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Tip Of The Iceberg--The Beginning Of The End For Britain? {Brit returns hometown 2 assess Muslim}

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Danbones

"Get out of my country"
"Well you bombed mine"

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:34 PM

I don't know if the "mistake" lies with Blair and New Labour.

Immigration into the UK grew massively under Blair's government, by 3 million actually. The reason was twofold:

1) Votes. A new immigrant to the country is almost always going to vote for the party that let him into the country. Millions more immigrants = millions more votes.

2) To undermine the Right (Conservatives). A diverse, multicultural society is going to render conservative traditional values old fashioned and backwards.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by yuppa

Oh, Dear!
Such a SENSIBLE reply!
I don't think the globalist oligarchy is interested in sensible replies.
They are only interested in USING violent Islam for the globalists' own violent goals.

I love the sarcasm i had to laugh. Yes my solution is a little extreme but you have to be firm and let them know that is not their country,and if they do not like the way things are go back home. We coddle immigrants too much because we dont want to be called nationalist,racist,or bigots. They know that and are using it against the rest of us. I am not a subtle person. I have been called blunt as a sledgehammer in telling you what I think.
edit on 29-3-2012 by yuppa because: the quote did not work right so i tried to fix it.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by JewelFlip

Uhhhhhhhhhh, NO. Evangelicals


are NOT about large families--perhaps sadly.

A small minority of Evangelicals have large families. Most have 2 or less children. I don't recall the specific stats but I'd bet that less than 2-3% have large families. Let me see if I can find the stats quickly.

Hard finding such stats.

Religion doesn't seem to encourage big families for protestants as much as income.

And Evangelicals having more than 2 kids are still much in the minority. But I can't find good stats after umpteen searches.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Kali74

What is your definition of

"extreme Christians?"

1. I don't consider Westborro authentic Christians. I don't know any Christians who do consider them authentic Christians.

2. I can't think of any other group that comes close to them in radical beliefs or behaviors. Sure there are various cults around . . . who claim to be Christian . . . I don't know of any of them that are into violence.

The Militia et al groups strike me as more racist cults than Christian cults. I don't know anyone who considers them authentically Christian.

And ALL those groups together--combined--do NOT come REMOTELY CLOSE to comprising the percentage of Christians that violent and violence supporting Muslims comprise of all Muslims.

In short, your analogy breaks down wholesale.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Danbones

once the social; stuctures are in totally in flux they will pull the plug on all the major religions and there will be nothing left to fill the vacume except what they want to fill it with religiously and politically and legally

I think that is exactly the globalist oligarchy's plan.

They are determined to have a global government REQUIRING LITERAL WORSHIP OF LITERALLY SATAN INCARNATE.

The prophecies are quite clear about that. And this quote from a globalist affirms that as their goal:


18. "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

And, I think the oligarchy's deliberately setting up the Muslim/Western pseudo Christian world clash/culture war/ anialation war . . . is a very deliberate part of that plan.

And clearly, from the Video above, the Muslims are playing their part quite well.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

I did not mean to indicate that I thought that Blair et al were NOT at all complicit.

Certainly they were.

I just wanted to indicate that they weren't acting on their own, alone. They were ordered to pull such suicidally destructive stunts by their globalist bosses.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by yuppa

Actually, I was NOT being satirical.

I was wholesale agreeing with you.

How dare folks come freely into our countries with the intent of destroying what they most came here to have!

What stupid idiocy as well as what cheek!

Send em home.

I'm generally charitable toward folks wanting a better life regardless of their religion etc.

However, Muslims have burned that generosity off at the roots with me these last 20 years. They can go suck rocks.

They can transform their own Muslim lands if they don't like them.

Stop coming here and destroying the best cultural set-up and form of government in recorded history.

"Escaping" "Oppressive Islam" and then lobbying, marching, destroying demanding to CREATE THE SAME THING HERE????

Gimme a break. The only worse looooonacy is that we allow it!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Yet you refuse to believe Muslims reject radical extremists in the same way. I've read very similar statements from Muslims about extremists as your post stating you don't consider WBC Christians.

Such a silly ride that we can't seem to get off.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Sorry . I am so used to getting sarcasm its hard to differentiate at times. I totally agree with you. Its aggravates me they wil not naturalize anywhere they go except if its radical or sharia or regular muslim ran. I am statrting to think the PTB are intentionally trying to get us to murder each other as a blood sacrifice to their master from the DEEEEEEEEEPPP south. And whats worse is the poor fools do not realise it.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by gort51
Start of the "New Crusades" anyone?
My understanding is that Islam is suppose to be a peaceful religion?
The Muslims may have to tread very carefully in White Europe.....Anyone remember the Facists and Communists?
Wouldnt take much to crank up the camps and ovens again...this time the Jews are the good guys (?).

Islam is but in all religions there are a few manipulators who like to pull stings from behind curtains to gain power

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by yuppa
reply to post by BO XIAN

Sorry . I am so used to getting sarcasm its hard to differentiate at times. I totally agree with you. Its aggravates me they wil not naturalize anywhere they go except if its radical or sharia or regular muslim ran. I am statrting to think the PTB are intentionally trying to get us to murder each other as a blood sacrifice to their master from the DEEEEEEEEEPPP south. And whats worse is the poor fools do not realise it.


I have no better explanation. I have no other explanation remotely as good as that one.

BTW, I often miss humor and satire . . . a function of growing up with my moderately crazy mother.

No sweat on my account.

I don't see all this coming to a good conclusion in the short to medium term.

