Some above claim the gov. hide or deny that there are aliens/ufo's on earth. But that is not correct because;
1. they know as little as we do. politicans are normal people... most of the time
2. search the net for 'alien spacecraft ufo third encounter' and you'll see its not hidden at all. Read till you get a green face!
3. what panic? By most of the reports I've read it seems the word 'excitement' fits more than 'panic'.
4. organisations and politicans don't have balls when it comes to -for them- the unknown. So when 'our guests' (guess who) call pilots or NASA
personell by radio, it is ordered radio silence...
So to get The Official First Contact we must at least change the routine for possibly unknown contacts (for both radio to radio and face to face).
We might discuss how this should change here.
changes I'd like to see (for all countries);
1. unknown aircrafts (and ufo's) should not be stopped (or attempt to be stopped) at our borders by the airforce. Even if it IS human of foregin
origin then any and all military and sivilian air companies would LOVE to have a closer look at it if it is a new plane/engine/construction. So no
need to prevent them from coming here.
2. respond to unknown radio messages. The only way to get the location of the unknown talker is to have him continue talking until a fix on him is
done. And anyway one must talk to know what he want. If it turns out to be a 'faker' then he is reported to the government wich will take all he
owns and also 1.000.000 $ or � or euro from his account for wasting the publicks time and effort. After a few 'fakers' thus goes bankrupt the rest
will get the idea and not attempt to fake an 'first contact'.
3. we may even attempt to contact our guests by broadcasting ourselves. As they obvious are here on earth already there is no need to send radio
messages many lightyears... What to send? I suggest art. Music or poem or anything. Isn't there even Tolkien himself reading from The Hobbit or LotR
on tape or cd?
Today they are the one trying to get attention while we do nothing. If we do 1 to 3 above we would be on the move waiting for them to reply. Its
better to be on the move than sit still, and we would thell them that 'ok, we see you, ready for the next step?' and that will be good for all
involved in the years after.