posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 10:22 PM
Here are some of my ideas, some you may feel are too far from reality, others you may agree with.
1. Financial
A. Drastically cut defense budget
B. Re-evaluate prison system (no need for it to cost as much as it does)
C. Everyone pays same taxes
D. Re-evaluate foreign aid
E. Close certain Gov departments (DHS, who I think most would agree is a complete waste of money and resources)
2. Security
A. Once again, no need for DHS, blacklists are flawed and other agencies can perform same function.
B. Bring troops and resources back into United States
C. Monitor borders in peaceful defensive manner
D. No wiretapping or spying on citizens without real cause
E. More regulations on TSA, they seem to feel they are above all
F. No alphabet agencies overseas(backing gov overthrow, assasinations, etc)
3. Education
A. Funding cut from defense flows to education
B. Public school still free, somehow lower university cost..
C. School days longer, more education(mandatory evening class in chosen subject?)
4. Healthcare
A. Everyone entitled to free healthcare
B. Defense cuts can fund healthcare program
C. No mandatory vaccinations
D. Overall cost of healthcare can be lowered, it just isn't because well..thats how capitalism works
5. Foreign Policy
A. No preemptive war
B. Humanitarian Aid for peaceful nations
C. Re-evaluate ALL sanctions
D. No backing foreign conflicts
6. Policies and Gov
A. No electronic voting
B. Transparency(spending, programs, international relations)
C. Citizens vote on bills(this is how we get rid of conflict of interest in the House of Reps)
D. No two party system
E. Citizens vote for/against military actions
F. House of Reps replaced by everyday citizens
7. Re-Introduce United States to the International community
A. Educated population
B. Peaceful
C. Financially responsible
D. Respectable ally