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Where's the Illuminati?

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posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:38 PM
Okay, I came up with this idea a few days ago, and have searched over the threads to make sure it's not a repeat. If I did double up, I highly apologize, as I know nothing bothers the ATS more than repeat threads. So here's the game idea guys and gals:

We all know the illuminati (or whatever you will call them) loves to post up their images in popular media. So what I would like to do is play a little "where's waldo" with the illuminati. The rules are simple, and there is no prize, expect maybe the enjoyment factor of participation. Post video or pics of obvious illuminati messages or imagery and those that participate will star the ones that are most relievant or mind blowing.

He or she with the most stars "wins", so to speak (as the only real prize is opening the eyes of those who have yet to see what's going down). If it takes off, I'll even keep a tally and post it on a not so often basis as kinda a score card.

If that sounds intriging please participate. If you think it's goofy, please refrain from spilling it over on the board, my personal box will surfice for insults.

Thanks, and game on! ^.^

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:51 PM
They are in people's imaginations.

Humans need to believe someone is in control of their destiny for better or for worse.

Some people believe in gods that control their lives and some in super secret human figures in areas of great power.

I believe there is neither.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by mwood

Yeah, that kinda falls in line with my "if you don't wish to participate but hate" statement, then please just U2U me and leave the negatives for the inbox.

Thank you for your intrest though.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:55 PM
They simply don't exist...
edit on 25-3-2012 by ConspiracyFearist22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:11 AM
I'd have to point at myself then.

I support one world governments and only few high powers.

But to play along with your game...
"Assassin's Creed II - End Game Scene" -- "Shows Nibiru and The All-seeing Freemason eye.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyFearist22
Um.... Unfortunately they do. You thinking or wanting to think they don't exist doesn't make it a fact. Many names get thrown around. I know my country is factually owned by Rothschild scum and their very linked to the Illuminati.

I dont like it how ignorant people act like this isnt an issue. Please think differently. It will make the world better faster

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:14 AM

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:38 AM

This is my first attempt at this, posting an image. It didn't place the image in the post like I was hoping for, but it did create a link to see it. If anyone can U2U me on how I can place these images directly, I would greatly appericate it.
edit on 26-3-2012 by Lasr1oftheJedi because: Discovering how this forum works.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:49 AM
My first youtube attempt... Still, it kinda give everyone an idea of what we're doing here...

This didn't directly post either, but is an excellent example. Please forgive my newbieness, and I am fully open to learning the fine arts of ATS.

All the same, now, hopefully, I have provided example of what I wish this thread to be about.

Thank you all for your time and attention.

With that, game on!
edit on 26-3-2012 by Lasr1oftheJedi because: Still learning.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyFearist22

You heard this saying before:
"The Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist"

Let's say you have a recipe to make all the money you could ever wish fore. Would you share this recipe with others?

Food for thought ...

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:03 AM
Something to note, as I was watching the vid I linked to make sure I wasn't making a total arse of myself, someone mentioned something that will make you think. Type (illuminati backwards) into your browser, and see where it takes you. I'll say this, it blew my mind.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:27 AM
This is the reply I received from Mandrakerealmz in a U2U about my apperication for his intrest in this topic.BTW Mandrakerealmz, if by me c/p this to the thread somehow stole your thunder, I truely apologize, all points (aka "stars") in the game will be awarded to you, as this is your research and statement. If I somehow offended you by taking this U2U to the thread, I truely apologize, but I felt the statements and information which you offered were too important to be denied to the rest of those on ATS. AKA, I respected you statements and info too much to keep it to myself. On with the show:

Heya hrmm ile have to think about that. There is so much information out these days its hard to deny the existence of such groups. I personally learned of thede topics years ago when researching Nikola Tesla (worlds most awesome scientist) He invented many things and pioneered a few areas in physics. Yet society missed out on many of these wonders. The journed to answer who discredited him attacked his work and eventually tried to erase him from history leads directly to "The Illuminati, New World Order, Free Masons, TPTB" blah blah blah pick a name those guys lol.

Also as a side note many people think because theirs so many names that it all fake. Really its the fact these groups truly have existed for thousands of years in 1 form or another and have mastered the art of obfuscation. Its very annoying for people like us who just want to know what's going on

Ile link you some good resources and videos that I know of by really the convincing came from watching many videos and reading lots about true history. It all leads to exposing the thousand year conspiracy. Most freak out and deny it however those like me become enraged and wish to see justice brought on these people who have enslaved their own species.

Also Adam Weishaupt is a good name to research if you want info on the modern day Illuminati. However i will point out the illuminati used to be something else.

If you wish to learn some truth without all this evil BS the satanic people added ile show you to this AMAZING video this group made

Human History

Rise Of Atlantis

I highly recommend watching the human history and atlantis videos first
edit on 26-3-2012 by Lasr1oftheJedi because: frickin links didn't link in the copy paste...

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi
Something to note, as I was watching the vid I linked to make sure I wasn't making a total arse of myself, someone mentioned something that will make you think. Type (illuminati backwards) into your browser, and see where it takes you. I'll say this, it blew my mind.

Mind well and truely blown.

Wasn't expecting that thats for sure.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:42 PM
Start one of the call of duty's games and u will have illuminati....that is why cod is so ridiculous easy the illuminati started in 2007 whit the cod serie....before that (2003-2005) (2006 cod3 not played it) is was a real fps game and not a circus whit killstreaks and baby help perks......
edit on 24-8-2012 by NL045 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by WhoWhatWhy

Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi
Something to note, as I was watching the vid I linked to make sure I wasn't making a total arse of myself, someone mentioned something that will make you think. Type (illuminati backwards) into your browser, and see where it takes you. I'll say this, it blew my mind.

Mind well and truely blown.

Wasn't expecting that thats for sure.

Yeah, a private citizen registered that domain like 15 years ago and pointed it at

You can do it too if you like. If you do, pick the white house site or something for the lulz.

edit on 24-8-2012 by PrimitiveWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 12:18 AM


posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 12:19 AM


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