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Michael Horn: Why Billy? The Photos, The Grays

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posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 03:30 PM
First, thank you for your time...
Now for the questions!

1. Why Billy? Did these aliens give any reasons as to why Billy was chosen to be their mouthpiece?

2. The Photos... It seems the aliens do not mind Billy taking photos of the craft. Why then, are there no closeup photos? Why no photos of the interior of the craft? Why no photos of the aliens themselves? Surely, if their warnings are to be heeded, they'd want to provide him even more proof his story is genuine?

3. What, if any, is these aliens' stated opinions on the race commonly called "The Grays"?

Thank you.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 04:36 PM
Thanks Michael Horn for taking your time with this event. Here goes.

1. You mentioned in the intro that those who have tried reproducing Meier's photos have failed. Is it your opinion that this alone proves Meiers photos to be authentic?

2. Have you ever personally witnessed any of the sightings shown in Meiers images?

3. Have you ever doubted any of the claims made by Billy Meier?

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 06:24 PM
Hi and thanks for the welcome and for your questions, I'll do my best to answer them and please feel free to pursue further clarification if necessary. I'm copying the questions from the first two posts and inserting my answers below:

1. You mentioned in the intro that those who have tried reproducing Meier's photos have failed. Is it your opinion that this alone proves Meiers photos to be authentic?

MH: No, there has been sufficiently competent analysis done on the photos, years ago, which showed them to be authentic. (See the free report at: Certainly they haven't been duplicated to this day, which says something important when you consider that Meier took them with a 35mm camera years before computers and special effects were available to him. Also, keep in mind that he took well over 1,000 of them in a three year period, all this along with presenting the rest of the physical evidence, plus the 25,000+ pages of information (most still in German) while he was raising a family with three kids, working as a night watchman and fixing up a run down farm house to make it habitable.

2. Have you ever personally witnessed any of the sightings shown in Meiers images?

MH: No but I have a couple of friends who have.

3. Have you ever doubted any of the claims made by Billy Meier?

MH: Yes. I doubted the info that he was told re all crop circles were being faked (see my article in UFO magazine at:, which was later ctrorrected by the ETs. And, while I really didn't fully doubt it, I found the transcripts re some of his time travels completely amazing. I should add that I don't claim that everything in the case is true. I do claim that we have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the contacts and the evidence are authentic. But until certain events transpire, or certain information is shown to be wrong, I divide the case into that which is proven and factual and that which is speculative. So there is clearly a lot of speculative info in the case. However, that which has ben proven to be true is abundant and of enormous importance.

1. Why Billy? Did these aliens give any reasons as to why Billy was chosen to be their mouthpiece?

MH: Yes, a couple of reasons, and please keep in mind that I'm now giving you info directly from the case that is speculative, i.e. I can neither prove nor disprove it. The Plejaren claim that, at their level of scientific and spiritual development, the human spirit is a fact of life, as are innumerable succesive incarnations (reincarnation) in the course of evolution. They have stated (Meier says that they have stated but, from here on, let me dispense with qualifying each statement) that Meier's spirit (they sometimes say "spirit form") is extremely ancient, has incarnated previously to fulfill the role of a prophet (don't let the word through you, it's a thankless, NOT religious, gig for the purpose of awakening humanity to its errors) and was here to do it were five other spirits/people, though none of them emerged, or survived, to accept and fulfill the role.

Even though Meier's spirit was willing, he too had to be reawakened, re-educated as a crucial part of his development and training, starting when he was five years old. even at that early age he was advised that his life, especially if he stuck with his "mission", would be enormously difficult and personally painful in every way imaginable, which, like the other prophetic info in the case, proved to be, unfortunately, impeccably accurate. Let me add that part of their work with him was, of course, to prepare him for all aspects of his life�s work but the necessary education re earthly matters, and the development of his character, would be up to him�as it is for each of us, since self-responsibility is at the heart of the teachings in this case.

