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Racial Beatdown in South Carolina. (Race War Beginning?)

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus


I"ll toss another speculation in the barrel, how about using this race issue as a way to side track us from what is possibily going to go down soon in the middle east.

I haven't seen too much in the MSM lately about afghanistan, Israel, Iran.....I haven't heard much about the soldier who killed those kids either....all seems so quite on our eastern front.....

Calm before a storm? What is brewing? I am reminded of april 92. This summer has the potential to be wicked on several fronts, I think. All gearing up to the November election.....who knows?

Good stuff Fission!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:51 PM
-_- This makes no sense at all. I really cannot understand the views of some of my fellow atsers. The same group that claim TPTB are trying to create a one world government partly by forcing multiculturalism on you.......are now saying they are trying to incite a race war..............................

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by OUNjahhryn

Are you insane? Obama POTUS? He's a way bigger gangsta and hustler then all the rappers out there.
You just don't get it, have you even digged deeper in black culture? Or are you just seeing videoclips on MTV, and thinking black people see this as their true values.

I listened to death metal, brutal hardcore music with a lot of gore in them and I have never turned into a violent freak. It's called art and that's it. And I also listen to hip hop and in no way do I portray a violent behaviour.

Not every black is a gangster and not every white is a good and honest citizen ( harper, charest ) you know?

Just watch what you say is all I'm sayin bro, ignorance is dangerous and creates exactly what you and I both hate and that's racism.

Peace bro
Sorry for being a little harsh but we need to make sure we don't portray exactly what MSM bs spews everyday.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

I wouldn't consider using the words metro Detroit and 16 mile in the same sentence, maybe comparing sterling hts or Madison hts, but it's metro parkway over there. Some of the wealthiest cities in our country, definitely our state are on 16 mile.
amazing what a difference 8 miles makes tho ain't it!
Troy representin! Exit 69 BIG BEAVER lol. I feel ya tho people ask where I'm from I always say Detroit.
edit on 29-3-2012 by DIRTYDONKEY because: Big beaver

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by DIRTYDONKEY
If Obama had sons they would look just like them!


posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by usmc0311

TPTB can fuel the fire all they want but its up to US to take responsibility for how we act. People can be easily manipulated and those who will find these times diffcult. Keep your head together and don't react to the BS. Just cause "they" want something to happen doesn't mean it will. We need to be stronger than that. If were not, then they have proved themselves right, we are nothing more than Sheeple.

edit on 29-3-2012 by wrdwzrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by DIRTYDONKEY
reply to post by Jordan River

I wouldn't consider using the words metro Detroit and 16 mile in the same sentence, maybe comparing sterling hts or Madison hts, but it's metro parkway over there. Some of the wealthiest cities in our country, definitely our state are on 16 mile.
amazing what a difference 8 miles makes tho ain't it!
Troy representin! Exit 69 BIG BEAVER lol. I feel ya tho people ask where I'm from I always say Detroit.
edit on 29-3-2012 by DIRTYDONKEY because: Big beaver

it is funny. But honestly I live on the industrial side of 16 mile. Which produces a lot of variation of color. but majority are Italian and rich. funny that you should know. The thing I was saying is that I go through detroit, detroit concerts, experienced the experience throughout the city , saw it lived it, . Does not mean I am not a part of that culture. Because I dont live pass the 8 mile line. Majority of the low poverty stricken are moving out of city into my neighborhood, i could careless, but i cannot say that to my parents point of view i haven't found a steady job for years. Plants close etc. I haven't had a job since last summer and I haven't had a penny in my bank for awhile either. This is how I compare myself. I use to live on 8 mile but i couldn't afford it !!!!! No work!!!
edit on 29-3-2012 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-3-2012 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-3-2012 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM
I'm thinking Acorn and Cloward Piven

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:19 PM
Lol OP used as a source to ask the opening question of whether there will be a race war.

If it wasn't sadder, I'd laugh.


Anyone who thinks that site has ANY credibility beyond making paranoid people even sicker needs a reality check.

I thought members of this site were smarter than this. Its a site for hicks, hillbillys and trolls. Add a dash of paranoia and boil until soft. Rabid nonsense to fulfil the fantasies of non achievers.

Thats the reality.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

Right on, no disrespect meant, I go to harpos, Fox and the filmore pretty often. Sorry bout you work prospects.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by DIRTYDONKEY
reply to post by Jordan River

Right on, no disrespect meant, I go to harpos, Fox and the filmore pretty often. Sorry bout you work prospects.

