posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:47 PM
The title question should be more complete. There are two questions, neither is clear.
One: Why is there poverty? The answer to this is fiat currency and compound interest. When a loan is taken out, the principal is printed on the spot,
the corresponding compound interest - in mortgages it is three times the principal, is NOT printed. So, in order for the interest to be paid back, it
must be taken from someone else who also needs their money to pay off their debt interest. So, for country xxx to borrow money for railroads, it must
take money from country yyy to pay back the interest in the railroad. If it can't get the money via some legit transactional method, it will have to
steal it. Since there is not enough printed money to pay back all the interest on all the loans, the powerful take from the weak, leaving he weak with
nothing. Oddly enough, the weak then need money, so the borrow, at higher rates, with less collateral, and so it goes. If a country is chosen to be
the top country, it takes 100 years, 100, for it to move up the ladder, if it is not chosen - it stays at the bottom no matter what.
Two: why do we all accept the idea that some must be poor?
The answer to this needs to be asked another way. We all know why THOSE people are poor and deserve to be poor. The problem is those with: Mortgage,
two car payments, CC payments and Tax obligations are poor, the are worse then poor, the owe more then they are. The homeless man is NOT as poor as
the classic two child family, and here lies the problem. The most poor people, those in debt, think they are rich because they have items the are
paying for via compound interest prior to actually owning the stuff, and do not see themselves as poor, as such, the system is fine to them. Those
without debt are less poor then those without anything and no debt. So the better question is, why do people who are poor, fail to see themselves as
So, the answer to the two questions: Ignorance. People miseducated on purpose, people lacking in real self reflections skills = happiness to be poor.
Keep in mind, all "dollars" in a fiat currency world are debt - period. Every single federal reserve "note" is a IOU. So even if you have money,
you are in debt, in fact, in the great irony of all, the more "money" you have in federal reserve notes, the more in debt you are.