2. The Photos... It seems the aliens do not mind Billy taking photos of the craft. Why then, are there no closeup photos? Why no photos of the interior of the craft? Why no photos of the aliens themselves? Surely, if their warnings are to be heeded, they'd want to provide him even more proof his story is genuine?

MH: Taking photos and films, etc. was actually a specific part of the purpose of the case, with the full knowledge that Meier and his evidence would be accused of every sort of hoax and fraud, that character assassination � and numerous attempts on his life would go with the territory � with the expressed understanding (in the transcripts) that his case would be pivotal in eventually exposing the cover-up by governments all over the world, and ours especially. There are a number of close-ups of the so-called �Wedding Cake UFO� and there are other very close shots of the other UFOs as well as a film segment in which Meier zooms in close enough that two lights can be seen (in broad daylight) alternately flashing from the ship, which is very clear in detail.

Honestly, I am unaware of any other case with the abundance and clarity of UFO photos, films, etc. as Meier�s contains. I really don�t know what else we can call a UFO contact case. The next closest best photo evidence is in the Mexico City sightings.

I have seen one somewhat blurry interior shot, others may well have been stolen when Meier sent his films out for processing since he didn�t develop them himself and thefts were not infrequent.

There are partial photos of the ETs in the new book (along with the Wedding Cake photos) but they specifically forbid any clearer pictures of them because they didn�t want this to be about them again, i.e. like it was about their own forefathers, who were among the ETs who represented themselves to primitive Earth humans as the gods, God, Lord, Creator, etc. of the various religions.

3. What, if any, is these aliens' stated opinions on the race commonly called "The Grays"?

MH: The Plejaren told Meier about the abduction of Betty and Barney and that this was done by a race from Zeta Reticulum that was NOT hostile but a scientifically oriented human race. They have stated that there indeed are hostile ET races but that the Zetas were not among them. They also said that the crash at Roswell was not piloted by the Zetas but with artificial life forms, i.e. androids, created by the Zetas. As far as the whole abduction phenomena goes, while they say that some have indeed been done, they state that the current wide-spread concern, reports, etc. are mostly mass hysteria and not founded in reality.



posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 06:57 PM
my turn

hello mr. horn...

i am going to be a "skeptic" (or at least try to be) because the motto of this site is: "deny ignorance" and i am going to do this (or at least try)

nothing personal just business...


1.) what religion (if any) do the "aliens" have???

2.) some ET theories say that "aliens" created us (and our souls) so (based on these theories) what can i expect when i die (where will i go)???

3.) if these "aliens" really want to "help" the human race, why don't they just come down here (out of their ships too) and help us personaly???

thank you for your time...

P.S. this is a great forum and a great new ATS idea

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 07:46 PM
I have no problem with skepticism, I have a huge amount of my own in a number of areas. Okay, let me take a crack at these.

1.) what religion (if any) do the "aliens" have???

MH: They have NO religion. Religions, according to them, are the result of the erroneous influences and (dis)information imparted and/or enforced by earlier ETs, many of whom were also their own well as some of ours. Religions, they have long pointed out, always lead to enslavement, abandonment of self-responsibility, bloody wars, etc.

The Plejaren are spiritually based and draw very key distinctions regarding the difference between religion, i.e. thinking/actions based in �faith�, rituals and beliefs in unproven and un-provable, illogical cultic nonsense, vs. spirituality, i.e. study and knowledge of Creation, its actual laws and commandments, the immortal human spirit (not the mortal, impermanent soul), self-responsibility, evolution, etc.

2.) some ET theories say that "aliens" created us (and our souls) so (based on these theories) what can i expect when i die (where will i go)???

MH: The Plejaren teachings state that the immortal aspect, the human spirit, goes into the �beyond�, an etheric realm wherein it assimilates the lessons and experiences of the previous incarnation and rests before entering into the next incarnation. The personality, which we may associate with the �I� and/or ego sense we have, is said to dissolve after physical death. In each new incarnation a new personality is formed but the reservoir of our experiences, knowledge and understanding that is contained within the human spirit remain accessible to us, sometimes only unconsciously as we develop ourselves in the new life, and sometimes more advanced people may learn how to access these attributes either from their spirit or from the Akashic records, which contain every thought, word and deed every generated, experienced or expressed by any and all of the inhabitants of the planet that it is associated with.

