posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 10:12 PM
I read quite a bit of the MJ12 docs, but most are from the 40's and 50's, seemed to far back to be pertinent. ( at lest I saw nothing referring to
the previous '6 big bend incidents'.)
I also read some of the other ufo threads, didn't see anything that looked helpful. They seem more concerned with 'real' events, not 'game'
events and documents.
I did read a bit on 'Delta Green', a sort of rpg that centered around 'events' --a bit similar to DrJim's 'story'. Also read an ancient
thread that mentioned Simon was a big Delta Force fan-another rpg game, I believe. If that would be any help to us now.??
Meanwhile, that 33 is quite clear, seems it should have some significance...... I've been trying some effects on that same photo, trying to make
'things' more visible.
I did have a strange response when I used the effects and changed the hue and saturation. Don't know but what it's just my software messing with
me, but maybe you could try and see if you see anything else odd in the middle area of that same photo. Almost looks like a key. ??
[edit on 24-9-2004 by frayed1]