I am based in the UK (London) a tenant in a flat i manage has these giant spiders. i am told these are just the babies and personally not seen the mum
or dad and no pics of these available! They look like a type of tarantula or huntsmen to me anyone got anything helpful they can add? Natural History
Museum want to charge me £120ph to identify and no UK pest control will go near these things, these guys are soft!
Background: Spiders live under the bath, pictures of the hole for reference, must be a nest there. Also lady is Brazilian, doesn't admit to having
been there but unless these are a rare UK spider i am not surprised if it turned out to be from Brazil and they came over in something she imported.
Haven't a clue what the ugly buggers are. But, I'd get a large can of spider spray for home and garden use....and spray the whole damn can in that
crack under the tub.. Plug the hole with a rag right after spraying too.
In your second picture, that is what we call in the US a daddy long legs. As I understand it, these are harmless to humans but deadly to anything else
that it can bite.
Wow Plugin first reply and it seriously looks like you identified it. Looking it up now but cannot believe that second spider eats the first!!!
Thank you for the help!
I saw arachnophobia when i was younger and it scared me sensless. i saw what happened at the end to the brave guy that tried to take them on. It
doesnt work and they jump and swarm and eat you alive! so no thank you! this is my job and it doesnt pay me anywhere near enough to take these
monsters on!!!
but yes i do believe in the UK we are officially spider wimps!!
its a male spider due to the two large pom poms on its head (iirc) pint glass and a piece of paper and throw the bugger out to where it should be
eating the flies etc
the mrs won't go near a spider over a 1/8th of an inch so i'm well versed in removal of sid the spid
Definitely not what i know as a Daddy Long Legs (Crane Fly) either. Although, truth be told, if it has lots of legs and wings i do not like it
regardless! Give me mammals any day........
There you go mam
*suddenly the room fills with genetically modified mosquiteos....*
they say that the daddy long legs has the deadliest bite of all
( not sure if the all is local or total)
it just can't wrap its lips around man flesh becasue its mouth is too small
You don't need a pint glass and a paper, You need Chuck Norris...
In America, we seal off our homes like climate controlled server bunkers. Still the daddy long leggs here are bigger than that, I could hold them and
feel less threatened then even looking at the pictures of that vile beast, Won't Haggered get pissed for stealing his spider pet?
train fare to london on first class business seat probably about 2 grand, then pint pot (£4 after emptying it of its original contents ) and
the paper will be free since i'll grab a metro paper on the way just incase it turns out to be a rabid zombie spider from algeron 14 plus a time
and management fee (getting away from the mrs) of another 3 grand so call it 5 grand in small notes please