+11 more
posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:02 PM
I have been in the process of getting off the grid for years now, as it is a slow process, and has lots of information in order to do this correctly.
But I have noticed that when others begin to notice your need for less and less "outside" sources for basic needs, then there begins a widespread
misconception, and clear misunderstanding about those that no longer want to be part of what they feel in their mind, hive thought.
I am a women that has chosen to live outside the box. I do not know many people like me, and personally am not that concerned about it, but I have
made the conscious decision to fend for myself and family on my own. This is in no way an easy task, but in my heart well worth it.
I went for the busy streets of the Bronx in NYC to the rural country life on a gravel road, in the mid-west. I have a small garden, which I built by
hand, with organic dirt which we eat and store for winter months, a wood stove, where I use a chainsaw for seasoned wood, and I chose to home-school
my kids.
I keep in contact with some friends and family in NYC, and as I have been in less and less need for what I guess many would consider "absolutes", I
have chosen to live quietly, peacefully, and frankly far away from people.
Recently this "off the grid" topic has made the MSM, and is being referred to as the much used system for those that choose to live against the law,
and people that use this excuse to be criminals.
This is NOT the case for everyone, as many labels and stereotypes out there, there are a few bad apples, and the fact that the MSM decided that this
was a "Lawless System" just gives me the impression that there is a need to scare the masses away from this lifestyle.
Getting off the grid in my opinion is slowly picking and choosing what part of the system you want to be in. How far down the rabbit hole you want,
and knowing your true place in society. I choose to still shop in the near by town for certain things, but I shop with locals.
I have internet for various reasons including homework, etc,. But I use it mostly for research, and chose to opt out of satellite t.v, as a way to
protest without the need to live in to much of a bubble. I dont buy anything that I cannot recycle, or reuse in some way, and if something breaks I
will fix it myself instead of buying something new.
Many people out there I am sure are already doing this, and dont realize that this is also a form of getting off the grid. Slowly eliminating things
unnecessarily is a way to slowly release yourself from the bondage that is spoon feed to us in the media, television, and magazines.
You dont have to live in a cave, without shaving, and eating bark off a tree in order to be off the grid, if people understood that this is not a one
day process, more and more people would be willing to take this more serious.
Of course there are other more drastic ways to get off the grid, that I will not mention here, as I would like to stay on this particular topic.
I am speaking on my behalf, and for those out there that have heard (including me) oh your getting off the grid huh... you must be in a militia. This
IMHO is as offensive as it gets. This is not easy, and yes you have to be disciplined, and not fall for the traps that are so beautifully displayed
all around us, but to know that if there were some form of tragedy, I can fend for myself, help others, and begin anew, without allowing my material
possessions to cause devastation to the part of my brain that would normally help to me to get right back on my feet.
So to all out there that are making a difference for themselves, keep your head up, your doing great, and when the things that you have learned come
into play it will all be worth it.
Peace, NRE.