Please let me make it clear that I have a limited knowledge of these details as most of the information pertaining to the spirit and Creation is still in German. I might also have made some incomplete or not totally accurate representations here so, while it may be fairly accurate, take it with a grain of salt for now.

3.) if these "aliens" really want to "help" the human race, why don't they just come down here (out of their ships too) and help us personaly???

MH: For the simple reason that this is our mess, our responsibility and they know that anything other than a somewhat oblique approach will only take us off in the direction of creating more religions, turning our power over to them and/or attacking them. If you look at how much Meier�s evidence and information has been unfairly, unthinkingly attacked, so far beyond reason, then imagine what would happen to the greater population should the reality of UFOs/ETs be thrust upon them, with no room for avoidance or denial. Can you say mass psychosis, suicides, attacks, etc.?

Back at you!


[edit on 23-9-2004 by michaelhorn]

[edit on 23-9-2004 by michaelhorn]

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 08:01 PM
Hello Mr. Horn and welcome to ATS

I have 2 questions for you if you don�t mind
#1. expand on the
Henoch prophecies given to Mr. Meier, i.e. what are they and what do the represent?

#2. Can you explain what the core principals of human evolution are by the Plejaren?
Thank you

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 08:01 PM
Good evening / morning Mr. Horn,

First I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your appearance on the "Coast to Coast AM" radio program. I hope you will be able to make another appearance soon!

In examining many aspect of the Billy Meier case, I seem to recall the late 1980's TV broadcast (on NBC, I think) entitled "UFO Cover-Up: Live!". During this live broadcast, the host referred to Mr. Meier's case and stated that Meier's "beamship" was discovered in his garage. What was Mr. Meier's reaction to this allegation? What is your personal reaction to this allegation? Is it a complete falsehood?

Thank you,

[edit on 23-9-2004 by MKULTRA]

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 08:03 PM
sry to be the member who is hogging mr. horn but:

1.) why would these "aliens" even bother to waste their time(?) / money(?) helping us, i thought that the "problem" that the human race has is our own "mess", why would "they" help a race that only occupies one planet in the universe, is very "evil" with war (based on them), and a race that know nothing about technology like these "aliens" do???

2.) it seems to be (based on you) that these "aliens" have "forefathers", well these "alien" races (im assuming there are more than one race) HAS to START from SOMETHING OR SOMEONE creating them right??? who created them??? (sry for the religion / creation questions, i am a christian...)

3.) is Billy wanting WW3 to start so all of the things he said about the "aliens" will be turned into truth??? what happins if we prevent WW3, will this prove or disprove Billy??? how would we know if we prevented WW3???

thank you...

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 09:18 PM
#1. expand on the
Henoch prophecies given to Mr. Meier, i.e. what are they and what do the represent?

#2. Can you explain what the core principals of human evolution are by the Plejaren?
Thank you

MH: Please don't think me lazy here but you can read much of the Henoch Prophecies for free through a link on my site (ww and you can also find SOME of the core principles, most pertinent to us now, on Billy's Document page at the same site. Check these out and then if you have some specific questions about these items please post them.

In examining many aspect of the Billy Meier case, I seem to recall the late 1980's TV broadcast (on NBC, I think) entitled "UFO Cover-Up: Live!". During this live broadcast, the host referred to Mr. Meier's case and stated that Meier's "beamship" was discovered in his garage. What was Mr. Meier's reaction to this allegation? What is your personal reaction to this allegation? Is it a complete falsehood?

MH: The investigative team itself had models made (by FX people in Hollywood, as I recall) so that they could photograph them in the same locations as Meier�s own photos and then to do computer analysis on them to see if the models were detectable, which they turned out to be in every case. Meier himself made one crude model that in no way compared to the actual UFOs. So, to answer your question, Meier wasn�t surprised that a model was �discovered�, it was part of the investigative process.

