Chemtrails are hoax?
Bull #. Stop your damn lying or mis information.
Here is fact:
They claim it is done to test global warming effects. Whether this reason they give is right or not is not what im disputing. What Im calling anyone
who doesn't believe those are false clouds being made on purpose need stop kidding themselves or spreading lies. Here is the facts from a choking Bay
area California area:
August 26, 1997
Altitude record set in ARM-UAV program
LIVERMORE, Calif. - The Altus 2 UAV, built for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement - Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle (ARM-UAV) program, has reached an
all-time record altitude of 43,500 feet during flight demonstrations at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
Carrying a simulated payload of more than 300 pounds, this flight surpassed records of 41,600 feet set a week earlier. This milestone is just another
in a series of successes for the Altus program.
Sandia National Laboratories, technical director for the multi-laboratory ARM-UAV program which is a U.S. Department of Energy global climate change
research program, made the announcement in conjunction with General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., and the Naval Postgraduate School. Host
services were provided by NASA through the Dryden Flight Research Center and flight testing was done through the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely
Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS).
The Altus program has completed one deployment in the Fall of 1996 in support of the ARM-UAV Program at the Department of Energy Cloud and Radiation
Testbed Site in north-central Oklahoma. This deployment consisted of UAV flights to investigate the interaction of clouds and solar energy in the
atmosphere, culminating in a record-setting endurance flight of over 26 hours measuring the heating and cooling of the Earth's surface over a
complete day/night cycle.
Altus is being developed as a high altitude, remotely piloted aircraft for climate research. Controlled from the ground, Altus offers the advantage of
long endurance (up to 36 hours) and high altitude (up to 65,000 ft).
The ARM-UAV Program is conducting a month-long series of flights at the Cloud and Radiation Testbed Site in September to take advantage of the
increased altitude capability of the Altus 2. These flights will continue research on the effect of atmospheric aerosols, water vapor, and clouds on
global climate change.
Sandia is a multiprogram Department of Energy laboratory, operated by a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corp. With main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M.,
and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major research and development responsibilities in national defense, energy, environmental technologies and economic
For more information, please contact:
Will Bolton, Sandia National Laboratories (ARM-UAV Program)
(510) 294-2203
Jim Taylor, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (Altus designer)
(619) 455-4397
Mike Duncan, Naval Postgraduate School (joint user of Altus)
(408) 384-2776
Jenny Baer-Riedhart, NASA/Dryden Flight Research Center (UAV flight host)
(805) 258-3689
Media Contact:
Nancy Garcia
Sandia/California Public Affairs
(510) 294-2932
[email protected]
August 26, 1997
Committee Biographies
Frank A. Horrigan (Chair) retired in September 1999 from the Technical Development Staff for Sensors and Electronic Systems at Raytheon Systems
Company. He has broad general knowledge of all technologies relevant to military systems. Dr. Horrigan, a theoretical physicist, has more than 35
years' experience in advanced electronics, electro-optics, radar and sensor technologies, and advanced information systems. In addition, he has
extensive experience in planning and managing IR&D investments and in projecting future technology growth directions. Dr. Horrigan once served as a
NATO fellow at the Saclay Nuclear Research Center in France. Today he serves on numerous scientific boards and advisory committees, including the
NRC's Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board and its Naval Studies Board.
Philip S. Anselmo is currently an executive with the Electric Sensors and Systems Sector of Northrop Grumman Corporation in Baltimore, Maryland,
following a career with the U.S. Navy during which he achieved the rank of Rear Admiral. His present activities include development of intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) programs for all the Services, and he works closely with the National community to extend its robust capability
to real-time targeting problems. Admiral Anselmo, who is a naval aviator, possesses a diverse naval operational background, particularly in aviation
and air warfare. His career includes commanding the USS Kansas City and USS Constellation. (Most of his early operational duties, however, included
tours in fighter squadrons and carrier air wing groups.) Admiral Anselmo retired in 1995 as the Chief of Naval Operations' Deputy Director for Space
and Electronic Warfare.
