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I Want revenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by antinwo101

Chilli powder/oil. Underpants.

Find some reason NOT to be intimate with him (for a fair while).

He'll think he's picked up a disease!

He also will be less likely to be in the mood & will blame the "other".

Perhaps talk to the other husband and explain the situation and what you are doing about it.

You, never know, they could both develop a painful condition.

At some stage, both you and the other husband need to face them both with the truth. That would be the only real chance at patching things up.

edit on 29/3/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Ameilia

1.) Hiring a billboard with their names on it. A billboard can generally be rented for $200-300 per month, some down-on-their-luck companies may rent you one for just a month.

2.) Make up a flyer with their pictures, names, and quotes of the texts (you need to save those for proof by the way) and distribute it in their neighborhoods, or at their workplaces, or both.

3.) Notify her husband with what you have found.

4.) Notify your husbands relatives and/or any of her relatives you can find with what you have found.

5.) See if a lawyer will represent you on a contingency basis and sue her civilly for alienation of affection.

6. Throw out all of your dignity in the process.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by antinwo101
I don't care what some of you are going to say in any negative aspects about my thread! To make a long story short I want revenge on my cheating ex-boyfriend!!!! He is a personal trainer and the slut he cheated with is married so she is just as disgusting as he is! they bot had sex with each other in my home and hers while me and the husband were at work! I was a single mom when i met him, he helped me raise my daughter and she calls him dad. My daughter is now 5 years old!

Not only did he devastate me, My poor baby girl is going to be devastated when she realizes daddy isn't coming home and i can't tell her why! I have no idea how i am going to explain this to her! I read his texts in his phone when i got curious who was texting him at 2am and there it was, about 30 texts all about the sex they had and where to meet up next very gruesome details and with each word i read my heart broke a more and more! Never in my life have i felt physical ill from an emotion i actually lost my dinner.

He was texting this woman after we made love before he fell asleep the night i read the texts! I have snapped, the only way i am going to feel one ounce of happiness is if i can pull off some good old fashion, down home, evil inhalation on both of them! now i don't want to hear REVENGE ISN'T THE ANSWER! Bullcrap it isn't! I have some really intelligent compadres on here and i want some crazy awesome ideas! I am a scorned woman on a mission! so lets have it!

In my time of need i want some advice and great ideas on what i should do! I have researched her and found out her cell number, home address, where she works, info on family friends. I am trying to find out her husbands cell cant figure that one out, i do know her husband has been arrested for a DUI last year, but thats about it!

so come on my evil devious friends help a pi$$ed off sister out! a PERSON CAN ONLY BE PUSHED SO FAR. AND I BROKE!!!! He and she are going down!!!!!!! Believe me or not i am a very quiet calm person until you mess with me or my child!

I do want to keep things as legal as possible though! I mainly need to know on how to do more extensive research!

From a woman who understand how it feels to be cheated on but trust me getting even can backfire so just move on. The old folks always said "what goes around comes around" and they were right. He'll get his due without any lifting of your fingers.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Chai_An

From a woman who understand how it feels to be cheated on but trust me getting even can backfire so just move on. The old folks always said "what goes around comes around" and they were right. He'll get his due without any lifting of your fingers.


That expression applies in more ways than one. If the OP is set on seeking revenge, the OP will also get back what she gives out.

What goes around comes around. ...To everyone.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM

I Want revenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, no you don't. Your ego does, but you don't. Revenge is petty - if all you want to do is divide by zero, then by all means, continue, but that's a whole lotta nothin'. I've gone through a lot of bull in my life but I've learned to move on and not waste my energy for no reason. As an above poster said, just shift the energy to your daughter rather than to your offenders. You'll feel better, don't worry! Give it a chance to pass.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Openeye
reply to post by antinwo101

Forgive him and move on. I don't approve of cheaters and deceivers as well, but expressing rage is destructive.]

Rage is a feeling. You can't control feelings. What you can control is your actions.

There is nothing wrong with venting anger and frustration. In fact, it's both physically and psychologically healthier to work through emotions than to keep them bottled inside.

So when you feel enraged, vent it. But do so in a safe and responsible manner.

Beat a pillow against the wall. Go for a run. Take a frying pan and let your mattress have it.

Anger creates a chemical change in the brain. Best way to reverse that reaction is to engage in anything physically strenuous. Doing so allows your body to release endorphins and natural opioids into your system. This, in turn, will relieve the stress and frustration to more manegable levels.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by antinwo101

Always wondered why so many women want revenge on men because of their cheating.

You most likely knew what he was like when you started a relationship. And you expected him to change.

So why the revenge? You seen it coming a long time ago but didn't want to believe it or acknowledge it.

Sorry but so many women want revenge on men for something they knew was going to happen anyway. They just thought they would be the one to change the spots on the leopard.