1.) why would these "aliens" even bother to waste their time(?) / money(?) helping us, i thought that the "problem" that the human race has is our own "mess", why would "they" help a race that only occupies one planet in the universe, is very "evil" with war (based on them), and a race that know nothing about technology like these "aliens" do???

MH: Time, yes (but not wasted, hopefully); money, no (they don�t use it). If there�s one lesson that we as humans should learn it�s that life is governed by the laws of cause and effect, not deities, gods, angels, etc. The Plejaren and their forefathers, being part of Creation, are likewise subject to these laws. If reincarnation is a fact of life, might not some of the Plejaren who have taken an active role in this �mission� be balancing the scales, so to speak? Might they not have what they refer to as a �self-obligated mission� to help rectify the wrongs perpetrated, and perpetuated, by their distant ancestors (some of whom may also have been previous incarnations)?

Further, the destruction of this planet, physically blowing it apart, for instance, could have enormous consequences in whole other regions of space, i.e. as comet-like projectiles suddenly introduced into the living spaces of other inhabitable worlds (of which, we are told, there are countless numbers).

2.) it seems to be (based on you) that these "aliens" have "forefathers", well these "alien" races (im assuming there are more than one race) HAS to START from SOMETHING OR SOMEONE creating them right??? who created them??? (sry for the religion / creation questions, i am a christian...)

MH: According to the information in this case, we live within what they call (translated into English) a Creation, i.e. this universe. This Creation (of which there are said to be countless billions already in existence) is the IMPERSONAL source of all life in THIS Creation. It creates and sustains all that exists in this universe/Creation and gives an eternal (you might say holographic) piece of itself, i.e. the human spirit to each human being, of which there are an infinite variety of forms, colors, etc. The Creation is said to exist within everything and everything exists within it. It is an ovoid-shaped structure with seven �belts� or layers, only one of which, the �material belt� is the one in which all material existence takes place, the stars, galaxies, planets, life forms, i.e. humans, animals, plants, etc. exist.

The first, original Creation, called the Absolute Absolutum, is so unimaginably distant in what we conceive of as �time�, and it�s also so outside of our mental capacity to conceive of a �self-created Creation�, let alone an eternal void within which all actually exists, that our natural human desire to �make sense� of existence and reality as they present it, and as we contemplate, leaves no one that I know of with a feeling of satisfaction. Quite the contrary. They are telling us that the religions, most all of which play off of our uncertainties and fears, deliberately give us their pat little cosmologies to control and placate us, to keep us from taking self-responsibility and personal power.

3.) is Billy wanting WW3 to start so all of the things he said about the "aliens" will be turned into truth??? what happins if we prevent WW3, will this prove or disprove Billy??? how would we know if we prevented WW3???

MH: Not at all. He certainly hasn�t put up with 19 (documented) assassination attempts just to �get even� with humanity and see it wiped out. I�m sure that in his heart Billy would subscribe to the same purpose that I hold, i.e. to prove the prophecies WRONG.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 09:43 PM

According to what I've read by you, The Plejarens have no system of monetary value. No religion to induce fear based actions. They mean us no harm. So...what is their end purpose? They have been in contact with Billy for almost 30 yrs now? They want to use Billy as a tool of enlightenment but it is obvious that only a very SMALL percentage of people in the world view Billy as a legimate source of knowledge. This is not an insult to Billy, just pointing out the fact that the aliens, whatever agenda they have, don't seem to be getting anywhere by giving Billy exclusive face time. So, what is there end agenda?

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 10:19 PM
According to what I've read by you, The Plejarens have no system of monetary value. No religion to induce fear based actions. They mean us no harm. So...what is their end purpose? They have been in contact with Billy for almost 30 yrs now? They want to use Billy as a tool of enlightenment but it is obvious that only a very SMALL percentage of people in the world view Billy as a legimate source of knowledge. This is not an insult to Billy, just pointing out the fact that the aliens, whatever agenda they have, don't seem to be getting anywhere by giving Billy exclusive face time. So, what is there end agenda?