Willard R. Bolton is deputy technical director for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement-Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles (ARM-UAV) program, a DOE
collaboration involving industrial, academic, and national laboratory participation, and manager of the Exploratory Systems Technology Department at
Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California. The ARM-UAV program was established to investigate the interaction of clouds and solar energy in
the atmosphere and to demonstrate the utility of UAVs for atmospheric research by, for example, making radiative flux measurements over cirrus clouds
and by providing data for comparison with satellite-derived radiative fluxes. He has an extensive background in aerodynamics, particularly in regard
to UAV stability and control. Prior to joining Sandia, he was an engineer at the Boeing Military Airplane Division. His professional experience, which
is in both technical management and program management, has included responsibility
Science Mission Basics
Learning the role of clouds in global warming is a critical factor in understanding the earth's climate changes. The Altus II, a high altitude
unmanned aircraft built for the ERAST program, participated in a series of experiments during May, 1999 over the island of Kauai in Hawaii to help
scientists gather important weather data that can be used to improve climatic computer models.
The tests were conducted as part of the ARM - UAV Atmospheric Radiation Measurement - Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle Program, which is a multi-agency,
multi-laboratory program that has been funded by the U.S. Department of Defense's Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and the
Department of Energy. The purpose of this program is to study evolving cloud fields and their effect on the solar and thermal radiation balance in the
atmosphere. According to Nancy Garcia of the Sandia National Laboratories public affairs office in Livermore, California, "There's a problem with
some of the computer models that have been used to try to understand climate change, and they don't adequately take into account the role of clouds.
Water vapor is the major greenhouse gas. So it's important to take these measurements and see what's more dominant: the cooling effect of the
clouds, or the fact that they may be trapping in some heat."
This mission couples the use of a UAV originally developed for defense surveillance with the use of piloted aircraft for making important atmospheric
measurements. Using UAVs to make these measurements offers the significant advantage of high-altitude and long-endurance operations, two features that
are very important when measuring the effects of cloud fields. Additionally, this mission seeks to exploit the high altitude flight capability of UAVs
to provide measurements to calibrate satellite radiance products, and validate their associated methods for measuring radiation flux.
UAVs Make Cloud Sandwiches
The testing involves two aircraft, flying in a "sandwich" formation, with a manned aircraft below and a UAV above the clouds. Making radiation
measurements with the UAV will allow scientist to know how much energy from the sun is reaching the top of the cloud, how much is being reflected
upward. Measurements from the bottom aircraft will tell researchers the amount of energy passing through the cloud, and the amount of energy reflected
from the earth's surface back to the bottom of the cloud. Together these measurements allow scientists to get a sense of how much light is absorbed
in the cloud, which is very important in helping understand the role the clouds play in both warming and cooling.
The testing at the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) in Hawaii has two major purposes: testing the technology for the first time over the ocean
with the new Altus II UAV, and testing involving tropical cirrus clouds. Although no quick answers are expected to the problem of global warming, the
project is important as a means of both "developing tools and acquiring data which will become part of the storehouse of knowledge that will help
understand the global climate change phenomenon in the longer term," according to Sandia's project director Will Bolton.
The Altus II was built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems of San Diego, California, and has been actively employed in the NASA ERAST
(Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology) Program. It has been flight tested at the NASA Dryden Research Center and at El Mirage (both
in California) to ensure it would reach altitudes necessary to do cloud testing. To view a log of Altus activities at PMRF, please click to Altus
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There is so much facts out there, aside from my own two damn eyes, that show California is being sprayed on purpose.
It is being done over the labs so I dont think its a bio weapon, however, people are more sick lately and ed teller who came up with the idea,
doesn't think of human safety in his ideas.
Look up ed teller, who created the hydrogen bomb, and see what his idea for global warming was to the Livermore lab.
Please quit spreading crap, all of you who think chemtrails are a hoax, you dont know what you are talking about or you have some other agenda. Plain
and simple.