Please hear me out and I am sorry if I am bad at explaining this so please feel free to ask questions for clarification.
I think that in very recent times, possibly due to occupy the internet and social push against injustice and corruption has become a powerful force.
In the past the media didn’t need to worry about people exposing their lies because they were isolated and unorganised.
A prime example of how the Media can control the opposition is the recent Kony phenomena. From the get go there were a lot of people who knew that
Kony 2012 was just a push for war and the control of resources.
The internet made the anti Kony movement almost as big as the pro kony movement.
The media’s reaction was to focus on a very small part of the anti kony movement to discredit the entire movement. They focused on how only 30% of
donations went to the cause and how the creator was making a lot of money from it.
While their intention may seem like they are being unbiased and telling you both sides of the story, what they are actually doing is getting people to
argue about a small and trivial part of the story while ignoring the fact that the whole thing was just another call to war, among other things.
Another example:
I recently read an ATS thread by Agent_USA_Supporter which you can read
here that
posted a link to this article:
CNN rejects as 'ridiculous' Syrian claims it
collaborated with rebels
It is clear that they have focused on a ridiculous accusation to discredit the genuine accusations that western parties and the media are lying about
many parts of the Syrian situation. Most people are actually saying, and quite rightly as they are backed up with facts that CNN and other msm are
fabricating stories etc..
I think another example of this could be the whole global warming argument.
We have spent about 10 years arguing about global warming while there are about 1,000,000 genuine other reasons to stop using fossil fuels that go
completely unheard anymore.
Just be careful people.
And try not to get caught up in the unimportant while the elephant is still in the room.
The media are clever and know how to avert attention, creating anger and argument in the population and other things like this.