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Woman Is Dragged From Hospital And Dies Shortly After In Jail For Not Being Able To Walk (VIDEO)

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Gorsebeacon
Our healthcare system is a joke because its run by big business rather than people that actually care about our health. Healthcare should have been free a long time ago in America. Maybe we would have focused less on other countries and not ended up in this mess we are in now.
It's never free, as it comes out of taxes, but I hear you on all levels. My cancer was cured for $32 out of pocket...parking at the hospital. Our standard of living is good, and taxes are not onerous.

It doesn't take an economist to figure out that if health care is a business, somewhere somebody is continually calculating how to up profits for the shareholders. Take out the profit margin, you can spread the benefits around further. Never mind the fact that you are paying for foreign wars (as are we, lamentably) while your own suffer in the streets.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by getreadyalready

Combative? Have you ever been in excruciating pain and at the end of your ropes and had people do what you couldn't have happen. I would have been yelling at them too because my life was at stake.

And the list of blame goes FIRST WITH THE GOVERNMENT< OUR PAID MINION EMPLOYEES, then with the police and hospital equally, and last with any people barely surviving in this obscenely run country and abusive twisted criminal world. THE PEOPLE ARE SAINTS!!!!!! THEY ROCK!!!!!
edit on 28-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

First of all, YES!! I have been in that position a couple of times. I was sent home from the ER 2 days in a row with a ruptured appendix, and finally on my 3rd visit, they decided to do an exploratory surgery and they found out how serious my condition was, and they finally fixed me. I could have easily died. I also blew myself up once (by accident), and I had an ambulance ride, and an ER stint, and another hour long ambulance ride, and then multiple surgeries and a couple of weeks in a sterile burn unit, and then follow up care for almost 2 years. While I was in the burn unit, I refused all morphine and prescription pain meds, because I caught them bringing me the wrong medicine multiple times, so I couldn't trust the doctors and nurses, so I had to just endure the pain to keep my own wits to manage my own care. I did what I had to do, and I was never combative or excessively mean. I was only firm and direct.

As for the people of this world. They SUCK!

The government employees, hospital employees, and cops you speak of are just people of this world. The drug addicts, lazy free-loaders, pill addicts, and criminals that have created this mess are people of this world. The sue-happy lawyers and greedy sue-happy litigants that have made the doctors paranoid to use their own judgement and instead only follow established protocol approved by their insurance companies are people of this world. The people of this world are the crux of the problem. The government is highly re-active not pro-active, so the government only responds to the perceived wants of the people, and too many people want the government making their decisions for them, and being intrusive, and holding everybody else accountable but not them. The people are responsible for the bad government not the other way around.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Hillarie

What? Excuse me. Did you know this woman? Did you know anything about her? 'Burned her bridges?'

WTF ????

What exactly is your problem? Who died and made you the judge of the world???

Well, if I didn't know anything else about the woman, I could make my judgement just based on the single fact that she doesn't have possession of her own kids, and that would be enough for me to pass judgement.

BUT, in this case, we have so much more! Did you read the entire article? Did you read her long history and downward spiral? Did you read about how her own family had stopped helping her? Did you read the facts that she originally refused treatment, and refused the ambulance ride, and yelled at the doctors, but eventually she did take the ride to another hospital, where they did do testing, despite her behavior and their suspicions?

I understand, in hindsight, this was a giant tragedy and obviously the health system failed her. She had a very serious health problem, and the people entrusted to save her instead let her die because they misjudged her intentions and her symptoms. They should be held accountable for their poor healthcare. But of course the woman has some responsibility in this. We all have responsibility for our own situations.

I don't see how the police did anything wrong? They are not doctors, and they had the word of 2 different hospitals that she was healthy and faking to seek pain meds. They treated her as such. In hindsight, that was a huge mistake, but what could the police have done differently? Should they have taken her to yet another hospital after two had already examined her and deemed her fit?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:11 AM
^^ Couldn't have said it any better. Exactly what I was thinking when I read this.

I love how people come in here and post articles just to find ways to trash our police officers.
edit on 29-3-2012 by HawkeyeNation because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:30 AM
I agree this is a travesty. I also agree with everything getreadyalready said. It was spot on. And WHY is America coming to this? For the fourth time in two days I will tell everyone...Capitalism. Like the user I mentioned also said, everyone is viewed as either an ASSET or a LIABILITY. Either profitable or not, and if not, discard. The people are bred by the system to be this way, and it's sickening.

