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The Truth about Power

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posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:17 PM
So recently I have seen two threads about the power of love and the power of joy and I thought it was about time to write my thread about this book I have been reading. This truly profound book called "Power vs. Force" by Dr. David R. Hawkins has really given some amazing insight into our world that encapsulates what we know in fields of psychology, philosophy, religion, kinesiology and much more.

Levels of Consciousness

In this book the essential teaching is about the levels of consciousness and how they correspond to a specific level of power (log^x). The science behind the levels is quite controversial however the levels of consciousness themselves carry quite a lot of credibility whether or not the science behind the calculations adds up.

Shame - 20 - leads to conscious suicide, Freud determined it produces neurosis, destructive to emotional and psychological health
Guilt - 30 -used to manipulate and punish, unconscious guilt leads to psychosomatic disease, accident proneness
Apathy - 50 - poverty, despair, hopelessness
Grief - 75
Fear - 100 - this is the level most media and advertising play at
Desire - 125 - this is a level that can push people into higher levels or can get them stuck in addiction. Interestingly alcohol and drugs are deemed to suppress lower levels (shame, grief...) allowing users to reach higher levels temporarily. This temporary state leads to addiction. However shamans use psychedelics to achieve enlightenment which can have a permanent change on their consciousness although the enlightenment is temporary.
Anger - 150
Pride - 175
Courage - 200 - Life is exciting and challenging
Neutrality - 250 - taking positions creates polarization
Willingness - 310 - people are genuinely friendly with everyone and helpful to the good of society
Acceptance - 350 -
Reason - 400 - The level of Freud and Einstein, easy to become infatuated with concepts and theories and miss the essential point
Love - 500 - not what is depicted in the media. Love is unconditional, unchanging and permanent. Loving is a state of being, forgiving, nurturing and supporting. It emanates from the heart with the capacity to life others and accomplish great feats (earlier in the book he gives an example of how a woman lifted a car of her friend to save their life)
Joy - 540 - arising from each moment of existence, desire to use one's state for the benefit of life itself rather than particular individuals.
Peace - 600 -transcendence, self realization and God consciousness - 1 in 10million people
Enlightenment - 700-1000 - Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha and Lord Krishna

In our day to day life we may experience different levels of consciousness temporarily, however there is typically 1 or 2 that we average out to in general. Also level 200 Courage is the first level that is considered "Power" or in the realm of positivity while everything below is considered "force" or negativity. The world used to be on average 195 but recently have reached 207 according the Dawkins. Although we are at 207, 75% of people are below 200, but since this is a logarithmic scale, it takes only a few people at higher states to counterbalance the rest of humanity.

He also talks about how the manuscripts of each religion rank all really high on his scale (Mahayana Buddhism is the highest but Christianity and the other religions are pretty close), the actions of organized religions have typically acted upon the level of consciousness incited by the individuals (pride in the case of wars, fear in the case of sin fear mongerers).

Just reading about the levels of consciousness is supposed to lift your own state of consciousness (if only temporarily) and I did in fact experience that effect.

My personal experience, I run 5km twice a week and at the point of time it was still a very tough run (especially since I do the run after 1.5 hours of physically intense training). I was running while I was thinking about to this book and thought of the section about sports where it says that the greatest athletes don't do it for themselves but for everyone. At this moment I focused on the world and said "I am doing this run not for myself, but for the benefit of the world," instantly I felt this tingling wave come over my body (yes I am aware of runner's high but this was something more than I have ever experienced) and I kept inside my mind a image of Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha and Lord Vishnu and I was relieved of all my pain and ran faster than I ever had.

This book is amazing, there is so much more inside this book, I recommend that those interested READ IT. There are so many brilliant chapters I can't even remember all the information to share with you all!!!

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:33 PM
I don't know, this seems awfully silly to me. Is it a joke? Will there be a video game made out of it? If so, I'm definitely going for the full 1000 points.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

So the actual scientific measurement of the levels in done by a calibration. So in our bodies we have chakra points (thought to be correlated with the endocrine system), which relate to a specific organ and those with a specific muscle. This is the basis for not only chakras but acupuncture as well. It is also the basis for kinesiology where they can determine precisely what a person is allergic to (author gives several examples).

The actual test is having a person who is not wearing glasses or a hat or jewelry, holding their one arm out to the side and a person citing a Y/N question or a particular object or person. The individual then presses with two fingers on the wrist to see if they "go weak" or "hold strong." The author did tests on thousands of people around the world in different settings. One such test a large audience was given two envelopes. With the person being tested on held one envelop. In 95% of tests the person was strong for the envelope containing something natural while 95% of tests the person went weak with the envelope of artificial sweetener. The test can be done for just saying Hitler or Ghandi and results are similar.