MH: Billy�s actual contact has gone on for over 62 years and, as I understand, their purpose is, primarily at this time, to assist us to assure our future survival. This is not meant as hyperbole, we are, according to them (and perhaps a good number of terrestrials) on the brink of enormous, unprecedented destruction worldwide, as well as to the U.S., in the form of a third world war that could start as early as 2006 � 2008. Key to avoiding this catastrophe is the need for definitive change in U.S. military policies, as well as those of other nations.

That may be it for me tonight but feel free to post questions and I'll try to do more tomorrow.

Thanks for all your contributions and friendliness,


posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 01:27 PM
Q: What reason does Billy give as to the distinct differences in the ships? There are some drastic differences in the types photographed.

Q: What power source do they claim to use? Can you give us any details of the crafts' interior and drive mechanism?

Q: I find it interesting that Billy's sketch of one of the aliens had rather unkempt facial hair, etc. Do you have any insights as to why this would be, in an advanced race?

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 02:02 PM
thank you mr. horn...

here we go again

1.) how far away (years) is the human race far from daily visitings (and they come out of there ships) from the "aliens" and humans visiting their planet(s)???

2.) how do the aliens contact billy??? (do they come out of the ships???)

3.) did these "aliens" bring Jesus to us (humanity) and did "they" send any others???

thanks for your time...

EDIT: mr. horn please don't forget this thread:


[edit on 24-9-2004 by they see ALL]

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 04:17 PM
Hi Mr. Horn and thank you for your participation in this event. I would like to ask you two questions:

1) Concerning the Plejaren prophesies, in your opinion how do they arrive at their conclusions? Is it more of a mathematical process, like some type of geometric progression, or do they use a different method, like channeling, telepathy etc..?

2) For you personally, what is the most pertinent fact about Billy Meier that pulled you from being someone who had an interest in Billy's work to becoming someone who is a firm believer in what Billy claims are his experiences? In other words, did you have an epiphany about Billy due to some particular fact, or was it more of a slowly evolving awareness about Billy that came about from a multitude of claims?

[edit on 9-24-2004 by William One Sac]

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 04:36 PM
Q: What reason does Billy give as to the distinct differences in the ships? There are some drastic differences in the types photographed.

MH: There are a few things that I recall. Some ships were unmanned, i.e. telemeter ships, of varying sizes, used mainly for monitoring and gathering information, etc. Other ships were �new� models (some of their ships were in use for hundreds of years), and some had special capabilities like inter-dimensional or time travel capabilities. (I�ll let you know if any used models become available on the market.)

Q: What power source do they claim to use? Can you give us any details of the crafts' interior and drive mechanism?

MH: I am not very knowledgeable about the propulsion systems other than to say that some of the terms mentioned were light-emitting beam drive (hence the Beamship term), some form of tachyon conversion and/or propulsion and, more recently, virtually instantaneous transmission capabilities (as opposed to the previously related seven-hour then reduced to seven-minutes, �travel� time.

Q: I find it interesting that Billy's sketch of one of the aliens had rather unkempt facial hair, etc. Do you have any insights as to why this would be, in an advanced race?

MH: Why not? The picture was meant to illustrate a bearded man and it is a subjective call as to whether he is unkempt or if his particular features dictated the representation. This gives us another opportunity to question the origins and investment in our own preconceptions as to what constitutes an �advanced race� and how they �should� be, look or act.

1.) how far away (years) is the human race far from daily visitings (and they come out of there ships) from the "aliens" and humans visiting their planet(s)???

MH: As far as actual contact with the Plejaren, specifically, are concerned, we are told that it will be about 700 years before they �officially� return and interact with us. While we may take offense at the notion, they say that it will still take us several hundred years to become �real human beings� and not (on the whole) barbaric, fratricidal creatures who cling to delusional religious (and non-religious) beliefs, abdicate self-responsibility and drown ourselves in materialism.

Other than that, I think they like us.

2.) how do the aliens contact billy??? (do they come out of the ships???)

