reply to post by InterdimensionalWarrior
i havent commented on here for a long time due to being called a shrill, but i think there is something in what the OP has pointed out.
there is unusual solar activity, throwing out many CME's, big increase in sun spots, or magnetosphere keeps collapsing more than normal, we have like
we all are experiencing and cannot deny, a very unusual winter and now a vastly warmer spring - who knows what summer has to offer!
1.even temporary significant temperature increases throughout winter and spring can cause widespread crop failure, due to pollination, obvious
2.also mentioned in the OP, how would we be able to tell the difference between manmade radiaton leak and solar radiation exposure, but regardless of
anything fukushima, i still thing solar, so use swaths of sunblock this summer and antihistamins
3.coming major major major major fuel crisis (iran isnt the problem, nor its sanctions on oil, they "the world" is nearly dry on oil ) oil is
already going through the roof, gold is devaluing respectively and will continue, i dont need to point out the implications of this if im right. also
there is not enough "battery components" materials worldwide to go electric to sufice the demand. priced out of driving a petrol car? you will be
with an electric car too.
4.all of the above can and do cause disease,spread viruses (will you be able to tell if the virus/disease is leaked or natural?)
5. 1.2 billion people worldwide are already in absolute water poverty, estimated to climb to 1.8 billion people by 2018, near to 2 billion people
worldwide will not have sufficient water supplies to maintain their own existence.
6. again all of the above.
agenda 21 is more real now than in the entire history of our existence , we are the 59th minute. dont bother with building a bunker, simple maths will
tell you you'll need the space of rhoad island to sustain your life (let alone others) for any "recovery period" and even then...well....., so your
little bunker is a fruitless fantasy or hobby at most. so logically thinking here, if the so-called illuminati elite have bunkers that they will run
too, "the disaster wont last long, wont be earthquakes, HMO or aliens, but fuel + water + disease = population reduction (big time) if you survive,
you and your family will witness the new age of our kingdom. and all the money these elite poured into the bunkers wont protect them much more than
you and i.
with any of all these threads that relate to doom porn, love that coined phrase! logic will allow you to survive, with whatever gets thrown at us in
the future, but if any of the above hits us, some of us are gonna go, logically it wont be based on the fact your elite, illuminati, etc...., just
that you survived, along with any other species.