posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to:
No. No problem at all — appreciate your input here and in the other threads. Sardonic is the word of the day.
I, too, was astounded when I saw the UM episode; never read or heard anything related to these encounters and thought the witness interviews were
extremely compelling, so much so that I earnestly lamented that this case was ‘new’.
One striking aspect to the episode/case/encounters was the fact the police blotter had zero entries regarding such. Notwithstanding ridicule and
confusion, I still have an issue with lack of documentation and lament AM radio broadcast tapes were routinely recorded over. Beyond that, this case
is compelling to say the least.
ETA: The Reed grandma was in the driver’s seat when the family came to, how do the abductors somehow get that part wrong? I read that a lot in
these alleged abductions — clothes on backwards, placed in the wrong room/seat/etc — and this aspect is almost as fascinating as the remainder of
the aspects of the encounter.
edit on 7-7-2020 by Cravens because: ETA