubt something big on the worlds horizon and there is no way around this one. 2012 is just a rope to grasp on to for people who dont bother looking. maybe the mayans were trying to warn us about over population and how it would be solved on 2012. war and blood sacrifice in the name of god and / or knowledge. thats just my out of the hat mayan 2012 connection.

see what im getting at?

edit on 30-3-2012 by omegacorps because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:36 PM
I am no scientist or mayan expert, but I do have my own personal experiences. I have worked outdoors for the better part of 25 years now, which means I have spent a fair amount of time being exposed to the sun. Now, perhaps someone with some medical knowledge can help me out here.

I have the type skin where I will burn once every year and from there on out just tan. The past couple of weeks I have suddenly been getting sun poisoning on my hands and my legs.

My question is, is this just caused by so many years of exposure or is something else going on?

It just strikes me as odd that all of a sudden I'm sensitive to the sun and it really hasn't been that hot. It's unseasonably warm, yes, but upper 70's is nothing compared to the upper 90's

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Show me Mayan Astrophysics, then we can talk.

Not sure about Mayan astrophysics but the Dogon tribe in Africa knew Sirius was a binary star long before modern society figured it out.

I also think that it is slightly ignorant and myopic to think that a different culture would explain things in a directly scientific way like we would today. In fact, almost all of the creation stories (including the bible's Genesis) have a very similar flow to them that describes Sacred Geometry to a metaphoric T. In fact, a careful and deep study of Sacred Geometry illuminates many mysteries of ancient cultural descriptions of things. Not making an unnecessary jab with the Bible reading comment, merely making a point that not everything should be read at literal face value.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by yurichan

Fair enough, You awant specific proof, and I have it. Go outside tommorow and look up and the sun, then take a look around you and tell me what your intuition tells you. I can provide you with scientific information but based upon your demeanor there is little possibility you would understand it, but lets just say the proof is overwhelming and I have specific proof that I do intend to reveal. However, I am not operating on your schedule or catering to your whim. You will have to have a bit of patience, The first thing I will show you is proof that the basis of all of mainstream physics is false, and something very alarming, mass emanating from the Sun traveling towards the Earth at greater than >light speed, something modern academic science says is impossible. perhaps this will begin the building of trust and confidence on your part as far as my integrity is concerned, because I have always argued Special relativity , General relativity and Quantum physics are false science and taken much abuse because of it. The following information proves conclusively and incontrovertibly that I m right and they were and are wrong, and that is a "very big deal".

First go to this website:;

In the left hand column select 'SOHO MOVIE THEATER" When the page opens, select 'LASCO C3"

In the 'Start date" box enter the following numbers, exactly like I listed them, they present the date march 6th, 2012 20120306

In the 'end date" box enter the number 20120307.

Watch the movie. Notice that particle radiation hits the satellites sensors at precisely the same instant the coronal mass ejection becomes visible. This proves that matter is traveling at light speed and is a major break through in science that is being censored..

+5 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

The fact that you equate the Galactic Plane with the Galactic Equator shows you have no idea what you are talking about. The Galactic Equator is pretty much the ecliptic for the galaxy. It is an arbitrary line drawn from the center of the galaxy to the Sun. On December 21, 2012 the Earth will align with the Galactic Equator. This happens every year and for the past few decades has been occurring on December 21st. Thanks to the wobble of the Earth the alignment will soon occur on December 22nd.

The Galactic Plane is the plane on which the majority of the galaxy's mass lies. As the solar system orbits around the center of the galaxy it oscillates up and down away from this plane. Every 15-20 million years the solar system will reach the apex of its oscillation and begin returning to the Galactic Plane. It will then take another 15-20 million years before the solar system reaches the edge of the Galactic Plane. We were last on the Galactic Plane 3 million years ago. So we will not be on the Galactic Plane this year.

Of course all of this is moot as the Maya had nothing to say about 2012. Furthermore the Long Count is not an astronomical calendar. It is merely a count of days as the name implies. Its function was to allow the Maya to refer to dates that fell outside the 52 year Calendar Round cycle.

I could keep going but I feel that once again my words will fall on deaf ears. It's getting late and I don't want to get sucked into a pointless debate. So with that I say good night ATS.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:50 PM


posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:51 PM
best chance in 2012 is a CME or moving through this " local fluff "

maybe the kipper belt will let us know.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior

We all ready passed through the galactic equator in 1998. We wont pass back through it again for about 30 million years. So i guess this Mayan calender is off slightly. In fact right now were about 9 to 10 light years north of the galactic plane. Well reach or furthest point north in about 15 million years roughly 230 light years then we start heading back.What's more, the solar system is going northward of the galactic plane as we speak at the rate of 1.5 astronomical units per year. but all this is relative any way since determining the exact equator of the milky way is difficult since were in the galactic plane.

So now that we solved that good news your not going to die the bad news is now you need to find something else to worry about.
edit on 3/31/12 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

The galactic equator and the galactic plane are essentially the same thing., the galactic plane being a synonym of the galactic equator. The Earth aligns with the Sun and the galactic center on ever 21 of December, which is also the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice..

The ecliptic of the galaxy has nothing whatsoever to do with the Sun, but it is the same thing as the galactic plane. The Earth is tilted 22 degrees to the solar systems ecliptic plane but this has little to do with what is going to occur on December 21, and is not the same as what happens on the winter solstice every year. The difference this year will be that the solar system will be ON the galactic plane as the sun and the earth align with the Galactic center, This means instead of being a two dimensional alignment like ever solstice, this year the Sun, earth and galactic center will actually allign , in three dimensions, in straight line.

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