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How I Reversed Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, AND Lost Weight Naturally Without Drugs

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 02:26 AM
This is my video. I've gotten banned from a couple blogs from asserting its REVERSIBILE. I'm even drinking a beer right now. Its been 4 years since reversing the problem. Here's my vidoe:

And here's my facebook note about it:

Video: First comment below, or link:

Video Description:

Thanksgiving 2007 a family member tested my blood sugar. It was 417. I started reading and bought test-meters for BP and BG. By then my BG averaged 350 and my BP averaged 154/91.

By the time I got to see a Dr about 3 months later I had already begun making progress (my graph: Graph of my Progress from average BG of 350 to below 150.) - and found him less knowledgeable about the basics than myself so I rejected his drugs and his certainty that I would die if I didn't do what he said (he was annoyingly deadly IMHO).

After reading over a dozen books I I started with Bernstein's approach while keeping fruit (Atkins-like with more vegies). Later I found one that resonated with my "engineering approach" based on testing. That was DeWayne McCully's Death To Diabetes (DTD, - though for me the on-line forum was too corporate similar to "the Biggest Looser" type "programs". The "common sense+knowledge acquisition of diet", and "testing to confirm info" were the keys for me.

I had already purchased a large bulk supply of test strips and was testing unknown foods every 20 minutes after eating them. Within that first few months the "hysteresis effect" of "glucose blasting" had become obvious. DTD came with a video that had a good chart of live/dead foods (Live / Dead foods (from McCulley's DTD work) (on inside of Kitchen cabinet)) which I photographed and taped inside the kitchen cabinet. I also liked the Medeteranian Diet Pyramid (Mediterranean Diet Pyramid (on inside of Kitchen cabinet)) - and taped that into another cabinet door.

After about 3 months of an "Atkins like" diet while still having a huge 5K/day calories content - my blood sugar was below 150. At that point I started paying more attention to calories. My new smart-phone was a huge help to look up how many calories in anything I considered eating. What I didn't exepct was that THE WEIGHT cured my high blood pressure too. By mid-summer of 2008 my weight was down below 200 and my BP was on the lower side of normal.

Since mid-summer 2008 I've kept the weight off, blood sugar at about 100, and BP low to normal. Here's s a pic from when I was fatMe fat. That's 2005 and I was about 245., and this one is after loosing about 50 lbs

Its been over 3 years now enjoying perfect health and thus I've joined this and a few other on-line communities and shared my story in an effort to help others. In particular my impression is the drugs-first mentality of my Dr was dangerous - of course many probably consider my ideas dangerous too.

Using a test meeter to monitor yourself is where to verify for yourself the things you try. The bulk-purchase on eBay helped accomplish that at a reasonable cost. Playing guitar and pricking fingers isn't fun - and I tested a lot

THIS is the location I found best for testing (Best place to prick - for min pain with frequent testing. - and I PLAY GUITAR!). This is what a bunch of pricks look like: Prick marks from heavy testing. I don't test so often now that its reversed. Approx 1x / month confirms that I'm still fine, or a bit more often as I'm blogging about it. and it does impact guitar playing if on a finger tip.

Me after loosing over 50 lbs. That's 2010 and I was about 190 lbs.

Update: Type 2 and Hypertension have been "cured" since 2008 after the weight loss "locked in" the improvements.

Update 2: Summer 2010 I lost more weght, down to 165. As a frequent meal skipper it was uncomfortable for me - and I felt severe hunger and a bit of light-headedness when skipping meals (common for thin people) - so I decided to gain some weight back. I'd intended to go to 180 but over-shot 200 and have been in the 190s for the last 6 months while tending downwards - still considering about 175 ideal weight for me.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 02:47 AM
Excellent thread sir, good on you for improving your health. I'll watch your video when I get home, but I've known people who have cured their own Type-2 Diabetes and Cardiac issues through proper diet and exercise regimen.

S&F, I hope you can help others manage/cure their situations!

