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South Park disses Ron Paul?

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:04 AM
Spoiler alert.

Tonight on South Park (ive seen the wellaware1 info, dont know, just enjoy laughing sometimes) the new episode starts at a Republican debate, with Santorum, Romney, Gingrich and Paul all on stage.

The South Park characters then crash the debate, it was a weak episode overall I'd say, but,

At the onset the first three candidates say a quick line, then Ron Paul speaks and in the background of the characters talking, Paul's dialogue continues for about a minute or more. Struck me initially as pretty cool as a RP fan.

At the end of the episode, which is about memes, they return to another debate and Ron Paul is replaced onstage by a cat in a cage, the meme some of you may have seen in which the cat sounds like he's speaking something. The other candidates are all still there.

Is this a slight or somehow a promotion of Paul? South Park may be vulgar and stupid, but I've seen many times they are subliminal and deep with some things.

Any ideas?

And I don't have a link to the episode just yet as it just aired.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:14 AM
Everything is not a conspiracy, its south park, SOUTH PARK... mull that over for a minute, you know the show that Had Satan F-ing Saddam...

OMG South park Killed off Saddam before he died!!! Thats it there Illuminati conspirators...

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by benrl

Im asking about the specificity of this airing, perhaps the acknowledgment that MSM ignores Paul being highlighted even, just want to see what people think.

And I get the nature of this show. But guess what the nature of this site is?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:26 AM
South Park is the cartoon version of Saturday Night Live. Making some fun of Ron Paul is actually a sign of respect for his status coming from that show.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:28 AM
They weren't making fun of him in the context it was used. The cartoon was talking about pandering, and at the end when Ron Paul wasn't there, the only ones pandering were the only other 3 candidates. Ron Paul doesn't pander.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:33 AM
oh long johnson!!!

that cat meme was brilliant. i never saw that youtube vid, so i had to go see if it was real. too funny.

but at the beginning, they let ron paul talk for the longest time. so im hoping those guys like ron paul. because if not, why would ron paul's voice be overheard during the faith hill prank?

oh long johnson!!!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by benrl
Everything is not a conspiracy, its south park, SOUTH PARK... mull that over for a minute, you know the show that Had Satan F-ing Saddam...

OMG South park Killed off Saddam before he died!!! Thats it there Illuminati conspirators...

Yeah.... its South Park, one of the biggest TV shows in America. On a network that is owned by Viacom. I am sure they are not brain washing any one. They have taken over every thing in the world BUT the TV, Movies, and Music industry. Ha
Wake up man

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:36 AM
It's just south park being south park. I actually came right to ATS because I KNEW someone would post about it lol.
Btw that episode was pretty Damn funny.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by andboycott

wish i saw the episode.
when the episode comes online, could you post it? i'd like to check it out.



posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 01:54 AM
Besides the aforementioned pandering, I think the other point was that Ron Paul has been done to death on the internet. Seeing a pro Ron Paul message somewhere on the internet has become akin to seeing a picture of a cat.

That doesn't mean Trey & Matt are anti Ron Paul, just that they're aware of how cliche and tiring it is to see pro Ron Paul propaganda on the internet.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I have to agree... South Park is usually spot on with political commentary, and I think this is just a sign of how much they like the guy. (but also how he's being treated by the MSM).

They've always been topical.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Infi8nity

Not everything is a conspiracy man. South park is nothing but 2 middle aged stoners having fun. They're not trying to make any serious point and if they were, it would be more obvious.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:31 PM
If they were truly making fun of Ron Paul I think he would be the only one Faith Hill-ing at the end instead of the other candidates
edit on 29-3-2012 by Mkoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by swoopaloop

Not everything is a conspiracy man. South park is nothing but 2 middle aged stoners having fun. They're not trying to make any serious point and if they were, it would be more obvious.

I'd say that's pretty accurate, but they do like making irreverent messages in their work. You can especially see it in the work they did that isn't as well known, like Cannibal the Musical, or Orgazmo, etc.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 05:40 PM
I watched an interview with Trey and Matt.they simply said, if it makes them both laugh, it gets in. That is their only standard, lol.

So who knows if it is sensible or not.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:13 AM
When I started the episode I was surprised to see Ron Paul on the stage. I wasn't surprised to see Ron Paul replaced by the cat. I saw that one coming. Would have been amazing if they had RP go postal for being replaced by the meme cat. I was sitting here just hoping RP would barge in and do a crazy meme.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Say Geddi Lee!

Geddi Lee?

Best Player! Geddi Lee!

lmao sorry for being off topic. But yeah I never seen Cannibal but what kind of irreverent messages did you find in Orgazmo?

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 04:47 PM
Well if you think about it it probably was out of respect for Ron Paul. I mean, he wasn't on the stage at the end, would you rather him be there and dance around "Faith Hilling" like the rest of them? lol

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by swoopaloop

lmao sorry for being off topic. But yeah I never seen Cannibal but what kind of irreverent messages did you find in Orgazmo?

I kind of read the whole thing as a commentary on how close minded some belief systems can be when it comes to matters of sex. C'mon, two Mormons who become porn stars? The very premise is irreverent!

Cannibal was simply an attempt to show you can make even the most appalling subject matter appealing with music, hehe... (not as funny as Orgazmo though)

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