We spend all of our time working, while many struggle just to live, while many of those large employers are filthy rich. And don't fool yourself into thinking they are ignorant of the situation their greed has caused, because the bourgeois employers and decision makers know exactly what they are doing, and who they are exploiting.

This trickles down until things like this happen. Profits over people. People aren't treated, or treated properly medically speaking, because they have no insurance. And why do they have no insurance? For most it isn't because they are lazy, like the rich like to make out. Of course they will say that, because they want to maintain the illusion of capitalism. It's a cycle, and it will never end until the people get so fed up, and are no longer able to deny the truth.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by muse7
reply to post by Asktheanimals

So what do you want? Do you want hospitals only to be for people with private insurance?

No. I was making a reference to what I think will happen when Obamacare kicks in. Medical care is already in a deplorable state and once government gets through micromanaging every aspect of it nobody will get adequate care is what I am afraid will happen.
That is if past instances of government involvement hold true - think Katrina for example.
edit on 29-3-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I can tell you from a similar experience, that after awhile you get frustrated and with as much pain as she must have been in by that time (blood clots are very painful), I can see the other side of this coin and understand why she started yelling and refused to leave.

Unfortunately, this is far more common than most people realize- going into see a doctor and them telling you that there is nothing wrong, although there (to you), quite obviously is. I also agree that in some cases, the drug seekers are having an impact- I had one doctor tell me that 9/10 patients he saw were, in fact, drug seekers. Sad.

My similar story (short version), is that my husband took me to a nearby hospital because I was having lower left quadrant pain, severe weight loss, and other unsavory gastro-intestinal symptoms. Immediately, I was labled a drug seeker and told so by not only the doctor but several nurses who literally sneered at me when they interacted with me. I was told I was fine and to go home. My husband, who's "spidey sense" was going off, proceeded to drive to another hospital, over an hour away from our work location. The doctor there, using his own gut instinct, ran ONE specific test, and I was immediately admitted into the hospital, under restriction, as I had a severe bacterial infection in my lower intestinal tract, and was within about 2 hours, tops, of a rupture, making things MUCH more complicated, if I survived the experience. They also learned I had colitis and diverticulosis, which is a diagnosis I spent 13 years trying to find out.

This kind of "modern medicine" happens far more often than you think. Doctors often go into the profession not because they want to care for people, but for the fat paycheck. Sure, it is alot of schooling and tough times, but in the end, they come out smelling like roses, income wise.

Over the years, in the quest for a diagnosis of my illness, I met exactly 3 doctors that actually cared about their patients- out of over 100. I even had a doctor lock me into his office over his lunch hour and told his nurses not to let me out, so my companion couldn't get to me, and I couldn't leave. To this day, I still don't know why he did this and I have nightmares about it to this day. The only thing I asked of him was for a way to get back on my feet after an accident- I was looking for excersizes and such to help myself, not drugs. For some reason, he was offended?

OP- thank you so much for bringing this into the open. It's a dirty secret, and it's time it ends. With what our medical help costs these days, they should be bending over backwards to help their patients. What happened to this lady is a travesty. I can't imagine how her family must feel. S n F for you!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

First off, it's NOT a "failure of the American healthcare system", it's the failure of one doctor. To say these problems are systemic is a blatant lie. Like it or not, we have the best health care available, anywhere. However, it won't be if Obamacare prevails.

This particular doctor and hospital should be held accountable with the strictest allowable punishment. There are some bad apples out there. There is one particular hospital near where I live that is just awful. They are mean, have no bedside manner and no compassion. On the other hand, when I went into the ER at another hospital with a heart rate of 180 BPM at rest, they immediately checked me in. That was a Sunday; by Wednesday I was under the knife for bypass surgery. That simply wouldn't have happened in most countries. To have surgery within 4 days by a highly-regarded cardiac surgeon is simply not possible elsewhere. Furthermore, it was a somewhat unconventional surgery that not all surgeons are capable of.

This particular police department should be held accountable as well. This is indicative of where we are headed with Obama's police state. This type of behavior will only get worse. It's one less mouth to feed. One less carbon footprint. I'm sure the "greenies" will be pleased.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:52 AM
The answer to most healthcare problems in the United States is..

Government Mandated Healthcare.

Save for this one. The answer to this problem is a lot of people being fired from their jobs.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:54 AM
There is no compassion in the "Health Care System".