MH: They often first contact him telepathically, having trained him since childhood to receive and perceive specific sensations and communications informing him of their presence. They have also been known to ring his phone in a way that is otherwise not technically possible (this has been witnessed by the investigators). The actual physical contacts used to take place primarily in a remote location, to avoid troublesome observers, etc., and in his office as well as onboard their ships. From what I understand, the current contacts take place mainly in his office or on the property.

3.) did these "aliens" bring Jesus to us (humanity) and did "they" send any others???

MH: No, as there was, according to them, no Jesus but rather a man named Jmmanuel upon whose life the personage of Jesus was based. There is a lot of (highly controversial) information regarding the connection between the forefathers of the Plejaren and Jmmanuel..and the various prophets including, currently, Meier. PLEASE note, this is not about starting another belief system, religion, cult, etc. You are encouraged to read and research the information and draw your own conclusions. You can learn more at:

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 04:47 PM

here are some more

1.) what religion were you and billy before you meet / heard about / whatever about these "aliens"??? why caused you to change your beliefs???

2.) why don't they help us (the human race) personaly??? i know i asked you this before but is there a universal political rule that "they" will break, if "they" do??? i mean if "there" so good and really want to help us, why don't "they" come out out of "their" ships, get on t.v. and say there is no religion, no meaning of life... then "they" can prove to us that they're genuine aliens and they can help us...

3.) can i see (websites???) of these various "documented" assasination attempts and some pics of these "aliens"???

thank you...

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 05:09 PM
1) Concerning the Plejaren prophesies, in your opinion how do they arrive at their conclusions? Is it more of a mathematical process, like some type of geometric progression, or do they use a different method, like channeling, telepathy etc..?

MH: To the best of my knowledge they use a number of methods. These include a mathematical process that they say uses the �true� cabbalistic values, very advanced computer calculations (which may be incorporating these cabbalistic values, I don�t know), time travel viewing of events (a whole story in itself) and people among them who have very highly developed clairvoyant abilities, as some of the terrestrial prophets may also have possessed. They dismiss the channeling phenomenon as primarily self-originated and often indicative of, or leading to, serious schizophrenic problems.

2) For you personally, what is the most pertinent fact about Billy Meier that pulled you from being someone who had an interest in Billy's work to becoming someone who is a firm believer in what Billy claims are his experiences? In other words, did you have an epiphany about Billy due to some particular fact, or was it more of a slowly evolving awareness about Billy that came about from a multitude of claims?

MH: I do my best to draw a clear distinction between beliefs and facts. While I don�t have to espouse belief in gravity, its reality is obvious and omnipresent. It is observably, consistently functional and operative for infants, who know nothing about it, as well as all other animate and inanimate objects. So, while I�m sure I have beliefs about things, I have less respect for anyone�s beliefs (including my own) than I do for factual knowledge. That is not to say that values, standards, morals and ethics are unimportant to me; that�s not what I mean by beliefs.

So, when I researched the scientific and world event-related information that I found in the Contact Reports (the transcripts of Meier�s conversations with the Plejaren) and found that the information was not only prophetically accurate, i.e. published before �official� discovery or occurrence, it was overwhelmingly so and established an even higher standard of proof than the physical evidence, which, it must be emphasized, has been found to be not only authentic but which remains absolutely irreproducible still to this day.

When I looked at all, let alone any, of the parts of the case, the physical evidence, the scientific examinations of same, the failure of the skeptics to duplicate it, the prophetic evidence, the more than 100 witnesses (including a former UN diplomat), the five other photographers, the living conditions and situation of the man, his lack of resources, technology, co-conspirators/collaborators � as well as his lack of his left arm � I could come to no other well-reasoned conclusion but that the case is/was authentic and that its purpose not only included shaking up the UFO cover-up and related issues but was fundamentally about helping us to assure our future survival.

I have likewise concluded that, on the whole, humanity is too blitheringly stupid to figure it out, despite its having been given to us in this admittedly oblique but patient (up to 50 years of published information and physical evidence) manner. So dense and arrogant do we appear to be that so-called professional skeptics, and other self-appointed �experts�, are unable to even say �I don�t know� or �maybe�, instead preferring to damn the man as a hoaxer (without EVER being able to explain how he did/does it all, let alone duplicate one single UFO photo of his).

