I have become more observant of time as an observation and not so much a measurement. Sometimes time seems to fly by, and sometimes time seems to drag
on. This observation is very interesting.
Does time only exist with an observer?
Nature would still age. Plants would die.
Or would they? If one were not to observe....what would anything but YOU do? Could there be moments in time were no one in the UNIVERSE were to
observe? As such an insignificant time as the moments of the Big Bang?
Inflamation (cosmology)
It lasted from 10−36 seconds after the Big Bang to sometime between 10−33 and 10−32 seconds. Following the inflationary period, the universe
continued to expand, but at a slower rate.
Could a TIME TRAVELER pinpoint these times, and appear in moments in time where no one in the UNIVERSE were to observe, and therefore the time
traveler would not appear as an anomaly?
If the time traveler appeared at a time where no one in the Universe were to observe then precisely after that moment those who were to observe the
time traveler wouldn't be shocked, because the time traveler would not have appeared at of no where.
The time traveler appeared in a time where no one were to observe.
This would be defined as you walking down the street looking forward and looking to your left and seeing someone. You didn't notice then when looking
forward but when you looked to your left you observed them. This is the same way a time traveler would enter into a time line. Completely normal...
Now as you understand how to navigate into these extreme pinpoint moments in time........
Could you enter a dimension in that precise moment in time that was infinite in nature? As we observe time to tick like seconds on a clock, could we
enter one of these precise times and in that universe of time, that specific time is infinite in nature, thus becomes a constant. for that moment in
time a new set of of observing time is created. Such as that exact detailed moment in time in that moment of state, in a different dimension be in hat
moment of sate, for infinity.
Basically a split second of a fraction of time existing in a different dimension til eternity. That split second, exist for eternity in a different
In this dimension a time traveler could have the most freedom.