It is controversial but the actual philosophical content and explanations of each level of consciousness HOLD TRUE whether or not the actual CALIBRATION is true or false.

Just saying you are aiming for 1000 is a good thing (assuming your intention is pure, although I feel it as being mockery).

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:49 PM
This is definitely a different take then I was expecting.

So, there is no 0 or point of origin in which to start from?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:49 PM
Another snippet of the book that is interesting is how he talks about perception of a homeless individual at each level of consciousness:

At shame he is seen to be dirty, disgusting and disgraceful. Probably a lazy welfare cheat.

At fear we see him as a social menace and should call the police.

At pride we see him as an embarrassment or lacking the will to improve his situation.

At neutrality the bum is okay or even interesting... live and let live he is not hurting anyone.

Willingness - go down and see what we can do to cheer him up, maybe be motivated to volunteer some time at the shelter.

Acceptance - the person is intriguing, he probably has an interesting story to tell

Reason - symptom of the current economic and social malaise - perhaps a good subject for in depth psychological study

At higher levels the bum begins to look not only interesting but friendly and lovable. Maybe he is in fact someone who transcended social limits and gone free.

At peace (600) he is revealed as our own self in a temporary expression.

Intriguing huh?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by calnorak

The present is where you start from. Where are you currently on this scale?

A different perspective of your question would be:

We don't see a 0 origin because each human being lives which means they are a power or a force of nature creating ripples of positive or negative influence. To have absolutely NO influence on the world would have to be to not exist (or not exist within the mass conscious element of the earth).

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Your comment is quite funny now that I read it again because this post certainly points to the fact that LIFE IS ENERGY and that you think it's a big joke is somewhat ironic.

Certainly DIFFERENT levels of consciousness have DIFFERENT impacts on the world (all deemed energy). Ghandi's higher energy or consciousness of PEACE defeated the lower element of PRIDE by the British in India. Truly energy is a fantastic concept that needs to be explored more.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:59 PM
I average 50, much like my bowling

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:31 PM
I gotta be honest here. I'm a bit disappointed to see that my average is probably 125. I've heard of this scale in passing but never knew any details about it. I would have guessed that I was higher and that I simply fell into lower vibrations at times, but now it seems that I only experience higher ones while maintaining that lower vibration.

But everything is perfect because it IS and now I know where I'm starting from and how much I still have left to contribute. Thanks for the thread

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by ThisIsMyName
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Your comment is quite funny now that I read it again because this post certainly points to the fact that LIFE IS ENERGY and that you think it's a big joke is somewhat ironic.

Certainly DIFFERENT levels of consciousness have DIFFERENT impacts on the world (all deemed energy). Ghandi's higher energy or consciousness of PEACE defeated the lower element of PRIDE by the British in India. Truly energy is a fantastic concept that needs to be explored more.

No, I just feel it is kind of silly to think something as boundless and unknown as consciousness or energy could be defined and portrayed through something as superficial as a scoreboard type list. Kind of interesting to look at tbh... but still kind of silly. It's whatever though, don't mind me.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:49 PM
Peace - 600 -transcendence, self realization and God consciousness - 1 in 10million people
I would say from my experiance that your number are way to low but I go under the assumption that people are spreas out with the same concentration. There is at least 3 in 9 million people and I think in my case it is a gross understatement, because of the low number of people I have meet.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by ThisIsMyName

power is to evil life like force is to evil existence

positively, power is what is never real nor objective, objects cant b powerful

negatively, power is evil superiority which is basically from having influence on else, usually absolute power is a sense of before, like for a baby his parent is powerful, and usually people that love the past mean powerful sense to respect, but also absolute power is a sense of bigger force, from i guess what bigger is in concept objective source of itself so able to influence others existing wills

power is to evil life since by definition power cant recognize else existence, when the sense is powerful it cant b free while only free sense can be real through recognizing else freedom objectivity
so power is evil life since always using others presence to possess better sense of absolute living one

force is to evil existence

positively, force is forcing itself objective existence being a fact by stepping on else objective existence wills

negatively, force is evil positivity meaning the positive sense in possessing smthg else, that is why usually force is justified upon what cant pretend being positively free, so used to point down positive inferiority

but this time deny all those truths by confusing all facts negatively as if truth do not exist

while truth as a concept always is the most easy objective fact to admit, which for here assert that power and force are one evil freedom way, confusing itself subject superior powers and objective positive force for one absolute fact being all

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