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:03 AM
Nice work, i had a similar problem with my sugar levels. Glad to see you ignored the money making doctors!

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:23 AM
Was it with Beyond Tangy Tangerine?
Any AJ listeners out there?

Seriously congratulations though.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by Josephus
Was it with Beyond Tangy Tangerine?
Any AJ listeners out there?

Seriously congratulations though.

Thanks. I never heard of Beyond Tangy Tangerine till I goggled it just now. NO. I didn't USE any supplements. I did increase things like fruit, nuts, vegies. But for the last 3 years my diet's been quite "normal". What I don't do is sugar-free like I used to. Like I discussed in the video I was eating a huge number of calories/day and most of it was sugary stuff.

Another "big fundamental" was switching from St Paulie Girl to Miller Lt (its like water). BTW, since last summer's weight-gain I've tapered back into the 180s and feel comfortable there... 170 takes "depriving/strarving" and below 170 I feel the meal-skipper blues. I'm 5'8" - so the high-side was 165 last I saw, but I don't feel that's optimal health.

I'm also into meal skipping, gorging, drinking, no-exercise except for an occasional marathon mountain hike, and so-on... I don't offer a "program". Simply a bit of encouragement for those who can handle their own psychology rather than joining something like "biggest looser". AND THAT's critical IMHO...

PSYCHOLOGY is 90% of getting well, while the other 20% is knowledge. The most ah-ha moment in that domain was the cookie-loss. I used to eat 1/2 dozen cookies before bead with milk every night. That was an obvious thing to address - so 1. chew cookies and spit. WTF? What was soo great about the taste? IDK, not needed. 2. EAT/SWALLOW cookies (test BG every 20min too - observations!). hmmm WTF? What was so satisfying about that? IDK... hmmm spike, historesis... ah-ha, started to confirm my hunch,... GLUCOSE BLASTERS THEORY!.

My father in law died fat while eating honey-bread every day (in 2010). His Dr Pusher had him on insulin by then... and NO I didn't like the idea of paying health insurance or Obama care for that "fix-me pill" mentality. I'd be ok w/ socialized medical-emergency, but not the Dr Pusher stuff. The letters I got were pretty scary too - seems there's worse trends going on that way now too.
edit on 3/28/2012 by reitze because: sp

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:25 AM
Way to go! The Medical Mafia (aka AMA) is wrong again.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:17 AM
Good for you, I lowered my BP using a combination of exercises and "Herbal" Remedies, stopped taking all my BP meds.

I still remember all the "Dire" consequences of going natural as opposed to medicine my doctor told me, 6 years later Im still here with normal BP.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by reitze

Did not watch it yet but....

Dropping all the crap they feed us in the fast food world and start eating basics like. REAL FOOD. and you could live healthy.

I love the people who come to the gym for attack class and combat and they are sucking down their monster dunkies half cream half half sugar and a splash of coffee. your gonna half to do to classes to burn off the coffee alone. Holy crap.

Why am I so fat? Why is my cholesterol through the roof. It wouldn't be the big mac supersized you at for lunch or the dunkies with a flat bread sandwhich you had for breakfastor the steak bomb with mayo you ate for dinner .No wonder your arteries are clogged.

Wake up people.....

Not for nothing I get up eat 3 egg whites one whole egg so its 4 total. Go to the gym for 2 hours. Comne home eat a chobani with granola. Eat some fruit. Then I eat eat eat all day long. I eat almonds, I eat fruit, I eat good food. Maybe 4 to 5 times a day.

This is the key to good health.

Eat nuts, eat lean meats eat fruits and veggies. Hello how long have they been telling us you are what you eat.

Are you a big mac?

Or are you a lean machine burning burning burtning.

Dam I'm hungry.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by reitze

True that just watched it....You are whatcha eat . Crap in crap out.

Ha ha hes right on.