After Christ cleans things up at Armageddon--wonderful. Between now and then . . . blood will flow . . . just as the globalists plan . . . though not quite as much as they plan and hope for.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:33 PM
What about Christians who don't accept the law of the land? Separation of Church and State anyone? One guy running for POTUS, disagrees...

Pastor Dennis Terry introduces Rick Santorum

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:45 PM
The whole point to this all is this, people grow up in nice places. They come back years after the "multi-cultural BS" has had time to work it's magic, and those once nice places are crap now. But political correctness and societal guilt have rendered everyone voiceless to the whole damn thing.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:48 PM
My husband is from the UK and has dreamed of taking me back there someday, it broke his heart to see this video.

This made me do some more looking and I was disappointed to find this

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by BulletShogun

Originally posted by gort51
Start of the "New Crusades" anyone?
My understanding is that Islam is suppose to be a peaceful religion?
The Muslims may have to tread very carefully in White Europe.....Anyone remember the Facists and Communists?
Wouldnt take much to crank up the camps and ovens again...this time the Jews are the good guys (?).

Islam is but in all religions there are a few manipulators who like to pull stings from behind curtains to gain power


please tell me . . . is this


another NEW MATH?

Where . . . 20-70% of 1.X Muslims around the world . . . let's say

20% of only 1 billion people . . .

70% OF 1 BILLION = 700,000,000
50% OF 1 BILLION = 500,000,000
20% OF 1 BILLION = 200,000,000
10% OF 1 BILLION = 100,000,000
5% OF 1 BILLION = 50,000,000
2% OF 1 BILLION = 20,000,000
1% OF 1 BILLION = 10,000,000

Or a little more accurately

70% OF 1.2 BILLION = 840,000,000
50% OF 1.2 BILLION = 600,000,000
20% OF 1.2 BILLION = 240,000,000
10% OF 1.2 BILLION = 120,000,000
5% OF 1.2 BILLION = 60,000,000
2% OF 1.2 BILLION = 24,000,000
1% OF 1.2 BILLION = 12,000,000

Certainly the largest number of statistics reporting sources affirm that Muslims who support violent Jihad by

--participating actively
--providing money for it
--providing safe houses or other help
--politically and socially supporting it
--arguing for it in their circles of influence etc.

comprise between 5% to 20%

Some reliable research indicates it really may well be as high as 70%

But let's take 5% . . .

How is it that with this


60 MILLION violent jihad supporters is transformed into

[size=+4][color=99FF00]"A FEW" (= 3-4)

I guess this is the same sort of MAGICAL TRANSFORMATIONAL thinking that



= burying his daughter alive for having a non-muslim's picture or song on her cell phone.

So, PLEASE tell me also . . . how small a percentage of those

60 MILLION who support violent jihad . . .

do you think might be seriously working to

pull a repeat Beslin school assault

on a school near you?

Let's say it's only 12-48 individuals . . . given the open border with Mexico . . . do you REALLY THINK they'd have trouble getting into the USA WITH ample guns and explosives?

Do you REALLY THINK that our schools are THAT secure from such assaults?

And why are these drills being done?


Why are the children being told that these kinds of groups are assaulting the schools in the drills . . . when, actually, Muslims are the only ones who


around the world . . .

The only ones . . . IIRC,

[size=+2][color=FF0000]ARE MUSLIMS

For example, during a terror drill at a public school in Muskegon County, Michigan, students and teachers were told that “homeschoolers” were the ones attacking them…. In another case in New Jersey, students were told that the gunmen were from a group of “fundamentalist Christians” called “The New Crusaders”….

“The exercise will simulate an attack by a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled. Under the scenario, a bomb is placed on the bus and is detonated while the bus is traveling on Durham, causing the bus to land on its side and fill with smoke.”

“Investigators described them as members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the ‘New Crusaders’ who don’t believe in separation of church and state. The mock gunmen went to the school seeking justice because the daughter of one had been expelled for praying before class.”


And what part is THAT playing with the very real threat to our schools that is totally MUSLIM based?


edit on 29/3/2012 by BO XIAN because: fix emphasis

edit on 29/3/2012 by BO XIAN because: an addition

edit on 29/3/2012 by BO XIAN because: fix tags

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Nice OFF TOPIC ploy.

Perhaps you could try harder to make a logical connection

between the severity of



a candidate voicing his personal opinion


"church and state" issues . . .

where the notion of

"separation of church and state" is actually


in the Constitution.

The globalists brought that in way after the fact

AND shoehorned in the meaning to be that

the First ammendment means




Muslims marching in the UK to support Shariah law is a far cry from a candidate in the USA voicing an opinion about an arguable issue of the Constitution.

Please try to stay on topic a bit better.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by wingsfan
The whole point to this all is this, people grow up in nice places. They come back years after the "multi-cultural BS" has had time to work it's magic, and those once nice places are crap now. But political correctness and societal guilt have rendered everyone voiceless to the whole damn thing.



And folks blindly, mindlessly seem to think that

such things will NOT effect their daily lives in any negative way?

What idiocy.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

It's not off-topic just because you can't see the truth in it.
Your video is about a group of Islamic extremists wanting sharia law (which they didn't actually say in the vid) which would go against Brittish Law. The people in the vid I linked which included Santorum want their God in our government which goes against two very prominent tenets of America. Seperation of Church and State and freedom of Religion. They go against American Law.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Kali74

It appears that our perceptions of reality are

sooooooooooo divergeant . . . that I'm not sure authentic dialogue will be very possible, much less fruitful.

I disagree wholesale with your assessments and descriptions.

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