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Big Brother just got scarier: Japanese CCTV camera can scan 36 million faces per second

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posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes


I think you're trolling. EVERYONE in the US has an expectation of privacy in their homes, public restrooms, and dressing rooms.

Expectation of Privacy

In United States constitutional law the expectation of privacy is a legal test which is crucial in defining the scope of the applicability of the privacy protections of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. It is related to, but is not the same thing as a right of privacy, a much broader concept which is found in many legal systems (see privacy law).

There are two types of expectations of privacy:
A subjective expectation of privacy is an opinion of a person that a certain location or situation is private. These obviously vary greatly from person to person.
An objective, legitimate or reasonable expectation of privacy is an expectation of privacy generally recognized by society.

Examples of places where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy are person's residence or hotel room[1] and public places which have been specifically provided by businesses or the public sector to ensure privacy, such as public restrooms, private portions of jailhouses,[2] or a phone booth.[

It's not wierd or antisocial to want to exercise your Constitutional rights.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:12 PM
BREAKING NEWS: Hitachi Hokusai Electric was just purchased by U.S.A. for an undisclosed amount!

JUST KIDDING....for now, but it will eventually happen! Either that, or they will gather the technology used to scan so many people in a second and make it their own, for their own evil agenda!

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by TheEnlightenedOne

I have high belief that the U.S already has and implimented a system that can do this. It just makes common sense for them too. Think of cameras were they scan a million faces, but people still have too confirm faces match to their database photo? That would be insanely innefficieant. They must already have computers capable enough to scan, identify and send whatever emergency mesasage needs to be sent. Automation has always been the future, I'm sure it will continue that way.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by mytheroy
I do hope your being sarcastic lol. I saw this and I have one question. other than the obvious, what are they designing this for?

Of course I'm not being sarcastic. Behave yourself.

Who are ''they'' ? Are ''they'' the mysteriously undefined, nebulous ''TPTB'', ''NWO'', ''Illuminati'' and ''shape-shifting reptillians'' of the fecund, fertile, feverish and febrile imaginations ?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
Can you please point out where s/he was trying to push this ideal onto others?

Can you please point out where I indicated that s/he was ''pushing this ideal onto others'' ?

Originally posted by Afterthought
I find it strange that you think it's OK for our government to push their cameras and spy technology on everyone.
I also find it strange that people accept this.

Nowhere are governments ''pushing'' any technology onto others.

If you can't keep up with updates in technology, then that's your hard bun.

Luddites who stand still and object to social advancements and evolution will be left behind. Soz.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by AaronWilson

In no way am I belittling introverts (I used to be one myself

What I'm saying is that privacy is attained in private surroundings.

Expecting public areas to cater for your ''privacy'' is selfish, precious and contrary to any kind of civilised ethics.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

You clearly were not intoverted as those tendancies dont change. I do applaud your upstanding politness though

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
I think you're trolling. EVERYONE in the US has an expectation of privacy in their homes, public restrooms, and dressing rooms.

Don't mistake a possibly tendentious argument for ''trolling''.

It must be nice to live in such a black and white world.

Of course everyone has an expectation of privacy in their homes because they are, er, private.

Public areas are not covered by this. I'm sorry that you have to live in 2012, rather than 1776.

edit on 24-3-2012 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
I think you're trolling. EVERYONE in the US has an expectation of privacy in their homes, public restrooms, and dressing rooms.

Indeed and the same can be said of most democratic and fair societies the world over..

Now, tell me, where are they saying they plan to put these camera's in your homes, public restrooms or dressing rooms?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:40 PM
Of course I'm not being sarcastic. Behave yourself.

Who are ''they'' ? Are ''they'' the mysteriously undefined, nebulous ''TPTB'', ''NWO'', ''Illuminati'' and ''shape-shifting reptillians'' of the fecund, fertile, feverish and febrile imaginations ?

"They" include anyone that abuses power for nothing more than to gain more control/power!

In this world we call home, you,me,and us should be able to live without big gov. telling us what they think you,me,and us needs/wants. But don't worry the Ipad,Iphone, or the latest car, How about the new Volvo I think it was, Commercial ended in "Were watching you".

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
reply to post by AaronWilson

In no way am I belittling introverts (I used to be one myself

What I'm saying is that privacy is attained in private surroundings.

Expecting public areas to cater for your ''privacy'' is selfish, precious and contrary to any kind of civilised ethics.