To bad most people just don't get it.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by reitze

Congratulations on all of your hard work and results! I think it is a great idea to post the information inside cabinets and on fridges..that way, it is always there and available. I think a good rule of thumb as well is to avoid products with more than a few basic ingredients, and for sure products with fillings with names like anahexakillerhydroxydeathbase.
Personally, I attribute the majority of diabetes 2 sufferers to having a diet high in HFCS and processed foods. Despite being raised by a healthy minded mother (she was one of the only moms that would send REAL food in our lunchboxes to school..homemade goodness) after I turned adult, I succumbed to junk food pressure and have thusly suffered being overweight almost my entire adult life (since about 20 years old). I am now 34 and am doing just as you have done. I was tested for diabetes in 2006 when I was having pregnancy troubles which was negative, and again last September, but the doctor was "surprised" to find my levels looked very good and within a healthy range, despite being still very overweight. That is because last June, I decided to finally do something about it. Exercise was my biggest help. I do on average an hour of yoga a day, drink lots of water, eat almost everything organic, do a range of other exercises including Tae-Bo from old videos, belly dancing, rowing, etc. I also walk a LOT. I initially dropped from 280 to 250 in about a month and it slowed down a bit and I got down to 220. My goal is 160 eventually. I went up a little bit during the winter months, but with spring here again, I am back on track.
My meals tend to be like this:
Breakfast - Stove cooked organic oatmeal with a few raisins and a dab of agave nectar or palm/coconut sugar
Snack - 1/4 cup Organic granola - has nuts, oats, seeds and a few fruits
Lunch - Organic Tomato Soup, sometimes w/ half sandwich - 7-grain organic bread with turkey slices (organic, non-nitrate/nitrite variety)
Midafternoon snack - veggies, such as carrots or celery
Dinner - Big ol' Salad with lots of organic greens, cut up egg whites (organic free range), yogurt-style organic blue cheese dressing (2.5 g fat per 2TB)

Also, once a day, I take a green supplement shake with juice (Green Vibrance).

Sometimes I treat myself to a non-fat or low-fat Greek yogurt and I do allow myself non-processed fruits. I love fresh berries - blueberries, strawberries and blackberries and consider them power foods.

Foods I avoid like the plague: sweet cereals, junk deli meats, boxed processed foods (eg. Mac n' cheese, au gratin potatoes, tv dinners, etc.), fake sweeteners, sodas, fast food.

Everyone on my dad's side of the family has Type 2 Diabetes, with the exception of my dad's father, who was Type 1. My father held out until a few years ago when he was finally diagnosed as well. (He is 58 now.) Since then, he has been sending me weekly advice about not eating this and that, but he did go the way of the doctor's advice, and is now hooked on diabetes meds he is trying to get off because he is suffering from the side effects. Not a month goes by that he does not email me to tell me how he is so stomach sick and hurting from these drugs. He did get wise and finally decided to completely overhaul his diet and lost so much weight, I could not recognize him! Also, he does avoid fake sweeteners. When he asked his doctor how long he could expect to me on the meds, she said "For life". Nice, huh? No desire to say "Let's see if we can change your outcome" or "We want to work you down to small amounts".. she just assumes he will never get off them!

Anyhoo, our diet is the one thing we can control and that begins with education. I am thankful to my Mom who raised us with very good nutritional sense. I cannot feign ignorance when it comes to poor choices that way.
I ate what was bad for me and have suffered the consequences. Now it is time to help my body so it carries me through old age! I do not want to leave my children parentless.
edit on 28-3-2012 by bastet11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:49 AM
I'm happy for your success. I'm afraid I have something else going on that is preventing my blood pressure from regulating itself properly. Here is my situation:

5 months ago
weight= 298lbs (I am 5'9" so this weight was considered morbidly obese)
BP= 140/90 (always, like clockwork it was always the same, this was considered pre-hypertension)
Blood sugar = normal
Cholesterol = (I don't recall the numbers but my Dr. said it was surprisingly good, in fact he said it was like that of an average teenager)

Dr. recommended I lose weight and cut back on salt intake, also to have the sleep apnea surgery since I had sleeep apnea really bad.

fast forward to now:
weight = 251lbs (lost 47lbs so far)
BP= all over the place but always ABOVE 140/90 without meds, yes, I am now on BP meds. The highest reading I got was 152/102)

Everything else is the same as before, good cholesterol and blood sugar is still normal.
I also stopped adding salt to my food and I stay away from high sodium foods.
I also had the sleep apnea surgery and it was a complete success. I don't need my CPAP breathing machine to sleep through the night anymore.