I am 44 year old male with Osteoarthritis through out my whole body.

Odd for a male to have and strange to be affected in my forties.

This is a disease that usually affects women over 60 years old, more commonly in their Eighties.

Narcotics are the only drugs that I can turn to for pain relief. Because I am so young I have to go to a pain clinic to get medication. Because they think I am a junkie seeking a fix I have to take monthly drug tests. I visibly have osteoarthritis! I have had tests, MRI's, x-rays, not to mention the bent and swollen joints in my hands.

My provider sees me seeking pain medication as an elective decision, so they do not cover the drug tests I have to take so I can get pain medication. The drug test alone is $350.00 a month. This does not include the office visit, the prescription copay, the time, gasoline, etc. and the monthly cost of health insurance to start with.

It would be easier if my Family Physician could prescribe me medication but I don't think enough people make money off me that way.

The only bonus is I am not taking pain killers every day and I do not have to deal with the nightmare of a long term prescription drug addiction.

edit on 29-3-2012 by sdocpublishing because: Spelling and grammer

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by SweetKarma

I entirely agree with you about doctors being in it for the paycheck, and about doctors sending people away far too often. On the flipside of that, patients with insurance get far too many unnecessary and expensive tests. I actually work in the field of Medical Malpractice, so I see this a lot.

On the one hand, I sometimes empathize with the doctors. If they do too much, they are just bilking their patients for costly unnecessary procedures, and if they don't do enough, their patients sometimes get worse or even die.

On the other hand, far too many doctors are just playing the healthcare game. They know what they can bill insurance and medicare for without getting into trouble, and they know what tests will protect them from a malpractice lawsuit, and they know as long as they follow established protocol, even if their gut tells them otherwise, they will be safe from litigation. Far too many doctors ignore their own opinions and gut feelings, and instead they follow some standard protocol to keep themselves out of trouble and the patient is the ultimate victim.

The points of my posts though are this: we are all responsible for the status quo. Excessive litigation, and our "blameless" society that wants to hang a lawsuit on someone everytime anything goes wrong has painted our professionals into a corner. Sometimes people just die. Sometimes they are young people, even children, and it is tragic, and heart-breaking, but Doctors are not Gods, and if we sue a doctor or a hospital everytime something tragic happens, and if insurance companies are paying out settlements regardless of blame, they pay out just to avoid costly legal fees, and so we are getting exactly what we created. We are getting robot doctors that ignore people and only pay attention to protocol.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I would disagree with your position on Obamacare, the reason she was left sitting in a wheelchair for seven hours with a sheet thrown over her, and then told to leave the hospital (and eventually arrested for not leaving it) was her lack of insurance. The doctor gave her the bare minimum level of care based on her emergency room visit, then did nothing more for her.

If she had insurance, they would almost certainly have held her overnight for observation. If the hospital where she was taken had not been so jaded they may have treated her symptoms a little more seriously.

It also pisses me off that once the police got the doctors okay that she was "fit for confinement" they just treated her like a slab of meat - which is precisely what she became once in their 'care'.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:59 AM
This is what happens when you insist on maintaining a private healthcare system....

SHUT THOSE PRIVATE MF*S DOWN and introduce all round public health care for EVERYONE!

This is the way we have it in Denmark, and noone... regardless of skin, age, sex or insurrance is EVER turned down at the door.

And you know what... it's free...

If I get cancer... care and treatment is free.
If I break my back and need rehabilitating... it's free.
If I need a lung transplant... it's free.
If I need to see my physician because of something... regardless... it's free.

Why the hell would you ever insist on maintaining a private healthcare system? It's the most in-humane system on planet Earth, and shame on doctors that solicit themselves to be a part of that system.
edit on 29/3/12 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by Gorsebeacon
Our healthcare system is a joke because its run by big business rather than people that actually care about our health. Healthcare should have been free a long time ago in America. Maybe we would have focused less on other countries and not ended up in this mess we are in now.
It's never free, as it comes out of taxes, but I hear you on all levels. My cancer was cured for $32 out of pocket...parking at the hospital. Our standard of living is good, and taxes are not onerous.

It doesn't take an economist to figure out that if health care is a business, somewhere somebody is continually calculating how to up profits for the shareholders. Take out the profit margin, you can spread the benefits around further. Never mind the fact that you are paying for foreign wars (as are we, lamentably) while your own suffer in the streets.