One real epiphany I had was about how remarkable it is that Meier, with all of the aforementioned difficulties (and 19 documented assassination attempts) has managed to keep on going. I have only my personal observation to explain it by. When I first met Meier, in 2001, a friend that I was with started to thank him for �all that you�ve done for humanity, etc.� but Meier interrupted him and, in a genuine, understated way, simply said, �Don�t mention it, it�s my duty.� To me, that not only says it all, it bespeaks a genuine love for humanity that is, considering all things in this world, exceedingly rare.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 05:34 PM
1.) what religion were you and billy before you meet / heard about / whatever about these "aliens"??? why caused you to change your beliefs???

MH: I was not raised religiously nor ever adopted a religion. Both my parents were non-religious Jews who had escaped the Nazi�s and, in my mother�s case, also the Communists. When I was no more than 10, I asked my mother, �What is God?� and also told her I wanted to �know the truth about Jesus.� My mother, direct and honest person that she was, told me that, as far as she was concerned, �God is love� and, as for the rest of it, I�d have to go and find out for myself. I dabbled here and there, looking into some religions, New Age stuff, channeling, etc. I do think that I now am farther along in my pursuit of the answer to the first question and I am fairly well satisfied that I know the answer to my second concern.

2.) why don't they help us (the human race) personaly??? i know i asked you this before but is there a universal political rule that "they" will break, if "they" do??? i mean if "there" so good and really want to help us, why don't "they" come out out of "their" ships, get on t.v. and say there is no religion, no meaning of life... then "they" can prove to us that they're genuine aliens and they can help us...

MH: There is a �universal edict�, you might say, against interfering in the free will of other beings (unless they are attacking you). To prematurely inflict upon all of humanity the inescapable proof of their existence, let alone their authoritative pronouncements as to what is truth and reality and what is not, would only result in chaos, fear, veneration, dependence, worship, attack, etc. and would set humanity back�rather than move it forward. We are solely responsible for our own thoughts, feelings and actions. We are solely responsible for our world. We must assume the responsibility to do the necessary personal and collective work, we must assume the responsibility to inform others who want to know � without proselytizing � and, in so doing, we can help to awaken and redirect humanity�s course. Most importantly, we must teach by example.

More than anything the ETs can do, our future survival depends on our own determination and willingness to do the unglamorous, enormously important �grunt� work, which they (and many other terrestrial sources) have directed our attention to.

3.) can i see (websites???) of these various "documented" assasination attempts and some pics of these "aliens"???

MH: The only (meager) photographic evidence for both of these things is in the new book. (See:

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 05:46 PM
what about billy's religion and why did he change??? you forgot that part of the question (#1)

1.) you said that the "aliens" can not interfere in the free will of other beings (unless being attacked) but in this case they already did! they came to our planet and allowed billy to take their pics. and all of the other species of aliens and their ships we have pics of too. i guess there all breaking the rules right???

2.) is the government (any government) trying to stop the info from coming out??? i know in other alien stories the government is trying to protect info (are 51 etc.) for billy's species of aliens, do the goverment try to stop the spread of info. (besides trying to kill him)???

3.) how many species of aliens are there and can you explain each in detail (what they look like, religion, government, etc.)

thank you...

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 07:05 PM
Q: Please look at the pictures below. On the left, is part of a Billy Meier photo. On the right, is the Testors brand model of a UFO. As you can see, the (top) ship in the photo bears a striking resemblance to the model, any comments as to why this would be? I'm not saying that's what the photo is, just curious as to the similarity.... After all, the stated date of the photo predates the model is uncanny though.

EDIT: Just noticed the copyright notice, so if you wish, I'll remove the image, though discussion of it is impossible without it... In any case, if you wish, I can also remove it after this event is over. As a hint, you may wish to right-click protect these on your site....

[edit on 24-9-2004 by Gazrok]

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