My doctor is perplexed to say the least, he said that 99% of high blood pressure sufferers will get better just with the weight loss so I must be the one of the "unlucky" 1%'ers.

I have an appointment with an internal medicine dr. to see what he finds.

edit on 28-3-2012 by Thunderheart because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Thunderheart

It might be that you will notice the biggest changes after even more weight loss. But you are definitely on the right track! Congrats! Stick with it!

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by benrl
Good for you, I lowered my BP using a combination of exercises and "Herbal" Remedies, stopped taking all my BP meds.
I still remember all the "Dire" consequences of going natural as opposed to medicine my doctor told me, 6 years later Im still here with normal BP.

Those "you'll die if you don't drug" letters are pretty scary. This prepper guy got his guns grabbed (linked rather than embed since its a bit off-topic).

My BP didn't seem to be linked to anything other than my weight (and possibly over-tightening a belt or a tie).

AND I EAT ALL THE SALT I CAN STAND. Some maybe "salt sensitive" but I'm not, and found its actually good for me. Researching it there appears to be a potassium aspect of those with sensitivity... like eating apples? SALT EM!

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by bastet11
reply to post by reitze


Anyhoo, our diet is the one thing we can control and that begins with education. I am thankful to my Mom who raised us with very good nutritional sense. I cannot feign ignorance when it comes to poor choices that way.
I ate what was bad for me and have suffered the consequences. Now it is time to help my body so it carries me through old age! I do not want to leave my children parentless.
edit on 28-3-2012 by bastet11 because: (no reason given)


Keep on with your good-sense approaches. The most important thing I learned from my efforts like that was that I had some "GLUCOSE BLASTING" habbits. Cookies, Beer, Chips, Pasta, Pizza, Bagles, etc. Those things spike the BG fast. Since I stopped doing the cookies before bed and went to ultra light beer... my health improved.

Since then I don't live on pizza & pasta - but enjoy them at the occasional events like a church-gathering or a family member's house. I'm also fine with fast food - but don't do it much.

The 1 thing I did that NOBODY seems to endorse is use bio-feedback via BG tester. BG test before food and every 20 minutes after food to precisely measure that particular food - not the spikes in the graph of my BG (1st link above), that's what those are from, as are lower-direction swings.

The bio-feedback cut through all the psychological denial-ism, portion sizes, food content, and so-on. After doing that for a while the "senses learn" to tell... the consistency of "starchy" or "carb" or whatever become more obvious. From there something like a bagel becomes a treat rather than regular food.

Ever see a thin person at an ice cream stand? They're fine there. Moderation is key. And surely it applies to things like aspertame, GMO corn, and on and on.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by bastet11
reply to post by Thunderheart

It might be that you will notice the biggest changes after even more weight loss. But you are definitely on the right track! Congrats! Stick with it!

EDIT: discount the "to bastet11" aspect of this post... I missread the post I was replying to.

When I started (Nov, 2007), my wt was 245 at 5'8". The 1st 3 months while implementing a modified Atkins-like-diet approach it reduced to about 235. After that i started simple ...