Then by this statement we should live in the bathroom? that's the only privacy you have.....For now

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by AaronWilson

Yes, I did used to be introverted, actually.

But it was nothing that a bit of introspection, attainment of social nous and a kick up the backside couldn't cure.

The point remains: private surroundings = valid expectation of privacy. Non-private surroundings = no valid expectation of privacy.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Luddites who stand still and object to social advancements and evolution will be left behind. Soz.

Damn fell into a troll trap lol

Virtual slaps own self

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by mytheroy
Then by this statement we should live in the bathroom? that's the only privacy you have.....For now

If the only private place you own is the ''bathroom'', then I suggest you start ''moving on up''.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by HigherLearningSociety

There are cameras in high security installations that can listen to your heart beat and monitor pattern changes to assess your stress level along with many other goodies that your not supposed to know about.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

If you can't keep up with updates in technology, then that's your hard bun.

I have no need to keep up with technology. In fact, I try to stay away from the stuff that includes trackable bugs. This means that I have never had a Facadebook account and I'll refrain from getting a smart phone for as long as I can. Pretty soon, that's all you'll be able to get.
I've known many people who have to have the latest phone or gadget the second it hits the market
and I pity them. More times than not, they've paid way too much and there are still kinks in the tech that still needed to be worked out.

I'm sorry that you have to live in 2012, rather than 1776.

Trust me. I'm well aware that I was born in the wrong time period.

edit on 24-3-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by stumason

Now, tell me, where are they saying they plan to put these camera's in your homes, public restrooms or dressing rooms?

I guess you've missed all those articles in the news and on ATS about them being able to see/hear what you're doing through your TV and household appliances. You also know that they can monitor your conversations through the mic in your cell phone even when it's turned off, right?

Keep thinking that you're immune to all of this and let me know how it works out for you.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Biigs

It really isn't about it falling into the wrong hands, its about falling into elite hands. Its already there. This technology is not even the cutting edge. It is maybe 10 years behind what is really there. I have nothing to hide as well but my privacy is just that, mine. With the new privacy laws being used by the internet, combined with the survalliance, you are screwed. In 1987, I spoke with a pilot of an SR-71 and he told me that he could make 3 passes over the US and film every square foot to a resolution that could see the numbers on a rural post box on a country road. He also told me that the technology was good enough to hear from NY a specific basketball bouncing in LA. That was 25 years ago, imagine the tech now.

Now, imagine how easy it is to manipulate society when you know all the answers before hand. You rely on electronic data to survive. Do you really believe that the internet companies that watch your every move don't give it to the highest bidder? When you scan your discount card at the grocery store, do you think that information is not passed on? I know that seems trivial but you can learn alot about groups of people by their buying habits. When you have an electronic device in your car that tracks not only your gas milage but where you have been and what time you were there, do ya think that info isn't stored? If I knew "Everything" about you and had the resources to control you, I would. Friends, we are in big trouble.

When you talk about things like this fantastic camera that can scan 36 million faces a second, it is old news. There are devices to listen to your specific heartbeat, know when you are sweating, know what and why you get horny at the first of the month and maybe the third week of the month. The know where you will go and who you will meet. They know how many beers you drink on the average wednesday night, who your team is, and whether you voted in the last election.

We are past the point of no return. The elite has a plan for reducing the population by 90% and we have no chance to challenge it.

Be safe and be silent. Silent definance. Don't be led. Don't adhere to the BS our parents told us about. The elite is corrupt beyond your wildest dreams. I hope at some point we can unite and defeat them.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by RADAST

excellent post, but since i dont have any insider and reliable info from friends i have to take what gets unveiled as recent facts.

I do believe london has a system in place that can scan and identify targets already and has done for some time.

Im not an international terrorist and thus my face is not on a database anyway.

The idea that the gov can just scan in my face and get info on every movement ive made near a camera close enough to catch my face, is a huge invasion of privacy.

While i sudder to think about the tech you are talking about already existing, i have to allow the chance that it might not exist (hello technology propaganda) for what ever reason and until i see it for myself, choose to live in ignorance (which i know is a terrible thing to say on this website above any others

Innocent till proven guilty, rather than presumed potential criminal needs to be watched.

Im not scared of the devil, only because i never met him.

edit on 24-3-2012 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:51 PM
36 million faces per second???
do we have computers that fast?
I dont think so.

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