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Gun buying is at an all time high

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:39 PM
Ruger has suspended all new orders until the end of May because it can't keep up with demand.Like it or not,guns give the weak the ability to defend themselves against the strong or the many. There are lots who want that ability taken away and will any use rhetoric possible.
Since our highest court has ruled you have no constitutional right to police protection,one has to wonder what the hidden agenda to disarmament is?
Why do I have to be helpless against thugs who will not give up their guns?Why do they want that?
It seems enough people are aware of this agenda that they are buying more guns than can be made. Sort of a hard way to disarm people. Don't you think?
I'd love to hear opposing viewpoints.
edit on 26-3-2012 by Bullypulpit because: Drifting snow on a wolverines fluffy tail

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:41 PM
"God made man;Col Colt made them equal"

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:48 PM
A gun does not make a weak person strong.It levels the playing field against armed criminals. I have no problem defending myself with my hands against anyone. But should a person pull a weapon, I'll pull mine and use it. It may be my last resort but at least I know its there if I need it.
A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state....the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed. Think about all the new laws and ask yourself if you truly live in a free state. Then you will know the answer to why the government is cracking down on guns. They dont want the people to fight back....

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:50 PM
They don't want the people to have the means to fight back

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:54 PM
the government is just trying to make it easier for them when we do fight back. less guns in our hands give them more power. its that simple.....

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Bullypulpit

Here is a thread about the rise of sales and the coming election you may find interesting.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Bullypulpit

I read the news for Ruger a few days ago. My first thought is that they underestimated the demand for their product. I'm in manufacturing and have had to suspend orders in the past. Even if your own facility can increase output, it is often your supply lines that need time to come up to speed. This wasn't an issue say 20 years ago, but today everyone runs by the "just in time" supply chain organization.

Either way. If you really need a gun just buy a different brand. Their are a lot of really good brands out there with no supply issues. I fired a Taurus 24/7 9mm this past weekend and it shot really well, and it's pretty cheap!

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by SkullCreek
reply to post by Bullypulpit

I read the news for Ruger a few days ago. My first thought is that they underestimated the demand for their product. I'm in manufacturing and have had to suspend orders in the past. Even if your own facility can increase output, it is often your supply lines that need time to come up to speed. This wasn't an issue say 20 years ago, but today everyone runs by the "just in time" supply chain organization.

Either way. If you really need a gun just buy a different brand. Their are a lot of really good brands out there with no supply issues. I fired a Taurus 24/7 9mm this past weekend and it shot really well, and it's pretty cheap!
I have plenty no worries...I just want to hear some gun grabber logic

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:28 PM
I like Taurus'lifetime guarantee .have an 85 and a686.Never had a problem with either

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Gun use and senseless killing are ALSO at an all time high

You should see at most any NYC or inner city precinct how busy the detectives are busy investigating one shooting after another, and they rarely find the killers - because nowadays everybody has invested in a gun and these youth are bored, bullets are cheap on the street they need some FUN they do drivebys, holdups, random shooting up houses every day now.

APES. Gorillas. Bulk of society is no longer even human. Humanity lost...

edit on 26-3-2012 by BiggerPicture because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Sounds like parental control is needed not gun conyrol

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Bullypulpit

Looks like I didn't flush out as any gun grabbers as I wanted to.I figured Idgetat least one impassioned liberal argument against gun ownership.I so love seeing those people try to state a dream as fact

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:26 PM
See I have no problem disarming anyone convicted of a criminal act forever. But the gun grabbers want to use their actions as an excuse to take my gun which isn't even logical.As I sit here eating a slice of pizza with a Sig 220 under my shirt.....legally

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Bigfoot12714
the government is just trying to make it easier for them when we do fight back. less guns in our hands give them more power. its that simple.....

How does a story reporting "record gun sales" equate to "less guns in the public's hands" in your mind?

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 07:55 AM
He's referring to the hoopla over the Zimmerman shooting being calls for repeals of Stand Your Ground laws...if you right to fight back is infringed loss of guns is not far behind.My initial post is showing that people are freaking out and buying guns at record paces....

