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The Masonic/Illuminati Control of the NCAA- A Proto-Type of the NWO???

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:50 PM
It should come as no surprise. Just like everything else in America and around the world, the Masons/Illuminati control the NCAA. In fact, the very origins of the NCAA come from a meeting of Masons for the purpose get this....."to protect young people from the dangerous and exploitive athletic practices of the time."
Folks, this statement is total malarky, and it would be funny as hell if it weren't for the fact that this is EXACTLY how the Masons/Illuminati operate......THEY decide what's bad for us and, for our best interest, THEY create a way to control us. The truth of the matter is this: The NCAA was founded for the purpose of, once again, to rip-off the people. In other words, like all things that are created by the Masons, MONEY was the motivating factor.
But, before we go any further, let's take a look at the history of the NCAA.

The NCAA was created in 1906, after our President Teddy Roosevelt (a Mason) summoned the college athletic leaders from 13 institutions to the White House. The reason was to institute reforms for the safety of the players.
Now folks, there's no doubt that reforms had to be set in place, football players were dying left and right due to inadequate equipment. Even so, it becomes painfully clear that there was a "meeting within a meeting" that took place at the White House. This number 13 is just one Masonic symbol, and I question why only 13 colleges were invited. This number 13 is also found with the "13 original colonies of America," as well as the "13 stripes in the American flag." (The American flag is full of Masonic/Illuminati symbology)

In 1921, the first NCAA chamionships were in the field of track. After that more and more rules committees were formed and more championships were created (no doubt due the large and positive response to the track championships). The first basketball championship was in 1939.

I'm sure that in its infancy, the NCAA had very little power, certainly not the power that it wields today. Today, if a college is "hit" with a violation from the NCAA there is no courtroom for a hearing to take place, there is no hearing at all. Everything is dictated by the NCAA as to who is wrong, what the penalty will be, etc,. Folks, it sounds to me as though the NCAA was created for the purpose of being a "lab test" or a proto-type of the NWO, with the leaders of the NWO being the NCAA and setting up"an NCAA style of poitics and rules."

Sam Klug is a staff writer at the Columbia Spectator, and recently, in an article about the corrupt NCAA, he wrote of a joke that was tweeted by Andy Borowitz, it goes like this (and it is SOOOO true):

Q. "What do China and March Madness have in common ?"

A. "Both make billions from kids working for nothing."

It's also interesting to note that the current President of the NCAA, a Dr. Mark A. Emmert, has ties to not only the Masonic controlled NCAA, but to several other Masonic controlled entities. One of these entities is The Council on Foriegn Affairs. Mr. Emmert is also connected to the J.W. Fulbright Fellowship Program. Mr. Fulbright was not only a Senator from Arkansas, he was also a Mason who received money from a will left by Cecil Rhodes (the Mason who created DeBeers diamond). Masons helping Masons succeed, Masons helping the Masonic agenda succeed.

Recently, The NCAA signed television contracts worth billions of dollars, all of this money is made possible by the OUTSTANDING ATHLETES IN OUR SCHOOLS, yet these athletes DO NOT GET ONE DIME. (Did someone say "NWO?") Sure, these great kids DO get a scholarship (a mere pittance of what the colleges make off of them), but why not give these athletes the $60,000 a year that they deserve and let them pay THEIR OWN bills?? Can't do that, the Masons who control the NCAA are there for the benefit of these athletes, and these Masons KNOW WHAT'S GOOD for them. (I swear someone said NWO!!)

Folks, the NCAA signed this multi year, multi billion dollar contract for the T.V. rights to the NCAA Basketball Championships. That money doesn't even include what the individual conferences are getting for the television rights, which is, again, multi year, multi billion dollar contracts!!!!!! And guess what? The heads of these colleges ARE ALSO MASONS/Illuminati!!! Like I said, the NCAA is th epurest form of Masonic master-minding. Imagine....making billions a year off of our kids who, by the way, if this athlete takes even one wrong phone call from the wrong person, that athlete will be punished. Yet the heads of the NCAA take home OVER a cool million a year!!!!!

The NCAA says that it gives 94 cents on every dollar it takes in to programs for the kids. Do you believe that??/ I sure as hell don't. I won't even go into my suspicions of the NCAA manipulating some of the Basketball games in order to make sure that "the right team wins." By this I mean that the NCAA places money with the Vegas book makers and then instructs their referees as to "who WILL win." The Mafia in Vegas (the Mafia everywhere) is a "branch" of the Masons.

I could say a lot more, but this is more than enough to get the facts across to you.

In closing, just this one last thing: The NCAA was set up, supposedly, for the purpose of protecting our young athletes from the "dangerous and exploitive" athletic practices of the time. Folks, how the hell do we protect our fine young athletes from the NCAA????

