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Calm before the Storm?

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:14 AM
Up until this past weekend the internet and open forums were filled with chatter about possible upcoming events.
Everywhere you looked there was a post or conversation regarding something happening or coming in the near future. I dont look for doom and gloom posts, though I do read them when I see them.

In observation, I have noticed a substantial downturn in " OMG _______ is coming this week". Its like there was alot of buildup to last week and nothing turned out. I know there was a couple significant earthquakes, but nothing has been said about them since they occured. I know the Olympics will be a hot topic soon and there will be conspiracies galore. But that is a couple months out.

This is a conspiracy forum. So here is my conspiracy. Is there an increased amount of censorship occurring now because of the Olympics. Is there a reason all the chatter stopped nearly. Is the storm approaching, whatever it may be, and TPTB dont want us to be alarmed. Are we being watched and censored so that the alarm isnt given. If no new information is being presented then we wont begin to prepare. If we dont prepare then they will achieve a win.

I feel there are some out there that are in the know but are reluctant to put it out there because of the fear of retaliation. This is just an observation be myself. TPTB understand that knowledge if power. Power is reserved for the select, not for all. Does anyone else feel this way or has my thirst for substantiation to begin prepping taken over.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:24 AM
I've noticed the quiet as well. I'm inclined to think, because March 20-25 was a flop, that many have had to eat their words. So they've got their mouths full.

I could be wrong, though

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:26 AM
I'm really confused about what you're asking or what actually your conspiracy is.

But there is nothing going to happen at the Olympics, 2012, or any other time to say the least. Humans will always believe there is something going on being the scenes and some big event is going to occur. What I've come to realize is that it will always be business as usual. Sure things will happen but they've happened throughout the history of man...nothing new.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by WordsAreAvenues

I was kinda thinking the same thing

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:36 AM
I have noticed something too, and I don't know what it is. I am very cautious to make sure it isn't me that is feeling it, and interpreting others words or actions to find my mindset. But what I have been really noticing, is normal, everyday people commenting that something is coming. Just yesterday, I had a client of mine talking about how she has just seen this new show called "Doomsday Preppers" and how she was fascinated by it, because her and her husband have had a feeling that something is coming, and they started prepping on their own. Then she see this show, and figures out that there are lots of other people out there like her. I could tell based on how she spoke about it, she wasn't an ATS member and up on all the doom. She was just an average citizen making those comments, and that is what gets me.

I get that we (the ATS collective) will have these thoughts and feelings, but we expose ourselves to it daily. But when the average person notices it, without reading and researching, then I take notice. You combine that with the massive increase in gun sales, people are getting ready for something, even if they don't know what it is.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:45 AM
I think that even here on ATS, the MSM and TPTB, have managed to distract us from what is going on, look at how many different threads there are on the Martin/Zimmerman thing right now. Which should tell us they have something big planned. It would be very interesting to see a list of the topics that were getting flags, stars and comments here on ATS in the weeks leading up to 9/11/2001

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:47 AM
Okay so here it is folks (speculation and fun of course). There will be a disclosure, shortly after the torch run and before the Olympics start, the ET/ED/Angels/Demons whatever will introduce them selves and we will live happily ever after.

There will be an intermediary shock and awe but after various factions off themselves or each other, then we start to learn and grow and join the intergalactic community.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by nolongerblind
I have noticed a substantial downturn in " OMG _______ is coming this week".

It goes in spurts. We get those full speed ahead for a few weeks and then it calms down and then it picks up again. Same with new Christian fundamentalists targeting the boards to convert people. Same with Maitreya threads. Same with comet/asteroid impact threads. Same with ________. (pick a subject or group). These things come and go in waves like an ocean on the shore ...

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:50 AM
I feel the same and am glad to see others making a comment..I don't feel alone.

I would like to believe that everything will be fine at least until after May...

I have some plans that I would like to see happen and don't need any diseasters or whatever screwing it up.

Let's see last year Japan, the year before I'm hoping no pattern is developing and everything will be fine.

I will be convinced after May....

Then we can start the Hurricane watch.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:55 AM
Let's get down to business shall we?

It's time to stop playing games.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:58 AM
I think the answer is obvious. Gypsycat beat me too it. There isn't a vast conspiracy or censorship going on. 95% of ATS seems to be obsessed with the Treyvon Martin shooting. You're just not seeing these doom and gloom threads to a great extent, because these same people have a new theme. My take on the matter, anyway!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by nolongerblind

I think something is headed our way...or maybe just for me.

As the days pass I feel it is more urgent to return to where the majority of my family lives.

I do have a plan to do so and am fighting the urge to jump before I am ready to move.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by nolongerblind
In observation, I have noticed a substantial downturn in " OMG _______ is coming this week". Its like there was alot of buildup to last week and nothing turned out.

There is constant predictions, speculations, and OMG something is coming/building up..etc.. and nothing ever happens. Just because the latest set of build-ups has resulted in nothing means.. well nothing.
edit on 3/29/2012 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:32 PM
Probably just an astrological lull coming out of feminine Pisces...
The next 30 days should bring lots more activity, now that Aries is in full swing.

edit on 29-3-2012 by DeReK DaRkLy because: ...

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:37 PM
Obama's Marxist (AP) media is doing everything they can to divert attention away from Obama's (documented) criminal record and 'forged' birth certificate's!
After this Trayvon thing is over..I'm sure the Olympic (doom) will be next.
You can take that to the bank!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Drezden

There is constant predictions, speculations, and OMG something is coming/building up..etc.. and nothing ever happens. Just because the latest set of build-ups has resulted in nothing means.. well nothing.
edit on 3/29/2012 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

If you spend any time on these forums then you will know that there are threads almost daily predicting some type of impending doom.........It's either Earth quakes, Pole shifts, or a military strike on Iran!

Of course with these daily predictions.......some one will eventually get a hit!........but that's like celebrating a win on the horses after you put a bet on every horse!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:17 PM
The last couple of weeks I was thinking about opening a thread with the same title because it appears as if there really is a silence before the storm. My guess is that when the next large event happens it will trigger WW3. This event is the war against Iran.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:25 PM
Anytime I see something flood the media I tend to look everywhere else for whats going on. Though as tragic as the Trayvon story is, it is flooding the system. As a chess player we are cautious when the Queen is in play because the rook or knight is one doing the real damage. The big story at the time is just a cover for something going on in the background. Sadly we are led astray until usually too late when the real event takes place. This is what has got me wondering

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
. My guess is that when the next large event happens it will trigger WW3. This event is the war against Iran.

Errr war against Iran will not trigger WW3............that's silly season talk!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by nolongerblind
. As a chess player we are cautious when the Queen is in play because the rook or knight is one doing the real damage.

Like to expand on that?
.......I play pretty good chess.......but can't really make out what you mean in chess terms.
edit on 29-3-2012 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

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