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Bullypulpit

I do take issue with that to a degree. If your credit score recycles its self every so many years, why not your criminal record? If a kid steals a car and gets a felony, his life is wasted. No vote, no gun, no decent job, etc. Doing something stupid once or twice in life should not be cause for you to loose basic rights and freedoms. I feel that a persons criminal record should be wiped every 10 years if they stay clean and out of trouble. With the exceptions of rape and child molestation. Theres no fixing those people.Ten years is a long time to prove that you are an upstanding citizen and are willing to obey the laws and abide by them. Especially if you were under the age of 21 when you committed your crime. I know too many people who screwed up when they were dumb kids and now in their late 30's-late 40's they are still suffering because of it. And 99% of them are good,law abiding people.Its really sad to see someone suffer for the rest of their life due to one little mistake.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Bullypulpit
They don't want the people to have the means to fight back
Every household in America should have a rifle/shotgun/pistol trio for every family member and preferably of common calibers with at least 1 .22 rifle hjtown in for good measure

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by JayFlores
reply to post by Bullypulpit

I do take issue with that to a degree. If your credit score recycles its self every so many years, why not your criminal record? If a kid steals a car and gets a felony, his life is wasted. No vote, no gun, no decent job, etc. Doing something stupid once or twice in life should not be cause for you to loose basic rights and freedoms. I feel that a persons criminal record should be wiped every 10 years if they stay clean and out of trouble. With the exceptions of rape and child molestation. Theres no fixing those people.Ten years is a long time to prove that you are an upstanding citizen and are willing to obey the laws and abide by them. Especially if you were under the age of 21 when you committed your crime. I know too many people who screwed up when they were dumb kids and now in their late 30's-late 40's they are still suffering because of it. And 99% of them are good,law abiding people.Its really sad to see someone suffer for the rest of their life due to one little mistake.
You may think credit scored recycle but companies buy overdue credit and keep reporting it do a credit card debt from 25 years ago will still be on the record.And criminals have proven they are masters at working the system.If you give them one loophole they will work it to the max.I agree with the Pulpit guy.Felons lose their rights to certain privileges such as owning guns and voting.Sux to be them.Should of thought ahead.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by JayFlores
reply to post by Bullypulpit

I do take issue with that to a degree. If your credit score recycles its self every so many years, why not your criminal record?

53% of males, and 93% females arrested will be re-arrested sometime in the future.

If a kid steals a car and gets a felony, his life is wasted. No vote, no gun, no decent job, etc. Doing something stupid once or twice in life should not be cause for you to loose basic rights and freedoms. I feel that a persons criminal record should be wiped every 10 years if they stay clean and out of trouble. With the exceptions of rape and child molestation.

So, if Michael Corleone shoots a police captain in the face while the captain is eating in a Corleone family restaurant....then Michael only needs to spend 10 years in Sicily, and then he can come home, right? And if he is later accused of .... ordering a hit on another NYPD captain, you couldn't bring it up at his trial? He could buy an assault weapon? He could own a liquor store and sell lottery tickets, even though he'd been involved in a bookmaking operation in his youth???

Ten years is a long time to prove that you are an upstanding citizen and are willing to obey the laws and abide by them. Especially if you were under the age of 21 when you committed your crime. I know too many people who screwed up when they were dumb kids and now in their late 30's-late 40's they are still suffering because of it. And 99% of them are good,law abiding people.Its really sad to see someone suffer for the rest of their life due to one little mistake.

Where do you live? In most states in the USA, your juvenile record is sealed when you turn adult.

Have you ever been the victim of a crime? I have a friend whose daughter was murdered. She will never, ever be the same.

How would it impact your life if the next time you went out, every thing in your place was gone when you returned? It has been done, by burglars posing as a moving service. It would take you years to recover. Hell, just having your old clunker car get stolen could cost you your job, and damage your college gpa, if a student.

Instead of just imagining what it must be like being a convicted felon, spend some serious time on what it feels like to be the victim of a life-crushing crime; one that results in the death of your fiancee, and the perp gets 22 months.

Now imagine folks telling you that you just have to "get over it, and get on with your life. You're young---you'll find someone else, and have a bunch of kids and a happy family."

Would those feelings be expunged from you soul after a decade.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

Not a bad reply Doc...not bad at all...well thought out and stated

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