Have a great day, Ladies and Gentlemen.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by dign4it

I knew it was you when I read the headline. That is all.

Nice to see you actually posted something this time.
edit on 26-3-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:56 PM
When will people learn that Illuminati and Freemasons aren't the same thing?

Do your research...and no, this site does not count as research.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by dign4it
It should come as no surprise. Just like everything else in America and around the world, the Masons/Illuminati control the NCAA.
Masons and Illuminati are not the same thing. You've shown how some Masons may have been involved with the forming of the NCAA, but have provided no proof that they're currently "running" it.

How do you go from...

In fact, the very origins of the NCAA come from a meeting of Masons for the purpose get this....."to protect young people from the dangerous and exploitive athletic practices of the time."
Folks, this statement is total malarky

The reason was to institute reforms for the safety of the players.

Now folks, there's no doubt that reforms had to be set in place, football players were dying left and right due to inadequate equipment.
??? It's either total malarky or the reforms were needed. You can't have both!

The NCAA was created in 1906, after our President Teddy Roosevelt (a Mason) summoned the college athletic leaders from 13 institutions to the White House. Even so, it becomes painfully clear that there was a "meeting within a meeting" that took place at the White House. This number 13 is just one Masonic symbol, and I question why only 13 colleges were invited. This number 13 is also found with the "13 original colonies of America," as well as the "13 stripes in the American flag." (The American flag is full of Masonic/Illuminati symbology)
The number 13 in Masonry is not significant at all. 3, 5 and 7 are the most important numbers in Masonry. The 13 stripes are BECAUSE of the 13 colonies. You're putting the cart before the horse if you insinuate otherwise.

It's also interesting to note that the current President of the NCAA, a Dr. Mark A. Emmert, has ties to not only the Masonic controlled NCAA, but to several other Masonic controlled entities. One of these entities is The Council on Foriegn Affairs.
Which has nothing to do with Masonry.

Mr. Emmert is also connected to the J.W. Fulbright Fellowship Program. Mr. Fulbright was not only a Senator from Arkansas, he was also a Mason who received money from a will left by Cecil Rhodes (the Mason who created DeBeers diamond). Masons helping Masons succeed, Masons helping the Masonic agenda succeed.
Fulbright fellowships have given grants to over 300,000 people to further their education since the program was established. How evil!!! Those greedy sons of bitches giving money away!!! How dare they???

Recently, The NCAA signed television contracts worth billions of dollars, all of this money is made possible by the OUTSTANDING ATHLETES IN OUR SCHOOLS, yet these athletes DO NOT GET ONE DIME. (Did someone say "NWO?") Sure, these great kids DO get a scholarship (a mere pittance of what the colleges make off of them), but why not give these athletes the $60,000 a year that they deserve and let them pay THEIR OWN bills??

The NCAA is a nonprofit association that is committed to providing opportunity for more than 430,000 college students who compete annually in intercollegiate athletics.

Sixty percent of NCAA revenue is distributed directly to Division I conferences, which pass most of that money along to their member institutions to support their athletics programs. Another major use of NCAA revenue is the support of 89 national championships in 23 sports, including coverage of travel expenses for all participants. Other student-athlete benefits include catastrophic-injury insurance coverage for all student-athletes; year-round and championship drug-testing programs; and various scholarship programs, among others.

Most NCAA revenue comes from a 14-year, $10.8 billion agreement with Turner Broadcasting and CBS Sports for rights to the Division I Men’s Basketball Championship. Projected NCAA revenue for 2011-12 is $777 million, $700 million of which (90 percent) is projected to come from media rights payments.

Yet the heads of the NCAA take home OVER a cool million a year!!!!!
In 2009, only one NCAA exec made more than a million. source

I could say a lot more, but this is more than enough to get the facts across to you.
Come on. We all know from your posting history here that that simply isn't true. You've said all you're capable of saying on the subject, and will be starting a new Mason-bashing thread within the next 24 hours.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by dign4it

Wait a second. Didn't you post the very same thread yesterday and disappear? Moderator??? Can we get this guy to stop the hit and runs?

Yesterday, you claimed Obama was a Freemason. Where is your claim today?

Here is your thread yesterday, in case you forgot to leave bread crumbs:

edit on 26-3-2012 by phantomjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2015 @ 11:01 PM
Masons fix college and professional games all the time. Read all about the game-fixing scandal at Or Google sports fraud blog.

posted on Mar, 28 2015 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: dign4it

Masons fix college and professional games all the time. Read all about the game-fixing scandal at Or Google sports fraud blog.

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 02:58 AM
Nice work! One of the best satire bits I've read in awhile...

*really hopes this is satire*

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: palomine

Masons fix college and professional games all the time.

This Mason is New York Yankees fan. Every time Kentucky wins the National Championship the Yankees consequently win the World Series. Guess which team I put the fix in for?