My advice?

Move on, be successful and get happy. THAT is the best revenge. He'll realize what he missed and will never have.


posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM
Revenge is a temporary band-aid. Taking your energy to do something to someone else, might feel good at first, but it wont bring him back.

If your as angry as you have expressed show him that he didn't hurt you (even if he did), brush yourself off, and consider yourself lucky to be rid of someone in your life that would choose to cause you so much pain.

Good luck to you, NRE.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Revenge is sweet---tasted cold. Wait. Consider. There's no reason to move fast. There will come a time when you may be able to bring about a situation that will make him uncomfortable and understand what he has done to you. For God's sake don't do anything the least bit illegal that could come back on you. Some of these suggestions amount assault and battery.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM
That sucks, I know that pain and just went through almost exactly the same situation with my EX girlfriend but without a kid involved.

The pain, torment and feelings of betrayal are almost physical, it's been 2 weeks now since I moved out and my guts still turn over so I really do feel for you.

I lost my temper I'm afraid and threatened the guy she was sleeping with, she took his side of course which hurt me again plus he called the cops.

So I would say the best revenge would be just simply to blank him, act like he doesn't exist, don't let him see how it hurts but act like it's the best thing that ever happened to you.

I hope you get over it soon, don't let the anger burn too long.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:02 PM
Ouch !

I know how hard this is because i have been there.

I got through it by "mini revenge" to begin with, you know, you take custody of the x-box, take all the cutlery, but leave all the knives, I got a lot of tips from his sister at the time ! lol.

Of course the best revenge is the one yet to be had, when he comes back to you with his tail between his legs saying he is sorry, and that it meant nothing / didn't know what he was thinking / it was a difficult time....yadda yadda...... But then you turn round and say " It's still over!"

I promise you, it's the best feeling in the world, because they realise what they have lost, and you realise it isn't you at fault its them, and one day Karma will come and bite them on the arse.

Big hugs to you

P.s another good one is to wash the toilet with their toothbrush

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by boncho

If you actually read my thread, you would see that it is my daughter, not his....we raised her together so she calls him dad! My daughter has no idea what is going on and will not know what has happened! I would never do anything to put my daughter in harms way physically or emotionally thank you!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:04 PM
the best revenge is a woman who has all her stuff together, he doesn't think much of you so turn around and get him where it counts, his wallet, save every text for proof, THEN turn and sue the mistress for emotional distress or alienation of affection you can do that now that you have proof she slept in your bed, was your child home?, like sleeping in the next room because you said you were at work, just wondering because that's even worse and even worse for them when a judge knows it too. don't forget to SAVE AND COPY THE TEXTS!.

no petty revenge, smart female type lawyer revenge is always the best!!

I wish you luck, and no petty revenge, smart revenge my fellow sista :-)

edit on 29-3-2012 by hapablab because: (no reason given)

How to sue the mistress link
edit on 29-3-2012 by hapablab because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by antinwo101
reply to post by boncho

If you actually read my thread, you would see that it is my daughter, not his....we raised her together so she calls him dad! My daughter has no idea what is going on and will not know what has happened! I would never do anything to put my daughter in harms way physically or emotionally thank you!

That's nice. You have a kid together (she calls him Dad.)

It doesn't matter if his genes are inside her. And if you are planning on setting him up for revenge, then yes... you are planning on putting your daughter in harms way emotionally.

As I said before, get over yourself.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:13 PM
Thanks for the the replies and advice, good and bad! As for some of you that say revenge isn't the answer to my problems? I would usually agree with you, but the way i feel right now that seems to be the only thing that isn't even remotely going to make me get some happiness back! i want that those 2 home wreckers to feel the pain they have caused my family!!!!!!!! i want them to hurt as much as i do! I want him to feel as bad i am will when i have to tell my daughter daddy is never coming back!!!!!!!! I know most of you don't care because you don't know me from Adam, and some of you do because your compassionate souls, but i need this for me!!!!!

some one on a post said i should have known he was a cheater because he is a personal trainer, that's ridiculous!
I was completely blindsided and am still in shock scratching my head in disbelief! I did not see this coming, ya don't think if i did i would have stayed in the relationship? come on! that has to be the most retarded thing i have ever heard!

so those of you who actual care and or have been in my shoes, thank you for your advice i extremely appreciate it!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:16 PM


posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:18 PM
i can't imagine how angry you must be. i suggest trying the viral video/public humiliation combo. example
it always cheers me up

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by hapablab

Thank you lots sista!!!!!! Amazing advice! now that's what im talking about!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:27 PM
Thank him for showing that he is no longer worthy of your consideration, and smile as you send him on his way.

That really hit home with my ex wife.

See ya,

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