Yeah but the way things are in the USA, state sponsored health care does nothing to eliminate the 'profit motive', and instead it surrenders to that motive and allows it to take over completely.

The state would not eliminate or regulate the pharmaceutical companies nor would it nationalize them, but instead it would simply agree to a blank check purchase of unlimited drugs from the companies as they are today, greedy and out of control.

By essentially agreeing to pay any price no matter the quality, the pharmaceutical companies will as a result, increase the price on their products significantly. This is because the product will still sale very well due to the buyer (Govt) having agreed to pay any price.

So this screwed up corrupt system would quickly reveal itself to be overpriced, low quality, etc etc.

Oh and by the way, almost every hospital in the USA receives state funding to cover their shortfalls, despite what many people will tell you. Hospitals that receive state funding cannot turn away patients legally or risk losing their funding sources.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:13 AM
How is this even possible? I thought that they are bound by law to treat anyone who walks in the door at a hospital?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Raxoxane
reply to post by itsJUSTzo

Actually,that right there is a VERY good and pertinent question-i guess because her death does not have the potential for inciting riots+violence,thus maybe leading to a clampdown on gun ownership/Martial law?

you could not be more right on with that comment. this world has become such a sick inhumane place.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by LauraBow
How is this even possible? I thought that they are bound by law to treat anyone who walks in the door at a hospital?

People really need to read the article.

They did treat her at the original hospital, and then they transferred her by ambulance, and then they treated her again, ran tests, including ultrasounds of her legs, and they apparently did not see the blood clots, and after many hours (7 hours I think), they eventually had to discharge her. At that time she refused to leave, and after some prolonged period of time, they eventually had to call the police. The police took her original complaint of pain serious enough to force the hospital staff to give her a medical clearance of "fit for confinement," so the police did all they could, and they had to rely on the doctors.

She was seen by multiple doctors, two different hospitals, and ambulance personnel, and she did have tests run, and those tests would have been reviewed by additional personnel in the hospital.

She was never refused treatment, it had nothing to do with insurance or money, and it had nothing to do with the police.

Apparently, they just missed a very serious ailment. It happens sometimes by accident, it happens sometimes because it is a rare occurence that cannot be helped, and it happens sometimes because the medical staff does a subpar job. We don't know if this was accident or malpractice, but it was definitely not a refusal to treat.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:28 AM
Very sad sorry. I agree it would be the doctors fault.

A body doesn't become cold after 15 minutes....

I look at how the Government treats our vets with health issues. Yeah, I don't want them in charge of my health insurance..

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by

They didn't turn her away.....however, you raise a very important point. So many drug addicts go to emergency rooms just to try and score pain meds. Doctors in ERs (and nurses) see it all the time and it's a real problem. The staff is always suspicious if someone claims to be in pain, but they cannot find the cause...(which is wrong because there are MANY things which can cause severe pain which will not show up in the "standard" tests)... This causes some people who are in real pain to not get the treatment they need. If the physician cannot find something on xrays or MRI etc....they sometimes think the patient is a drug seeker......even though the patient may truely be in pain. These drug addicts make it hard for anyone who shows up at the ER with complaints of pain to be taken seriously. Also, there IS sterotyping sometimes. If a poor person shows up with pain and the doctor does not find an immediate cause, they are simply sent home and told to take advil.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by StealthyKat

They didn't turn her away.....however, you raise a very important point. So many drug addicts go to emergency rooms just to try and score pain meds. Doctors in ERs (and nurses) see it all the time and it's a real problem. The staff is always suspicious if someone claims to be in pain, but they cannot find the cause...(which is wrong because there are MANY things which can cause severe pain which will not show up in the "standard" tests)...

Actually, the ER staff is in a difficult position, because we actually instruct patients, and regular docs to send these people to the ER!

If a doctor is suspicious and uncomfortable giving a pain med prescription, OR if a pharmacy is uncomfortable filling a pain med prescription, then the patient is left out in the cold. Their only solution is to go to the ER for a 72 hour supply of pain meds. The docs, pharmacies, and health departments will all tell the patients they need to go to the ER.

There is certainly a flaw in the system. The docs and the pharmacies are under the gun, there are multiple task forces and law enforcement agencies bearing down on them to not prescribe and dispense so many narcotics, so now we are seeing the backlash of that effort.

Here is an earlier thread of mine on this same subject... The Pandemic of Prescription Drug Abuse.

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