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: dign4it
To say everything is a part of a conspiracy is ignorant and insulting, but this user hasn't been active for sometime and this is an old thread.

There's so much wrong with the OP, I don't know where to start.

a reply to: palomine
Well, your precious little link just makes statements, but it never provides proof. I do hope it is all just facetious material.

Your blog is also wrong in that the 33rd degree is not the highest degree in Freemasonry. The 33rd degree is only relevant to the Scottish Rite

My favorite quote from the blog was "Games are fixed for all sorts of reasons, including the personal vendetta the Freemasons have against me." LMAO! What a bunch of self-righteous BS. The author of this blog clearly knows nothing about Freemasonry.

Nothing provided on that blog is accurate about Freemasonry. There is no worshiping of Satan. There is no child sacrifice. There is no rigging of games as a part of some grand Masonic conspiracy. LBJ, Allen Dulles, and Earl Warren were not a 33rd degree Masons; as for Ford, there's conflicting info and I can't remember if he was a 32nd or a 33rd Scottish Rite Mason. Freemasonry isn't a church or a religion. Nor are any of those numbers relevant in Freemasonry.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 09:51 AM
Why Is It... That... People... Don't Grasp The Idea That Freemasons Are A Society Of Good Men Who Expressly Believe In G.A.O.T.U. Or God... Whilst The Aged Illuminati Don't.
The Illuminati Expressly Renounce Any Entity To Be Called, Or Of The Likes, GOD!
They Believe In Science(s) Only.
So... Is It That Hard To Notice The Two Societies Don't Relate... Let Alone Serve Each Other!

And There Is No Satan Worship! And No Children For Supper!

Please STOP The Accusation(s)!

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Pinocchio

While I appreciate the sentiment of your post, (and the readability!) The Bavarian Illuminati was made up of mostly Deists.

They were however very much against "the church", and by that, I mean religious oppression. At the time, the church was suppressing scientific advances for fear of people not believing the lies they had been told for years. They were also against tyranny and weren't afraid to use force to express their opinion. (men of action, not just talk. Something we lack severely today)IMHO

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 02:18 PM
Well Said... Laddy.
I knew some of that... but when I say they weren't believers... I meant that they individually had to forsake the mysteries of God... and fend for themselves to acquire their knowledge... which means they did not believe in God.

But... yes... the church was a.corrupt and brutal instrument.
The olden popes has a quest to build up Christendom and the whole of Europe... each country with their respective kings... each intermarrying with the kings... protecting the people and building a strong and United Europe. But... They failed that quest.
Whenever I remember... I loathe the church. These days... They seek their fortunes with the countries who are not Europeans. I hate that. Christendom is a prize and should be a selfish thing for the popes. But it's only my fantasy. Some kings, like Henry viii, also ruined it.

If I could fire the pope... I WOULD!
Europe is a world of sons and daughters who should be revered and admired.
I'm no racist... but I have my opinions. Here in the states... we live well... but are in need of a higher order of Christendom. Too many sects divert for stupid and selfish reasons.
I often feel like I alone know. That hurts my feelings. My dad is pure puerto Rican... but black.
My mum is pure puerto Rican but white. I'm a mulatto.
but my body is white with freckles... and my phallus is pure black. Sad... but true. The only thing I got from my dad.

I look to masonry to understand why my church (by tradition... not by faith) is dedicated to countries who are not Europeans. They suck so much ass. It urks me dearly.

But... illuminati can not make a world of deists quite like the popes.

I dream of that day. Often. But it's not a reality.
I want what I want. I'd love to banish infidels and traitors... the truest tyranny of all.
None are welcome with me save the world of the blue race. Selfish... yes. But funny.
I like all races. And their Gods... it's just that i know it's not for everybody.

Freemasons led me down a path I had no awareness of... but through their instruments and grades... I learned life. It filled with so much divine comedy that I lost all my emotions and instead picked up a sense of self... That often is misinterpreted as racist and cold hearted.

I like to share Christendom... but not with infidels and traitors and lords who serve the other races. It a white thing to me. As it should be. Sons and daughters are precious and should be catered to by all our efforts and all our hearts and by Christ himself.
If it fails... then I'd blame the heretics and their followers.

However... I will die and all my.cares will fade to dust. Yay to that. It becomes someone else's calamity.

But... Freemasonic has the TRESTLE.... a thing pronounced trust all.
That I can't do.. but I can sure as he'll try. I don't trust Christendom anymore.

But in its stead... I find awesome folk who deserve the right to be respected. Nice thing it is.
I hope I never have to change that.

Popes suck... freemasons don't. Illuminati... well... That is to be determined on the day of judgment.

edit on 30-3-2015 by Pinocchio because: auto correct is ruining my post

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