posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:02 AM
Hello everyone
Having lurked around ATS for the past several years I have now taken the giant leap of faith and joined a group (ATSers) who I strongly believe in all
honesty to be on my wavelength length in all manners of thought process. Sure I continually witness those who can be vindictive and somewhat rude and
nasty with their answers and opinions, but so can anyone including myself. However I will refrain from such actions on this site as I believe the many
good, faithful and truly constructive people on this site far outweigh the few who wish to cause harm and disrepect their fellow ATSers.
I am not sure how this site works still with respect to being a member and finally being able to air my views which have always been hidding, waiting
to be unleashed, eating and to some extent suffocating my daily life. Any and all guidance and assistance would be very much appreciated to assist me
with settling in.
I have entered on this thread as it is one of the overiding factors which conflict me on a daily basis. We have as a relatively young family, not a
lot but enough money accumulated in the bank which through my own doing sits iddle, albeit gaining a miniscule amount of interest. I am always looking
for ways of increasing its worth through investment opportunities, business proposals, land and other investments however have never taken the risk
through fear of loss. My wife and I work extremely hard and are in a position where a huge percentage off our monthly earnings go into savings, but
for what?
The fear is growing ever greater and I have suggested that we remove all our funds and hide it so as not to be Cyber money when the crash happens, of
which I stongly believe it will, but have it physical and with us to use in cases of emergency.
I am a firm believer that all is linked, and have read countless threads of war, financial collapse, impending doom which in my eyes are all
catastophs with global reach, affecting every single person on the planet. Their is something brewing and has been in my eyes for a good 10 years or
so, and the higher powers, top Government worldwide know of this fate that will be bestowed on us.
I'm not panicking and feel very prepared in myself to deal with any and all eventualities that will occur, however as a kind and caring person of our
community would wish good and protection for my family and everyone around me including you guys. That is what I worry about the most....
One thing that really eats my brain at the moment is the fact that the G8 summit has been moved from Chicago to Camp David under Pres Obamas orders.
The pure fact what better way to get the most Powerful group of leaders in the world to a secure and very Private location to go through the final
preparations for what is about to be the biggest shock the world has ever witnessed?
Anyways your welcome and assistance will be gratefully appreciated and this hopefully begins the start of thedogsblogocks on ATS.
Warm hearted feelings my felow friends