posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by CountDrac
I don't care how he says it, I also don't care what he says, I only care about what he's trying to accomplish by saying these things. What he thinks
he can single handedly correct the people of the Middle East? Or that he thinks his country can? or he's saying all of this because he feels he is far
more superior over them with regards to his religion, his culture etc etc etc etc etc..Remember, no one on TV says anything without a motive or an
agenda to serve. Except maybe documentary makers, they're pretty safe on that bet.
This is all just the other side of the spectrum, there are clerics in the Middle East who go on TV and claim the US and those who support her are
nothing but blood sucking scum. It doesn't matter if they're right see, what matters is the whole idea of 'we are better than they are' which turns
into hatred, which turns into ignorance and wars ....
Lets all trust Glen Beck with his documentary skills shall we
edit on 24-3-2012 by nusnus because: (no reason given)