That is why your "mood" is dirty mitten!. a million blessings of resses peanut butter cups to you. Which is heaven to me

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:48 PM
Here is another article from a different source !!

The report said an anonymous witness told investigators the white man was overheard inside the restaurant, making racial comments about black people and using the "N" word. However, Covington said that investigators have not been able to confirm that.


Maybe TPTB have set up a "false flag" or an "entrapment" scenario.

Maybe it's somebody lower than TPTB.

The whole racial thing is being fueled by someone with an agenda.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

I am somewhat surprised that you do not see that forcing multiculturalism on people will create blow-back. It is basic psychology. People are clannish, suspicious, and tend to feel that their particular culture is superior to others. Even little kids that all look the same will ostracize and pick on the one kid who looks different. This is something people learn to hide as they get older, but most never outgrow.

School textbooks harp on the evils of what happened to various races in the past, Hollywood makes movies about it, shove it in our face every day, and then expect people to just get along.

They make the races mad at every other race, and then throw them together in the arena and enjoy the fight.

We can't even call each other just "Americans" anymore. It has to be Asian-American, African-American, Native American, Hispanic American, blah blah blah. THEY create the division and force it on us.

What could they get away with while everybody is at each other's throats? Imagine the possibilities.

The one world scenario would only work after a great many people are either jailed or eliminated entirely.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus

Twenty years later, NOTHING has changed. NOTHING. If anything, it has gotten worse.

It is very clear you live in the sticks.

In the cities it has gotten much better, you think it has gotten worse because of what you
see, experience and believe.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by braindeadconservatives

I live in the sticks NOW. I have lived in major metropolitan areas for the majority of my life. I have been in work situations in large cities in which I was the minority, and I was harassed, picked on, shoved around, you name it. Prejudice on all sides is alive, well, and thriving.

I'm not saying that everybody is still in this mindset, but this has been my experience.

I just LOVE how people make erroneous assumptions based on very little information.

Beyond that, just look at the furor this Treyvon Martin case has caused. Better you say? I beg to differ.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
There isn't going to be any race war. Race relations are the best they have ever been in this country.

Exactly! This sort of thing happens all the time all over the place. Thugs beat a guy etc. only difference is the vast majority don't get the media attention. Now let the media start airing these things day and night and calling it racism race war etc. and they might fan the flames of a so called race war but I doubt it will work people are to busy with all their hobbies and gadgets etc. and just trying to get by.

They'll have to do a wag the dog and air it to make people freak and think the country has broken out in a war along racial lines.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by spacedog1973
Lol OP used as a source to ask the opening question of whether there will be a race war.

If it wasn't sadder, I'd laugh.

The incident still happened reguardless of the source. As another poster pointed out there are other sources for this story.

Anyone who thinks that site has ANY credibility beyond making paranoid people even sicker needs a reality check.

That's what I was asking, is how people feel about it. Obviously you believe it is for making people paranoid. Thank you for your opinion.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
There isn't going to be any race war. Race relations are the best they have ever been in this country.

You are kidding?
Are there No-Go areas in the town where you live?
In the 50's and 60's anyone could drive thru any section of town and not have to fear for their lives.
Not so today.
British Tourists Killed for Being “Crackers” in Florida
Since blacks kill whites on a daily basis in this country, don’t expect to see this story above the fold in many newspapers:

There are several entries for this story which event happened in April of 2011.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 06:11 PM
Thanks everyone for your opinions. I agree with what alot of you have said as I believe there is more to this story and many different agendas behind what is happening. So again thank you for your honest opinions.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
reply to post by braindeadconservatives

I live in the sticks NOW. I have lived in major metropolitan areas for the majority of my life. I have been in work situations in large cities in which I was the minority, and I was harassed, picked on, shoved around, you name it. Prejudice on all sides is alive, well, and thriving.

I'm not saying that everybody is still in this mindset, but this has been my experience.

I just LOVE how people make erroneous assumptions based on very little information.

Beyond that, just look at the furor this Treyvon Martin case has caused. Better you say? I beg to differ.

I was was a white boy who went to school in South Central L.A, I had to be locked in the principles office
during the riots.

My cousins are 15 years younger than me (about)

All of them have different sets of friends and those friends are truly multi racial groups.

I make an assumption because you are extremely off base, I can walk in many neighborhoods
now that were not safe to do so ten years ago purely based upon racial consideration...

This has caused a furor because there is an audience, the white guilt audience, the black
power audience, the blacks are permanent victims audience, the whites are victims of
the blacks audience.

But again the future and culture is not shaped by the geezers who live vicariously through
the news, no offense to all of us geezers.

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