posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:51 PM
Nice theory, But its don't fit geographically in my area, we don't have vampire bats around here. Of course its been about 25 years since the last
mysterious cattle(Bull in this case) Mutilation has occurred.
Usually when you come about finding a carcass that has been half eaten in the woods or along the pasture wood line the bovine fell victim to another
ailment and became a smorgasbord for the local critters.
That's the only problem with a lot of the pasture around here, wetlands, bogs, swamps and thick under brushed woods, making it hard for a guy to keep
a constant account on ones herd. Hard to get around sometimes on either horse or 4 wheeler, let alone a truck.
We have little predators around here as far as cattle and larger livestock are concerned. we do get the occasional Black bear and mountain lion
though, but most of us who run cattle all know when they are in the area. When you grow up in the woods and notice certain things that others