By mental estimation of calories I eventually reduced to the 170s to 180s, but took a long long time getting that far down (even did a dip-bounce to 165 then 205 and now average 180s again). As far as BG and BP, my health "FEELS PERFECT" anywhere between 175 and 200. I do "feel fat" anytime I drift over 185 (a few times mostly during sedentary-winter months when there's not much snow to shovel).
edit on 3/28/2012 by reitze because: discount

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
I'm happy for your success. I'm afraid I have something else going on that is preventing my blood pressure from regulating itself properly. Here is my situation:

5 months ago
weight= 298lbs (I am 5'9" so this weight was considered morbidly obese)
BP= 140/90 (always, like clockwork it was always the same, this was considered pre-hypertension)
Blood sugar = normal
Cholesterol = (I don't recall the numbers but my Dr. said it was surprisingly good, in fact he said it was like that of an average teenager)

Dr. recommended I lose weight and cut back on salt intake, also to have the sleep apnea surgery since I had sleeep apnea really bad.

fast forward to now:
weight = 251lbs (lost 47lbs so far)
BP= all over the place but always ABOVE 140/90 without meds, yes, I am now on BP meds. The highest reading I got was 152/102)

Everything else is the same as before, good cholesterol and blood sugar is still normal.
I also stopped adding salt to my food and I stay away from high sodium foods.
I also had the sleep apnea surgery and it was a complete success. I don't need my CPAP breathing machine to sleep through the night anymore.

My doctor is perplexed to say the least, he said that 99% of high blood pressure sufferers will get better just with the weight loss so I must be the one of the "unlucky" 1%'ers.

I have an appointment with an internal medicine dr. to see what he finds.

edit on 28-3-2012 by Thunderheart because: (no reason given)

My best guess based on my experience is there maybe more like a "magic weight threshold". Mine seemed to be about 215 lbs. Above that my BP was high like yours, and below that ... and especially below 210 it was amazingly gone. Also, make sure you've got a home-tester. Anxiety of the white coats makes their BP tests useless.

Also, try salty apples and read this! Take the Latest Low Sodium Advice.....With a Grain of Salt

I was midway through my initial weight loss when I decided to salt-out. its possible that was important. I LIKE SALT!

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:00 PM
GOOD for you and us, we who finaly got the knowledge
about our food !

We switched to almost 100% organic, here.

And now, not really on topic, but related:
For some of you who have some time, check if it is true that
THERE IS FIRE RETARDANT in most soft drinks !?!?!?

I will check that soon. . .

Blue skies.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:42 PM
Dude, there's 2 types of type 2 diabetes. One type is because people become extremely insulin resistant, due to being fatties and not exercising. That version of type II diabetes can be reversed with proper excercise and diet.
But there's another type, of type 2 diabetes(I'm not talking about type I) where they aren't just insulin resistant, their body doesn't produce enough insulin.

What you're saying is dangerous and could lead to someone's death. What works for you doesn't mean it will work for someone else. I'm sure the doctor told you to eat healthy and exercise regularly....
This thread and poster are very ignorant, and risking people's safety by saying they don't need the meds.
edit on 28-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

To the original poster.

Congratulations! You did exactly what your doctor wanted you to do in the first place. Restrict carbohydrate intake and increase exercise to boost metabolism, increase insulin production, and reduce cell resistance.

You "discovered" the treatment devised for the treatment of EVERY diabetic. But you did it YOUR way!

BTW - this isn't a cure. Your immune system is still attacking the islets of Langorhans in the pancreas where insulin is produced. Since this destructive process is progressive (ie more damage is done day by day), there will eventually come a time when no amount of diet and exercise will be sufficient, if you live long enough and don't die of other causes first.

I did the exact same thing and diet/exercise treatment worked for over 10 years. But ultimately, the diet became stricter and stricter and there just wasn't enough hours in the day for sufficient exercise. Also you will find that exercise becomes more difficult as you age.

However, the longer you can delay having to take meds the better and the better you can control your blood sugar, the less the chances of suffering the adverse effects of diabetes.

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by reitze

excellent post! Fucoidan also has many healthy mechanisms that prevent and help cure diseases including cancer. Visit pubmed and search fucoidan, or this comany knows a lot about fucoidan extract and seem to have the highest amount of fucoidan

Applause to you and everyone suggesting natural treatments, it is the only way to overcome diseases well along with a bit of exercising doesnt hurt either.

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